part 2 - the dinner party

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Anika had never been more afraid of anything in her life anymore. He wanted to meet her but why? They were divorced and he had moved on so why now. She knew the reason that she hadn't gotten a job till now was because of him.

He made sure that she was jobless so she'd go and beg to him. And though the idea was tempting to her she could never do it. Her self esteem was more imporant than feeding herself apparently. But then there was Sahil. He knew very well that she'd do anything for him  and he had taken advantage of that very situation though his plan had terribly backfired. Instead of begging him for a job she had taken this demeaning job where she had to deal with her overfriendly boss everyday but tonight was the last straw for her.

Anika was deep in thoughts when her phone beeped. It was a text from Samar asking her come with food and drinks in the private lounge. What was she supposed to do now? If she went there Shivaay won't spare her but why should she care about that. They were divorced now and she wasn't bound to do things he wanted her to do. If she chose not to go there Samar may or may not fire her and she couldn't afford to lose her job. After much thinking Anika proceeded towards the private lounge supervising the waiters.

The private lounge was covered in the smoke of hookah and cigarettes . Moreover there were Russian dancers around . It was exactly the place where you would expect to find rich spoilt brats. Except him and also his brothers. Anika could never imagine her ex husband or her devars indulging in such cheap acts. Suddenly the realization that she was the only female who wasn't a dancer in a room full of some 50 drunk men dawned on her.

She had never been in a place like that before all her life . She was about to make her way towards Samar and his pervert friends when someone pulled her by the waist and dragged her in the hallway pinning her to the wall. She knew very well who it was .

Before she could say something he had already started shouting?

What the hell do you think you are doing? Asked her ex Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

Making sure that you have the best quality food. I am the caterer after all said Anika trying to free herself from his hold but to no avail.

Really...are you sure you are a caterer because last time i checked caterers don't dress like that.

What the hell is your problem? Since when do you care about what i wear. This is my workplace . Now if you'll excuse me I need to do my job.

Shivaay knew that she was not going to listen to anything he said. One hell of a stubborn woman she was. But he very well couldn't let her work there now could he? He made his way inside to keep an eye on her .

He entered the lounge to find his ex wife arranging several dishsd on the table. He was about to go to her when he saw Samar jeet malhotra approach her.  Samar was telling Anika something and she was smiling though her smile wasn't matching her eyes. Shivaay could tell that much after their few months of marriage.

He made his way to the table where Samar was sitting . He had to know why this bastard was being so friendly with his wife. Correction Shivaay ex wife remember thought Shivaay as he took a sip of his whiskey.

Samar, Vikhayat and Raghav were a trio Shivaay had always despised. All this did was drink all day and talk about women.

Hey Shivaay! You are back ...come play a game with us said Vikhayat. What game are we guys playing? Asked Shivaay disdainfully.

We are rating the girls we know on their looks ...more precisely their ass and boobs said Raghav smirking.

What the hell is wrong with these guys ? Thought Shivaay.

So Shivaay we just rated that Niharika khanna daughter of Vikram khanna. On a scale of one to ten what do you think about her.

Vikram Khanna is one of the most respectable businessmen of this country. I don't appreciate you all trying to rate his daughter like that said Shivaay .

Come on Shivaay ! Don't get offened ...if you don't wanna rate her fine..we respect that said Samar.

Okay guys how about rating a live girl said Vikhayat. This caught Shivaay's attention. But bhaiya there are no girls here said Raghav. But there is a sexy caterer said Vikhayat .

Shivaay's blood was boiling now but he couldn't do anything. He had to know whether Samar knew Anika or not. Was he doing all this purposely or not.

Seriously Samar where did you find her. Damn that ass and breasts said Vikhayat.

Cut it out guys she seems like an innocent girl. Recently got divorced and lives  in a chawl . She was in need of job and well i couldn't help but offer it to her. You all know how generous i can be Said Samar grinning.

Shivaay was just listening patiently. He couldn't lose it like that in front of her and thaat tok for her. Otherwise she'd think he cared which he didn't or at least that's what he told about himself.

So now i know why her ass looks so good said Vikhayat.

Why asked Samar

Her husband must have liked taking her from the back said Vikhayat.

The three men started laughing totally ignorant of the fact that they were talking about Shivaay Singh Oberoi's ex.

Come on Shivaay you can't get offended at that. She is just a caterer. By the way you just got divorced didn't you why don't you take a shot at her said Vikhayat.

Shivaay wondered how utterly stupid they all could be. If only they knew what he was going to do to each of them .

No ways if there is anyone taking a shot at her its me said Samar. Why did you think i hired her...i even forced the poor girl to wear that dress..what can i say i have thing for poor helpless girls like that. Moreover she is an orphan and has a little handicapped brother. It'll be way too easy to get her into my bed. Maybe tonight. I just made her drink an orange drink few minutes ago. The pill i mixed was way too strong for her to handle. By the end of the night she'll lose control of her senses and  i'll lose control inside of ...

Before Samar could finish that sentence he was on the floor his mouth bleeding courtsey one and only Shivaay Singh Oberoi. Shivaay said nothing but turned around making his way towards Anika who was arranging the plates on the table ignorant of the events that had just now transpired. She was visibily tipsy.

He took her by the arm and started drsgging her outside.

Shivaay what are you doing leave me.

You are coming with me.

No i am not this is my workplace and i..before Anika could complete the sentence she lost balance and was about to fall but Shivaay caught hold of her before that happened.

Anika i swear to god get into the lift or else i'll kill something or someone. We are going upstairs to my room.

Anika knew it was best if she kept quiet. The baggad billa was in a mood though she wondered why. She was surely going to lose her job now. She was feeling uncharecterstically tipsy now. She wondered why.

Shivaay took her inside the bedroom and made her sit on the bed.

Shivaay i really have to go

Why are you wearing that dress? Asked Shivaay

And before you say its none of my goddamn business then let me remind you i don't care

Anika chose to remain silent

Answer me shouted Shivaay

She was crying uncontrollably now . Everything she had been holding since she saw him was now coming out.

This softened Shivaa. He bent down and made her look into his eyes. Why are you crying now? He asked as calmy as he could.

Shivaay please let me go i really have to...

No you don't okay. Just tell me why you took a job like this.

You know that answer already. You made sure that i couldn't find a jon . You wanted me to beg well i won't not in front of you so please just...Anika was mumbling now..she was losing control of all her senses

Anika are you okay? The drugs must be taking their effect on you.

Come on let's get you into bed said Shivaay

No i am not getting into your bed..i wanna go home said Anika as she got up but before she could move Shivaay had already picked her up and laid her on the bed.

That's not fair Shivaay ...mumbled Anika

We'll talk about it later . Sleep now.

But i am hungry can we please go downstairs and eat something said Anika as she started getting up from the bed.

Don't you dare move an inch or i"ll tie you to the bed. I'll order something for you okay but under no circumstances you are to go back to that party is that clear.

Anika said nothing but nodded .

The food arrived half an hour later. Feeding a drunk Anika was more difficult than signing a business deal. She couldn't even properly sit on her own.

After the dinner was finished Shivaay made her get back in the bed.

When can i go home?asked Anika

When i want you to said Shivaay.

When will that be asked Anika.

We'll see .

Shivaay had turned around when Anika caught hold of his hand.

Shivaay ..


I missed you.

I missed you too Anika sleep now.

Are you going to leave?

Of course not ...i'll be right here when you wake up .

Do you still hate me?

Drunk anika apparently asked alot of questions. Though what was he supposed to say to that. He still hadn't forgiven her but wanted her back..not as his was too soon..he had to figure out why she did what she did first. But he couldn't very well leave her alone till then .

I could never hate you Anika.

I wouldn't be surprised if you did said Anika before losing her consciousness leaving her ex husband deep in thoughts.

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