part 3- the dinner party

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Samar jeet Malhotra always got what he wanted and right now what he wanted was revenge. How dare Shivaay punch him at his own party in front of his friends and that too for that whore of a caterer. It was only later on that he found out that she was his ex wife.

Things our about to get interesting. I am going to make Shivaay Singh Oberoi suffer by using Anika. Last nigt he did not just humiliate me he also revealed his weakness thought Samar as he poured himself a glass of wine.

Meanwhile Shivaay was pacing up and down the bedroom of his farmhouse waiting for Anika to wake up . He had shifted her there in the middle of the night. He didn't wanna risk the media knowing they were together in a hotel room besides he wanted complete privacy and the thought of Samar jeet Malhotra owing the very hotel he was staying at made hin sick. He did not want himself or Anika to be associated with that man in any way.

Anika woke up with a heavy head. Seh couldn't recall anything that happened last night. She looked around scared. She was about to get up when she heard her ex husband say don't . You need rest.

Have this glass of juice'll help you with that headache said Shivaay handing her the glass.

Shivaay what am i doing here? I can't recall anything...last thing i remember is that i was arranging the plates on the dinner table. Then suddenly mr. Malhotra was on the floor but after that i don't know what happened. And where are we? This is not the hotel is it? And oh my god i was supposed to be working the even till morning . And i also..

Anika calm the hell down okay. By the way you are never to see Samar jeet Malhotra again.

But how can i not seem him shivaay ....i work for him said Anika.

Correction you used to work for him. The reason why you can't recall anything from last night is because he drugged you. He wanted to take advantage of you but fortunately i stopped it before anything could happen. We are the farmhouse. I bought you here so that we could have a bit privacy besides Sanar was still at that hotel and i am not sure i could have handled seeing him.

Anika was stunned . She had never thought that Samar jeet malhotra would turn out to be like this. She thought he genuinely wanted to help her. But now it all made sense. Him offering a ride home on many occasions  and forcing her to wear that dress. Now she was jobless again . There was no way she was going to be able to pay Sahil's fees on time. And then there was the matter of her ex husband. She still couldn't tell him the truth and he very well wouldn't forgive her unless he knew. Anika was in quite a conundrum now.
But she knew what she had to. She had to walk away from him once again for both their sakes.

Well i guess i can be  a really bad judge of character sometimes. Thank you for bringing me here Mr. Oberoi. I really appreciate it but i should go now .

So i am back to being Mr. Oberoi huh said Shivaay blocking her way.

Please move aside said Anika.

What if i don't said Shivaay with a smirk besider you can kiss your dream of going home goodbye because  it has been raining since last night and hasn't stopped yet. So you are stuck here with me. You can go take a shower if you want.

How long will it take before the roads clear up? I mean i can't just stay here all day now can i .

Why not asked Shivaay taking a step closer towards her.

Because its weird ... i have no right to stay here..i mean

Anika just go and freshen up . I am going to make some breakfast. I am sure you would be starving. If you want something more appropriate to wear you can always borrow my clothes. They are in the wardrobe behind you .

Wait are you saying my dress is inappropriate and why are you being so sweet. Last time i checked you threw me out of your house and life so why be so kind towards the woman who tried to wreck your family asked Aniak curiously.

Save something for the breakfast  conversation will you. And by the way if you can't carry a dress like that in public then don't wear it.

Excuse me..i can wear anything i want and who are you to tell me what i can and cannot do. Ever since i woke up you have been ordering me around. First you told me that i can't work for Samar jeet Malhotra not that i shouldn't as if you still have that right and now this said Anika angrily. Sorry Shivaay you'll always have rights over me but i can't let you know that thought Anika guiltily.

Shivaay was stunned. His ex wife has said the truth yet he did not expect her to be so assertive.

I am waiting downstairs get ready.

Shivaay made his way downstairs pretty sure if he had stayed there any longer he would have attacked her lips right there right then and showed her exactly what rights he had over her. But then there would have been no going back and he still hadn't made up his mind about how exactly he wanted her back in his life. He just knew that he did.

Anika knew that staying at the farmhouse wouldn't be a wise decision on her part. She decided to leave from there despite the rains but the only problem was that that baghad billa wouldn't let her. That's when an idea struck her. She could escape through the window and the rest she could figure out later but for now she needed to leave. Being there under the same roof with him did things to her both mentally and physically.

As she made her way out, she couldn't help feel guilty. Shivaay would get worried sick but what else could she do. She looked back at the farmhouse and muttered a silent goodbye to her exhusband with tears in her eyes as if he could hear her. She swore never to cross paths with him again and leave mumbai forever. Perhaps it was time for a fresh start.

Shivaay wondered what had been taking Anika so long . What if she had passed out or something. He decided to go check up on her but couldn't find her anywhere. That's when he saw it -the window it was open. This infuriating woman was actually nuts enough to leave through the window and that too when there was storm brewing .

Wait till i get my hand on you you see what i'll do..thought Shivaay angrily as he made his eay outside to look for her.

The whole area around the farm house was forest. Anika had been running for half an hour. Not exactly running but walking really fast but the heavy rain was taking toll on her now. She could feel herself get sicker by the moment. She wondered if Shivaay had found out that she had left yet.

No Anika keep moving..otherwise you'll faint and you can't afford that. But no matter how hard Anika tried she couldn't keep her eyelids open for any longer and fell on the ground. For a moment she was convinced that this was it- her end. Maybe it was for the best. She knew that Shivaay would make sure that Sahil was taken care of . She had no other reason to live. Besides whoever said death is supposed to be a  bad thing was lying. Death is easy and peaceful in contrast to the life she has led.

Shivaay had been looking for Anika for half an hour. That's when he saw her lying on the ground like a life less corpse. He inmedietly rushed to her side and tried to get her up but to no avail. He scooped her into his arms and carried he rback to the cottage .

He laid her down on the bed and immedietly sent a servant to find a doctor nearby.

He checked her pulse which was thankfully still working and so was her heartbeat. He heaved a sigh of relief but was still wondered as to why she not waking up.

Her body was shivering by the time the doctor arrived. He checked  her pulse and her heartbeat.

She has caught hypothermia. I have given her an injection but i also need to take her wet clothes off..

Before the doctor could finish Shivaay cut him off..there'll be no need for that..she is my wife i'll do it.

But i need to check her further.

What do you need to check more..

Well you told me you found her in the forest on the ground. I have to check her body for wounds.

I can do that in my own.

The doctor knew there was no point in arguing furtehr with this man. He had dealt with more than a fair dhare of jealous husbands.

Okay you go ahead check her. Also i would suggest that the quickest way of restoring the body's warmth is by providing body heat so you should try it. Also make sure that the the area below waist is kept warm .I live around here only. Your wife is really lucky that you find her own time otehrwise it could have eben way worse. Also there is a chance she might catch pneumonia so you need to take precautions. I'll come around the eveing to give her injection again but once the rain clears up i would suggest getting her admitted in a hospital if she doesn't get better.

Shivaay was about to retrieve his wallet when the doctor stopped him. There is no need for that Mr. Oberoi . It's my pleasure that i got to be of use to such a big personality like you.

I can't thank you enough for agreeing to see her in this weather said Shivaay before bidding farewelk to the the docotor .

He now turned to Anika who still hadn't regained consciousness. The sill girl was still wearing that thin gown when she was running through the forest. He gently started undressing her trying his best not to look but he also had to remove her undergarment and he very well couldn't do that without looking besides he had to check jer body for wounds. Thankfully there were none. He took at his white kurta from the wardrobe to dress her in it. Shivaay ahd never thought that the first time he would be seeing her naked would be to dress her instead of undressing. But that's how things worked with them didn't they. There was nothing normal.

While getting her dressed in his kurta Shivaay couldn't help but look at her erect nipples.

He turned around to make some soup  for her that she could drink when she woke up when he heard her trembling body. She was shaking violently.

Anika !Anika...wake up. Finally she opened her eyes.

Thank god you woke up. You scared me.

Shivaay! Its so cold..Anika was chattering now.

Don't worry Anika i am going to make it all okay and then he...

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