part 4- the dinner party

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Warning : 18+

And Shivaay took off his shirt and slid into the bed right beside his shivering wife. He pulled her closer towards him making her bury her face in his chest. Is that okay?

Its more than okay said Anika though she was still shivering. Shivaaay i feel like..i ...will die...from the cold.

Shh! Don't say that . I won't ever let anything happen to you. You are going to be fine in a matter of few hours said Shivaay running his hands up and  down her body in an effort to provide her warmth. She was wearing his sheer white kurta . After some time Anika instinctively entwined her legs around Shivaay to feel warm. She didn't care that they were divorced ...she just wanted to relieve the pain.

I hope you don't mind.

I don't said Shivaay rubbing his hands across her thighs . His hands were now dangerously close to her opening.

Please continue doing that muttered Anika.

I shouldn't...i don't want to take advantage of you.

But i want you to keeps me warm.

Are you sure.

Yes..i'll ask you to stop if i want.

Okay said Shivaay and continued rubbing her thighs for quiet some time before finally pacing his hands on her entrance through the sheer material of the kurta. It was too soon to touch her skin to skin and the goal wasn't to achieve pleasure but to lower her insanely high body temperature.

Shivaay continue rubbing his hands there elicing moans from Anika. Are you warm?

Yes Shivaay thank you. But Anika was still shivering ...what else can i do. He remembered that the doctor had asked him to keep her neather region warm. He searched online what he could do to lower her body temperature but all the results were sexual in nature in one way or the other.

I would like to rub some vape on you ...if that's okay with'll help to lower your body temperature.

I'll try anything choked Anika. Shivaay's heart broke seeing her in a condition like this. Why couldn't she have just stayed. Did she hate him that much that she risked getting sick ? Shivaay really wanted to ask her..punish her..for so many thing but he couldn't. Not atleast now. All he wanted to was take care of her.

I am going to lift your shirt up okay said Shivaay to which Anika only nodded. This was the first time Anika was seeing her breasts in details and he was pleased. He ran his fingers across her taut nipples and got carried away for a minute . It was hard for him not to get a hard on when the woman he loved was lying in a position like that in front of him. But the bitter truth couldn't be changed. There were divorced all because of what she had done. And no matter how hard he tried he couldn't forgive her or forget her.

Shivaay took a dab of vapo rub on his finger and started spreading it on her chest..his hands sometime brushing her nipples. He could give anything to squeeze her breasts.

Anika was moaning now. She had never imagined to be in a position like that but at that moment she could do anything to evade the cold. But she could have never had imagined that her getting a cold would turn into such an erotic experience. She knee that she was going to regret all of this once she was all better but right now she wanted this. Him. Badly.

Once Shivaay was done rubbing it across her chest he askes her if she was okay.

Yes i am fine.

Well the doctor said that your neather region need to be kept warm. I think it will be benificial if you apply this down there..i mean it will cause a terrible burning feeling and will also hut but it will sure drive the cold away.

Really...i mean...i don't think...

Do you trust me?

Anika simply nodded.

Then let me apply it unless you are not comfortable with the idea of me touching you down there.

No..i'll try anything to feel warm.

Okay then. I am going to start. Shivaay was sure he was going to get hard. How could he not...h was going to touch her down there and spread vape all over it.

Shivaay took a generous amount of vape  on his hand and started spreading her legs which made Aniak furiously blush something that did not go unnoticed by Shivaay. He was please that she was shaved down there. He gently started applying the vape around her vagina and spread it everywhere. Anika had started squirming immedietly. It was too intense and erotic...she was sure she would explode.

Shivaay its too...

I know it'll be okay sure. It'll bring your body temperature back to normal soon and you'll be fine.
I am going to need you turn over.

Why asked Anika panting.

To rub it on your bottom. Come on roll over.

By now Shivaay had  a hard on and was trying to not lose control. Oh the things he was going to do to this woman once she was okay.

He spread the vape  across her ass and finally in her crack making her yell.
Anika was full on panting now. Shivaay i need you to touch me down there.

Are you sure asked Shivaay praying that she was.

Yes. And that was when all hell broke lose.

Shivaay had inserted his fingers inside her . I want you to move on me.

Instinctly Anika started moving her hips to meet his finger. They continue this for some time until anika finally orgasmed.

She wanted to continue but Shivaay decided that this was all that she could handle for the day.

Sleep...come on

But Shivaay i really want to

We'll continue it when you are all better.

It still burns down there. I am going to go wash it.

No need for that.. i'll take care of it said Shivaay and walked towards the bathroom. He emerged a few seconds later carrying a damp towel.

Come on baby spread your legs .

Anika complied instantly. Though embarassed the thought of being touched down there pleased her immensely.

Shivaay cleaned her entrance and them made her roll over again. After he was done with her ass, he delivered a sharp spank on it.

Ow what was that for.

For running the way i'll be punishing you for that one.

As much as Anika wanted to believe that, she couldn't forget the fact that they were divorced. Sure Shivaay had taken care of her and they had gotten carried off but would he feel the same tomorrow.

On the other hand, Shivaay was thinking the same thing . Anika would be all better tomorrow and they'd have to part ways. Except he didn't want to but how could he just forgive her and accept her back without knowing the entire truth.He needed to know the truth...he had been thinking about what happened three months ago and none of it made sense. Everything happened so suddenly and noone except him and his mother resented Anika after what happened . Not even Om even though she revealed the truth about his illegitamacy . It was almost as if he already knew this was going to happen. That day not even bada papa had  stopped Anika from saying what she she did in front of the media. What made Shivaay think all this was the fact that Anika was doing a job she didn't like and yet had not claimed money. But that day she had demanded her 'haq' and after that she just disappeared. He very well decided he could not let her walk away again.

Anika woke up feeling much better until the memories of what had happened flooded her mind. She had had sexual encounter with her ex husband. Though she did have the defence of being sick . Whi was she fooling? She had been thinking about it for months ever since her decorated their room for the first night which unfortunately both of them couldn't celebrate and now it was too late.

She looked around . There was a top and a pair of  jeans on the bed along with undergarments with a note to get ready and come downstairs. She picked them up slightly amused and alot embarassed about the thought of baghad billa shopping undergarments for her.

She came downstairs to see her dear ex husband sitting on the dining table sipping a glass of juice .

Good are awake. How are you feeling? Come have breakfast.

I am feeling alot better than last night. Thank you for taking care of me but i think i should go now it stopped raining anyway so it would be pointless for me to stay.

Is that the only reason you were staying. Come have breakfast Anika.


Anika sit please and eat some food. We'll discuss this later.

There is nothing to discuss Shivaay. I shouldn't be here. What happened lat night as much as i want it to ahppen again we both know it can't.

Why not? Asked Shivaay

Are you forgetting what i did that day and how you divorced me and threw me out..i don't think after all that we can just pretend it never happened.

Shivaay knew he had to play it smart to find out the truth.

You know you are right i can't forget ehat happened and i can't accept you back as my wife but that doesn't mean we can't do what we want.

Meaning? Anika's interest was piqued now.

Well we can always try to you know keep what we do private. This farmhouse is on the outskirts of Mumbai . We can always come here and ..

So you want to be you mistress. Do you honestly think that I..

No of course not. Look you'd be my my mistress if i had a wife and you'd be the other woman i paid but that us not the case with us.

Don't try to get off what you just suggested on a technicality Shivaay. You know i can't ..

I know...look i know what you did that day was all planned. And i also know you aren't going to tell me ...but i am going to find out in any case.

Shivaay i should..

Don't..i won't ask you okay. And if you want me to forgive the  say yes.


It doesn't have to be sexual in nature okay..i mena unles sypu wnat it..consider it dating..noone will know..not even my family

Anika was in a dilemma now. Accepting this proposition meant having him back in her life but she knew there was no future. What if she slipped up and sia dthe truth and if by some miracle he didn't find it out..he still wouldn't trust her enough to marry her. Anika was ready to say no but before she could do or say anything Shivaay's lips were on hers.

Don't overthink it ..please ..just say yes

Okay ... we can try but you will never ask  me about why i did what i did

Its a deal. Have breakfast now come on.

Anika sat down and Shivaay started making a plate for her.

Shivaay i can't possibly eat that much.

Yes you haven't had a proper meal in hours..i don't want you falling sick again.

After eating breakfast, Shivaay dropped Anika home but not without making her promise that she would be be back that night at the farmhouse.

Anika had butterflies in her stomach the entire day. Her first proper night with Shivaay. She knew what they were doing was wrong and yet it felt so right. She was waiting for the  driver to pick her up when there was a knock on the door.

She went to open the door and to her shock and utter dismay her ex boss was standing in front of her.

Well well if it isn't ex mrs. Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

What the helk are you doing here Samar.

No mr. Malhotra today i see.

What the hell do you want?

I came to see why my employee missed work today. You look rather pale...are you okay dear? And where did you disappear to alst night.

None of your business ..and as for work ..did  you really think i am going to work for you after what you did last night. Never.

It doesn't matter what you want. You signed a contract with me and as per law you are bound to provied your serviced for the entire month of september. I already had your salary wired to your account in advance before last night. I anticipated you might want to quit but not on my watch. Tomorrow i am throwing another party. Don't count on seeing your ex there. You can rest today but show up at 7 in the evening at the same venue and i'd prefer if you wear a saare. The more skin you show the better. If you don't come ...i will drag you there myself.

Anika was speechless. Samar really was crazy . But how was she supposed to tell Shivaay all this. He'd obviusly interfere and blow their cover and she couldn't risk pinky aunty knowing about what they were doing . She could just go to the event without Shivaay knowing besides only few days were left in the month of september . It would be over before she knew it.

At the farmhouse:

Anika had arrived at the farm house a few minutes ago. Shivaay was still upstairs on a conference call. Anika was on the evrge of having a nervous breakdown. The whole lying to Shivaay about Samar thing was really looking like a bad option. But she couldn't just tell him. She knew his rage and how he lashed out. He'smd make a public spectacle of humiliating Samar and getting back at him within a few minutes annd expose their affair which had begun exactly a few hours ago.

You are here  ..i missed you said Shivaay as he descended down the stairs and pulled her into a tight hug.

Is everything seem a little tense

No everything's fine...i also missed you alot.

Shivaay still wasn't convinced.

Are you sure?

Yeah i am starving what's for dinner said Anika to change the topic.

I made chinese for you..come on the table is set updtairs at the terrace.

What followed was an evening of the two of them talking about things they never had time to talk about before. It was as if they were two young kids in love not two grown ass adults who were divorced.

After dinner was over they both went back inside hand in hand.

This was great Shivaay ...thank you.

I should be the one saying that . Get used to it now. We are going to be doing alot of this.

Shivaay and Aniak were sitting on teh couch their moth inches apart. Shivaay leaned in an dplaced a soft kiss on Anika's lips.

Are you okay with this?

Anika just nodded. They continued kissing for some time you want me to continue asked Shivaay.
Yes please said Anika breathless.

Shivaay gently took off Anika's stopped and started his assault on her breasts. Do you remember i said that i wanted to punish you? Asked Shivaay

I do replied Anika nervously.

Do you want me to ?

By punishment you mean something like what you did yesterday?

More or less...if you don't want to

I do ...i just don't wanna go all the way yet

Don't worry we won't unless you are absolutely sure.

Okay. What should i do for my punishment then.

Well first of all we need to get you out of your these said Shivaay as he started unbuttoning her jeans. Anika was wearing a red underwearing matching her red bra.

Jesus you look so hot commented Shivaay making Anika blush.

Shivaay was sitting on the couch while Anika was standing in front of him in her bra and panties.

Get over my lap baby. Anika complied readily. She was now laying over  her ex husband's lap waiting for him to start.

Shivaay started running  his hands all over her ass squeezing them to tease her. He hadn't even taken her underwear off and she was alreasy wet. She wondered how she'd get through the night.

So what did you do the entire day? Asked Shivaay as he continued massaging her.

Anika found it hard to speak ...the only sound  her mouth was capable of making was of her  moaning.

I just sat around waiting for tonight. Also chanda had to go to the market so i accompanied her.

Nothing unusual happened then said Shivaay as he delivered the first smack.

No said Anika confused.

Really visitor the entire day asked Shivaay delivering another spank.

Anika's breath hitched. Of course he knew. How could she have been naive enough to think he didn't . He was SSO after all.

She decided to play it safe anyway. I have no idea what you are ...her words died in her mouth as she felt Shivaay rub lubricate her asshole. The smell was oddly familiar to that of the vape.

You were saying something Anika

You knew all along didn't you? Aske d Anika though she knew the answer already.

Did you really think i would leave you in that chawl all alone ..unprotected. Imagine my horror when my men told me Samar jeet Malhotra paid you a visit. I waited all evening for you to tell me. Siad Shivaay as he delivered another hard spank.



Anika was full on panting now. Her body was spiralling out of control.

I was going to tell you siad Anika to defend herself.

Liar were going to keep it from me weren't you said Shivaay delivering another spank. Come on say it.

Shivaay please don't be mad choked Anika. This calmed Shivaay down a bit. He did not want to be so hard on her on their first night . He immedietly started rubbing her bottom and msde her sit up so she was cradling him .

Never lie to me again..not about this okay said Shivaay as he placed a kiss on her lips.

I won't..i just

Shh its okay baby said Shivaay running his hands through her hair. Do you want me to take you upstairs . You must be tired after that spanking session.

Actually i would really like it if you would continue it.

Really? Asked Shivaay surprised.

Anika just nodded blushing furiously.

Okay then how about i take you upstaird and we continue this in bed sai dShivaay as he scooped his Anika in his arms and tooke her to the bedroom.

It was surreal for.the both of them- three months of so much pain and now they were back together. So what they weren't husband and wife anymore in front of the world but they were together and that's what counted.

What ensued in the following daws was a different sort of relatonship they ahd ever had. Shivaay ahd fotyen controlling and possessive of Anika way more than he alreasy was but for once Aniak didn't mind. She jad grown up her entire life responsibe for what she did. She had noone to look after her or make her mend her ways when she screwed up but for the first time she had that. She longer needed to be in so much control of herself. She was entirely reliable on Shivaay amd loved every minute of it. They had their fair share of arguements but in the end they always made up.

Let me know what you guys think. Keep on commenting and voting.

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