Being Evil Has A Price.

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The following morning, I woke up to see Birdie in my lap clutching her blankie and the bear. Sucking her thumb. I was overwhelmed with all kinds of adorable. I then looked to Brie who was smiling at the picture before her. "I didn't do anything, I swear. I just fell asleep here in the chair and just woke up and bam Birdie was in my lap."
"I know. She opened the door and found you as you said, asleep watching over me and just climbed onto your lap and fell asleep. She's never done that really with Bryan. But to see her do that with you. Is kind of heartwarming. Plus it gives me a look as to what can happen if things don't pan out with Bryan soon."
"Your not saying?" She nodded.
"I think Biridie would love her uncle as a 'father' figure. I mean. Come on, Dan. You and I and Nicole all talked about families and how fun it would be to have families of our own."
"Yeah. Then you got married, had Birdie within a year of being married. Nicole had challenges with the sack of crap with legs Cena for close to two or three years or more. I just relegated myself to the duty as the stress ball or sounding board for the WWE's beauties." Brie smiled as she got up and as did I while making sure to hold Birdie in place. When I stood up, Brie walked up to me, took Birdie in her arms and before she walked away, she kissed my right cheek.
"Thank you, Daniel. For always being the guy I knew you were. A gentleman, a sweetheart, and an absolute joy to be around." She smiled as she walked away and I got changed and headed downstairs to cook breakfast for me, Brianna, and Nicole. I made an extra special batch of orange julius for Birdie.
Once all the food was prepared. I just cooked myself toast, scrambled eggs, and pancakes. Then Nicole came downstairs as I was just sitting down. "Morning, Daniel."
"Nicole. Sleep well?" I asked.
"Yeah." She replied. "You?",
"Yeah. Kept watch over Brie for most of the night. Fell asleep and woke up with Birdie sleeping in my lap."
"Ahh, that must have been adorable."
"Ohh, it was." Brie said coming down the stairs with Birdie in her arms.
"So, not to change subjects, and to address the overly sized elephant in the room. What are you going to do about Bryan, Brie?" I asked.
Brie and Birdie went to the island in the middle of the kitchen and got a plateful of food and sat down on the other side next to Nikki. "I've had enough of his attitude. Ever since that night when I called you he's been overly paranoid when it comes to whether or not to trust me or not. And when he became the WWE Heavyweight Champion. I understood that he'd be gone a lot, I just didn't think he'd get drunk enough to yell at me. Or threaten to hurt our daughter. Or me. When Nikki called you last night. I nearly yelled at her for doing so. But. Now, I see why she did. So to answer your question. I'm going to file for divorce and for sole custody of Birdie." Birdie smiled as she tasted the special orange julius which I added a little piece of bannana and orange with it. "And I'm doing that today."
I smiled as I ate my breakfast and watched little Birdie enjoy my concoction of an orange julius.
Nikki smiled at the same thing I was.
Once breakfast was over, I took Brie to a lawyers office that not only handled custody cases but also divorces. They were her specialty actually. Brie walked in as me and Nikki entertained Birdie in the waiting room. She came back with a smile and a copy of the custody and divorce papers. I then took Nicole to the airport to catch a flight back to LA and her beau Artem. Then me and Brie and Birdie headed back to my home. I watched as Brie played with her daugther in my backyard. I smiled from the portrait window of my study. I thought about how amazing or spectacular it would be if Brie and I were to be married or were to start dating. And with that, have Birdie make this place her home. But I knew I was only dreaming. Because I thought there was no way that someone like Brie would be interested in someone who was a friend to her and her sister for so long. Or that Birdie would like the idea of having a stepdad that had the nickname, 'The Devil'.

It was a month later, that marked the end of Brie and Byan's marriage and the custody case over Birdie. I was with Brie for every court date, appearance and meeting. The final one happened the Friday before Fastlane. We were in the diner across from the courthouse when we (Me, Brie, Birdie) were called back to the courthouse to hear the judge's decision on the divorce.
"I have heard both parties, and witness statements of abuse in the relationship. So I rule in favor of Miss Colace. Now in terms of custody of her child Birdie Danielson. I didn't find sufficient evidence to be had in favor of Mr. Danielson. So again Miss Colace will have sole custody of her little girl Birdie." She slammed the gavel and I walked up to Brie with Birdie in my arms.
"Congratulations Miss. Colace. How does it feel to be a free woman and to have custody of your little girl?" I asked sounding like a sports caster interviewing a sports legend.
"It feels good." She smiled as she took Birdie into her arms. "And I never would have gotten through it without you and Birdie here."
"Nice of you to say so." I smiled. "Now I think we should go celebrate. What do you think Birdie?" She nodded and Brie grinned at the sight of Birdie smiling at my suggestion. Then Bryan came up absolutely livid until I stopped him. "Did you not read the adendum that was added to the divorce papers you were handed for these court dates. You are not to come with in two hundred yards of Brie or Birdie. And not within a mile of my home which is their home now. So I suggest you leave and I will be by later tomorrow to collect their things. And by the way. That WWE title you coveted over those two. Will no longer be yours after Wrestlemania this year. Now go. NOW!" He hot footed it out of the court house. As I took Brie and Birdie out to dinner.

After that, I took them to my home, and watched from the door as Brie played with Birdie on the living room floor. When it came time to put Birdie down for bed, I volunteered to do it. Then it was Brie's turn to watch me put her little girl to bed. After a short bedtime story, and lullaby. Birdie drifted off to sleep. I then joined Brie in watching Birdie sleep a bit. Then Brie said, "Daniel," I looked to her. "Thank you for being there for me and Birdie over the past month."
"No problem, Brie." I said. "Shall we hit the sack ourselves?" I asked her.
"Yes, and I was wondering." I looked to her. "I have been over this in my head for a couple weeks. And you gave me and Birdie a home. And made us really happy this entire trying month. So when I'm ready. I was hoping that you'd be interested in going out with me?" I was stunned as I didn't expect this from Brie.
"Yeah, I'd love to." I smiled.
"One more thing. I know that you thought it best for me to stay in one of your spare guest rooms." I nodded. "But I was hoping to stay with you in your room from now on."
"Sounds good to me." I said. "But when your ready to move on. Just let me know."
"You'll be the first to know, at least the second after Nicole."
"I wouldn't expect anything less." I smiled.
"I know it's premature but. I love you, Daniel." She kissed my cheek, after I turned on the monitor near Birdie's bed. And Brie went to her room to get her pj's before meeting me in my room where I was in bed already face timing with Nicole.
"Yeah, today was a good day for Brie and Birdie." I said.
'And they owe that to you.' Nicole replied.
"I don't think so, I just did what I'm supposed to do as one of her oldest friends."
"I don't think so, Daniel." Brie said smiling as I looked to her. "Nicole is right." She walked up to the bed and sat next to me and looked at my phones screen to see Nikki smiling at us. "Hey, Nicole."
'Hey, Brie.'
"I have a question for you?" Brie asked with an all too obvious evil grin on her face.
'Shoot.' Nicole said.
"What would you say if I started dating again?"
'I'd say that would be a great idea.' Nicole smiled. 'Who's the lucky guy?' She asked Brie.
"Let's see, he came over to my home at two in the morning after Bryan left angry after I told him that I wanted to be near you when you moved to LA, you called him when Bryan came home drunk."
'Daniel.' Nicole nearly screamed.
"Yep. The one and only."
'Ohh, he's perfect for you Brie. And I've seen how Birdie is around him. So I think it would be awesome if you two started dating.' Nicole smiled.
""Well, this has all been fun. But me and Brie need to hit the sack. No sex jokes please." Nicole laughed as Brie just playfully gave me a slap to the back of my head. But we said our goodbyes for the night and I closed the face time window. Then put the phone on the charger and laid in bed as Brie went into my bedrooms bathroom to change into her pj's. When she came out I barely turned on the monitor above my head and she was wearing a nice top and bottoms combo. She slid into bed next to me and turned off the light then laid her head on my left shoulder. "Are you sure you'd want to date me?" I asked.
"I'm sure, Daniel." She looked up at me and kissed my cheek. "As I'm sure Birdie would like the idea to have her favorite uncle as her step-dad." Brie and I fell asleep to the sounds of Birdie sleeping on the monitor.

At one in the morning I could feel or sense a presence to the right of the bed. I opened my eyes and found Birdie with her blankie and bear. 'Hey, what's wrong Birdie?'
'I had a scary dream.' She said while rubbing her eyes. I slid out of bed and led her to the recliner as I sat down and she jumped into my lap, 'Now. Tell Uncle Daniel all about it.' She did just that.

As Birdie told me about her dream, unbeknownst to me. Brie was watching me through half closed eyes, smiling at what she saw.

When Birdie finished telling me her dream. I picked her up as I got up. 'I think I got just the thing to help you sleep better.' I opened my room closet and barely searched barely a few seconds. 'Birdie.' She looked at me. 'You see that box right there?' She nodded. 'Could you grab it for me?' She nodded. And with my help, retrieved a medium circular but flat box. I held her bear as she instinctively opened the box and found a beautifully made Dream Catcher.
'What's that?' She asked.
'That, my dear niece is a Dream Catcher.' I took her back to her room with her bear in my right hand and the Dream Catcher in her hands. 'Bad dreams get caught in the webbing. And trickles down to this stone. And at first light, the bad dream is destroyed. But while bad dreams get caught in the webbing. Good dreams pass through. This will protect you from bad dreams. As will me and your mother.' I put her back in bed and hung the Dream Catcher above her bed. Once I made sure it was secure. Bent down and said, 'Sleep well Little Birdie.' I kissed Birdie's forehead and started to leave her room.
'I will. Thank you, Daddy.' I froze at the door. Then turned my head to a sleeping Birdie clutching her bear and blanket.
'Goodnight, my girl.' I smiled. Then returned to my room where Brie was wide awake and smiling.
'I saw what you did for Birdie.' She got up and walked up to me. 'And I found it to be adorable.'
'Well, you were asleep or at least I thought you were. But in any case, I thought at least for a moment you deserve a break from being a mom.'
'Ooohh, thank you Dan.' She hugged me and we both returned to bed, then immediately fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up to see Brie still asleep and I didn't hear anything over the monitor from Birdie's room. So I sat up and leaned over Brie and whispered, 'No matter what Brianna Colace. I'll always be here for you and Birdie. And when your ready to move on, I hope I can be the man you not only want, but the man you deserve.' I kissed her cheek. 'I love you Brie.' I got up and got dressed and went to Birdie's room. I found her playing quietly with some building blocks. I watched her for a bit, then said in a quiet voice, 'Hey Birdie.' She looked at me. 'Want to help me make breakfast for your mom?' She nodded. 'Okay, come on.' Birdie stood up and walked over to me and I held out my left hand to her and she smiled as we walked downstairs and into the kitchen.
"What are we going to make mommy for breakfast?" Birdie asked.
"Hmm. Bannana pancakes. No she would think we're trying to placate her or bribe her." Birdie smiled at my overly comedic act. "I got it. Apple Cinna...ohh it's hopeless." I said dramatically falling over with my left arm over my eyes.
"Let's do buttermilk pancakes with some apple cinnamon toast." Birdie suggested.
"Why didn't I think of that?" I jokily said. "Let's get to worse uhh work." And we did. Within an hour the kitchen was a mess. And soon Brie's special breakfast was ready and on a tray. Along with the plate of Brie's breakfast was a folded up newspaper, a perfect tulip from my front flower bed cut near the ground. Once the kitchen was clean. We took the tray upstairs and once I opened the door to me and Brie's room. Birdie held the sides of the tray tightly so it didn't slip in her grip and walked in with the tray and approached Brie's side of the bed. "Mommy." Birdie said waking Brie up.
"Hey, Birdie." She saw the tray Birdie was carrying. "Ohh, who did this?" Brie said taking the tray after sitting up.
" Uncle Daniel and me." Birdie replied.
Brie smiled at Birdie and looked at me as I stood in the doorway smiling. "Ohh, you did?" She smiled wider as Birdie joined her on the bed.
I smiled as Brie and Birdie shared the breakfast Birdie and I made.

When she finished the breakfast, she got up and with the empty tray in hand, and Birdie not far behind her, approached me. "Thank you for helping Birdie cook breakfast for me. I'll be sure to return the favor someday."
"I'll hold you to it." I smiled as she kissed my right cheek. Birdie smiled as she passed and high or low fived me rather.
I followed Birdie and Brie as they headed downstairs. Brie washed her plate, cup, utensils and the tray and dried them with Birdie's help. Then put the dishes away. Brie played with Birdie in the living room as I cooked breakfast for me and Birdie. Once Birdie and I's breakfast was ready. Birdie and I sat at the table as Brie watched us eat our breakfast. I made Birdie a couple of eggs and some pancakes. I made myself the same and some sausage links and couple pieces of toast with peanut butter. Brie took a picture of us eating and smiled as she sat between us. "Oh it's so good to see my little girl and my friend having breakfast with each other." She said and kissed the top of Birdie's head and my right cheek.
"Well, we need to get packed for Fastlane."
"I'm not on the card. I retired." Brie said.
"I know, but I am supposed to make a special appearance on the card to make a special announcement."
"What is it?"
"I'm coming back. And the first person I'm going after. Is your ex." I smiled.
"And me and Birdie are going with you?"
"Yes. I mean, I'm hoping you do."
Birdie smiled as she looked at Brie. "Okay, I think we're going with you." She smiled as Birdie hugged her. We soon packed some bags and headed to the airport to catch a flight to Cleveland, Ohio.

When we arrived in Cleveland early the morning of Fastlane, Brie, Birdie and I were the first ones off the plane. We rented a Dodge Charger and headed to the hotel, checked in and headed to the hotel room. When we unpacked our luggage. I hoisted Birdie on my shoulders with my arena bag in my left hand and Brie walked ahead of us with Birdie's diaper bag.

We arrived at the arena for Fastlane, went to our locker room and settled in, I changed into a crushed velvet Hugo Boss suit and walked out of the shower area and got applause from Birdie and some wolf whistles and cat calls from Brie. "Hubba, hubba. I think I'm in love with the Devil."
"I hope so." I smiled.

When Fastlane started. I was seated next to Brie with Birdie in her arms watching the first set of matches of the night.
When it came time for me to make my return. I got up and kissed Brie's forehead along with Birdie's, then headed to the gorilla.
I breathed in and out carefully so I could regain my composure. Then the lights went off and I knew it was time to go to the ring. 'No Rest For The Wicked' by Cage The Elephant started playing and I made my way to the ring as I walked out to a very raucous pop. Nearly making me go deaf from the sheer volume of the crowd. I got in the ring and the announcer handed me his mic. I stood in the center of the ring and smiled as the cheers continued, there was even a couple of 'welcome back' chants.
"Hello, my Hellraisers." I said which made the crowd go nuts. "Did you miss me?" The crowd responded with, 'Yes' chants. "Ohh, I missed all of you too." I smiled. "Now, I'm here to announce that," I paused a moment or two. "I'm back! And this time. The Devil. Is most definitely in charge." I smiled as I went to leave the ring only to stop and say, "Oh, there is just one last thing. Daniel Bryan. Your name is at the top of my list of victims, so if I were you, Bryan." The lights started to dim and my eyes on camera glowed red. "I'd start praying for a miracle." A flash of the lights revealed a special digital 'Devil Face'. Once the lights came back on after another flash of the lights. I had disappeared.

When I got to the back, I was met by Brie and Birdie. "That was a great promo, Dan." Brie smiled as Little Birdie reached out for me.
"Oh, come here little one." I said while taking Birdie in my arms. After a moment, Brie and I headed to our locker room and watched the rest of the matches. But when Bryan won his match. He grabbed a mic.
"Let this be a warning to the so called Devil. You should pray for a miracle. You destroyed my marriage and stole my daughter and my wife."
I handed Birdie to Brie. "I'll be back." I told Brie as Birdie slept.
"Be careful." She smiled with just a touch of worry in it.
"Always. Love you." I headed to the gorilla and grabbed a mic before heading out to the stage.
"Why don't you come out and face me, if you have the guts." Bryan said.
"Oh, I have the guts. You claim 'I' destroyed your marriage, stole your wife and daughter. Well maybe, someone should have learned the number one rule of marriage, the wife is ALWAYS right. But to add to the stress. You had a problem with Brie wanting to be closer to her sister. And let's not forget the real knee slapper of you coming home drunk and slappping Brie and Birdie around and Nicole, Who was visiting for the week. had to call me to come to Brie's home to rescue Brie and Birdie from you. I saw the bruises, the black and blue handprints on Brie's skin. So. 'You' actually are the one who destroyed your marriage, and just so we're clear, you. Daniel Bryan. Chased Brie, into my arms. You. Chased away your daughter. So from where I'm standing Bryan. I didn't do anything. You. Did it. Yourself. So you have no one to blame but yourself for the state your life is in. So cry me a river, build a bridge and get the hell over it. On a sidenote..." I looked down and sighed, "If Brie was my wife. I'd make it my mission to see that she is always happy, always upbeat, and feels that she can count on me, and trust me, and that she's safe and secure with me. The same goes with Birdie. So I hope you had fun while it lasted. Because Birdie and Brie." Brie came out with Little Birdie who again was reaching for me. And like before, I took her in my arms. I looked to Brie with a questioning glare. She just grinned and approached me and Birdie. She smiled as she kissed me.
'I'm ready.' Was all she said.
Which made me smile as I said, "Brie and Birdie, are mine now. So sod off you jerk." I smiled as a shocked Bryan stood in the ring.

When we got to the locker room, I asked Brie, "Are you sure your ready to move on?"
"Yes. I am. Daniel, you just stood on stage and practically force fed Bryan the truth. And I am happier with you. More upbeat. I do trust you and can count on you for anything. But, most of all. I feel safe and sound when I'm with you. As does Birdie." She caressed Birdies hair as she slept in my arms. "And when we're both ready. We will take the final step."
"I wait for that day with baited breath." I kissed Brie's lips as she rested her head on my right shoulder. "I guess the sayings true." Brie looked up at me. "Being evil has a price."
"Well, I'll happily pay mine. If it means I get to stay with you." We soon left the arena and headed to the hotel.

Once at the hotel, and once we entered the room, the first thing I did was take Birdie to bed after putting my arena bag near the door. Brie smiled as I did that.
Once Birdie was in the other bed and once I tucked her in. I kissed her forehead. "Sleep well my little angel." Brie came in with Birdie's blankie and bear. She placed the bear under her arms and the blanket in her little palm. Then joined me in the door way. We watched Birdie sleep for a while.
I then asked, " Brie?" She looked at me. "I have one thing to ask."
"What's that?"
"Would you want to start a family before or after we're married?" She smiled at my question.
"I think if I do get pregnant by you before we are married. I will not complain, or hate it. Truth be told. I'd just love the fact that someone who genuinely loves me and cares for me would be the father of any future kids I have."
I giggled and said, "So. If it happens, it happens."
"If you want to be crude about it. Yeah." She smiled.
"Well, I think we should go to bed ourselves."
"Agreed." Brie said.
Once we changed into some sleep wear. We got in bed. We Cuddled up and I gently gripped her left hand with my right and brought it to my lips and gently kissed her hand. Pretty soon we just closed our eyes and fell asleep.

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