The Devil Went Down To Scottsdale.

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I was sleeping peacefully, the first one I've had in a while, that was until my phone started ringing off the hook. I groggily looked at the caller ID and saw Brie's name. I answered the call, "Mmm, hey Brie." I didn't have to even know what was up or wrong, her voice spoke volumes as to what was going on. Or what was possibly wrong. "Whoa, slow down, Brie. What's the matter?"
'Bryan and I had a fight about moving to LA so I can be closer to Nicole you know so she's not completely alone.'
"Yeah. I got that. What is Danielsons problem? Your just concerned for your sister. Anyone would understand that. But she's dating her DWTS partner. But I understand where your coming from Brie." I said.
'Can you come over here? Bryan just left he said to go for a drive and I don't want to be left alone with Birdie.'
"Sure, I'll be there within the hour."
'Thank you, Daniel.'
"No problem." I got dressed real quick and grabbed my keys, wallet and phone then headed to Scottsdale, for Brie's home.

The entire time I was driving there, I couldn't help but wonder, what was so wrong about Brie wanting to move to LA to be closer to her sister. Then again this was Bryan Danielson, he would have a caniption if a tofu hot dog was placed with regular hot dogs. So I shouldn't be overly surprised about this. Like the Bella Twins I've been part of the WWE family for a long time. And I care for those two like they were my own sisters. Which sometimes they like to claim that their my wrestling sisters, but I take it further by confusing some smart alec fans by saying 'You better not mess with my sisters, ya putz.' The look of shock alone as Nicole and Brianna nod before said fan can even ask is absolutely priceless.

I arrived within an hour and ten minutes, But still technically within the hour. Anyway, I found Brie holding Birdie and crying to herself, sitting on the patio in the front of the house.
"Okay, tell me what happened, from the top."
And she did, every detail, every word. All of it. I wrapped my arm around her, being very careful not to disturb Birdie. "I don't know what to do?" She sobbed.
"Ohh, listen to me Brie." She looked up at me. "You know you can stay with me in Phoenix anytime you need. You and little Birdie. I have a large home with about five spare rooms. Any one of them on your word will be available to you and Birdie. All you need is ask."
"I know. Thank you. Not only for coming here but always being there for me and my sister. When Bryan and me first got together. You were there for me through all my worry, all my concerns. I thought I was boring you with my worries and pet peeves. But you still listened to me. Then came the time when I was pregnant with Birdie here. I could always count on you to pick up the slack whenever Bryan became lax in his duties. I still don't know why you refused to be a godfather, but I'm sure you had your reason's. You have become a big part of our family." Birdie started to move around and reached out to me. I took her gently and held her and she settled down. The amazing thing she didn't open her eyes once. "See, proof positive that you are a big part of this family."
"Or maybe I'm just unnaturally lucky and or gifted."
"Uh huh." She smiled.
I soon carried Birdie back to her room, and yes I know where her room is. Laid her in the bed and pulled the blanket over her and handed her the teddy bear I gave her this past Christmas. She clutched it and I leaned in and kissed her forehead and said, "You hold onto that bear Birdie dear. It will make everything just go away, make you feel better and make sure your alright. Sweet dreams my lovely niece." I stood up straight and turned to see Brie smiling from ear to ear. "What?"
"Nothing. But you are the best uncle she has." Brie said.
"Well, I try." I smiled. Then a car rolled into the driveway and I headed straight for it.
"Daniel. No." Brie almost beat me to the door of her home when Bryan came in and got a viscious left cross for his trouble that buckled his knees. "You have a problem with Brie wanting to remain close to her sister Nicole."
"So what if I do?" He asked.
"Maybe I should pay your mom and dad a visit and tell them what's going on? Like how their grand daughters father is not allowing her mother to be close to her aunt."
"You wouldn't." He stood up and got in my face.
"You should know by now, Bryan. That I don't make idol threats. Nor do I make shallow promises."
"Ohh, I know. Who called you over at this hour?" He asked.
"A crying and worried friend." Was all I said. He looked to Brie.
"Did you call him?" Brie hid behind me. "I see."
He walked to his Brie's room and the light went off. "You need anything I'm a phone call away, just call and I'lll be here in a flash."
"I know, thank you for coming."
"Anytime." I left her home but had an uneasy feeling while I did so. And it wasn't one I just ignored. So for the next month I kept close to my phone as I had been put on personal leave for a couple months. They said to get my mind right. Which made sense to me.

When Rumble came around and Bryan was to go against AJ Styles for the WWE Heavyweight Championship. And since it was being held in my town I decided to drop in and wish all the competitors good luck in their matches. I even stayed for them all. Brie and Nicole were happy to see me. As were all the girls or women in the locker room. I have never been bombarded with so many, 'Welcome backs', or 'how have you beens' in my life. I just answered each honestly and truthfully.

Of course as you all know Seth won the Men's Rumble and Becky won the Women's Rumble and Bryan won the WWE Championship. And in no time after he won the title. My sinking feeling turned out to be correct. For as days and weeks bled into months, Bryan was home not as often or less often than before he was the assistant GM of Smackdown Live. He would always blame his busy Champion schedule. But to be honest. He was letting the fame go to his head. One night he returned home from an interview a week or two before Elimination Chamber and I was woken up from another slumber by a panicking Nicole who was visiting from LA and Brie who was too hysterical to talk. I heard Birdie crying in the background, so I woke up with a cup of home brew on the way to their Scottsdale home. When I arrived in my Ford F-150, red and black in color. Nicole was waiting in the front yard with Birdie and Brie. I didn't even stop to say hi. All I said was, "Get Birdie and Brie and yourself in the truck." She did as told and I searched the house for Bryan and found him in the den demanding Brie to bring him his daughter. "Hello, Bryan." I said as I closed the door and tore the knobs off. "We're going to have a little chat and some fun while we're at it."
After a while, the only thing that could be heard was a scream from 'Nature's Champion' I kicked the door open so I could leave the den and Bryan was laying on the floor with his forehead attached to his 'environmentally friendly' Championship. When I got out to the truck and got in, Brie was sitting in front with Birdie in her arms. Nicole had grabbed Birdie's favorite bear and blanket. I looked to Brie who was in tears and I was not liking it at all. I looked to Birdie and she opened and closed her hand and I smiled. I looked to Nicole who was smiling as well as you may have guessed I was the white knight coming to Brie and Birdie's rescue. And Nicole was enjoying the fact I was willing to come so late in the evening to help her, Brie and Birdie.
"Alright, buckle up, Because when this baby reaches eighty-eight miles an hour. Your going to see some serious stuff." Nicole laughed as Birdie giggled and Brie started to smile as I started the pickups engine and headed back to my home in Phoenix. Where I showed Nicole her room, I even showed Brie to Birdie's room where there was a kids sized bed waiting for Birdie. And since I didn't trust Brie to sleep by herself courtesy of the amount of tears she cried or was crying when I arrived at her place. So I took her to my room but I slept in a recliner near the bed and she slept in the bed. "I'll be right here. So if you need anything. I won't be far away." I kissed her forehead before sitting in the chair cross legged and after she fell asleep. I followed an hour later.

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