Making A Deal With The Devil.

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I was shaken awake early the next morning, when I looked to the side of the sofa and found Little Birdie. "What's the matter Birdie?" I asked.
"I had a bad dream." She sighed with the saddest look on her face.
"I keep forgetting we don't have the dream catcher with us." I smiled. Birdie stepped back so I could get up and I put on my boxers before taking her to her room.
She rested her head on my shoulder and fell asleep. Which I didn't want to disturb at all, so I just laid down with Birdie held close to my chest and and fell asleep myself after a few minutes. Only to be woken up by a kiss on the lips from Brie. I opened my eyes and smiled.
"Morning, babe." She smiled as I looked to my left and saw Birdie sleeping soundly. "She have a nightmare again?" She asked.
"Yeah. And since we didn't have a dream catcher with us. I thought that I would sleep next to her. Only to fall asleep myself. Ha, ha." I laughed.
"You are gonna make a perfect stepdad to little Birdie. And an even more amazing father to any kids we have together." She grinned as I sat up and she sat behind me, and slid her hands up to my shoulders and started massaging them.
"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Brie honey." I grinned.
"Come on, Dan." She slid her arms around my waist and I turned my head to the right and she kissed my cheek. "Don't you agree that you'd make a great dad to our kids?" She asked.
"Oh, I do actually." I grinned.
"Then what's the matter?" She prodded.
"I don't know. Just afraid that when they get old enough they'll wonder why I'm still known as the Devil. Or say I'm not cooler than this guy or that guy." I sighed.
"Daniel. You may not be cool or understood by our kids. But you will be their dad. And that will be enough for them." She smiled as did I at her statement.
"Thanks, Brie honey." I said.
She kissed my neck which made me smile. I got up and headed out to the living area of the hotel room and went directly to my suitcase and pulled a change of clothes and picked up the clothes that were stripped off me during Brie and I's intense round last night.
Once I packed up the clothes from last night. I smiled as Birdie came running up to me. "Hey, there's my little niece." I laughed as I picked her up. "All packed up, Birdie?" She nodded. "Okay." I set her down. "Well, you want to go help your mom?" She smiled and hugged me. "You want to help me. Okay." Brie watched as Birdie helped me carry the bags down to the rental and loaded up my bags and headed back up to the hotel room to get her bags and Brie's too. Brie smiled as we headed to the rental car and headed to Dayton, Ohio for tonight's Smackdown.

We traveled four hours and stopped at a diner for lunch that was just outside of Dayton. Once we were done with lunch, we continued to Dayton and straight to the hotel. Once we were settled in and I grabbed my arena bag and Brie grabbed Birdie's diaper bag.  We headed to the arena.
Bayley and Sasha were near catering when Birdie ran up to them.
"Hey, little Birdie." Cassie smiled.
"Hey, Aunt Cassie. Aunt Jessica." Birdie said.
"Where's your mom and Uncle Daniel?" Jessica asked.
"We're right here." I grinned as Birdie ran up to me and Brie. Brie picked her up.
"Daniel, Brie." Peyton and Billie smiled.
"Jess, Cassie." Brie smiled.
"So. Rumor has it that you'll be challenging Bryan for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania." Cassie smiled.
"Only if I can convince Kofi to wait until MITB for his opportunity." I told them.
"Well, I'm sure you'll be able to convince him, Dan." Brie grinned.
"Brie's right, Daniel." Jessica said.
"Yeah. And if you can't. Then it can be a triple threat match." Cassie suggested.
"That's an idea." I grinned.
"Well, me and Birdie will get settled into the locker room and I'll take your arena bag," She grabbed my arena bag and slung it over her shoulder with Birdie's diaper bag. "And get Birdie and I settled in."
"And that's my cue to head to the office to get the contract signing set up." I giggled as I kissed her and Little Birdie before heading off to the office suites.

While I made my way to the office suites of the arena. Cassie and Jessica followed Brie and Birdie to our locker room. "So, Brie. How are things going between you and Daniel?" Cassie grinned.
"Their going well, we've been talking about possibly being married soon and possibly starting a family by the end of the year." Jess and Cassie grinned at that statement.
"Are you hoping for a Wrestlemania proposal like your sister Nikki got?" Jess asked.
"I do but at least with Daniel, I can depend on him to follow through." She smiled as Birdie ran around the locker room.
"Yeah. He really loves you, and Birdie." Cassie smiled.
"Yeah. I know he does. I should have ended up with him instead of Bryan. But I think in a month or two. I'll have my Devil as a husband and stepfather to Little Birdie." She looked at Cassie and Jess. "I would like  your opinion on something?"
"Sure. What is it?" Jess asked.
"Do you think Dan would be a great father?" Brie asked them.
"I think he'd be an amazing dad." Cassie smiled.
"He's not interested in being one?" Jess asked.
"No, he's just afriaid of being ignored or being an out of touch or uncool father." Brie explained.
"Oohh, well every dad is afraid of that. My dad was real depressed when he couldn't get me either. But he got over it eventually." Cassie grinned.
"Well, I agree that Daniel would make a great dad to all of our kids. Well, however many we end up having." Brie smiled.
"Hoping for a big family, are you?" Jess asked.
"Well, I'm from a big family and Daniel was from a big family." Brie chuckled. "He's just perfect. To me, little Birdie."
"Well, we wish nothing but the best for you and Daniel and of course little Birdie." Jess told her.
"Thanks girls." Brie said as they left the locker room.

Meanwhile in Hunters office...
I had been spending the past ten minutes trying to convince Hunter to give me a WWE title match. "Daniel, your barely back. And haven't been for that long."
"I know that, Hunter." I said losing patience. "Look. We can turn it into a triple threat match if we have to."
"Sorry, Daniel. Not tonight." He said gesturing door practically signaling for me to leave.
I begrudgingly left the office and went back to me and Brie's locker room.

When I waltked through the door Birdie ran up and into my arms.
" So what did Huner say?" Brie asked.
"No." I said which caused Brie to frown a bit.
"Well, you'll get your chance at the title baby." She slid her right hand up and down my back.
"I know, I just hate how that no account waste of space Lesnar can just show up out of the blue and get an immediate title shot." I sighed. "Maybe I should have not returned."
"Now, Daniel Boyce. You have never backed down from a fight and I can't believe that your even saying that." I smiled at Brie's statement. "Birdie, do you think your Uncle Dan is being a little hasty with saying that he shouldn't have come back?"
"Yes, mommy." Birdie replied.
"Okay, guys. Okay. Ohh, I love you two." I grinned. Brie took Birdie from me and kissed me as we just sat on the couch in our locker room. But I got ready in my ring attire just in case after an hour of watching what was transpiring for the show. When it was time for the contract signing between Kofi and Bryan. I kissed Brie before heading out to the gorilla, she and Birdie followed me.
"What are you doing, baby?" She asked.
"Hunter may not want to give me a title shot. But if I were to interrupt the contract signing between Bryan and Kofi. And present my case to the WWE Universe. There's no way that Hunter can't include me in the title match then." I told her.
"Just be careful out there." She smiled as Birdie did the same.
"I always am." I smiled as my music hit and I came down to the ring. Brie and Birdie watched from a monitor in the gorilla.

"What are  you doing out here, Daniel?" Hunter asked as I asked for a mic from the ring announcer.
"Well, I was just wondering, why does Brock Lesnar get an immediate title shot whenever he comes back and I can't even get the time of day." I looked to the crowd. "That's right folks, Mr. I know whats best for business. Denied me a title shot for the WWE Championship even though I offered to make it a triple threat match. And still he said no. Is that fair?"
'No.' The crowd said in unison.
"Should I get a WWE Title shot?" I asked.
'Yes.' I grinned at the crowds response.
"You know. Daniel deserves a shot at the title same as me. So I propose that we make the WWE Championship match a triple threat match for Wrestlemania 35. What do you say man?" Kofi asked me.
"I'm all for it." I smiled.
"Fine. If it means you'll drop the subject." Hunter growled. "It will be Daniel Bryan vs Kofi Kingston vs Daniel 'The Devil' Boyce for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 35." The crowd screamed their approval as Bryan was supremely pissed.
Bryan was the first to sign the contract, then it was Kofi's turn. When I was going to sign. I pretended to have pen problems and when Bryan put his hand next to the contract, I buried the pen tip first into his hand and signed it in his blood and grinned as me and Kofi headed to the back as we got out of the ring before Rowan showed up. I was greeted with smiles as I came into the locker room and started packing my arena bag after changing into some casual clothes. When we were ready, Brie, Birdie and I headed to the rental car and headed back to the hotel.

Once we arrived in our hotel room, we ordered room service and had a quick dinner. When it came time for bed, and after we changed into our sleepwear, Brie and I thought it best for Birdie to sleep with us tonight.
It took her no time at all to conk out once she laid her head on one of the center pillows.
I smiled at Birdie. "She looks like an angel when she's asleep doesn't she?" Brie asked.
"Yes she does." I grinned as I looked to Brie. Just like her mom." Brie blushed and giggled.
"Oohhh, baby." She kissed me,before turning off the light and after we laid our heads on our pillows, we fell fast asleep.

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