The Devil's Share. (Part 2)

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The next morning, I was shaken awake by Birdie. "I'm up little one." I said with a mile wide grin on my face.
"Morning, Uncle Daniel." She smiled.
"Morning, Birdie." I kissed her cheek as I sat up and stretched and yawned. I looked to the left side of the bed and found no Brie. "Where's your mom?"
"In the kitchen making breakfast for us." She replied.
"Okay." I slid out of bed and picked her up into my arms and we headed into the living area/kitchenette of the hotel room.
"Hey, mommy. Look whose up?" Birdie beamed with pride.
"Ohh, did you wake your uncle up?" Brie asked Birdie.
"Well, mommy. I wanted to make sure he didn't miss breakfast." She told Brie with this innocent look on her face that made me laugh a bit but made Brie smile.
"Uh huh." Brie snickered. I walked over to Brie after setting Birdie on one of the stools on the island across from the oven.
"Mmm, morning Brie." I said as I kissed her neck.
"Ooh, morning to you, my Devil." She grinned as she turned her head to the left and I turned mine to the right and kissed her a couple times before I wrapped my arms around her.
"So. What's for breakfast and do you need any help?" I asked.
"No. I got everything under control, baby." She said as I joined Birdie on one of the stools. "And we're having eggs,sausage and toast." She added.
"Perfect, honey." I smiled as I talked with Birdie. Talking about what all three of us would do for 'Mania weekend. After breakfast we all headed to the next live event on the road to Wrestlemania.

Over the next few weeks, Kofi, Bryan and I had singles matches against each other. Kofi and I teamed up one time against Bryan and Rowan.
Which Kofi and I won. More less barely. But I was happy and so was Kofi. Our match was becoming a very hyped match on the card for Wrestlemania.
The week before Wrestlemania. Hunter gave us a few days off following the Interesting tag match between Kofi and me vs Bryan and Rowan. So we headed home to Phoenix, AZ.

On the flight back to our home in Phoenix. Brie asked if there was anyone I remember from my early days that I had a strong friendship with. I told her about Alex Ambrose and that we were the terrors of any indie promotion we were in. I also told her we were like brothers in our humble beginnings as wrestlers. When she asked if she could meet Alex one day. All I said was, "Well. I think he should be with Peyton at the Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony next Saturday. So you may meet him. If not I'll talk to him and see what he says to visiting us."
"Okay, baby. I just would like to meet someone who knew my man before us in the WWE knew him." She smiled as Birdie slept in the seat near the window. "I didn't know that Cassie was dating anyone. Ever since her breakup with Sean. She has been happier but a little depressed a month ago. She has been keeping things closer to the vest. I'm glad to hear she's dating someone." Brie said as she laid her head on my right shoulder as the flight continued.

When we landed in Phoenix Which was late in the afternoon. We grabbed our carry on bags including Birdies diaper bag and deplaned and grabbed the rest of our bags from baggage claim. When we went out to my pickup and got loaded up the back with our bags and I put Birdie in her car seat. Then Brie got in the front passenger seat and I got in the driver's seat and started up the truck and headed to Brie and I's home.

Once we got home, I parked the truck in the garage, closed the garage door and we all got out of the pickup, Birdie went inside the house as Brie and I unloaded our bags from the back.
"Two to three days home, with my beautiful Brie and adorable Birdie." I said as me and Brie carried in our bags into the house. Birdie ran to the sofa as Brie and I took our bags upstairs and unpacked the clothes and put them in a hamper, Brie also put Birdie's clothes from the tour or the last few weeks into the hamper as well. Once we were done unpacking, I took the clothes hamper down to the laundry room which is down in the basement and separated the whites, colors, darks, and delicates. Then started a load of laundry and returned to the living room. Where I saw Brie and Birdie playing around. I leaned against the door frame and just observed them having fun. I smiled as I watched Brie and Birdie playing either patty cake or even just coloring with each other. When Birdie noticed me she grinned at me as did Brie who signaled me over to where she and Birdie were.
"I see that Birdie is having fun with her mom." I smiled as Brie kissed my cheek.
"So when will the washer be finished with the first load of laundry?" Brie asked.
"I'd say in about an hour and some change." I told her. She nodded in understanding. "Any requests for dinner tonight?" I asked her and Birdie.
"What would you like Uncle Daniel to make for dinner tonight Birdie?" Brie asked Birdie and she grinned.
"Can we have anything?" Birdie asked as she smiled and I nodded. She then said, "Can you make chicken and cheese?"
I smiled as I replied, "You mean Chicken Parmesan?" I asked. She nodded. I got up and said. "Will you help your mom with laundry while I cook the chicken parm?" I asked her. She nodded. "Okay." I went to the kitchen as Brie continued to play with Birdie.

An hour and a half later, I checked the breaded chicken in the oven to make sure it was getting baked thoroughly. Then Birdie came into the kitchen.
"Hey, how's princess?" I asked her.
"Just fine, Uncle Daniel." She replied.
"Good. The chicken parmesan is nearly done."
"Yay, can't wait." She cried with joy as she climbed up on the stool near the island across from the stove.
"Where's your mom?" I asked.
"She's putting the first load into the dryer and is going to put another into the washer." She told me.
"Hey, Birdie. I have a question to ask." She looked at me. "I was hoping to ask your mom to marry me. And I was hoping you would like to have me as your stepdad?" I asked as she thought about it for a moment.
"Would I be able to help pick out the ring?" She asked in reply.
"I was hoping you would." I grinned. "But that aside. Would you like to have me as your stepdad?" She nodded. "Alright." I high fives her as Brie came into the room.
"What's with the high five?" She asked as she walked in. "And what's with your smiles you two?"
"Nothing, me and Birdie were going to go into town Friday to spend some quality time together. A movie, maybe some ice cream." I said making Birdie's smile grow wider.
"Which means you and I get to spend some time together tomorrow?" Brie asked. "Maya is coming to Phoenix, I'm sure on a recon mission for me and Nicoles stepdad John so he can more less get an idea as to who his daughter is dating."
"Maya, isn't she graduating high school this year?" I asked.
"Yes she is." Brie smiled.
"You know you think John would trust me a little more." said making Brie giggle and laugh. "You think that it's my nickname that puts him off or is it my look?"
"Not sure, baby. But I love your look." She said as she slid into my arms and kissed me. "As does Birdie." She looked to Birdie and she nodded.
"Well, when do you think the second load of laundry will be done?" I asked Brie.
"Same as the first. Hour and some change." She smiled as I kissed her.
"Well, let me check the chicken parmesan is done, then we'll eat." I slid from Brie's grasp and checked on the chicken parm and it was done, so we all grabbed a plate and dug in.

After dinner, Brie and I washed the dishes as Birdie watched disney classics from my Vudu Library.
Once the dishes were washed, dried and put away. Brie sat on a stool. "What's wrong Brie?" I asked her.
"Just worried about you. Your match with Bryan and Kofi won't be easy and Bryan will make sure Rowan will keep you neutralized throughout the entire match."
"Then that would be Rowans last mistake he ever makes if he plans on doing that." I slid my hands up and down her arms. "One way or another, Bryan's title reign as WWE Champion will end next Sunday willl end." I kissed Brie's left cheek and we joined Birdie on the sofa watching movies with her.

Over the next few days, Brie and I spent some quality time together and I met her sister Maya, and she wasa beautiful and charming girl, who looked after Birdie while me and Brie had a day together just her and I.
The following day, Birdie and I did spend time together. We went ring shopping, to a movie right after and I even took her to an ice cream parlor.

When we headed to New York City that Saturday, we spent the entire week talking to fans, hanging out with Gionna, C.J., Dori, Daria, Amanda, even had lunch a few times with Cassie and Jesse. One such luncheon, Cassie brought my old friend Alex Ambrose who was in the middle of negotiations with WWE for a contract to join the company.
"Daniel." He greeted.
"Alex." We hugged each other like brothers and Cassie and Brie both smiled. We got caught up on our careers, of course Alex was a little distant throughout it. Of course to me. He was just acting like the same old Ambrose I ussed to know. I was also happy that he had a girlfriend. Especially since it was Cassie. I made it a point to keep myself updated on everyone I know during my nearly twenty plus year career. And I had heard about the messy breakup between Cassie and Shawn. So to see her with Alex and how happy they make each other is great to my way of thinking.

That Saturday, we all attended the Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and had a grand time during the ceremony.
The next day, Me, Brie and Birdie arrived at a hotel in East Rutherford, New Jersey. Then after changing out everything in my arena bag. We headed to the MetLife Stadium for Wrestlemania 35.
Once there, I headed with Brie and Birdie to our locker room and once I was changed into my ring/entrance attire. We headed to catering and sat with The IIconics and by extension Alex.

For the next two hours, every match was exciting, Strowman won the 30 man Andre The Giant Battle Royal, Rollins won the Universal Championship from Lesnar, The IIconics won the Women's Tag Team Championships in a fatal four way tag team match.
The next match was mine vs. Kofi vs. Bryan for The WWE Heavyweight Championship.
I kissed and hugged both Brie and Birdie at the gorilla as we waited for my turn to head out. Once Kofi was in the ring with Bryan who as always accompanied by Erick Rowan. The lights went out, then 'Being Evil Has A Price' started playing and when the song hit it's first crescendo, I made my way down to the ring and when I got in the ring, the lights came on and I took off my jacket and button up shirt and carefully folded both along with my tear away trousers which exposed tights with my ring name on the sides.
When the bell rang, Bryan clotheslined me over the top rope and Rowan kept me neutralized throughout most of the match, until I neutralized him with a kick to the nuts and repeated chairshots to the face. With a couple of Con-Chair-To's as he laid against the steel steps for good measure. When he was no longer a problem, Kofi could tell that I wanted my pound of flesh and pushed Bryan into me. For the next several minutes, I tossed Bryan shoulder first into the ring post over and over again, I pretty much made him useless for a while as I started attacking his right arm, left leg and even his right. I looked to Kofi and looked to the crowd and put Bryan across my back and put my right hand on his left leg and my left hand on his right cheek and performed a picture perfect Argentine Piledriver, which I called 'Original Sin'. Once Bryan was out. I signalled for Kofi to go for the pin and just leaned against the the corner nearest the timekeepers table and applauded when Kofi was named the winner and new WWE Heavyweight Champion. I even presented the title to Kofi and shook his hand and hugged him.
'You did good, Kofi. You deserve it man.' I said to him.
'I'll make sure you get the first shot at it.' He replied. I raised his hand and pointed to him. As Kofi celebrated, I asked for a mic and held it to my lips.
"Congratulations to Kofi. You deserve it man and I know you will bring pride back to it. Now, I would like Brie Bella to come out and join me." Brie camedown to the ring and as she did so. I walked over to the jacket and draped it over my left arm. Once she was in the ring. I again put the mic to my lips. "Brie. You and I have been dating close to a month now, which I know isn't long enough for me to do this. But a lot of peopled who know me. You and Nikki included. Have always known me to be a little impatient when it comes to cerrtain things. But the one thing I have yet to find is a girl of my very own. But I now believe I have found such a girl. And I have one important question to ask you," I reached into the left pocket of the jacket and tossed it under the bottom rope. "Brianna Colace, will you do me the honor," I got down on one knee. Opened the black box in my right hand before putting the mic to my lips again, "Of becoming my wife?" Brie was floored by the ring me and Birdie picked out.
She took the mic from me and with tears in her eyes, said, "Yes, yes. Of course I will." I smiled as I took the ring out of the box, put it on her finger, stood up, and hugged and kissed my fiancee.
Kofi joined us in the ring and congratulated Brie and I.

We then made our way to the back, where Cassie, Jessie and the entire locker room congratulated us. Even Alex congratulated me and Brie. Once everyone got a chance to congratulate us on our engagement. Brie, Birdie and I headed a local pizza parlor before we headed to the hotel for the night. After all three of us polished off the pizza, and after I put Birdie to bed. Brie and I changed into our sleep wear, and got into bed. She cuddled up close to me. "You did really good in the title match, baby. Was having Kofi win the plan?" She asked.
"Yes, it was. He deserves it more than I do. But I will have my shot at it one day." I told her.
"Well, I'm proud of you. Either way and besides, I was extremely surprised by your proposal for marriage. I was hoping for a Wrestlemania proposal, I just didn't really expect it. But I'm happy that it happened." She grinned as she kissed me.
"As am I, Brie darling." I smiled as I kissed her. She giggled she held my head in place, which evolved into a very heated makeout session, and that eveolved into a hott and passionate three hour round.
When it was all over, Brie was laying on my chest, a mile wide smile decorating her face, her eyes closed and sleeping peacefully. I was awake for a moment longer, just looking at my fiancee, caressing her left cheek with my right hand, and kissed her forehead before falling asleep myself.

(A/N: I'd like to acknowledge and thank Lokis03277 for letting me use his OC Alex Ambrose.)

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