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"I am sorry wolf but I will make this quick, I promise you won't suffer!" The figure exclaimed.

I circled the figure dressed in ebony, a silver snarling wolf hung around his neck, his sword held low a blade that I would break between my teeth.  My paws thudded against the ground. I was dancing with The White Wolf. I raced at him and bit into his arm. Tore the muscle,  and he dropped the blade. He hit me around the face with a metal gauntlet splitting my eyebrow. I backed off. I shook my head in disorientation.

I backed off pining. Once I felt focused I ran at him again his eyes met mine and I realized he could see into my soul and he realized I was innocent. I only killed the townspeople because I was defending myself. His blade scraped across my stomach, I howled loudly and hit the floor with a thud. I whined and saw him advance towards me I tried to run but my paws wouldn't support me.

 I changed into my human form. "You're a young woman!" He exclaimed.

"No...one told...y...you!" I wheezed, breathing was no longer a luxury for me. 

"No I was told you were a vicious beast and you need to be stopped" he soon lowered his sword and only advanced but I kept backing off, I reached a pond but my blood just began to flow into it. "You're no monster that I was led to believe," he told me.

He was about to slide his arms under my body to pick me up but I detested as he nearly dropped me as I attempted to wriggle out of his arms.


"Phoenix get down from there!" Geralt yelled at me,  I had climbed a tree and shifted into my wolf form at the top. He asked me to see over the horizon. "You know if you fall it's going to be me who has to heal your wounds again!" He exclaimed.

"Yes who else," I whined.

"How the hell have I put up with you all these years?" He sighed.

"Because I always kill things for you," I smiled. 

"You know if you don't come down right now, you can clean my swords and Roaches tack for two months," he said sternly. I climbed down from the branches and landed on my feet.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Novigrad," he answered as he tightened Roache's girth, she snorted and threw her head up. 

"Why there?" I moaned like a child.

"Because we have a job," he replied.

"Can I ride on Roach?" I asked.

"No, you can shape shift so you can run on your paws," he told me.

"Geeeerrrraaaalllltttt," I whined.

"No," he answered.

"Fine," I growled, Geralt mounted his steed and kicked his horse in the ribs causing her to rear up and gallop off, I had to run at her side and the damn witcher knew I hated to run at this pace.

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