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"Geralt slow the heck down," I panted as we trotted past a hanging tree. I stopped as I thought I recognized one of the faces of the hanging people. I turned into human so I could get a better look.

"Geralt Ciri is in danger," I said seeing a symbol that  had been carved into their foreheads.

"Why? What have you found?" He asked turning Roach around and walking back.

"You see that symbol?" I quizzed him.

"Yes," he nodded.

"Geralt get out of here," I told him turning into my wolf form I could hear something coming towards us. It's great wings beat louder and louder till a griffin landed on me ripping into my flesh.

"Go!" I growled.

"No" he yelled pulling the sword out of its scabbard.

"Geralt no!" I exclaimed as I pushed the Griffins head away from me. Geralt struck at its face and it turned on him giving me a chance to stand up but whining as I did, my side dripped with blood, bits of flesh hung off my body I took a deep breath in since it hurt to walk, I leaped onto the back of the griffin and dug my claws into its back. I bit hard into its back, it squawked loudly and threw me off into a tree and broke my back.

Geralt cut the griffins head off, blood sprayed everywhere and he came walking over to me I groaned loudly, he had a concerned look on his face. "Geralt kill me please" I begged.

"No I won't," he replied.

"Please," I whined, suddenly a sword blade plunged through my chest. I howled one last time before laying my head down on the ground, the last thing I saw was Geralt collapsing at my side. My spirit rose from my body and I saw it was Vesimir who ran me through with his sword.

"What did you do?" Geralt yelled.

"She was begging you to kill her, witchers respect when someone asks for mercy they give it," he said. "Shall we bury her?" He asked.

"No, she may return to her body," Geralt replied. I managed to heal my body but I sat by my corpse, Geralt had pulled my corpse over his legs and stroked my head gently, I went back into my corpse and I felt Geralt's cold metal glove against my head, I growled and pushed his hand off my head. I got up clicking my back into place.

I ran at Vesimir,  reared up and rested my paws onto his shoulders I pushed him to the ground and my gaping jaws hovered over his neck, I allowed loud snarls to ripple through my body.

"Phoenix knock it off," Geralt told me sternly.

I looked at him, my eyes burnt gold, and a thick black line like a cat was strewn down the middle. "Vesimir I think she heard what you said," Geralt stated. 

"Burying me! At least Geralt knew better," I snarled.

Geralt smiled "I would apologize before she rips your throat out". He said as he drank from his goatskin water bottle.

"And Geralt I swear if you ever pet me like some common dog you will lose an arm," I growled and got off Vesimir, I got comfortable and bedded down for the night.

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