A One-Time Thing

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Back at the frat house, Link and I help set up for the biggest party of the year: the graduation slash bachelor slash bachelorette party. I head to the basement to grab the liquor.

For once, the pressure is gone. Everything worked out somehow. No more secrets between me and my friends or awful rules set by Father. My relationship is going fairly well too from what I can tell. Link and I have been together for a while now and while it hasn't always been perfect, we made it work because we are not the type of couple that gives up on our relationship. I am confident we will master any challenge together.

"Zelda!" Anju wails from upstairs.

I leave the liquor in the living room with Link and hurry up to Kafei's room. I shut the door behind me as soon as my eyes land on Anju. She is wearing her wedding dress! She looks straight out of a fairytale but her face is twisted in panic.

"You're not wearing that for the party, are you?" I ask. She's going to ruin this dress within the first five minutes of the party.

"Can you tell?" She asks, rubbing her stomach in front of the mirror.

"You've only been pregnant for a few weeks."

"So? Can you tell?"


"Are you sure?"

"I assure you, the pregnancy is not showing yet."

"Okay, good," she sighs.

"Are you worried people will judge you?"

"Oh, no, not at all," she waves her hand dismissively, "most of my friends already know. I just don't want Kafei's dad to see it tomorrow and stop the wedding! He's kind of a douche."

"Unless he has X-ray vision, you're safe. And if anyone tries to ruin your wedding, I will tackle them. Because I'm your maid of honor and it's my duty to make sure your wedding goes well!" On the inside I'm laughing at myself because I know I could never tackle anyone. It's the thought that counts, right?

"I feel bloated!" She whines. "I'm not even in the mood to party. Everyone will be drinking but me. And I don't like my dress anymore..."

I walk up to her and gently fix the veil. "Your dress is lovely. And I won't be drinking either."

"Yes you will," she tilts her head in confusion. "You'll have to drink for me tonight."


"You'll have to take my shots during drinking games."

"I–I don't really–I've never had a shot before."

"Would you be okay with it? Just for tonight." Her brows curve into disappointment even though I haven't even declined yet. I don't want to ruin her bachelorette party... but another one of her bridesmaids will gladly drink for her, I'm sure. "I get it. It's alright," she adds along with a nod.

I'm glad she's not pushing me to drink. I always told myself I'd wait until I'm 21. At the very least. But... I must admit, I have been curious about the appeal of alcohol for quite a while now. Impa seems to enjoy it, perhaps a little too much, but she always displays a good mood when she drinks at parties. I'd definitely be more responsible than her though.

Tonight, all my favorite people will be here, it's a safe environment and... well... Maybe this is one of those times where I should follow Urbosa's advice and live a little more fearlessly?

"I'll drink for you," I speak before I make up my mind.

"You don't have to," she says.

"I want to. Just a little though." I don't want to lose control over my actions like Impa. "We can play one drinking game together."

"Okay awesome! We can play Back to Back then! That's a wedding game. It's pretty chill, you'd probably like it more than the other drinking games!"

Anju hugs and thanks me. I convince her to get changed for the party and make sure she locks the room so no guest can accidentally stumble inside and harm the dress. I've seen that in movies and I'm not having it tonight. Nobody is going to ruin this wedding, I'll make sure of it!


A few hours later, the house is filled with intoxicated college students. All the frat boys, sorority girls, some familiar faces, and a bunch of people I've never seen before have come together. The walls are shaking from the loud music and the air is hazy from the clouds of marijuana. It may not sound enjoyable but so many of my friends are here, wearing their greatest smiles. Seeing them happy makes me happy too.

Anju's mood has shifted for the better. All the bridesmaids are here, celebrating the end of a chapter in her life. Kafei's friends are here too, taking shot after shot with him. I hope he slows down soon, otherwise he'll surely suffer from a hangover tomorrow.

I roam the living room in search of Link. We did great with the decorations! The Bride & Groom decorations were a good addition to the graduation banner and balloons. It looks a little messy, but it feels appropriate for a messy party like this one.

My eyes dart over all the people. They are dancing and playing games, making their liquor disappear as professional magicians do with rabbits, they're making out with strangers, laughing heartily, and singing the wrong lyrics to all the right songs. And then there is Impa, who I expected to be doing all of those things at once, but surprisingly, she is one of the few people sitting on the couch. I take a seat next to her and the guy she is talking to. I wonder where Link is.

"Hey there, Princess," Impa giggles and puts her arm around my shoulders. "This is Zelda," she says to the guy but forgets to introduce him to me.

"Hey, I'm Fyson, the best man," he says with a charming smile.

"Nice to meet you," I say to him, then focus on Impa. "What are you drinking?" I ask, eying her cup.

"Nothing, my cup's empty. I need a refill."

"Do you want me to get you some orange juice?"

"Cute," she laughs.

"I'll grab you a vodka with some coke," Fyson says and gets up.

Impa leans against me and places her head on my shoulder. "What do you think of him?"

"I don't know, I just met him."

"Mhm. He's hot. But kinda annoying. He reminds me of Prissen."

"Okay." What am I supposed to say to that?

"Questions. If someone dared you to do something in a game, would you?"

"That depends. If they dare me to kill someone I obviously wouldn't."

"Duh, but what if... what if it's like a kiss?"

"Er... Like who? I wouldn't unless it's Link."

"Okay but what if it's a... a, um... Okay, never mind, forget I asked that, I don't know what I was gonna say. What if someone dared you to like do shots or something?"

"No dare needed. I'm actually going to have my first drink today," I tell her.

"What? Seriously?"

"Just a small one."

She looks at me with big eyes. "Really?"

"Yes. Anju is pregnant so she asked me to drink for her. But only for one game."

"Which game?"

"It's called. Back to back."

"You're shitting me. So you'll be drinking without me?"

"I didn't know you wouldn't be able to play. You can be the first person I share a drink with if you want."

"Yeah I wanna be your first," she mutters.

"When Fyson is back with your drink, we can share it."

"No way, Princess. Your first drink should be something a little more fancy than vodka and Coke."

"I don't really care what it is. I'm trying not to make a big deal out of it."

"It's a huge deal! I'm so excited!" She puts her head on my shoulder anew and looks at Kafei and Anju by the ping pong table. "Why do people get married?" She asks, sounding genuinely confused.

"Because they love each other?"

"It's just a formality."

"It's a mutual promise."

"Bound by law and money," she huffs.

"You don't want to get married?"

"Do you?"

Of course Link has to enter the living room just as she asks that question. "Let's talk about it later," I whisper to her while he approaches us.

"If you and Link get ma—" I cover her mouth just in time. Link hears his name but doesn't question it verbally. He gives me a curious look though.

"Hey," I chuckle nervously. "Where were you? I was looking for you."

"I was talking to someone in the backyard, sorry," he says, scratching the back of his head.

I want to ask if it was a girl but I don't want to sound jealous. I put my arm around Impa and quickly change the subject. "What should be my first drink then?"

"A jello shot! You'd like those! Or a cup from the alcohol bucket. It's filled with fruits and sodas. But it might be gone already."

"Ravioli and I just filled it up," Link says, pointing over his shoulder toward the backyard.

Fyson is back with a red cup. He hands it to Impa and waits for her to say something in return. When she doesn't, it becomes awkward quickly.

"Do you need something?" Impa asks him amused.

"Your number," he smirks. Unfortunately, she can't restrain herself from laughing out loud.

"You're not my type, sorry."

"What's your type?" He asks.

"Blonde," she giggles. Fyson takes a glimpse at Link. "He's not my type either," Impa cackles.

"Okay?" Is all Fyson can come up with. He's confused and I don't blame him.

"Thanks for the coke though!" She brings the cup up to his cup and gives him a joyful, "Cheers!"

Fyson heads over to the ping pong table to play beer pong with Kafei, Teli, and Prissen, meanwhile Link takes a seat next to me, immediately drawing a bunch of eyes to us. I'm still getting used to this whole public relationship thing. Hiding wasn't something I favored but I'm not too sure I like all this attention much better.

Everyone seems to be staring at us all the time and I wish they could just mind their own business. Or maybe this is all just in my head. No, that group of girls over there is definitely talking about us right now. Why are they laughing? What's there to laugh about?

"Ignore them," Link says, not even looking in their direction.

"I already am, don't worry," I say with a smile and give his leg a pat, which feels so awkward that I retreat my hand instantly and keep it on my own lap as if it was nailed, glued, and chained to my thigh. I feel like two dozen people just saw that. I shouldn't care. I'm just so new to dating that I'm not really sure what is appropriate in public and what isn't.

"Let's play drunk Jenga," Impa suggests.

"I hate that game," I shake my head.

"Beer Pong then!"

"Same answer."

"Truth or drink!"

"No thank you."


"That sounds fun," I sarcastically remark.

"Suck and blow?"

"What even is that? Wait—I don't want to know."

"Guys! Listen up!" Kafei interrupts our little debate with an announcement. The music gets turned down slightly and all eyes are on him. He's standing on the ping pong table, pointing at two chairs facing away from each other. "We're gonna play a little game now! My stunning fiancé and I will sit back to back while you guys ask us questions that start with 'who'. like 'Who's funnier'. And if one of us thinks we're guilty, we have to drink."

Here we go. I brace myself when Anju steps in with a bright smile and a raised glass. "Actually, I won't be drinking tonight because, as many of you know, alcohol gives you acne, which I can't risk tonight. I have to look my absolute best tomorrow! Oh and I'm pregnant but that's beside the point," she laughs along with her friends. "That's why my lovely maid of honor is going to take the shots for me!"

I look at Impa. She gives me a puppy face. My first drink should be with her...

"You'll be my first drinking partner," I say and take her cup from her. I always refused to see the benefits of alcohol. But maybe it won't be so bad. If anything, it'll make me more social, like Impa. Maybe I'll even stop overthinking for once and shut out everyone's looks and whispers like Link. I think it will make tonight unforgettable.

I bring the cup up to my lips and take a few sips. I'm not a fan of Coke but it's still better than Mountain Dew.

"How was it?" Impa asks thrilled when I hand her the cup. She empties it in a couple of big gulps.

"I couldn't taste any alcohol," I say. "It was okay."

Feeling watched from all angles, I walk up to Anju and stand next to her as the game begins. She hands me a little shot glass with clear liquor and a grand smile. Her happiness is my number one goal tonight. So far so good.

The first guy throws a question at the couple. "Who's more likely to get jealous?"

I can't help but imagine Link and me sitting on those chairs. I'd undoubtedly be the one who would have to drink right now. I get jealous all the time over nothing, meanwhile, Link never gets jealous.

Anju gives me the cue to drink. Looks like she is the jealous one as well. I look down at the glass in my hand and quickly take the shot before I change my mind. It's actually not that bad, it tastes a little like—oh—ew! The aftertaste! It tastes like medicine! I try not to pull a grimace but I have goosebumps strewn across my whole body. I guess that's the point of drinking games; drinking is the punishment, so it's not supposed to be good. A shiver rattles my spine. Yuck!

"Who's more likely to cry during the wedding?" A girl asks in a cheerful titter.

Definitely me. If it were my wedding, I mean. Anju gives me a joyful nod, and while I take another shot, Kafei does the same. Looks like they're both going to be emotional tomorrow.

"Who's the better cook?" Someone asks. Link. Definitely Link. But in this case, unfortunately for me, it's Anju... Another shot wins a ticket to my veins. What percentage does vodka have again? I wonder how high my tolerance is. I don't feel any different yet.

"Who is smarter?" Someone else asks. The crowd seems to be enjoying this fun little game. I find it very cute as well.

Anju points at herself and Kafei laughs. "I didn't see it but I know she's right," he says. My limbs feel warm and fuzzy but other than that, I feel the same. This is my fourth shot...

"Who's better looking?" Someone asks. Kafei doesn't drink but Anju doesn't give me the signal either. That's sweet, they both think the other one is better looking.

The game goes on until Kafei and I finish our 7th or 8th shot. Kafei is acting more than a little tipsy but I feel okay. My tolerance for alcohol must be higher than I thought. Granted, Kafei has been drinking prior to the game so it's not fair to compare.

When the game finally ends, I return to the couch where Impa and Link saved me a seat. Instead of sitting down like a normal person, I drop down between the two. Okay, gravity feels slightly different but other than that I'm fine. I'm fine.

I shake my head sideways to test my findings. Yes, gravity feels different. I can feel my brain moving around in my head and get weirdly excited about recognizing the song that's playing in the background. I feel a little tingly too. What a strange sensation. If this is what it's like to be intoxicated then it's far different from what I had imagined.

"What are you doing?" Impa laughs.

"Nothing." Embarrassed, I force my body to stay still.

"Got you a jello shot," she grins and hands me a small cup with green jelly.

"You good?" Link whispers caringly while I empty the cup. I nod one too many times.

"This tastes good! What is it?"

"No clue but don't take too many, you've already had a good amount tonight," Impa says.

"It's okay! I don't feel any of it."

"Oh you sweet, innocent child," Impa laughs. "Give it a few more minutes."

"She's right, the effect is kinda delayed," Link says.

I'm sure I'll be alright, I think as I let my head fall onto his shoulder. I feel so merry, I wonder if that's the alcohol or the mood of the party. I was feeling good before but perhaps the alcohol has enhanced those emotions. Careful Zelda, you don't want him to think the alcohol is affecting you.

"I'll be right back," Impa excuses herself and leaves the living room.

"Okay," I say when she's already gone.

"I've never seen you drunk before," Link says amused.

"I'm not drunk." Not even a little bit. "Did you drink any alcohol tonight?"

"Not really. Alcohol isn't good when trying to get back into a workout routine."


"Mhm. But Kafei made all the brothers promise to take a shot with him. Couldn't get out of that one."

"That's sweet though. All the fratties drinking together one last time. That's very nice," I say, trying not to slur the words.

"Fratties?" He smiles entertained.

Fyson approaches us with a bright smile and a can of beer in his hand. "I had no idea you were the maid of honor. Zelda, was it?" I nod, relieved to know that there is at least one person at this party who doesn't know me for my family name. "Can I get you a drink?"

"What?" I look up at him in confusion.

"Or better yet, wanna be my beer pong partner?"

"I don't usually drink, today was a special occasion. A one-time thing," I decline with an awkward smile. Does he know I'm Link's girlfriend?

"One time thing?" He smirks. "That's cool, come play with us, it'll be fun. We're placing bets too."

"I'm done drinking for tonight, but thank you." Is he trying to flirt with me? I'm leaning against my boyfriend as we speak.

"Ah, okay, well, join us if you change your mind."

"Sure," I lie, nodding slowly. And just like that, he returns to the others.

That was very forward. I turn my head to look at Link. He doesn't look fazed at all. If some random girl came over and asked to share drinks with Link, I'd feel a little bothered. How does Link stay this calm?

"Why do you never get jealous?" I ask him before I can stop myself. I didn't mean to say that out loud! Also, this is off topic but am I swaying or does it just feel like it? I'm not intoxicated, am I? I can still think clearly, I even remember pi. 3.14159269793264–wait no, it's 323. Wait. No, hold on. 3 point... 3.141... I swear I know this... I look up and remember that I was talking to Link. He looks taken aback by my question. I should probably explain myself.

"When I'm spending time with Pik or when other guys flirt with me like right now, you never say anything. You never seem to care."

"It's not that I don't care, but I don't need to talk for you. As long as they aren't hurting you I know you can take care of it yourself. I trust you."

"So you do mind when guys talk to me?"

"I didn't say that. Why are you even asking me this?"

"Sometimes when girls are all over you, I get a bit jealous. I would feel less bad about it if you got jealous too."

"You're my girlfriend. I get to hold your hand and kiss you whenever I want. Why would I be jealous of someone who can't do that?"

"Fair fair, but... Mh, what if someone tried to kiss me?"

"If it's against your will obviously I'd do something."

"What would you do if I kissed another guy intentally? Intent–Intentionelly. Ally." Goodness... Maybe the alcohol has more effect on me than I thought.

"I don't really want to think about it," Link answers.

"I'm sorry. You're right." I don't even know why I'm asking these questions. "I suppose I just got curious about how you would react."

"I'd probably want to know who the guy is."

"And then?"

"I don't know."

"Would you hit him?"

"I genuinely don't know Zelda."

"What about me?"

"I could never hit you."

"Would you leave me?" I ask hesitantly.

"If you'd tell me to go, I'd go."

"Just like that?"

"Can't force you to be with me."

What about that night at the lodge where I told him to let me go but he begged me to stay with him? I suppose we weren't official back then. I find it hard to believe that he'd just go though. Just like that?

"What if I asked you to stay?"

"Then I'd stay."

"You'd stay even if I kissed another boy?"

"It's not that simple. I'd want to talk to you about it and find out why you kissed him. I wouldn't like it but depending on the reason I could maybe look past it."

"Really?" I raise a brow at him. "What would be an okay enough reason to kiss someone else?"

"If kissing him could save the human race. Or cure cancer or something," Link smiles a little and puts his arm around me.

"Be serious."

"No. Because it's not a serious convo. It's not gonna happen. Right? Or is this your way of telling me you want to hook up with other guys?"

"Of course not. You're the only one I want," I promise and lean closer.

"Well good. Then I don't know why we're talking about this."

"You really are so calm about everything."

"Because it's all just hypothetical. I don't know how I'd react if it really happened. I just want to make this thing we have work."

Hypothetical is kinda a funny word. Sounds a bit like hippo fatty call. Like a fat hippo phoning someone. That's fun to picture. My giggles confuse Link. Oh right. We were talking about—er—relationship stuff.

"I promise I have no intention of kissing anyone other than you for the rest of my life," I say.

"Careful, you sound like you're proposing." Link gives a playful look at my lips.

"I'd need a couple more shots for that," I tease him.

"That can be arranged," he laughs and kisses my temple when my jaw drops in surprise.

I know he's kidding but part of me wants to believe that this is him confessing that he would like to marry me. I have to get my stupid grin under control. I also have to stop imagining this wedding as my own. This is Anju and Kafei, two adults in their twenties who have graduated college and who've known each other since kindergarten. Link and I have only dated for a couple of months so I have to stop entertaining the fantasy of us getting married.

His thumb is subtly caressing my hand and arm as we sit in the crowded living room. I want to kiss him! But I have to restrain myself. I don't want him to think I'm intoxicated. Because I'm not. Okay a little, tiny little bit. But not very much at all.

Spontaneously, I kiss him anyway. I'd like to know what he's like when he's under the influence. Would he become more social? More honest? More affectionate? He breaks our kiss with glowing cheeks.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing. Just surprised."


"No, it's okay, really. It's fine," he assures me with a smile. "Just wasn't ready. You don't usually do this. You should stay hydrated so you're not hungover tomorrow. Wait here, I'll get you some water."


"I guess I don't mind his music but I only listen to hip hop at parties. What about you?" Some guy asks me. What? I look around. I'm in a hallway. Which one though? It's kinda dark.

"What?" I ask confused and look up at him. I have to squint my eyes to focus on his face. It's Fyson. He's leaning against the wall, smiling at me.

"You asked who'd listen to that kind of music," Fyson tells me. "I don't mind it but I probably wouldn't listen to it on my own you know?"

"How'd we get here?" Where's Link. What happened? Did I black out? Everything's spinning. I look down at my hand, I'm holding a red cup.

"Good," he says. Did he even answer my question? What's going on? "You know, it's kinda a given for the maid of honor and best man to hook up at the wedding."

"Huh?" I look at him with so much bewilderment. The next thing I know is Link is standing next to us, glaring at Fyson.

"Link," I say under my breath but he doesn't look at me. His eyes are targeting Fyson like two drawn bows on an arrow, wait, two arrows on a bow. Or something like that. Oops—I feel dizzy.

"Back off," Link says to Fyson, stepping between us. I grab ahold of his arm to find some balance.

"Bro," Fyson returns.

"Can't you see she's had enough? She's clearly drunk. So fuck off." Is it really that obvious that I feel tipsy?

"What's your fucking problem man?" Fyson says irritated.

"Oh my god just leave. Fucking go," Link scoffs. Why are they arguing?

"I'm the best man."

"I don't give a shit. Zelda is my girlfriend! Got it? So leave her alone!"

Ohh... Haven't heard that before. I don't care what it sounds like, that was hot.

Link pulls me into his room and locks the door. I can't think straight. What just happened? How did we get here so fast? We were in the hallway one moment and then in his room the next. Did Link get jealous because I was talking to that guy?

"Are you jealous?" I ask with my eyes closed, leaning against Link.

"No, just annoyed."

"With me?"

"With jerks who take advantage of drunk girls."

"I'm not drunk."

"Really?" Link lets go of me and watches as I sway and giggle. "That asshole better stay away from you."

"Sounds like you're a bit jealous," I tease him and press my lips against his for a passionate kiss. Oopsie. I don't think he's in the mood for this. But I really want to make out with him right now. I love that he stood up for me even though it was scary; he could have gotten hurt! So reckless. So dangerous. But he said I'm his! Those words made my heart beat faster!

Link kisses me back. Maybe he is in the mood after all. I wrap my arms around his neck. His hands move to my lower back and then—even lower. Even though I don't show any objection, he breaks the kiss premajorly—I mean prematurely.

"I left your water downstairs. I'll get you another bottle."

"I'm thirsty for something else," I burst into laughter. I did not just say that! Ahh! What is wrong with me?

"Yeah?" He laughs a little. "What's that?" Oh he likes it!

"You," I laugh shamelessly. It's the alcohol's fault. He must know that. I would never say that in a sober state.

"I'm flattered but... Here, you should sit down."

"I'm good," I kiss him again but he stops me. He's wanted this for so long. Why does he keep interrupting our kiss?

"Did you hear that?" He asks.

"Stop stalling," I tease him and kiss his neck.


"Yeah, stop stopping our kiss," I laugh.

Without any more distractions, he takes me to the bed. My head feels heavy. Part of me wants to just fall asleep but a greater part of me is craving affection from Link.

I lie down and close my eyes, immediately feeling weightless in the most unpleasant way. As if I'm spinning through space with my limbs distorted. I quickly open my eyes again to regain a sense of gravity. Heheh I feel funny. I do it again. When I open my eyes again on the verge of nausea, I make out a blurry image of Link standing by his closet.

What's he doing? He's shirtless, only wearing shorts now. When did he change into shorts?

"Why are you watching me?" He laughs and I cover my eyes.

"'Cause you're handsome." I'm so confused. But I just don't really care, it's okay. It's all good!

Link takes a seat on the bed. Why is he shirtless? Why are we in his room? Is the party over already? Wasn't Impa with us just a second ago?

"You're beautiful too," he says, focusing on something in his hands.

I sit up and kiss his bare shoulder. He tilts his head to look at me.

I'm so happy when I'm with you, I think as our eyes meet.

"Me too," he says. Did I say it out loud? Or did he read my mind? Wait, when did Link change into shorts? Oh, he just did. I remember. My mind is so scattered, it's an odd experience. It's a bit scary if I really think about it. I can't focus even if I try really hard. And there is nothing I can do about it but wait for it to be over—Oh—I just noticed we are back to making out.

Making out is great. Why did I hold back all this time?

Everything feels a little different with alcohol, even kissing. I feel less shy about it. That's kind of good for me though... to be less shy about intimacy and all that stuff... Hmmm... No shyness at all! I mean, I'm a little nervous but I really want to just be close to him! Maybe tonight would be the perfect time to–


I open my eyes--barely. The bright rays of sunlight are hitting me right in the face!

What time is it?

I sit up, my head heavy with a pounding in the back. I have a minor headache, other than that I feel decent. I look to my right; Link is lying on his stomach, sleeping soundly. I feel this awful confusion buzzing in my head. Or maybe that's my headache growing stronger. I need some water...

When I get up, I let out a muzzled squeak and pull down the hem of my shirt to cover my bare legs. Where are my pants? Wait, the shirt I'm wearing belongs to Link! And— and is that my bra on the floor?!

I look back at Link. He's shirtless... I start to overanalyze this whole situation. Could it be..? Did we...? I should check if he's wearing anything below the waist but I can't bring myself to lift the blanket.

What happened last night?
Hey guys! As you can tell, a lot of the night is missing from Zelda's perspective but fret not, in the next chapter all those holes will be filled. No pun intended, plz don't cancel me._.
To all of you who celebrate Easter, I wish you a wonderful Good Friday! 🐰🥚💐 love you all! xoxo -Ace

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