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Link and I are waiting anxiously down the hall. I know this probably isn't the right time but I need to fill this awful silence with something other than the sound of my thunderous pulse.

"I'm sorry... I could have done more," I whisper ashamed. We are standing by a large window, not a student in sight. Link looks out at the dreary palm trees. He's as calm as the motionless clouds hanging in the sky. I wonder if that is just on the exterior and a storm is brewing behind the facade.

"Zelda... The stuff you said about me... um... It means a lot to me," he speaks softly. "I'm glad you didn't say anything about Karusa. Even if it would make them understand why I got into a fight, what Karusa did doesn't change the fact that I attacked him first, on campus, in front of everyone... I don't know how to put this, what he did was terrible but it doesn't excuse my actions, you know? I don't want to blame anyone else. I'm glad you're on my side but... But I really screwed up. I made my team and the whole school look bad... I feel like shit. And there's nothing I can really do about it now."

I walk up to the window to stand next to him. I would like to take his guilt away but I don't know what to say and even if I did, I don't want to interrupt him. I want to be there for him and listen to him the way he always did when I was downhearted.

"I know how painful it is for you to talk about what happened--I mean, I don't actually know completely how you feel, but I understand, or at least try to. And I know that you still blame yourself for everything but if you do that then I... well I'm guilty too you know? If it weren't for me, you would have never met Karusa. And if I didn't get in a fight with him back in August,  maybe he wouldn't have followed you into the tunnels during my game. We don't know. What happened happened, and now... Now we just have to find ways to live with it... The fact that you're still sticking up for me and fighting for me, I..... You've done more for me than I could ever ask for."

He tilts his head to look at me and gives me a bittersweet smile. "So don't apologize. You sound like we already lost."

His smile carries so much pain... So many challenges lie ahead of him and yet he tries to comfort me with his optimism. This is the Link I know and love...

"Is it true what you said in there?" I ask Link nervously. 

"I had to be honest," he says with a nod.

"So the person who punched Karusa doesn't exist anymore?" I try to keep my voice low, which unfortunately amplifies how brittle it is.

"It's not what you think."

"I'm not really sure what exactly I'm thinking, actually. That's why I wanted to clarify what you meant. But we can talk about it later tonight."

"We can talk about it right now," he says and turns to face me.

"I don't want to bother you with this right at this moment."

"You're not bothering. If there's something that's worrying you we should talk about it, and we got some time right now."

"Okay... well... what did you mean when you said that?"

"I wasn't talking about my amnesia. I literally remember everything besides that one week before the game. I'm still the same person as last year when it comes to you. When I said that this person doesn't exist anymore I meant that I'm not that aggressive anymore. At least I'm trying not to be. I want to work on controlling my anger... I can't really say I regret what I did to Karusa, for one because I don't remember it but also because I know what a piece of shit he is and he definitely deserved to get beat up. But I do regret everything that happened because of me. I hurt so many people and it fucking sucks so much... I just want to move past it and try to be a better person you know? I want to keep you safe but if I get expelled or injured I can't do that so... yeah, I have to make sure I don't do that stuff anymore. That's what I meant when I said that."

I don't answer verbally, I simply hug him. His whole torso relaxes when my arms wrap around his back. I think we both needed a hug. I'm so glad to hear that he's still the same person, trying to change on his own, rather than being changed by an involuntary brain injury. At least I'll be part of that change. I can even change with him.

Listening to his heartbeat calms me. His hands on my back, I move back slightly, just enough to study his eyes. 

Home. That's all I see when I look at him. This school prides itself in giving a home to its students. But it never made me feel like that. Link on the other hand... He is my safe place. I need him. He is my home.  And if he really told the truth, if he really does feel at home at this school, then he deserves to stay. This school needs someone like him. Someone who creates that sense of home for those who are unable to find it here.

I lean in slightly to give him a tender kiss. Father clears his throat in discomfort to get our attention and we aim our eyes at him without hesitation. He's standing down the hall, awkwardly looking the opposite way.

"They've reached a verdict," he informs us in a hushed croak.

I'm sure in any other situation I would be embarrassed to have been caught kissing by Father but right now my mind is solely focused on Link's future. I exhale a short breath and straighten my back. 

I will have to tolerate whatever conclusion they have come to. I can't lose my temper in there. Even if the verdict seems unfair, I'll have to just... accept it. Yelling at the board would only hurt Link and Father's reputation.

We enter the room and take our seats. The grim man in the center lowers the documents in his hands to study Link's face.

"Link," he starts in a monotone voice, not giving many hints at the outcome of the verdict. "We have attentively contemplated your testimony and that of Miss Hyrule. We value your honesty. Despite your choice to withhold certain information, we acknowledge that you have attended today's hearing with the purpose of expressing your wish to remain at this institution, and we believe you when you say that you care about this school. Your accomplishments of the past two years alone are proof of that. I must say, you are a gifted young man, who has indeed contributed to this school's glory." He swallows as his fingers interlock. "It is truly a shame to see such potential go to waste..."

I gulp and remove my hand from my necklace to hold on to the hem of Link's shirt. My hands are so sweaty and cold at the same time... Link doesn't deserve to be expelled!

The man to his right continues. "Your efforts to change are evident in the remorse you display in relation to your past behavior, however... A student who assaults other students must accept the consequences of his actions. Even if the person in question is from a rival school. It is part of our job to ensure such laws are practiced in order to keep our campuses safe." For a second, his eyes focus on me. He looks down at his paper, then back at Link. "In any circumstance, fighting on campus is not permitted. Since... Since these are very unique circumstances, however, we are prepared to settle with a compromise."

What? My heart is pounding so heavily!

"If you accept suspension until the end of the summer term, during which you are not permitted on campus, and agree to obligatory biweekly counseling throughout your junior year, we will agree to expunge the incident from your transcripts and repeal the expulsion."

Link looks at me with slight confusion. My eyes are wide and full of hope. I give him the tiniest nod, signaling him to agree to the conditions.

Link's eyes slowly return to the people sitting across from us. "I'm not getting expelled?"

"If you agree to suspension and–"

"I agree," Link interrupts him and immediately apologizes for it, then fixes his posture and collectively asks, "What about sports? Am I allowed to play?"

"You may sign up for the fall semester and participate in sports if your doctors and your physical condition allow it."

"Thank you so much," Link breathes. His head turns toward Father, "Thank you," then his eyes settle on me and his hand finds my hand under the table. He looks at me with so much relief and appreciation in his eyes that I could kiss him in front of all these people. I smile at him and give his hand a gentle squeeze.

The members of the board can't seem to take their eyes off of us. At first I thought it was because we were holding hands under the table but a few moments later, when formalities are discussed and papers are getting signed, two of the elders continue to glance at me. Did I do something wrong..?

The hearing comes to an end and the members of the board leave the room first. Father walks out with Link and me soon after. I can't believe it! Link is going to finish his Bachelor's degree at Hyrule University and I get to see him thrive! I couldn't feel more blessed!

"Zelda," Father says as we step out of the room. "May I talk to you for a moment? In private?"

Oh no. What now? Why does he look so distraught all of a sudden? I thought everything was fine... Now my stomach is tying up in knots again and all the serotonin is dissolving into thin air. I look at Link, who gives me a small nod and steps away.

"What is it?" I quietly ask once Link has disappeared behind the corner at the end of the hallway.

"The board was going to vote against Link."

"What? But–but they didn't. Right?" If he is going to tell me that Link is getting expelled after all, I'm going to lose it.

"They didn't expel him, because... When they asked for my insight... Well, I... I..." I've never seen him stutter like this! "I discussed your encounter with Karusa," he confesses and my lips part in shock. "I told them what he did... I made it clear to them that this must stay confidential. It did inspire them to change their votes to quite favorable results, but... I went against your request of keeping the assault a secret and I'm truly sorry."

"Why–why did–Why did you do it?"

"To change the vote," he states cautiously.

"But why?"

"What do you mean why? You asked me to help Link."

"I also asked you to keep the hickey a secret."

"I know but..."

"You didn't do this for me. Am I right?"

"Of course I did."

"Helping Link was more important to you than keeping my secret."

"No... I–"

"You did this for Link," I say under my breath. "Because you like him?"

"I... I hold him in high esteem."

"You like him," I clarify.

"I..." he struggles and presses his lips together. He doesn't know which answer will upset me more. I'm sure he is expecting me to cause a scene. "Yes, I like him," he finally admits.

"There is no guarantee that he will be able to play sports again."

"I am aware of that."

"Yet you went against my request, potentially breaking my trust again? To help Link? Despite his limited athleticism?"


"Then you really did do it for the sole reason of wanting to help him! It wasn't for you at all, or the school, it wasn't for me either, you did it for Link!" Without much thought, I embrace Father in a sincere hug. "Thank you..."

"Then... you are not angry?"

"I'm not sure... I'm just happy that Link is allowed to stay. Of course I wish you would have asked me first. I told you not to tell anyone about Karusa and it hurts my feelings that you neglected that. But you did it for Link, so... I suppose I do have to thank you for that. I appreciate what you did, but next time, please talk to me first."

"You have been avoiding me for the past week."

"Don't use that as an excuse. You could have called or texted me."

"Very well... Next time I will consult with you first."

"Good. Thank you. Communication and honesty are good... And forgiveness..." Should I tell him? Now? There is a chance he won't get mad at me after what just happened. "Father?" I create some distance between us. "I'm going to Japan."


"Thank you for everything you've done for Link. We both really appreciate it."

"Ja-Japan?" He stumbles breathlessly.

"Maybe we can all have dinner together again sometime soon."

"Hold on, Zelda--"

"Perhaps a Sunday brunch?"

"Zelda! Stop having a completely different conversation than me! Explain yourself! You're going to Japan?"

I really did think I could just talk myself out of this, didn't I? "Don't be upset. You do things I'm not fond of all the time but I forgive you, and sometimes we just have to accept that not everything can go our way, right? Link and I deserve to be happy and I'm sure you want that too, so I'd like for you to support this next step in our relationship."

"You're going with Link?" He asks in shock.


"But... But... When?"

"In July."

"What? This July? This summer?"

"Yes." He is going to yell at me, isn't he...

"So all of this was for nothing? I don't understand!"

"What are you talking about?"

"What about school? What about the expulsion? If you two are moving to Japan so soon, why did we go through the appeal hearing and—"

"Woah, slow down, we are not moving there! We are just going for summer break!"

"As a vacation?"

"Yes, a vacation!"

"For heaven's sake! Zelda! Why would you..." He brings his handkerchief up to his forehead to pat the pearls of sweat. "I thought you were... I... I think I need to sit down."

"I didn't mean to scare you," a giggle slips from my lips before I can stop myself. His agape mouth stands out even more now that his features have turned pasty. "I have no intention of moving away. I am going to meet Link's family and visit historically imposing locations. That's the sole purpose of the trip. I will return to California before the beginning of the fall semester."

"Japan," he breathes and nods while his mind is catching up.

"Is that okay?"

"Japan has a rich culture." That doesn't answer my question. "Japan..." Is he okay?

"I know it's far but... I think it could be a very educational experience."

"Mh," he ponders. "You said Link will be going with you?"


"And he will be by your side at all times?"

"Yes! Yes, absolutely. He will be with me during the whole trip."

"And his parents have agreed to this?"


"I see... If you really want to do this, I have a few conditions."

Yay, my favorite word... "Alright, name them."

"I want the addresses, dates, and times of your stay, I want the phone numbers and full names of Link's parents, in both English as well as Japanese, and I wish to be called at least once a day so I know how you are doing."

A year ago I would have assumed he wants to track my every step just to be in control, but now? I think he might actually care about my safety and well-being.

"You never did any of those things when you left the country," I say.

"Yes, but I am a man who has decades of experience in business travels. You--you are my daughter. You are a young and beautiful girl, and--and you are gullible, even ignorant at times." I will overlook the subtle insult because I know he means well. "And you have never traveled by yourself."

"I won't be by myself."

"Yes but it is still your first time traveling with, well, with a... a... your..."

"Boyfriend." Don't worry Father, eventually, you'll get used to that word just like I did.

"I want Link's contact information too."

"Can't you take those from his files?"

"That would be inappropriate."

Good answer. "I will give you the phone numbers and addresses. And I will call you daily."


"Great," I chirp. I thought he was going to go all out with objections but he seems to be fine with the trip. Or maybe he's saving a big speech for dinner because he doesn't want anyone to see his bad side. But then he wouldn't be asking for a compromise.

"Zelda, dear... Was Link completely honest during the appeal hearing?"

"Every word was the truth," I nod.

"This school means that much to him?"

"Yes. He cares deeply about HU."

"Not as much as he cares about you."

"What makes you say that?"

"He could have told them about Karusa. But he didn't. I saw the look he gave you when they asked for his reasons. He kept your secret despite knowing that it could change their minds. He would rather face expulsion than betray you."

My smile vanishes... "I know..." And I could have helped him. I could have addressed the issue once and for all. I look up at Father and nearly whisper to him. "When the man said that a student who assaults other students must accept the consequences for his actions even if the he's from another school, he wasn't talking about Link, was he? He was talking about Karusa."

Father sighs quietly. "Yes, Karusa should have faced these consequences. You know, it's not too late."

"I can't," I shake my head. "I can't come public with this. Trust me, I want him to pay for what he did but... It can't be me. I'm glad you did what I couldn't do, but I do hope it remains a secret. I'm sorry..."

"No, it's alright. I won't force you to come forward. I know it was wrong to order you to go to the police. But if I may suggest something? While Link is going to see the school counselor, perhaps it could benefit you as well to talk to a professional."

"Talking about it hurts," I whisper. "It really hurts."

"Okay," he nods understanding. "You don't have to talk about Karusa. But I'm sure there are other things you've been dealing with, things you can't talk to me about... or others... And I'm certain you have good reasons to keep it to yourself but... Can it hurt to try? If you don't like it, I won't make you go again."

"Okay," I quietly return, partially thankful for his little push. Thinking back, Urbosa once made the same suggestion. Maybe it really could help to talk to someone who is not involved in my life. A neutral person who can give me some unbiased guidance.

Father gives me a faint smile. I smile back up at him before we part ways. He returns to his office while I head down the hall to catch up with Link. I hope he hasn't left campus yet, I want to celebrate our small victory!

The second I reach the corner of the hallway, Link's hands pull me in for a passionate kiss. He's been waiting here this whole time? His hands around my hips, he pins his lips to mine and keeps my body close. It takes me a second to recover from the surprise of finding him here but I quickly return the gesture and snake my arms around his neck.

Two students enter the hallway, leading me to break our kiss but his hands around my back won't allow for much distance between us.

"There are people," I whisper abashedly.

"So?" He leans in again.

"Link," I gasp, feeling slightly intrigued.

"They don't care," he whispers against my lips.

"I do," I laugh and push my hands against his chest. He lets go of me with a smile and waits for the students to pass us. Once they're out of sight, he grabs my hand again but more students enter the hallway, robbing us of our privacy.

"Why's there so many people today? The semester is over," he groans.

"Some people still have class today," I say amused. "Let's head back to the frat house. We have to prepare for the party."

"Yeah okay."

"We'll stop for smoothies on the way. I'll buy you your favorite." I smile and walk ahead but when his hand grabs mine, I stop to look at him.

"Thanks for today," he says, cheeks flushed.

"You don't have to thank me for that. I'm glad it worked out the way it did."

"Me too. But it wouldn't have worked out without you. I'm really thankful for what you did for me."

"I didn't do anything."

"You really don't know how much you do for me, do you?"

"I'm here for you, Link. I won't always be the best girlfriend but I will always try my best. For as long as you'll let me."

Hand in hand, we continue down the hall and exit the building just as a stream of sunrays breaks through the cluster of clouds, bringing light to the land.

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