Chapter 12 - Consequences

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We eventually came out of the lagoon and put on our clothes. My hair was wet and dripping down my already wet clothes, hopefully I would dry off as I walked.

We decided it would be best to go back to camp as Pan may already be back. We didn't realise the time as we got to carried away with talking.

When we were walking back to camp we came to a clearing and I stopped walking so I could say something to Thomas before we were back at the camp.

"If Pan is back at camp, I can take the fall", I say suddenly.

"No I can't let you do that he will punish you for it", he insisted.

"I know, but it's better if I say I escaped and then you found me and brought me back, then for you to take the fall", I say.

"Are you sure?", he questioned.

"Yes, it's the least I can do after everything you've done for me. I really appreciate it you know", I explain. He gave me a sweet smile in response,

As we stood in the clearing of the woods, I heard a rustle through the bushes. This can't be good. Thomas quickly grabbed my arm, to pretend he was taking me back to camp for the approaching thing or person, which could be Pan or a lost boy.

"Well well well, what do we have here", Pan says as he appears out of the dark woods. I go to speak but Thomas gets there first.

"I was just taking her back to camp, she escaped but it was my fault", Thomas explained. He just had to say it was his fault, he couldn't let me take the fall completely, I thought.

"Drop the act", he replied. "I know exactly what's been going on here", he stated. This put a knot in my throat. I should have never agreed to go with Thomas, even if I had an amazing time.

He continued his speech, "how could you betray me and the lost boys like this, helping this girl you've only known for a short time to try and escape against my wishes. You're suppose to be loyal to me", Pan said angrily saying the word girl like I was a disease.

"I haven't been loyal to you since what you did to Amelia", Thomas argued back.

"You knew that I was just using her as a pawn in my game, you knew what would happen to her at the end of the game and you didn't tell her. Who's the bad guy now?", Pan said. Thomas bowed his head in shame, he was clearly still upset about what had happened and didn't respond to Pan.

Pan takes a pause and carried on, "I expected more from you. Getting told by one of my lost boys about you two, it's disgusting. We came back to camp early today. Do you know why that is? Hook killed Rufio and you weren't even there to commemorate his death with us because you had left the camp to be with her. What a friend you are". Pan said with gritted teeth. I started to think about which lost boy snitched on me and Thomas.

"I didn't know", Thomas said sadden and bowed his head, by the news, as he was friends with Rufio. In fact, over the past few months I had met him several times. He was one of the nice ones, not that there were many, so I was sadden to.

"Well now it's time to pay the price", Pan said menacingly as he stepped towards me in a threatening pose. Thomas suddenly places himself in front of me to protect me.

"Really Thomas, your still going to protect her after everything. I thought you would learn your lesson but obviously not", Pan snapped at us.

Before I knew it he grabbed his knife out of his side and moved slowly towards us with a menacing smirk. He ran it right into Thomas's stomach and he fell to the ground.

"NOOOO", I screamed horrified at what Pan had done as I dropped to my knees, placing my hands on Thomas's body to find his wound. My breathing became heavy and shaking.

"Shit", i mumbled. "It's okay, it's going to be fine", I said panicking as I tare some of my clothes to cover the wound. By now my hands were covered in dark crimson blood.

"Stop, stop its okay", he said grunting as he took my hand away from the wound and held it. We both knew this could not be healed. He looked at me in the eyes as if to say 'let me go'. Tears started to form in my eyes, I was to in shock to have tears before.

He grabbed his necklace, the one from his mother, from his neck and pulled off. He place it in my hands and he stuttered saying,

"Take it and promise me you will find a way of this island", he pleaded. I didn't respond at first but only looked at him with sad eyes as I couldn't take it from him.

"Please", he begged.

"I promise", I respond. Taking the necklace from his blood stained hands.

He shakes my arm and gestures with his head for me to look up. I see billons of stars just like I saw earlier at Luna lagoon when I was with him. I got the gesture that he was putting across, so I looked back at him with tears flowing down my face and smiled at him as he smiled back.

"I love you", he says to me.

"I love you too", I sniffled as I place my head down onto his chest for a few moments, in sorrow. When I looked up, Thomas's eyes were closed and I knew that he was gone.

A.N: Let me know your opinions on the story and any ideas that you have. There will be regular updates, so stay around if you like the story so far. Vote if you really enjoy the story it will be very much appreciated.

Stay safe and well everyone ❤️

Thanks for reading :)

Written - 02.11.19


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