Chapter 13 - The Cliff

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I suddenly heard clapping from behind me, "Pretty, pretty words", Pan snickers as he smirks at me. I forgot about him for a minute as he was watching in silence as this scene played out you.

"You", I said incriminating him. "How could you do this to him. He was my friend, your lost boy", I snapped.

"He made his choice and should have known the consequences. And we both know he wasn't just a friend", he sassed as he walk around me, furrowing his eyebrows.

I glare at him and looked back at Thomas saddened. Then I realised, "this is my fault. If I didn't become friends with him, he wouldn't be dead", I confessed.

"Well I can't take all the credit", he smirked as he bowed, thinking it was an achievement killing Thomas.

"You're a monster! Just when I thought there could be some sort of good in you. I was so stupid to think you actually had humanity in you", I sad solemnly. He didn't reply but his smirk dropped instantly like he actual felt some guilt?

I realised I needed to get out of here, it may not be the best idea right now but I can't stay here with Thomas's body beside me and Pan's remarks. I stood up and back away from him. His smirk instantly came back.

"You really think running away is the best idea right now?", he asked. But I don't answer the question as I was already sprinting in the other direction.

I was physically shaking from what had just happened, which caused me to stumble over many times whilst running.

It didn't help that his blood was stained on my hands as memories kept flashing back reminding me of Pan killing him.

I couldn't breathe either, i was running and at the same time, still sobbing from his death and I couldn't think straight. It was hard trying to process what had just occur.

I heard the hollering and shouting of lost boys behind me in the distance, but I knew it wouldn't be long before they caught up to me and dragged me back to Pan.

I was in a state. I felt like my heart had just been torn apart and broken and Pan wanted the satisfaction of seeing me like this. But I wouldn't let him have it, so I need to get away somewhere at least for the rest of the night.

I wasn't concentrating on where I was running to so I came to a dead end at a cliff. But it wasn't just any cliff, it was the cliff where me and Thomas watched the sunset together just hours ago.

This thought makes me even more sad that I get distracted and stop to think about the moments me and Thomas shared together instead of running.

"Looks like you've reached a dead end", a voice spoke from behind. I turned around to see four lost boys at the entrance to the clearing where the cliff was.

"Pan is going to be so pleased to see you again", one lost boy said. Fuck. Not right now I can't do this. I can't take this pain anymore.

I turned to look at the water below me, which was below the cliff. It looked cold and dangerous as the waves were violent in comparison to how calm it looked at sunset. Surely I would die if I jumped in but I had no other option.

I turned back to look at the boys and shake my head as I said, "I'm not going back there".

It was clear what I needed to do and it was clear to the lost boys what I was going to do as I started to walk to the edge and there expressions changed instantly.

"No, stop her!", one boy said, as they attempted to restrain me before I could fall but it was too late. I was already falling slowly off the cliff heading towards the cold, dark and dangerous sea waters.

A.N: Sorry for the short chapter xx

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Stay safe and well everyone ❤️

Thanks for reading :)

Written - 3.11.19


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