Chapter 18 - Making Plans

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We begun to climb the ladder and when we reached the top I looked around the treehouse. It was quite big considering it was a tree house and it had a hammock in the corner of the room. However, there was no sign of Tinkerbell anywhere but someone definitely lived there.

"She's not here", Baelfire sighed.

"She'll turn up soon I'm sure", I reassured him.

"But what if sh......", Baelfire begun to say but suddenly stopped. I turned around to see him collapsed on the floor and some sort of pink dust in the air.

"What the...?", I say, believing that Pan was responsible. Then a dagger was pulled to my neck.

"Why are you looking fo me", a woman's voice spoke. "Do you work for pan?", she insisted, pressing the knife deeper into my neck.

"Tinkerbell?", I questioned.

As soon as she heard that she immediately took the knife away form my neck and realised me from her hold.

"You're a girl?", she asked, looking shocked, as I turned around to face her. I guess my hood covered my face and hair from being in full view.

"Yes and I don't work for Pan" I explained.

"Then who are you and what are you doing here?", she asked.

"My name is Alice Blake and Tiger Lily said you might be able to help me", I explained.

"Tiger Lily?", she said as her eyes drifted away, clearly thinking about memories that she had with her in the past.

"Yes, she told me you may know a way off this island", I explained.

"I'm sorry I can't help you", she said but I could tell by the look she gave me that she was lying.

"I know your lying", I said sternly as she looked up at me with a guilty eyes.

"You see, me and Pan have a deal. I'm on his good side and he trusts me. If I break that, there will be consequences", she explained.

"Please", I paused. "I need your help, Pans taken so much from me already. I need to get off this island. I don't want to die here", I pleaded to her with watery eyes. I can't let Thomas die for nothing.

She sighed giving into my demands as she saw the hurt in my eyes and I saw the guilt in hers. "Portals are the only way off this island that I know of. Pan has magic beans but I don't know where, it could be at his camp, his tree house or his thinking tree. But it won't be easy to obtain", she explained.

"Thinking tree?", I questioned.

"It's a place where he goes to be alone", she explains.

"Thank you", I said sincerely as I my hope was restored. She smiled nervously in response.

"You have to promise me that if you find those magic beans, you have to take me with you. Pan will eventually find out that I was the person who told you and he will...", she paused for a second. ".....Well you know what will happen", she said.

"So, do we have a deal?", she asked, putting out her hand ready for me to shake it.

"Deal", I shouted in response as I took her hand and the deal was made.

"One last thing", I say looking over at baelfire who is starting to stir from being knocked unconscious.

"Yes", she replied.

"Do you know who Captain Hook is?", I asked.

"Yes, we have a past you could say", she explains.

"Can he be trusted?", I ask because of baelfires experience with him. I need someone else's help to obtain those beans from Pan and I can't do it alone.

"He can if there is something in it for himself. You see, he is a selfish pirate but he also has the ability to care and lives by a code of honour and good form. If you can offer him passage off the island he will help you, he hates Pan more than anything", she explains.

"Thank you for everything you've done", I say.

At this point baelfire is awakened and stands up, looking confused, "what happened?", he asks.

"We found Tinkerbell", I smile at him. "And I know how to get off this island", I explain.

"How", he asks.

"I will explain later but we don't have time now", I say.

"She's right, you must go before Pan discovers you here", she warns us.

As we were about to leave she says, "I never asked your name?", she's asks, gesturing to bae.

"Baelfire", he responds.

"Sorry about knocking you out, there was a mistake. I thought you were one of Pans boys", she said. Baelfire gave her a forgiving smile in response.

Then we left her tree house and I gave her another look saying thank you. We climbed back down from the ladder then we were back, strolling through the woods, trying to avoid getting caught by Pan.

A.N: Let me know your opinions on the story and any ideas that you have. There will be regular updates, so stay around if you like the story so far. Vote if you really enjoy the story it will be very much appreciated.

Stay safe and well everyone ❤️

Thanks for reading :)

Written - 01.02.20


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