Chapter 19 - Caught

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When me and Bae climbed down the ladder we started to wonder round the woods, going back from the direction we came in.

"So, what do we do now?", Bae asked. "We can't wonder around the woods forever, Pan will find us soon enough and then we won't be to get off this island without him knowing", he said, in a slightly panicked tone.

"We need to keep going in the opposite direction of the camp, to get as far away as possible. Then we need to find a cave or somewhere where Pan or his fucking minions can't find us", I said panicking at what baelfire had made me release. Baelfire looked at me in slight shock as I shouted.

"I'm sorry, I was just so focussed on how to escape, that I got distracted and honestly, I didn't think we'd make it this far. I don't know what to do", I said with desperation.

"We can get through this ok? We have each other now. That's got to be better than nothing", he reassured me with a sweet smile, which I returned.

"Awww, what touchy touchy words", a voice came out of no where. Not any voice thought. Peter fucking Pan. And not only him but as I turn around I see a few of his leeches accompanying him with Felix by his side. I stood in front of Baelfire in a protective way.

"Gotta say, you impressed me Blake...", he began lecturing but I interrupted him.

"That's not my name", I sneered at him.

He ignored my comment and carried on, "not only did you escape but you managed to bring the newbie with you", he gestured to baelfire, chuckling. "I admire your selfishness", he joked.

"As for your cute little ends here", he said, as his face turned from an amusing smirk to a serious one.

"Never", I respond, shaking my head and attempting to back out of the area, only for a few lost boys to be behind me, preventing me from leaving.

"I don't think you understand", he said as he inches closer to me. "No one leaves this island without my permission", he said angrily. He pulls away after this going back to his original position.

He paused for a second. "Putting you two together was clearly a mistake", he says pointing at us.

"You know what to do with them", he continues as he started walking away.

As me and Bae started to get dragged away by lost boys I had an idea, it wasn't ideal but it was a spur of the moment kind of this. "Wait, wait, I can offer you a deal", I shouted. He stopped in his tracks. "One I know you won't be able to resist", I carried on. I looked over to Bae, who gave me a worried look as he furrowed his brows.

"What are you doing?", Baelfire said but I didn't respond.

"I'm listening...", Pan replied as he turned around to face me. He nods at the lost boys holding us to let us go.

"If you let Baelfire go, If you let him be completely free and never bother him again, I'll go willingly and I won't cause any trouble but I need to know that he'll be safe", I say. I can see Pan thinking about my proposal.

"No, I'm not doing that. I promised we were in this together and I'm not going to break that", Baelfire speaks out.

"I'm sorry but if there's a chance that one of us will be able to be free, then I'm taking it", I say to Bae.

"Well I won't let you", he responds. I pull him in gently to me and whisper to him...

"You have to, you need to get off this island and find your family. I have no family to go back to, you do. The only "family" I did have is gone now", I say, referring to the only friends I had, that I have now lost. "There is more use in you being free, don't waste the opportunity".

"You have a deal, Red", I sigh at both the name and the fact I will probably not get off this island now but at least Bae might.

"I'm sorry. You need to go, now", I demanded Bae. He was about to respond when Pam interrupted him.

"Go boy, before I changed my mind", Pan demands. Bae gives me one last sad smile and runs off into the woods. In that moment, I realised I never told him about what Tinker Bell had told me about the beans, how was he suppose to leave?

"If you go after him, or hurt him....", I began to threaten Pan but got interrupted yet again.

"Don't worry, I may not be the most well behaved boy on the island, but I always keep my promises. I never break a deal as long as you don't break yours, I won't hurt him", he stated.

"Now, should we go back to camp?", he asks with a smirk knowing I can't refuse his demands. I sigh and follow him.

A.N: Let me know your opinions on the story and any ideas that you have. There will be regular updates, so stay around if you like the story so far. Vote if you really enjoy the story it will be very much appreciated.

Stay safe and well everyone ❤️

Thanks for reading :)

Written - 28.02.20


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