Part 6

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He was at the hospital when he regained the consciousness, and in no moment, his mind got alerted, he sat up in the Jiff and soon felt dizzy. He laid back, but he was not silent, he called out for help. Soon, a nurse appeared before him when he felt an intense pain in his leg and one of those dogs bitted him. In a snap, his brothers rushed inside along with his mom who was in messed up state, Pinky Singh Oberoi was never like before, she stopped wearing fancy clothes and stopped being curious after Anika's demise, she was the one who had changed a lot, shivaay still remember she was in cloud nine when he opened up the news of Anika's pregnancy to her but that incident changed her upside down, but he was blind to her till now.

"Shivaay, Relax... You are not fine!" Pinky tried to calm him down.

"What happened to Anika? Did you meet her? Where's she?" He bombarded them with his questions.

"Shivaay. Shivaay. Relax. She's not even in the country. But the message reached her, they are on their way, relax." Om tried to calm him down.

"They?" Shivaay questioned him with his puppy eyes.

"Means, both of our Angels... Do you know what's your daughter's name?" Pinky asked him while caressing his cheek. He smiled after a long time.

"What?" Shivaay asked his mother.

"Roshni." She said to him. His heart got relaxed for a moment. That was not the name they chose for their daughter, but he agree with the fact, it was indeed a magical name that their daughter could ever have. Roshni Shivaay Singh Oberoi. He pronounced in his mind.

"Means, Light! She indeed was born to enlighten everyone's life!" Om said delightedly. At last, some good news reached him, but still, he couldn't calm his heart when it recalled her miseries in his captive. His mom held his palm tight assuring him. Then Nurse arrived and informed only one attendee was permitted to stay with him, his mom chose to stay. And his brothers left the place. And that vision brought him back to memory lane when they tried to bring Anika to meet him when he got shot.

"I always thought why I was alive in these 5 years, and I guess this is the reason!" He said to his mother.

"Even I feel the same! We had enough! Let's bring our happiness back! Just a few hours!" Pink said while caressing his head. When he witnessed his mom crying for his wife, all he could say Anika won her heart. And in these years, she also never tried to convince him to move on like others.

"I hope so! But why she didn't return to me?" He questioned her, there was a stuck in her face but she continued to caress his hair.

"Ma. What's that look?" He demanded answers when he felt there was something that his mom hiding from him.

"Please tell me what happened. I can't bare enough! Please!" He requested; Pinky couldn't do anything but cry at her son's request.


Agni was helpless when her father requested at the airport not to leave them, her heart mended in a second. But Roshni didn't raise her head from her chest. Even though she was concerned about her daughter, she couldn't ignore her father. That was the problem from the start, whatever happens, how much she would be angry with her dad, she can't ignore him and also hurt him, especially when told he was missing her daughter for six long years, for her, it was just seven months, but in those seven months, she dreamt every day about her father, sleeping in his lap but the reality was something else.

Her sister Aaraha told her father's personality completely changed after she went missing. She knew being a journalist, her father risked everything including the family which her mother hated. But when she and her sister was abducted by some people who wanted to seek revenge on her father, Agni managed to let her five-year-old sister escape by pushing her away from the truck where they both were held captive. That piece of information, she heard from her sister when she was finally home, but her memory was still stuck in the medical camp she attended in her first year of medicine. Post that, she couldn't remember anything. Doctors gave a name to it, "Amnesia" But there was a deep question in her mind, was she in his captive for those 6 years?

"Rosh!" Her father called her daughter, but she didn't turn her head but continued to hug her.

"Let her be with me, Dad!" Agni said in a cold tone. He didn't say anything but walked towards the entrance in the hope that his daughter would follow in his footsteps. Agni indeed followed in his footsteps. And got into the car with him keeping her daughter hiding in her chest.

"Rosh, I am sorry! Please forgive your grandpa. I was not intended to hurt you, darling!" Her father tried to seek forgiveness from her daughter who was adamant and didn't even see him.

"You always do this." Agni heard her voice in a frail tone.

"You know your grandpa becomes mad sometimes, but it doesn't mean I don't like you!" He tried to convince her by patting her back over when she turned her face to him slightly.

"I am sorry!" Mr. Abhishek Rana seeks forgiveness for his granddaughter while pinching his two ears.

"No," Roshni replied and hugged her mom tightly.

"Let her be, Dad! Everyone can't be your daughter who will forgive you in a jiffy." Agni said.

"You are right!" He said while caressing her head when she looked away from the window.

"Okay!" He breathed out. "Let me check whether my last born reached the home or not." He said while taking his phone.

"You are calling Aaru, Right?" Agni asked him back.

"No, the securities." He spoke. And Agni again lost her patience when he didn't ask his daughter directly instead asked securities, when she questioned him, he merely told her that her last born is in her teens and usually lies for their temporary fun and he couldn't risk that.

"Not again, Dad! It's like suspecting your daughter's trust!" She said in a frustrated tone.

"I trust my daughter and love her to the core! But not her age, of course. I don't want her to get trapped in any way especially when none of us was at home." He said and made a call.

"Avyaan is there, he came back for the holidays," Agni replied, and then he asked for information about his daughter. But soon his face went low and confused.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Out of a sudden, he shouted at the phone. And checked the connection repeatedly, and when he got no answer, he disconnected the call.

"What happened, Dad? Is Aru fine? Where's she? She's at home, right?" Anika asked. As she panicked, Roshni got up and scared as her when she asked about her Aunty who was pretty close to her.

"Is Aaru fine, Grandpa?" She asked him forgetting all the grudges against him.

"Aaru is fine, Baby! Can you both leave home in this car? I will come back in a moment." He said and asked the driver to stop the car, before she could ask anything, he walked away and the car started to move.

"Maa..." Roshni called her in a scared tone.

"Don't worry, let's call Aaru!" Agni said and called her sister. She picked up in a second ring.

"Aaru! You're fine, right? Where. are. You?" Agni stammered when she felt scared and shivered inside for her sister because of her past.

"Sis. I am fine! I am at home, relax." She replied, Agni guessed, she must have guessed with her stammering that she was in stress. Her words relaxed her.

"Then what happened? Dad called the securities, he was too distressed!" Agni asked her in a confusion.

"Even I am confused, there were some men who arrived at our gates and spoke to our securities to let them in." She said in a confused tone.

"Oh my god! Are they some goons?" Agni said in a tense tone.

"No. No. Not that type. They looked decent, also probably rich, they came in Range Rover. Tension started when one of that men jumped inside the gate but Rocky stopped him, he fell unconscious and was injured, it seems. Avyaan went to speak with them." Her sister narrated it.

"What?" She asked.

"Probably, that's the reason for our father's distress," Aaru said.

"Okay, you are safe, right!" She asked.

"Perfectly fine. Don't worry about me." Aaru confirmed her through the phone.

"Okay, call me once Avyaan returns. Bye." She said and disconnected the call.

"Aaru is fine!" She told the news to her daughter who was waiting for her answer.

"Then, What happened to Grandpa?" Roshni asked.

"Don't know, let's ask him once he comes back!" Agni said.

They walked inside and saw her mom in the same place where she saw her last, at the same position. When Agni entered she let her daughter to the floor so that she could hug her mom and mend her anger a little. As she thought, Roshni ran to her grandma and hugged her tight. Soon tears crossed her eyes, and she hugged her back, tight. While then, Agni walked towards her and sat next to her.

"You were so harsh this time." Radha, her mom said.

"Sorry!" Agni whispered and hugged her mom, tight. And they mended in a second.

Agni was still waiting for her father, it has been 2 hours, still, there was no message, she tried calling her sister, but no use, none of them told clearly to her about those men, they just said he was admitted to the hospital. When Anika shared the news with her mom, even though she was curious, they waited for Abhishek for answers. But Agni was still restless, it was not because of that incident, it was from the moment she saw the image of a man whom Roshni stated as her father. She couldn't let go of that image from her memory.

"What happened to you?" Her mom asked her when she watched her daughter sleep.

"Nothing!" She said and kissed her daughter's forehead, while then, she heard her father's footsteps. They walked towards the drawing room to ask him about the incident, but his condition stopped both of them from asking anything. He looked so stressed and untidy.

"What happened?" Radha asked and walked towards him when he sat down on the sofa in a distressed posture. Agni walked towards him.

"I don't know where to start!" He said in a low tone.

"Dad! What happened?" She asked him. He remained silent.

"Aaru said there were some men who came to our house and one of them jumped inside and got hurt," Radha asked him. He turned to her side.

"Is that about it?" Agni asked him. He shrugged off his hair and stood up.

"Police found out that bastard's dead body, last day. That house was under surveillance it seems. The recording of Agni stabbing that bastard recorded in the tape, and they have that evidence." He said, both she nor her mom couldn't come out of the words. Agni expected that when she stabbed him to death but when time passes, she thought it won't affect her, but she was transparent to her dad.

"Agni, don't worry! Everything is under our control, you did it in self-defense. I will never let anything happen to you." Her father gave her courage. She gathered the courage to face when she knew she committed that crime. She nodded yes to him when her father held her shoulders to stay strong.

"And..." Her father continued.

"And?" Her mom asked.

"The man who created chaos at our house and got injured is..." Her father couldn't complete the sentence.

"Who, Dad?" Agni asked.

"They came to see you and Roshni." Abhishek continued.

"Why?" This time, her mom asked.

"They said he's your husband!" Her father finally opened up. Agni was stuck with the news; she wasn't expecting that. But her mom didn't stay stuck.

"What? How could he say that?" Her mom asked, she bluntly looked at her parents.

"They said he's the father of Roshni also!" He answered her mom. Her palm came to her heart when she couldn't take that information.

"And you believed?" Her mom asked.

"I had to believe it when they showed this..." Her father showed the picture of her hugging a man who looked, she was shocked when she realized he was the same whom Roshni showed as her father. Even her mom was shocked.

"Even I researched it from my side! He's saying the truth, She lived in the name of Anika and got married to him, it was even said she was pregnant when they assumed her to be dead. That bastard who abducted our daughter turned out to be his cousin who did it for seeking revenge on him because of some of their family issues." He confessed everything to her, she couldn't process any of that, except that name. Anika. That was what Veer called her by when she escaped.

"Oh god!" Her mom said when she thudded on the couch beside her.

"We should return, soon. Police already had put charges on her." Abhishek said with teary eyes. But Agni couldn't process anything, none of it.


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