Part 7

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Everything changed in a spark!" That's what Agni thought when she joined her parents to go back to her home, she was just a step away from breaking down, then she coped up, her daughter was sleeping peacefully in her embrace, they didn't wake her up, she was asleep throughout the journey.

"Agni, Are you okay?" Her mom asked on their way to Airport. She didn't reply since her mind, heart was oscillating nonstop.

"Agni, if you're thinking about the legal charges, I have made all the arrangements, and also applied for bail, at court, you will be proven innocent since you..." He stopped when her eyes locked with her father.

"Don't worry, baby! Everything just happened, you just defended yourself." He said brushing away his tears, she still couldn't understand how her parents managed this situation stronger than anyone. She still remembered what was their condition when she called them for the first time from the hospital where she delivered her baby, her father was the one to arrive followed by her mom, he wasn't expecting the child with her. And for a while, he couldn't believe that his daughter had gone through so much. She saw her parents spending sleepless nights thinking about her but now, on the contrary, they were supporting her along with the truth that can alter her life upside down. At the same while, she looked at her daughter. She knew what exactly she should do. She can't bet her daughter's emotions on anything. And it was time, she saw a private jet waiting for them at the airport.

"I rented it since we were running out of time." He owed an explanation. But Agni was not in any mood towards it. She was still silent when they checked in and their journey toward her confusing and terrific past started. How much she tried, she couldn't stop the past from terrifying her. Her whole body started to tremble when she witnessed the time approaching.


Shivaay couldn't stay in the hospital and take a rest when he came to know about his wife not remembering anything about him and the legal charges against her for killing Veer, he couldn't control his anger when he witnessed the image of Veer in his memory. He didn't mind the fracture in his leg, not even the plaster in his head, he took the walking stick provided and walked his way towards the hotel, where he arranged the best legal advisers in the country. His mother and brothers accompanied him when they couldn't stop him from what he was up to. Even Om said he took hold of the situation, but it failed to satisfy him.

"All I want for now was my wife shouldn't get arrested even for a procedure." He announced to everyone as soon as he entered the room. There were discussions, but in the end, the team of ten top legal advisors in the country tried to dissolve all the charges against her. He kept his heart as hard as a rock when he closely working with them and collecting all the recordings from the CCTV footage, Om and Rudru couldn't stay with him when he decided to see all the footage where his pregnant wife was brutally tortured by Veer. Everyone was silent, until the clipping of Anika who was sleeping on the iron floors, and veer walked down towards her with the plate of food, but it was shown to have some arguments with her, out of rage, he tossed his feet on her pregnant stomach and threw the food he brought above her when she winced and cried in pain. His breath was knocked out of his system when he saw that.

"Bastard! I would have shown him the hell if he was alive!" Rudy said in a fuming tone and tears crossed his eyes uncontrollably. But Shivaay was silent, all he could do was blame himself for his wife's condition.

"We would have faced hell while dying. Post-mortem report says he was deeply wounded when he was stabbed by the fork which made him a vegetable for a maximum of three days, and since he was in the deep forest, some pieces of evidence of wild animals would have preyed on him, and technically, he didn't die because of the stab." One of the legal advisors said in a calm tone. That calmed everyone's heart but still, shivaay couldn't come out of his guilt. While then, Om's phone rang.

"It's Avyaan!" Om said while shifting his gaze from Rudy to shivaay.

"Bhabhi's brother..." Rudy said clearing his confusion.

"Yes, Avyaan!" Om answered the phone in the speaker when shivaay asked him.

"Om, Agni arrived along with Rosh, they are at home right now." He informed him in a low tone, for a while, everyone felt relaxed when they got the news but they couldn't take this happiness fully since they were aware of the reality, Anika didn't remember any of them.

"Great to know! Is she fine?" Om asked.

"Please ask Bhabhi not to worry about anything, we are taking care of everything, and we will never let anything odd to even touch her, I promise," Rudy said next in an impatient tone. He was impatient.

"Yes, She's fine! But..." Avyaan dragged.

"But what? I am coming there!" Shivaay said in the same tone.

"She became silent, Dad opened up everything to her, but since then, she's silent." Avyaan owed an explanation.

"It was huge news to her! And if possible, can you all come home and visit us in person, my parents want to meet you all." Avyaan said in a requesting tone. There was a sudden silence, but soon shivaay nodded yes to everyone.

"We will be there in the next 20 minutes, and..." Om stopped from asking.

"How's our baby? Roshni! Is she fine?" Om completed his sentence. When he referred to his baby as their baby, his eyes told him how much he yearned to see her, maybe more than him. For the past two hours, he didn't even have thought about his daughter, since his main motive was to protect his wife from all the legal charges.

"Roshini is great, sleeping right now. She didn't know anything about the happenings." Avyaan replied. The moment of peace hit him when he came to know about his daughter. Before a while, he was impatient to see her, but now, something inside him stopped him from going to his family.


Anika was directly taken to her home, as soon as they landed, her father called his Personal Assistant for information regarding her legal charges and bail, in the plane, her father made her understand the whole situation, how things turned up and in which state they found the body, her inners shivered when she learned that he didn't die at that spot, but it was a slow death. Despite the pain he gave her, she couldn't imagine that worst death for him. Her father also promised her, she would get arrested, but he won't let her stay there long as he already applied for bail. Even though she made up her mind if she did the crime, she had to pay for its consequences, even though it was her self-defense, she intended to kill him and escape from there.

"What? So, there will be a court hearing, straight." He asked his P.An in a quite surprising tone.

"Radha" Her father called her mom when she held her sleepy granddaughter in her lap.

"Huh," She replied.

"There will be a court hearing, directly. She won't get arrested." Her father said.

"Thank god"

"Mr. Oberoi was the person whom we should thank."

Her heart sank, and she was feeling restless with every passing minute, the home that gave her an immense feeling of joy, now giving her hints of a major change in her life, she got used to everything, till last night, and she believed that veer was the father of her child, but now out of a sudden, a new family. It was huge for her. While then, there was a snuggle in her mom's posture, she was right when her daughter woke up and widened her arms for her mom. Soon she grabbed her daughter in her lap.

"Good morning, Beautiful!" Abhishek greeted her from the front seat.

"Good morning!" She said and fell back in her chest.

"Are we back?" She whispered to Anika.

"Yeah, Baby! We are back home!" She said and hugged her daughter further close to her.

She didn't wait for anyone when they reached home, she held her tired daughter close to her chest and ran towards the room when her siblings ran behind her calling her name. She locked the room immediately after that, she didn't know why she was running, but right then, she was not ready to face the reality in any form.


The gate was opened as soon as their car arrived at the entrance, it was not like the previous time, nobody was impatient to meet her but guilty. Shivaay heard his heartbeat when he stepped out of the car and walked towards the stairs. He could feel her presence after a long time, his hands yearned to touch and every cell in his body needed her for its existence, but his heart didn't let him after witnessing her pain in his bare eyes. If he can, he will undo everything that happened, but he couldn't. His toes ached as if they are breaking every time he takes a step close to the mansion, close to her, but he enjoyed that pain as if it was punishing him for his carelessness towards her death, and didn't try to search for her when he didn't get satisfied with the evidence he got related to her death. His vision blurred out of a sudden when he lost his balance, he had his brothers to support him.

"I can't face her! I am going..." He whispered to his brothers out of breath.

"Don't. We already did this mistake, we blindly believed she was dead! We can't repeat the mistake." Om said waking him up from the daze.

"What about your daughter? How will you face her when you run away from this moment?" Om asked him again. This time, he thought beyond his guilt, he walked ahead holding his walking stick and with the support of his brothers. The entrance door was opened when they arrived, and a man in his late twenties approached him, Rudy and Om seem to be recognizing him.

"Avyaan Rana," Rudy said to him.

"Hi," He greeted them with a slight smile on his face but soon worries faded in his face when he locked his eyes with shivaay. Shivaay couldn't smile.

"I am sorry for the last time!" He said and looked at his injured leg and plastered head.

"Even I shouldn't have done that," Shivaay said while he walked them inside. Even though he didn't know whether they were related, he felt warm to him after a long time. When they entered, a middle-aged man was standing across the couch, he guessed it would be probably Abhishek Rana, and their eyes matched with each other. They welcomed him inside when they approached there was a young girl who arrived from the stairs beside him, for a while, he couldn't take his eyes off her because of her resemblance with his wife, he partially started to believe that whatever he heard was true, Anika indeed belonged to this family.

"Hello. I am Aaraha," She greeted me with a smile.

"That's my youngest daughter." Abhishek Rana told him. He acknowledged her and sat on the couch when he asked them. They were more nervous than before but collected their courage to meet.

"First of all, we are very thankful for whatever you did for our daughter, it means the world to me." Abhishek started in a consoling tone.

"I did everything for my wife, Mr. Rana. And I will do everything to keep her safe which I lasted to do before 5 years merely believing she's dead, and for that, I will never forgive myself even if it takes forever." He blabbered out leaving Abhishek in a daze, he couldn't come up with any word, and then, a lady walked out that blew his mind off. His eyes were transfixed on her like her eyes.

"That's my wife, Radha." He introduced her to him.

"Abhishek." She immediately called him. Before shivaay could process anything.

"He's one who Roshni..." Radha told. That means the baby whom he met in Singapore is his daughter.


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