Chapter Eleven

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Dipper continued to walk through the forest instead of going to the Mystery Shack, against Bill's constant argument. Dipper walked around and enjoyed the beautiful scenery and noise until he felt a chill run up his spine. The wind began to pick up, blowing through Dipper's bangs and underneath his hat enough for Dipper to grab onto it.

It was then that Dipper realized that the sun was halfway down and that the moon starting to appear high in the early night sky. Dipper began to walk back to the shack with the wind to his back. He held onto one of the straps of his backpack while holding his hat with his other hand.

He entered the shack without knocking, knowing that it might disturb the occupants inside. But once the door shut, his twin sister came running from the living room, alerting his Grunkle Stan that he was home.

"Dipper, it's 10 o'clock! Why were you out so late?!"

Mabel's worried expression only made Dipper want to roll his eyes. She acts as if she cares but that's all a lie. If she was given the chance she wouldn't think twice before throwing him under the bus.

Instead of answering her, Dipper walked past his sister and up to their room. He heard Stan yell for him as he took the steps two at a time. He ignored him as well.

The weirder you act the more suspicious they'll be of you.

"Not like I care what those two think. The only one that's important is Ford."

Dipper closed the door behind himself and rushed over to his side of the room, flopping himself down on his bed. He buried his head in his pillow and sighed. The last place he wanted to be right now was here, yet here he was.

It was one thing to be here, but another thing to deal with the people in this world. There was nothing more that he wanted than to be in Reverse Falls. He hadn't met any other people of that universe other than Mabel, Tyrone, and Will. What about the opposite of Wendy? Soos? Pacifica... what a sight that will be to see. Though, Pacifica's not as bad as she was before, but that doesn't mean she hasn't hurt him in the past.

A knock on the window brought Dipper back to reality, which, as said before, is not where he wanted to be. He was happy thinking about the other dimension, but now here he is in his own reality. Dipper groaned and raised his head to the window, maybe a bird hit it?

"Damn it, Mason, open up!"

Mason gasped with a large smile, finding that the cause of the obnoxious knocking was from Tyrone. Mason scrambled to the window and unlocked it, holding the window up for Tyrone to sneak through.

"Tyrone, what are you doing here?!"

Tyrone made it half-way through the window when there was another obnoxious knock, this one coming from the door, "Dipper? You in here?"

The boys looked to one another for a moment before Mason began to shove Tyrone back through the window, slamming it shut as he rushed to the door. Mabel, upon hearing the slam, rushed into the room.

"What was that?"

"I was about to go out to the ledge when you knocked. The window slipped, sorry."

Mabel sighed and put her hand on Mason's shoulder, "Dipper, is everything OK?"

Mason rolled his eyes, he didn't want Tyrone to be waiting too long, "I'm fine, Mabel, just need some air."

"You sure? You know you can come to me if there's anything wrong."

"I said I'm fine!"

Mason shoved away from Mabel and rushed to the window. He crawled out and only glanced at Mabel's sorrow-filled face before disappearing to the ledge. Hopefully, she's smart enough not to follow.

Tyrone sat with one of his legs dangling off of the ledge, his other leg's foot was flat on the boards so his leg was close to his body. He turned his head to Mason with a small smile, nodding his head and darting his eyes to the spot next to him.

All of the stress and hatred from before seemed to disappear within an instant. A smile made its way to Mason's face and he carefully walked to sit down next to his friend, his legs dangling from the side.

"So, what ARE you doing here?" Mason giggled.

"I wanted to see how you were doing? Can't I come to visit my opposite?"

A blush rested on the boy's face when the other came closer with his upper body, "Seems like a pretty lame thing to do. It's boring over here."

Tyrone moved his full body closer this time, his legs in the same position, "Oh really? What makes this place so boring?"

Mason's heart was beating a mile a minute, his cheeks and ears dusted in pink. What was happening? This feeling was different, way different from the whole Wendy situation, which turned out to be nothing but familial love.

Tyrone smirked, bringing his hand up to take off Mason's hat, "Ya know," with his other hand, Tyrone brushed Mason's bangs out of the way, "we could always make it less boring."

Tyrone set the hat down beside himself while his other hand was set on the ground behind Mason. With the hat on the ground, Tyrone brought his hand back up and placed it underneath Mason's chin.

Was this happening? How would it feel? Does he like me that way? What if I don't like it? Can he hear my heart beating?


The boys froze, inches apart as Mason's Grunkle Stan yelled for him to come downstairs. Mason could tell that Tyrone was pissed, the male's grip on his chin tightening ever so slightly. The two stayed still, one pissed off and the other flustered.

"I... I should get going."


But neither moved from their position. It wasn't until Stan shouted for Mason again that Tyrone pulled away. Mason stood up alongside his opposite, contemplating as he walked away. A flash behind him made him turn around. A blue portal was opened on the roof, and Tyrone was looking with a sorrowful gaze.

"Dipper, hurry up!"

With a glance back to the shack, Mason made a break for Tyrone. Without thinking, without a second thought, Mason pressed a light kiss to Tyrone's cheek before fleeing to the window. Tyrone froze in his place and watched Mason disappear. A smile, a chuckle, a hand pressed against his cheek, and Tyrone walked through the portal.

Instead of rushing to the stairs, Dipper went to bed, if Stan wanted him so badly then he could come up and get him; which never happened. Dipper was rushed into a deep sleep, popping up in the middle of his mindscape once again.

Dipper blushed, remembering the incident with Tyrone before he took off in a random direction. Leafs and branches, tree trunks and roots, everything in the gray-scale woods brushed past him as he searched for the clearing.

Upon finding the said clearing, he was met with a familiar yellow being. Bill was sitting in the grass, a gray butterfly flying around his fingers which was resting in the air.

"Hey, Bill!"

"Hey there, Pinetree."

Bill's normally excited and full of energy voice was now calm and serious. His face held little to no expression where there was normally a smile. His golden eye showed no spark of life but instead was dull and boring.


"We need to talk, kid."

Bill stood from his place in the grass and snapped his fingers. The same table that used to have tea on it was in the middle of the clearing but held no cups or kettle. The two walked over to their respective seats and sat in a silence that made Dipper more nervous than before.

It wasn't ten minutes ago that Dipper was full of happiness, full of excitement, and ooey-gooey feelings. It was like a switch that turned itself off. He was going to tell Bill what happened and how excited he was that someone might like him back. What was going on?

Bill crossed his legs and sighed, "Look, kid, I... there's a slight problem."

"What do you mean? What's wrong?"

Billed rubbed pressed the pads of his fingers in between his eye and eye patch, "I don't know how but Ford knows that I'm still here."

Dipper let out a soft laugh, "So?"

"So," Bill uncrossed his legs and lend his elbows on the table, looking Dipper in the eyes as he spoke, "Ford will start looking for me. And the bad part is, I think he's already tied us together."

Dipper's heart sank, "What? What do you mean 'he's tied us together'?!"

"I'm saying that this is the last night that you'll be visiting me."

He couldn't handle it, he couldn't breathe. Why was his heart being so fast? What was going to happen now that Ford knew? Will he hurt Bill? Tyrone? What's happening?!

"Woah, woah, Pinetree!"

Bill was beside Dipper in an instant, the 12-year-olds heavy breathing signaling to Bill that something was wrong.

"Pinetree, look at me," Dipper did as he was told, "Breath with me, OK? In... out... in... out... in... out... now hold your breath... let it out... feel better?"

"Bill..." tears formed in Dipper's eyes, "What's going to happen to you?"

Bill gave a soft smile, "I'm not going anywhere, kid, trust me. For the next few day's you'll be on your own, though."

"No... NO! You can't leave me alone! You can't!"

"Pinetree, Dipper, relax! What did I just say? I'll still be watching you, but I can't see or talk to you anymore until the plan continues."

Bill set his hand on fire, an object forming in his hand and floating above it. It was a circular ball of glass containing what looked like a galaxy but in semi-solid/liquid form. The circle was being held by a metal base with little arms holding the ball still.

"This is the object you need to get: the rift. Once you get it, bring it outside and smash it to the ground, OK? That'll open the portal for me to enter your reality with a physical form."

"Where is it? I can wake up and get it right now!"

"It's not that simple, Pinetree. What I need you to do is a bit more complicated than that."

Dipper narrowed his eyes but nodded along. The plan was complicated, as Bill said, but it made sense as well.

"OK? Do you know what to do?"

Dipper crossed his arm and looked to the ground, "Yes, but I don't like how you won't be there to help me. How long will this take?"

Bill chuckled and removed his little sapling's hat to ruffle his hair, "At most, it'll take a week, but if you do things correctly it'll only be three days. Who knows? Maybe even two!"

Dipper sighed and fell forward into Bill's chest, the demon taking the boy into his arms, "That's too long."

With a hum, Bill placed the hat back onto Dipper. Without saying good-bye, Bill snapped his fingers and Dipper shot up in his bed. A tear dropped down to his blanket and more followed. Dipper curled into a ball and cried softly to himself while his twin slept soundly in the bed next to him.

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