Chapter Ten

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Instead of waking up in the normal clearing, Mason found himself in a bed. The room looked familiar, and Mason smiled at the soft knock that came from the other side of the door.

"Mason?" a familiar voice whispered.

"I'm up."

Tyrone opened the door and shut it behind him. The light was put on dim with the snap of Tyrone's fingers, and he sat at the end of the bed that Mason laid in. The room was quiet for what seemed like an eternity but was soon broken by a quiet laugh from Mason.

The laugh sounded broken, and before the pair knew it Mason was crying as well. Before Tyrone could think he wrapped his arms around the crying male, rubbing his back and holding him close. The said male was laughing hysterically as of now, making everything about the situation seem worse.

"I'm so sorry, Mason."

"D-Don't be! Ha, ha! It's not like I thought she trusted me or anything."

Mason continued to laugh into Tyrone's chest, his breathing shaky. Soon tears spilled from his eyes and onto Tryone's vest. The same boy took no notice of the wet spots and continued to do his best in comforting his so-called crush.

The broken laughter floated through the mansion to the two talking demons. Bill rested his elbows on his knees as he listened to the boys echoing laughter. He sighed as his opposite brought out the tea, being just as worried for Mason as Bill was.

"I'm surprised that your Mabel would do such a thing. It seems like that would be more of my misteress' doing."

"Well, your Mabel might hate Tyrone on the outside, but inside she would protect him to the end. It just makes sense to have Shooting Star would be the opposite," Will poured the tea, "That brat just puts on a show for everyone. But on the inside, she's a selfish bitch."

"Bill, she's only 12."

Bill groaned and picked up his filled cup, taking a sip before continuing, "12 or not, she hurt my Pinetree! I will not let that slip by without a punishment."

Will sighed as he sat down across from Bill and looked out the window, the steam from his tea circling the air around him, "Bill... if you're able to take over you're universe, would we be welcome to visit?"

Bill took another sip as he chuckled, "Do you really think that Tyrone would take 'no' for an answer? The moment Pinetree and I are in charge, ruling as King and Prince, Tyrone will do one of two things."

"That would be?"

"He'll either confess the right way and live happily ever after with Pinetree," he set his cup on the table beside him, "or he'll ruin everything."

Will sighed, "Let us hope that it's the first option."

"First option of what?"


Tyrone shut the door behind him with a large sigh, his shoulders sagging in exhaustion. Will stood up to let Tyrone sit down, but the said boy stayed standing.

Tyrone's expression turned dark, his hands going into fists as he glared out of the same window Will gazed through before, "That son of a bitch is going to pay for what she did to him."

Bill laughed, earning Tyrone's glare to move to him. Bill laughed harder at this and stood up. Will, who was still standing, walked over to Bill and whispered something that Tyrone couldn't hear, but didn't have the energy to care. With a nod, Bill took his leave.

He walked to Tyrone's room, hearing sniffles from down the hallway. He softly knocked on the door to earn a small 'yeah?' from the other side. Bill opened the door and shut it behind him.

Mason was sitting up, his feet on the floor and a pillow in his lap that he was clinging to. Bill gave a pitiful sigh before sitting next to the broken boy. Mason, upon Bill sitting next to him, leaned his body on Bill's shoulder.

"Oh, Pinetree."

Mason felt another rush of tears coming and buried his head into Bill. What had he done to deserve this kind of treatment from his family? But maybe he was overreacting. Maybe all of this was being blown out of proportion. Just because his sister trusted his uncle over him didn't mean that she didn't trust him altogether, right?

Mason began to feel himself fading in and out, meaning that it was time to wake up. He lifted his head and looked to Bill, who looked down at him.

"Will you be here when I go to sleep?"

Bill smiled softly down at his little sapling, "Pinetree, I'll be there when you wake up."

Mason smiled as he disappeared, leaving Bill's shoulder a wet mess. With the snap of his fingers, Bill's shirt was clean.

Dipper rolled himself out of bed, quite literally. As he picked himself up off of the floor and brushed himself off the door to his and Mabel's room opened with a creek.

Mabel showed herself on the other side, Waddles not far behind. The happy girl skipped over to her bed with a loud 'Good morning, Dip!'. Dipper gave a fake smile, trying his best to not think of the events that happened last night.

"Hey bro-bro, Grunkle Stan wants you to work the cash register today."

"Got it."

His voice broke when he spoke, showing the sign of his sobbing last night. This went unnoticed by Mabel. With a large sigh, Dipper got dressed and ready to go for a day at the Mystery Shack. He made it to his position at the register within 30 minutes and sat on the stool that was there.

No one was in the shack as of now, and Dipper took this moment - like he usually does when he's bored - to light his hand on fire. The flames were stronger now than they have been. Dipper smiled at this knowing that he was getting stronger.

The vending machine beside him began to open, the loud clanking starling Dipper enough to make the flames grow before they disappeared. Luckily, Ford, who emerged from the basement, took no notice of the light.

"Oh, greetings... uh..."


"Ah, right, Dipper!"

With the short talk over, Ford walked to the living area of the shack and came back with a hammer and an ax. A simple nod of acknowledgment came Dipper's way before Ford slipped down to the basement once again.

Old Sixer hasn't changed a bit.

Dipper smiled at Bill's comment, Sixer?

That's the author of the journals, remember? Six fingers on each hand.

Dipper hummed in response as the bell above the door rang. A group walked in, probably coming from a tour. The boy did his work at a medium pace, making sure to smile and talk to the customers like Stan wants him to. With 'how are you doing today' and 'have a wonderful day' the time went by faster than expected.

Pinetree, remember what I told you to do in the basement?

The last customer left and Dipper slumped down in his seat, A lot went on down there, so I don't remember. Sorry.

Bill chuckled, That's alright, kid. I told you to get close to Sixer. It's important for the plan that you receive something from him, and that something is being created as we speak.

I can't leave, though, Stan with notice.

On cue, Stan walked into the gift shop with a rather large mallet. It reminded Dipper of the kind of mallets that railroad construction uses to hammer in the large nail of the track.

"Ford asked me to get this for him, and I'm not going down there if it's the last thing I do. I need you to give this to him."

Dipper pretended to groan while holding back his excitement. Bill was laughing as Dipper grabbed the mallet and walked to the vending machine. The simple code was typed in and the door opened. Dipper slipped down the steps and to the elevator, taking it down to the 3rd level.

Bangs and clanks could be heard from all around. The noise echoed through the basement enough to make Dipper cover his ears as he walked to the portal room. Ford was at the portal, taking apart everything without mercy.

"Great Uncle Ford!"

The noise stopped as Ford heard his name. The older male turned with a frown at his great-nephew before realizing what was in the boy's hands. Ford set the ax in his hands down and walked to Dipper without a word. He took the hammer from the boy and turned away, getting straight back to work.

"Um... Do you need any help?"

Still working, Ford spoke, "This is a very dangerous object. This is no place for children."

If only he knew what you were capable of.

Dipper hummed in reasons to Bill and took his leave. He would try again tomorrow. He figured that pushing the old man would make things worse. Instead, he went up the steps and back to the shake. After looking for Stan for a while he got permission to leave his station and go into the woods.

Backpack on his shoulders, having his Pinetree journal and a few pens in it, Dipper made his way to anywhere his feet were going to take him. Journal 3 was nowhere in sight, which made Dipper think that it was given back to the author. What was in that thing that Bill hadn't already given him, anyway?

How are you feeling, Pinetree?

"Good, I guess. Not sure how I feel about my new Grunkle," Dipper spoke allowed. With no one around why wouldn't he talk out loud?

Bill chuckled, Understandable, kid. The old man was never good at introductions.

"Right, you and Ford knew each other. Could you tell me about back then?"

You may want to find a place to rest for a while, the story is pretty long.

Dipper did as he was told, finding a large tree to sit under to listen to the story. Before Bill began he waited for Dipper to get his journal out, ready to have his interactions with Sixer written in another journal.

Ready, Pinetree?

"Ready, Bill."

Ah, the first time Sixer and I met. He was a lot younger, and his life was pretty secluded. Everyone in this town only knew him as the loner in the woods. But that brain of his was going to get him places, and I knew that if I played my cards right then I could get out of the mindscape and enter the real world.

My first time entering his mindscape was nauseating. Unlike yours where everything is peaceful and realistic, his is full of numbers and grids, screaming 'I'm a know-it-all'.

Dipper chuckled.

I offered him a cup of tea and we talked our first night. He continuously asked me questions and we played multiple games of chess. We formed a deal that very night, saying that I would help him uncover the secret of weirdness in Gravity Falls with him helping a little prodject of mine. This is the same prodject your helping me with.

"What happened? The portal was built and everything so why did it stop?"

Did you hear any of the older twins' backstories?

"Nope, didn't care enough to listen."

Bill laughed, Well then this is what happened according to me. Old Fordy found out that I was trying to get into the real world, and because of that shut the prodject down. Journals one, two, and three each have a piece of the portal in it, which is where hiding them separately came into place. Journal one was supposed to be given to Fez, your Grunkle Stan. But of course, Sixer was sucked inside of the portal instead. Journal two was found by Gideon, as you know. Journal three... you know the story behind that one.

"Why didn't you tell Ford that you were trying to get into the real world? Wouldn't that have been a lot easier?"

Ford has always been paranoid, and the plan was to tell him. But the further the portal's construction came, the worse he got. I felt that it was safer to keep the secret till the moment came.

"In the journal, Ford said something about not trusting you."

Do you not trust me?

Dipper laughed, "Come on! You're the only one I have left to trust."

Ah, Sapling, you flatter me. Now, why don't you start heading home?

Dipper's smile disappeared in an instant, "That place isn't my home, it's a place where my family broke any trust I had in them. I thought that I was overreacting, but now that I think about it... I'm in the right. How many times did I sacrifice for Mabel, only for her to trust a relative over me? How many times was I forced to work for Stan, to get nothing but criticism back? And what did I do for Ford to already not trust me, other than exist? Those people are only important for the plan, and until you can take me away from them, that's all they'll be."

Well then, kid, let's get this plan rolling.

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