Chapter 1 - Episode 2: Up Your Arsenal

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(The episode begins in space. A UFO (Kirby) flies past. We then see a small Covenant ship fly by. The camera cuts inside to see the Arbiter at the controls. He is fiddling with the control panel.)

Arbiter: Still no sign of the UNSC. I must find a place to land soon or I fear I may die alone out here. (He messes with the control panel a bit more before a look of relief crosses his face.) Finally, a sustainable planet is nearby! If I can land there and find a way to contact the UNSC, then maybe they can explain what's happening. (We cut back outside to space. The camera zooms out until we see Ratchet and Clank floating in space. A dark aura surrounds both of their bodies. The camera turns to see the face of Ratchet, his eyes now a bright yellow.)

Ratchet: Hey, Clank, it's one of those ships that attacked us before. (Clank's head turns to see the ship, his eyes also yellow.)

Clank: Are you thinking what I am thinking, Ratchet?

Ratchet: It's time for some payback. (Clank transforms into his jetpack form as they fly towards the ship. We cut back to the Arbiter as a thud is suddenly heard above him.)

Arbiter: What? (He looks above him through the glass casing to see Ratchet and Clank on top of his ship. Ratchet has his OmniWrench in his hands as he brings it down hard on the ship's glass casing. Loud banging continues as we see the Arbiter fly his ship wildly to get Ratchet and Clank off.) Off of my ship!

Ratchet: It's gonna take a lot more than that to get us off. (Ratchet grins as he takes out his Buzz Blades. He shoots two buzzsaws at the ship's wings as smoke begins to pour out of it.)

Arbiter: You fool! You will kill us both! (The ship continues to spin as Ratchet hits the ship's glass with his OmniWrench once more and destroys it. The Arbiter quickly puts on a respirator before he flies out and begins to float in space. Ratchet jetpacks up to him and hits him twice with his OmniWrench. The Arbiter counterattacks by uppercutting Ratchet upwards.) Wretched parasite!

Ratchet: How about something a little more dangerous? (Ratchet takes out his Combuster and begins shooting plasma at the Arbiter. He dodges but also ends up spinning wildly in the process. The Arbiter takes out an Energy Rifle and begins shooting at Ratchet. Many of the wild shots miss, but a couple burn the fur on Ratchet. Ratchet gets an angry look before putting on his Fusion Grenade Glove. We cut back to the Arbiter.)

Arbiter: Kill me or release me, but do not waste my time with talk! (Ratchet jetpacks over to the Arbiter and pulls out a Fusion Grenade. He grabs onto the back of the Arbiter.)

Ratchet: We're both going down then! (The Arbiter shakes around violently to get Ratchet off, only succeeding in him letting go of the Fusion Grenade which floats beside them.) Clock's ticking!

Arbiter: No! (An energy shield then forms around the Arbiter, Ratchet, and Clank. The grenade goes off as their bodies still go flying. They then slow down as the dark aura around Ratchet and Clank begins to flicker out.) This is it... (We go to the Arbiter's POV as his eyes flicker open and shut. In between flickers, we see a white Luma (Super Mario) begin flying towards them.)

(We cut to a different view of space. We see a cluster of space rocks as the camera zooms out a bit to see a group of three Woolies (Bubsy) hopping on a larger space rock. They look at each other before the Wooly in the middle is suddenly shot and falls over.)

???: Worm power! (The camera pans to see Earthworm Jim with his blaster in hand. His other hand is on his hip. We cut back to the Woolies as they both spit projectiles at him.) Merciful mumbeans! (TIme slows down as Jim recreates the scene from The Matrix as he bends underneath the spit. He leans back up.) Eat dirt! (He shoots at both of the Woolies, taking them both out.) Groovy! (Jim takes out his Pocket Rocket and flies off of the space rock.) Yeehaw!

(We cut to Jim still flying through space as something suddenly grabs his attention.)

Jim: What's this? (The camera pans to see the Death Egg still floating in space.) Hmmm, something tells me that that space station is not there for good reasons. Looks like it's up to me to figure out the mystery behind it. (He flies towards the Death Egg.)

(We cut to Jim landing in the Death Egg hangar as he puts the Pocket Rocket back into his pocket. The hangar is dark and deserted with no sign of Eggman's badniks.)

Jim: Hellooooo! Yodel-ay-hee-hoooooo! (Nothing answers.) Seems abandoned. (Jim walks off. We then see a POV of something watching Jim from the shadows. We cut to Jim walking through the halls of the Death Egg with his blaster. Distant electrical shock sounds are heard alongside Jim's footsteps. Jim makes it to the doorway of the main control room where Eggman usually resided. He jumps through the doorway and points his blaster around quickly.) Still nothing. Must've scared whatever was here off. (Jim looks proud of himself as something suddenly drops behind him, blocking the doorway. Jim's eyes go wide as he starts slowly looking behind him.) Hamina hamina hamina...

(The camera cuts directly to look at whatever is blocking the doorway as it reaches out and slashes at Jim, who jumps back. We see the creature is Ridley who roars at Jim.)

Jim: Aaaaaah! (Ridley lunges at Jim who dives underneath and starts running. Ridley overturns a control panel and jumps over to the doorway. He looks through and roars. We cut to Jim running as Space Pirates (Metroid) start emerging from other doorways.) Great googly moogly! (Jim takes out the Pocket Rocket and starts flying through the hallway. He hits a few Space Pirates as he flies through and the Space Pirates watch him go. We see him flying through the hangar as the Space Pirates fly off the Pocket Rocket.) Sorry, never got my license. (We watch him fly away from the Death Egg as the camera pans to see Ridley using his wings to hover outside the Death Egg, a gang of Space Pirates still in the hangar. We cut back to the Pocket Rocket to see a tracker planted on the side of it.)

(We cut back to Ratchet, now completely normal, laying down with his eyes closed. His eyes slowly flutter open. We zoom out a bit to see Ratchet in a room that looks similar to an observatory. He looks over to see Clank, who is also normal, upright and awake.)

Ratchet: Clank?

Clank: (Going over to Ratchet.) Ratchet. You are awake.

Ratchet: Where are we? Where's Master Mi-? (They hear stirring as they look over to see the Arbiter on the ground, waking up.)

Arbiter: My head... (He gets up with a hand on his head before looking over at Ratchet. He suddenly looks angry.) You! You destroyed my ship and set me off course!

Ratchet: I... I did?! (The Arbiter stomps over and grabs Ratchet by his collar.)

Arbiter: Give me one good reason why I should let you live. (They suddenly hear a voice.)

???: Now now, there is no need for that. (The Arbiter looks over to see Rosalina (Super Mario) by the doorway of the room they're in. She is holding a Luma.) Goodness, you're all so violent these days. (The Arbiter puts Ratchet down.)

Ratchet: I'm sorry. I really have no idea who you are. (Clank walks up.)

Clank: Would you happen to be a member of the Covenant? (The Arbiter is shocked for a moment before leaning down towards Clank.)

Arbiter: How do you know of the Covenant?

Clank: We were told of them by Spartan John-117, or Master Chief as he is called.

Arbiter: You know John-117?

Ratchet: (Getting up.) Yeah, we fought alongside him. Against people like you.

Arbiter: Watch your tongue! I am no longer associated with the Covenant. (Calm again.) You must lead me to John-117. I too have fought alongside him.

Ratchet: I'd lead you to him, but we got separated. Lost a battle to Master Mind and suddenly I'm here. (Rosalina perks up when she hears Master Mind's name.)

Rosalina: So he really has returned.

Ratchet: You know about him?

Rosalina: Yes, I know of his terrible deeds. (She takes out the piece of the Shadow Crystal that was in Ratchet's possession.) I was hoping this was not a part of the Shadow Crystal like I had thought.

Ratchet: That's ours. A teammate gave it to us.

Rosalina: It is part of the same crystal that had trapped Master Mind. A gift from the stars. I cannot believe that it broke. (The Arbiter turns to Ratchet and Clank.)

Arbiter: You really do not remember attacking me?

Ratchet: No, the last thing I remember is watching Master Mind, or his new form anyway.

Clank: I believe our unique abilities were taken advantage of.

Ratchet: Whaddya mean by that, buddy?

Clank: Master Mind has taken control of us like puppets. My data banks show that I was not in control of myself.

Arbiter: That dark aura around you has gone. I believe you are free from this Master Mind's control.

Clank: Interesting.

Arbiter: My name is Thel 'Vadam, but others call me the Arbiter. I am a companion of Master Chief. If you help me find him, I am positive we can make it back to our worlds.

Ratchet: Where exactly are we anyways?

Rosalina: (Smiles.) Allow me to show you.

(We cut to a bird's eye view of the Comet Observatory. We cut to a closer view as Rosalina leads Ratchet, Clank, and the Arbiter around. A group of three space bunnies (Super Mario) hop past.)

Rosalina: This is the Comet Observatory. Lately, my children have been finding travelers lost in space. We let them stay here as long as they'd like while they recover. (We cut to see Louie (Pikmin), Viridian (VVVVVV), and Robbit (Jumping Flash) sitting in the grass as Lumas float around them. Rosalina leads them to the main control part of the observatory where the Arbiter's ship is. It is being worked on by Lubba (Super Mario) alongside other Lumas.) Hello, Lubba.

Lubba: (Looks up.) Hello, Miss Rosalina. We've been working on the ship here. Trying to put it into tip-top shape. (He smiles.)

Arbiter: That is my ship.

Lubba: Yeah, it was pretty beat up. Luckily, we know a thing or two about fixing ships. With all of us working it, it'll be ready before you know it.

Ratchet: (Taking out his OmniWrench.) Mind if we help? (Ratchet and Clank go over to help.)

Arbiter: Thank you. (Faint screaming is suddenly heard.) What's that noise? (The camera pans up to see Jim riding on his Pocket Rocket. He's screaming and heading right towards the observatory. He crashes into it hard.)

Jim: Pain! (Jim flies off the Pocket Rocket and lands face first on the ground. Ratchet and Clank rush over to check on him while the Arbiter walks over to the Pocket Rocket.)

Ratchet: Are you alright? (He helps Jim up.)

Jim: (Making wild hand movements.) Space pirates! A giant pterodactyl! They have a giant space station and are out to control the galaxy!

Clank: Space pirates?

Jim: I went to get help, out-maneuvering them at every turn so they had no chance of getting me.

Arbiter: Think again. (Our heroes look over at him.)

Jim: Huh?

Arbiter: This rocket of yours has a tracker attached. You lead them right to us. (The Arbiter takes the tracker off and crushes it with his hand.)

Jim: I... well... um...

Rosalina: (Walks over.) What is going on? (A group of fireballs suddenly fire on the ship. Our heroes dive out of the way, but one fireball hits Rosalina and knocks her over. She hits her head and goes unconscious.)

Ratchet: Rosalina!

Jim: (Pointing.) It's them! (The camera pans to see Ridley flying with a cluster of Space Pirate Gunships behind him. Ridley roars at them. The Arbiter pulls out the Prophets' Bane and turns to Jim.)

Arbiter: You!

Jim: (Points to himself.) Me?

Arbiter: Yes, you. Take care of the air troops. I'll take out whatever lands on the observatory.

Jim: (Salutes.) Aye aye! (Jim jumps onto his Pocket Rocket and blasts off.) Yippee ki-yay!

Ratchet: What about us? (Ridley lands on the Comet Observatory and roars.)

Arbiter: Take care of that one. (The Arbiter runs off.)

Ratchet: Okay... let's try our best. (Ratchet pulls out his blaster and shoots continuous fire at Ridley. It doesn't do much damage and makes Ridley angrier. Ridley swipes at Ratchet, with Clank now on Ratchet's back, and knocks them down.) Okay... what's plan B? (We cut to Jim flying through space, shooting at multiple Space Pirate ships, causing them to burst into flames.)

Jim: Win win win! Me me me! (We then cut to two Space Pirate ships landing on the observatory. Two Space Pirates get out of each ship and begin firing energy beams out of their eyes at Lumas. A grenade suddenly lands between the ships. Two Space Pirates dive out of the way as the grenade explodes, destroying the ships.)

Arbiter: Steel yourself! (The Arbiter runs up with the Prophet's Bane and slices one Space Pirate in half. The other Space Pirate swipes at the Arbiter and gets his arm. The Arbiter slashes the other Space Pirate in half vertically.) Victory is ours. (We cut to Ratchet firing rockets at Ridley using the Warmonger. This blows Ridley back as his claws dig into the observatory. Ridley fires fireballs out of his mouth. Ratchet ducks under one but is hit away by a different one. Ratchet struggles to get up as Clank gets off his back.)

Clank: Are you alright, Ratchet?

Ratchet: Yeah, buddy... just a... little bruised. Still beat up... from our last fight. (We cut back to Ridley as Jim flies above him and shoots.)

Jim: Take this! (Ridley roars and smacks Jim off of his Pocket Rocket. He lands hard on the ground.) Ouch! (We cut back to Ratchet and Clank.)

Clank: I'll handle this, Ratchet. (We see a giant shadow begin to loom over Ratchet as Clank transforms into giant Clank. Clank then runs up to Ridley and grabs him by his snout. Clank then pulls Ridley over his head and slams him on the ground.)

(We cut to the Arbiter shooting his assault rifle at more Space Pirates as Jim runs in and begins firing also with his back against the Arbiter's.)

Jim: The whole world against us. Will we survive?

Arbiter: You talk too much. (We cut again to Clank as he holds Ridley's arms apart. Ridley uses his tail to stab into Clank's stomach. Clank then headbutts Ridley away. Clank then fires rockets at Ridley and sends him above the observatory. We cut to the Arbiter and Jim.)

Arbiter: (To Jim.) Quickly, come here! (Jim runs over as the Prophet's Bane is thrust into his hands.) I trust you know what to do.

Jim: Maybe. (The Arbiter grabs Jim and spins him around by the head. He lets go as Jim is flung towards Ridley.) Chew on this! (Jim thrusts the blade into Ridley's chest as he screams out in pain. He then pulls it out and drops back to the observatory.) See ya! (Ridley drops down a bit using his wings as Clank runs up and provides a final blow to Ridley's face with his fist. Ridley is flung far out into space as a shimmer is seen.)

(We cut to later on as we see our three heroes standing next to the Arbiter's now repaired ship. Rosalina is there to see them off.)

Rosalina: I cannot thank you enough for what you have done. (She gives the Shadow Crystal shard to Ratchet.) Please, for me and my children, bring us home.

Ratchet: (Smiling.) I won't let you down, ma'am.

Rosalina: Please, you can just call me Rosalina. The Lumas and I will be rooting for you all. (The Arbiter turns to Ratchet.)

Arbiter: Lead me to where this battle occurred. I assure you, John-117 will want to finish the fight, and he will.

Ratchet: You got it. But... (He turns to Jim.) Why is he coming?

Jim: When the world needs saving, Earthworm Jim will be there!

Ratchet: I guess we do need the help.

Arbiter: Then let us be on our way.

Jim: Groovy! (We see the Arbiter's ship leaving the Comet Observatory.)

(We cut to the inside of the Death Egg. A group of Space Pirates is walking through the halls. They make it to the door of a large room. As it opens, we see it is dark. Slowly, the lights begin turning on. Eventually, in the middle of the room, we see the form of Mother Brain (Metroid) underneath the lights. Her one eye opens.)

End of Episode

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