Chapter 1 - Episode 3: Goodbye, Galaxy

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(The episode begins looking out upon the Nefarious space station in the middle of space. The camera zooms in to the brain of the space station as we see Dr. Nefarious inside toiling away at his console.)

Nefarious: I'm not sure what that miserable Lombax did, but we're out of range from every planet I've ever tried to conquer. How am I supposed to be a supervillain with distractions like these? (We see Lawrence (Ratchet & Clank) walk into the room behind Dr. Nefarious.)

Lawrence: I'm sure you'll make do, sir.

Nefarious: Wait a minute. I'm far away from every world I've tried to conquer.

Lawrence: You've mentioned, sir.

Nefarious: Which means I have entirely new planets that will soon know the great name of Dr. Nefarious! Mwahahahaha! (He begins typing away. An image of Earth pops up, with the population appearing underneath at ~7.9 billion.) Earth. Lawrence, what do you think? (Lawrence looks it over.)

Lawrence: Well sir, there are billions of people on Earth. Perhaps we should stick to something simpler. You do not have the best track record of conquered planets.

Nefarious: You're right. (He types again.) How about... (An image of Mars pops up with the population saying ~20.) Aha! Mars.

Lawrence: Wonderful, sir. Even someone as simple as you can handle a planet of this population.

Nefarious: Right you are, Lawrence. Time to make a quick visit to Mars. (Nefarious walks off as we cut to outside the space station. We then see a ship leave the space station through the bottom ring.)

(We cut to a different sector of space as the Normandy flies by. We cut inside to see Commander Shepard sitting down at a table.)

???: Been a tough week, huh Commander? (Shepard turns around to see Liara T'soni (Mass Effect) behind him.)

Shepard: That's one way to put it. (He turns away from her.)

Liara: The crew has to be out there somewhere, and when we find them-

Shepard: (Turning back.) If we find them. We have no idea where we are.

Liara: At least we're not alone. Joker and Garrus are still with us.

Shepard: I am Commander of this ship, and I lost nearly my entire crew. (Shepard looks away again as footsteps are heard. We see Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect) walk up to them.)

Garrus: We have visuals on a planet. (Shepard gets up.)

Shepard: Show me. (Shepard and Liara follow Garrus out. We cut to the cockpit as Jeff Moreau (Mass Effect) pilots it. Shepard, Liara, and Garrus all walk in.)

Jeff: Finally, you're all here. (No one says anything.) Happy to see you too, Commander.

Shepard: You've found a planet?

Jeff: Yep, that red beauty right down there. (We see Mars through the glass of the Normandy.)

Liara: Could anyone be down there?

Jeff: Well, it's practically uninhabitable from the looks of it, but yeah, maybe our crew is living it up down there. (Suddenly, a humanoid object moves past the Normandy, heading straight towards Mars. This catches everyone's attention.)

Garrus: What was that?

Liara: Looked like some sort of man.

Jeff: Doesn't look like he's having fun.

Shepard: Let's dock on that planet and search. If anything, we know that there's someone down there who could need our help.

Jeff: Yes, Commander. (We cut to see the Normandy heading towards Mars.)

(We cut to the surface of Mars as we see a young boy working on a small rocket ship. He stands up from working on it to reveal that this character is Commander Keen.)

Keen: I'm never gonna fix this thing. Missing too many parts from the crash. (He sits down next to his ship.) Marooned in space again. Just my luck. (We cut to a view of Keen from far away as the camera pulls back to reveal a Starman (EarthBound). The camera turns around to reveal five of them.)

Starman 1: Another puny human.

Starman 2: Let's squash him. (The Starmen teleport away. We cut back to Keen as he looks up to see the Starmen surrounding him.)

Keen: Woah. Who are you guys?

Starman 1: You will get off of our planet now.

Keen: I'm trying, but my stupid ship won't work.

Starman 1: Very well, then prepare to be destroyed. (The Starmen begin firing PSI Fire at Keen.)

Keen: Woah! (Keen jumps behind the Beans-with-Bacon Megarocket for cover. Two of the Starmen suddenly teleport to behind the ship and startle Keen.)

Starman 3: You cannot hide. (Keen jumps into the cockpit of the ship and closes the hatch as the Starmen continue shooting at him.)

Keen: (Panicking.) This is just a bad dream. This is just a bad dream. This is just a bad dream. (Suddenly, the figure seen from the Normandy lands on the lead Starman, destroying it. The figure gets up and is revealed to be Master Chief, now with a dark aura around him. The Starmen study him.)

Starman 2: Yet another challenger to take on the Starmen? (Master Chief raises his assault rifle and begins firing at the Starmen. He shoots through two of them on one side of the Megarocket. The last two teleport onto either side of him. Master Chief tears through one with his Energy Sword horizontally before then plunging it into the head of the last Starman. Keen gets out of the Megarocket.)

Keen: Thanks, mister. I was in a real pickle right there. (Master Chief stares at him.) Yeah... uh... thanks. (Master Chief walks towards Keen with his Energy Sword.) You can put that away now. They're all gone.

Master Chief: Keep quiet. (Master Chief swings at Keen who jumps backwards, barely dodging.)

Keen: I'm j-just a kid.

Master Chief: All must be eliminated.

(We cut to a now landed Normandy as Shepard, Liara, and Garrus walk onto Mars, all wearing a form of helmet for breathing.)

Liara: He should be around here somewhere.

Garrus: Commander, look! (Garrus points away from the ship as the camera pans to see the fight between Master Chief and Keen.)

Shepard: Looks like that kid's in trouble. (He readies his assault rifle.) Let's give him some help.

(We cut back to Master Chief holding his Energy Sword above his head, ready to strike. As he swings, he suddenly floats up and becomes suspended in midair by a dark energy. The camera pans to see that this is because of Liara using her Singularity ability. Shepard and Garrus run past her, shooting at Master Chief with their assault rifles.)

Garrus: No mercy for those who attack children! (Master Chief takes multiple shots. He then takes out his assault rifle, shoots at Liara, and skins her arm.)

Liara: Gah! (Master Chief is dropped onto the ground. He runs up to Garrus and slams his shoulder into his chin, knocking him over. Master Chief then takes out his Energy Sword and swings it at Shepard, but he blocks it with his Omni-blade.)

Shepard: Back away from the kid. (Master Chief raises his Energy Sword again and brings it down towards Shepard. Shepard rolls out of the way and slices into Master Chief's arm with his Omni-blade. He then kicks Master Chief down as the dark aura around him flickers.) What the... (Master Chief turns around and begins shooting at Shepard. He is hit twice and falls backward. Master Chief begins to get up, but Keen jumps on his chest using a pogo stick and lands next to Shepard. He gives him his hand.) Get out of here, kid. It's dangerous.

Keen: No, I need to help. (Keen puts the pogo stick to the side and pulls out his blaster. Master Chief gets up and begins walking towards them while Keen continuously shoots at him, barely doing any damage. Keen and Shepard look at him in fear before he suddenly stops.) Huh?

Liara: Commander! (Liara and Garrus walk up to them, clutching their wounds.) I... put him in stasis.

Shepard: Good work.

Garrus: Now. (Garrus walks up to Master Chief and begins pounding down on his helmet. After four strong hits, the dark aura around Master Chief dissipates.)

Shepard: Garrus, stop it.

Garrus: Huh?

Shepard: The dark aura around him. It disappeared. (To Liara.) Take him out of stasis.

Liara: Yes, Commander. (Liara takes Master Chief out of stasis. Master Chief falls to his knees as Shepard walks up, assault rifle pointed at him.)

Shepard: Who the hell are you, and why the hell were you attacking this child.

Master Chief: Master Mind. He won.

Shepard: (Confused.) What? (Master Chief takes out his Holotank as Cortana appears in it.)

Cortana: Yes, Chief?

Master Chief: What happened? What's my location?

Cortana: Chief, I think you were brainwashed.

Keen: Brainwashed? Cool.

Cortana: Master Mind put you and everyone else under his control. He must have sent you into space to do his bidding.

Shepard: Wait one second. Who are you?

Cortana: Oh, sorry, I didn't notice you. This is John-117, otherwise known as Master Chief, a Spartan. We were defeated by Master Mind, a being who wants to take over this universe.

Keen: The whole universe?

Master Chief: I must return to Earth immediately. The lives of everyone here depend on it. (Our heroes look at each other in confusion.)

(We cut to Dr. Nefarious landing on Mars in his ship.)

Nefarious: So, this is Mars. (He looks around.) It's so... red. (Smiling.) Perfect. (He walks over a hill to survey the land before he sees a Rifter Hawk in the distance.) Getting that machine will make this job too easy. (He laughs to himself. We cut to the Rifter Hawk to see the Outlaw (Starhawk) sitting next to it)

Outlaw: No rift energy all the way out here. (We see Nefarious stick his head out from behind the Hawk's leg and smiles evilly. He then creeps out from behind it with a large space rock above his head. He brings it down onto the Outlaw's head, knocking him unconscious.)

Nefarious: You squishies are all so weak. (He rubs his hands evilly and looks up at the Hawk.) Time to have some fun.

(We cut back to our heroes walking back towards the Normandy.)

Keen: (To Shepard.) Thanks for agreeing to take me with you, Commander.

Shepard: It's not a problem, uh... Commander.

Liara: What are you the Commander of again?

Keen: The Beans-with-Bacon Megarocket. Built it myself.

Garrus: How old are you?

Keen: Eight, but I'll be nine soon. (A shadow flies above them as the Rifter Hawk goes into mech form and lands in front of them. The hatch opens and Dr. Nefarious pops out.)

Nefarious: Greetings, I am Dr. Nefarious, the new ruler of Mars! Mwahahaha!

Shepard: Ruler of Mars?

Keen: Hey, mister, we were just about to leave Mars.

Nefarious: I cannot let you do that. (The hatch closes again.) Prepare to be destroyed! (The Hawk begins shooting at our heroes as they dive to each side. Shepard, Liara, and Garrus dive to the right while Master Chief grabs Keen and dives to the left. Master Chief and Keen both begin shooting at the Hawk.) Stop that! (The Hawk jumps over to them and tries to land on them but our heroes jump out of the way. We cut to Shepard's team.)

Shepard: All eyes on the enemy! (Garrus pulls out a sniper rifle and begins firing. Shepard and Liara run towards the Hawk while Shepard fires his assault rifle. We cut to Master Chief cutting into the leg of the Hawk with his Energy Sword, exposing wires.)

Nefarious: So, the mech isn't working out. But what if I take to the skies? Mwahaha! (The Hawk takes on its jet form. Keen jumps onto it as it takes off.)

Keen: Aaaaaaaah! (The Hawk flies around and loops towards where our heroes are. It begins shooting rapidly. We see the shots tear through Garrus as the rest of our heroes duck out of the way.)

Shepard: Garrus!

Liara: No! (Garrus falls to the ground. We cut to Keen holding tightly onto the jet. He crawls to the right wing and pries open the metal coverings on it.)

Keen: Let's do some science. (He reaches in and starts fiddling around. We see the Hawk begin to lose power in the right wing and start spinning in the air.)

Nefarious: Hey! Who's messing with my machine?! (Keen suddenly flies off of the Hawk.)

Keen: Heeeeeelp! (We see Master Chief run towards Keen as he jumps and catches him in midair.)

Master Chief: Gotcha.

Keen: Thanks, mister. (The Hawk crashes down, still in jet form. We cut to Nefarious pounding on the controls inside.)

Nefarious: Come on! Work, you! (We see Shepard run up and lob a grenade at the other wing.)

Shepard: Yah! (It lands on the wing.)

Nefarious: Oh no. (The grenade explodes and the Hawk does with it. We see Nefarious fly out of it into the air.) Lawreeeeeeeence! (He flies out of sight. Our heroes meet up back together next to the body of Garrus.)

Master Chief: I'm sorry about your friend.

Shepard: (Sighs.) It's hard enough fighting a war. But it's worse knowing no matter how hard you try, you can't save them all. (Master Chief nods and puts Garrus onto his shoulders.)

Master Chief: I'll carry him back. (Shepard nods. We see our heroes walk back towards the Normandy.)

(We cut inside the Normandy to see Jeff Moreau. Our heroes walk in behind him, now without Garrus. Shepard and Liara no longer have their helmets on.)

Jeff: So, we found the man-comet? (Shepard nods.) Where's Garrus?

Shepard: He didn't make it.

Jeff: (Looks down.) D*mn.

Master Chief: We need you to get us to Earth. War has begun.

Jeff: Show me where, and I'll get us there smoothly. (We cut outside to see the Normandy take off. We then cut to a different angle farther away to see a woozy Dr. Nefarious watching it leave.)

Nefarious: Count your days, squishies. The day of Nefarious is near! (He begins a long evil laugh as the camera zooms out.)

End of Episode

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