Chapter 1 - Episode 4: Bloody Tears

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(The episode begins with a view above a police station. Multiple people are seen walking or talking outside. We see one figure walk inside. We cut inside to see Leon S. Kennedy talking to another police officer. Behind him is the front desk as the figure seen before, Claire Redfield (Resident Evil), walks up to the desk.)

Claire: Excuse me, I'm looking for an Officer Kennedy. Leon Kennedy. (Leon turns around.)

Leon: Claire?

Claire: Leon! (Claire runs up to Leon and hugs him.) Finally, a familiar face. I've been looking for you everywhere.

Leon: This world is in shambles. I've assumed you heard the news.

Claire: (Letting go of Leon.) I've heard about the airships and the robots. Sounds like something my brother would handle.

Leon: So Chris is missing?

Claire: (Looking down.) No sign of him at all. (We see the deputy from New Game enter the room.)

Deputy: Kennedy, we've got something for you.

Leon: What is it?

Deputy: We got a distress call. Someone claiming their from the BSAA. Whatever that is.

Claire: Chris! That's the organization Chris is part of!

Deputy: And this is, Kennedy?

Leon: A friend. You were saying, sir?

Deputy: Yes, well, from what he was saying it seems like he and others have been taken hostage. We're not sure who or what is keeping them there, but their location isn't far from here. Our other officers are busy with the recent attack on the city, so I'm sending you in. Don't let me down. (The Deputy leaves.)

Leon: Looks like I have a job to do.

Claire: (Putting a hand on Leon's shoulder.) Not alone.

Leon: I figured. We'll take one of the cruisers.

Claire: And we'll find Chris. (We cut outside as we see a police cruiser drive out from the station.)

(We cut to a view above a desolate-looking small town at nighttime. We see a Murkrow (Pokemon) on top of a telephone wire.)

Murkrow: Krow! Krow! (It flies down above the streets as the camera focuses on a manhole cover. The scene fades into one underground in the sewers. The camera focuses on Simon Belmont, who's chained upside down to a pipe on the ceiling. He's bloodied and dazed. We hear footsteps approaching.)

Simon: Huh? (The camera pans around to see Pyramid Head. He's carrying his Great Knife while dragging a moaning body behind him. Pyramid Head throws the body in front of him, revealing him to be Danny Lamb (Manhunt).)

Danny: Please... have mer- (He's interrupted by Pyramid Head bringing the Great Knife down on Danny's chest, killing him.)

Simon: (To Pyramid Head.) What business do you have with me, demon? (Pyramid Head stares at him.) Answer me. (Pyramid Head approaches him, wielding his Great Knife with both hands.) No answer, you coward? Fine. (Pyramid Head brings his Great Knife up when the sound of tires come from above. This gets Pyramid Head's attention. He begins to leave.) The Belmont Clan will not end with me.

(We cut to the streets as the police cruiser stops at a small house. Leon and Claire get out.)

Leon: This is the place. This town looks deserted

Claire: Chris is in this building. He has to be.

Leon: (Readying handgun.) Just be careful. (He hands a second handgun to Claire.)

Claire: Right. (Leon leads them to the front door and kicks it down.)

Leon: Police! Hands up! (They look around to see the house abandoned. A male voice is heard from upstairs.)

???: Up here! (Leon looks up, confused. He leads Claire upstairs as they look around. They hear the voice from a nearby room.) Come in. Quickly. (They go into a mostly-empty room. Inside is Barry Burton (Resident Evil) and Alexandra Roivas.)

Alexandra: I was wondering when you'd show up.

Leon: I thought this was a hostage situation?

Barry: It is, just not in the way you think.

Alexandra: There's monsters covering this place. We were lucky enough to have found this house.

Claire: What about the BSAA agent? Is he here?

Barry: That'd be me. Name's Barry Burton.

Claire: Not Chris Redfield?

Barry: Chris Redfield? Haven't seen Chris in a long while. (Claire looks downtrodden.)

Alexandra: (Grabbing shotgun.) Just get us out of here quick.

Barry: I'll lead us out. (Barry gets to the doorway and turns around.) And, I'm sorry about Chris. I worked alongside him. I wish I knew where he was. (Barry suddenly gasps as the rest of our heroes scream. The camera pans out to see Pyramid Head with his Great Knife through Barry's chest.) I... I... (Barry falls to the ground. Leon, Claire, and Alexandra all shoot at Pyramid Head, but the bullets don't do anything.)

Claire: It's not doing anything! (Pyramid Head walks closer.)

Alexandra: I'll distract him! You all get out! (Alexandra runs towards him.)

Leon: Wait! (Alexandra runs up with her knife and starts slashing at Pyramid Head. Pyramid Head grabs her by the throat and throws her out of a window. We see her land on the ground below. Leon and Claire run past Pyramid Head to the doorway. Pyramid Head turns around and swings at them.)

Claire: Duck! (Leon and Claire duck as the Great Knife lodges itself into the wall.) Come on, Leon! (We see Leon and Claire exit the house.)

Leon: Let's find that girl. (They run to the back of the house, but can't find her.) Miss? (He pauses.) Miss!

Claire: Where'd she go? (A figure drops heavily behind them. They turn around to see that it's a Licker (Resident Evil).)

Leon: (Whispering.) A Licker.

Claire: (Also whispering.) I thought I'd never have to see one of those again.

Leon: Stay quiet. We'll sneak away. (Leon and Claire silently start walking backwards while the Licker turns its head from side to side. They get a few steps before the Murkrow from before lands behind them.)

Murkrow: Krow!

Leon: Sh*t! (The Licker roars and starts rampaging towards them. Leon and Claire start running away as it chases them.)

(We cut to Alexandra limping into the street, a bit far from the house she and Leon were in. She suddenly notices an open manhole cover.)

Alexandra: What the... (A voice is suddenly heard from deep within. We recognize it to be Simon's.)

Simon: Come back, foul demon! I will end you!

Alexandra: Someone's down there? (She looks around before jumping down. She is immediately greeted by multiple unrecognizable corpses strewn about.) I guess this is where everyone went. (She wades through the sewer water towards Simon's voice. We see unknown figures watching Alexandra from the shadows.)

(We cut to Alexandra walking into the large room where Simon is being held. He looks shocked.)

Simon: Who goes there?

Alexandra: I'm Alex... and uh... who are you?

Simon: (Pauses a moment.) I am Simon Belmont. Please, you must release me so I can vanquish that demon. (Alexandra goes over to Simon and releases him from the ropes holding his legs to the pipe above with her knife. She lowers him down.) Thank you.

Alexandra: You're bloodied.

Simon: That beast attacked me with his knife. (Alexandra holds out her hands and uses Recover on Simon. His wounds heal.) Thank you.

Alexandra: No problem. (A growl is suddenly heard. Our heroes look towards the entrance to the room and see a group of Gatherers (Amnesia). They begin stumbling towards our heroes.) What are those things?

Simon: (Readying his whip.) Monsters. (Simon runs up to the Gatherers and hits a group of three in the legs with his whip, knocking them over. One Gatherer shambles up to Alexandra. She turns to it and shoots it in the head with her shotgun.)

Alexandra: Stay back! (A second Gatherer comes up from behind and grabs Alexandra's shoulders.) Get off! (She elbows it back. She looks upon the group of Gatherers and starts to hyperventilate. A giant Gatherer erupts from the water and reaches towards Alexandra. She falls backwards. We cut to Simon throwing an axe into the chest of a Gatherer before looking back towards Alexandra.)

Simon: Huh? (He sees Alexandra cowering with nothing reaching towards her.) Alex! Get up! (We see the giant Gatherer again as a white flash covers the screen. The giant Gatherer disappears. It was a hallucination. Simon runs up to Alexandra and helps her up.)

Alexandra: (Breathing heavily.) We need to get out of here. (Simon looks at the group of Gatherers at the exit.)

Simon: Stay close behind me. (Simon throws a boomerang at the Gatherers and knocks some over, creating a hole in the crowd. He and Alexandra run through. We see them run past the corpses as splashing sounds are heard behind them.)

Alexandra: They're gaining on us! (They reach the manhole that Alexandra first came through.) Our way out is up there.

Simon: I'll help you escape. (Simon leans down and lets Alexandra step on his hands to boost her up. She crawls to the surface.)

Alexandra: Alright. I'm up. (Simon's whip then partially comes through the manhole.)

Simon: Grab on! (Alexandra nods and holds on. We cut back into the sewers to see the Gatherers running towards Simon as he crawls up his whip.) Die monsters! (Simon throws a fire bomb at the Gatherers and they burst into flames. They scream. Simon reaches the top and puts the manhole cover over the manhole.) That's the last we'll see of them.

Alexandra: Look! (Alexandra points at Leon and Claire across the street, the Licker chasing them. Leon and Claire begin climbing up the side of a house with a ladder on the side. The Licker follows them to the roof.) Come on, they need our help. (Alexandra and Simon run towards the battle.)

(We cut to the roof as the Licker corners Leon and Claire near the edge. The Licker's tongue lolls out of its mouth.)

Claire: What do we do?

Leon: Shoot! (Leon and Claire begin emptying their guns onto the Licker. It lunges forward onto Claire and pins her down.)

Claire: Leon! Help! (Leon continues shooting at the Licker as Claire tries to push it away. Suddenly, Pyramid Head's Great Knife erupts out of the roof straight through Claire and the Licker, killing them both.) Leon... (Claire and the Licker's body fall to the side of the roof as Pyramid Head crawls onto the roof through the new hole and corners Leon on the edge.)

Leon: What're you gonna do? Just kill me? Go on then! Kill me! (Pyramid Head raises the Great Knife and starts to bring it down. Leon closes his eyes but nothing happens. He opens them to see Simon and Alexandra behind Pyramid Head. Simon's whip is wrapped around Pyramid Head's hands. He's pulling back on the whip.)

Simon: You will not win this fight, demon. (Simon tugs back and Pyramid Head drops the Great Knife. Pyramid Head drops to the ground and lunges to get the Great Knife. Alexandra shoots Pyramid Head with her shotgun and sends him back a bit. Simon wields the Great Knife.) Now you shall know the fury of the Belmont Clan! (Pyramid Head stands back up as Simon plunges the Great Knife through his chest. Pyramid Head touches around his wound before dropping. It falls off of the roof onto a car in the driveway below. Pyramid Head's lifeless body lies still. We cut to our heroes at the police cruiser.)

Leon: Thank you for saving me.

Alexandra: Ditto.

Simon: I am sorry we could not save your friend.

Leon: Yeah. (Looks downtrodden.) We almost made it.

Alexandra: I'm really sorry, uh, Leon, right?

Leon: Yeah. (He gets into the cruiser.) Get in. Let's get out of here before more monsters show up. I still have somebody to find.

Simon: What is this device?

Alexandra: Just get in and buckle up, Belmont. (Simon nods. We see a bird's-eye-view of the police cruiser driving out of town as the camera pans towards the sky.)

End of Episode

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