Chapter 2 - Episode 2: Helghan Forever

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(The episode begins in the city at night. Street lights shine down on the streets as people walk through the city. We go down to the streets as we see Murphy Pendleton (Silent Hill) walk past a trash can and throw a soda can he's holding into it. The can misses, but Murphy keeps walking. We cut to a view behind Murphy's head as the can hits him in the back of the head.)

Murphy: Ow! (Murphy turns around to see an Overwatch Soldier (Half-Life) holding a Stun Baton.)

Overwatch Soldier: Pick up that can.

Murphy: Whatever. (Murphy begins walking away as a second Overwatch Soldier steps in front of him, holding another Stun Baton.)

Overwatch Soldier #2: Pick up that can.

Murphy: What the hell are you? (The first Overwatch Soldier comes up behind Murphy and hits him with a Stun Baton.) Agh! (The two soldiers continue to beat Murphy as he falls over onto the ground. We cut to a view on the rooftops as a figure watches this happen.)

???: Here we go. (The soldiers continue to beat Murphy as the blade of a katana suddenly goes through the chest of the second soldier. The camera pans up to see Raiden holding his katana through the soldier's chest.)

Overwatch Soldier #2: Ow... (Raiden pulls his katana out as the soldier falls to the ground. The other soldier looks at him and attempts to hit him with the Stun Baton. Raiden blocks it with his katana and knocks the Stun Baton out of the soldier's hand. Raiden then jumps in the air and kicks the soldier back before slicing through the soldier's torso, tearing him in half. The soldier's body parts hit the floor as Raiden inspects them.)

Raiden: You're not who I'm looking for. (Raiden gets up and begins to leave. Murphy gets up behind him.)

Murphy: Hey, thanks for the help.

Raiden: (Stops for a moment.) I'm not finished yet. (Raiden begins leaving again as the camera pans up. A figure is watching Raiden from the rooftops, flowing hair behind them. We cut to Raiden landing on another building and surveying the area. He seems to be looking for something specific.) Where are you?

???: Looking for something? (Raiden turns around to see Zero standing behind him.) I've never seen a Maverick quite like you.

Raiden: (Readying his katana.) Who are you?

Zero: I've been following you. I saw you fight down on the streets. I'm not sure exactly what you are. (Equips his Z-Saber.) I do know you're dangerous, and until I know you're on my side, I can't trust you.

Raiden: I can't have anyone messing up my mission. (Raiden lunges towards Zero as he slashes wildly with his katana. Zero parries the blows with his own Z-Saber. Both heroes hold their blades firmly against the other as they look each other in the eyes.) This blade is a tool of justice.

Zero: Justice is often an excuse for petty revenge. (The two fighters jump back as Zero's hand transforms into the Z-Buster. He starts shooting at Raiden. Raiden is hit twice before jumping over the remaining shots and slashing Zero away with his katana. Zero rolls backwards and gets back onto his feet. He charges back towards Raiden and slashes his leg with the Z-Saber. Raiden bends down as Zero uppercuts him. Raiden lands on his back.)

Raiden: (Getting back up.) Now you're making me mad. (Raiden runs up to Zero and slashes at his legs, forcing Zero to fall over. Before he hits the ground, Raiden knees him in the face and slashes at him again, knocking him away as he hits the floor. We then see Raiden jump above Zero, preparing to skewer his chest. Zero rolls away at the last moment as the katana hits the ground. Zero gets up and knocks Raiden onto the ground with his Z-Saber.) Ugh... (Zero puts the Z-Saber up to Raiden's neck.)

Zero: Now, who are you?

Raiden: I'm not the one you should be fighting. The Helghan are coming.

Zero: (Lowering his Z-Saber.) Helghan? (Raiden takes the opportunity to kick Zero's hand back. He then flips over Zero and kicks him to the ground. Raiden puts his katana to Zero's neck.)

Raiden: I don't have time for distractions like you. (Raiden begins to leave.)

Zero: Wait! (Raiden stops.)

Raiden: What?

Zero: Who are the Helghan?

Raiden: They arrived here just a few days ago. (We go into a flashback. We see Raiden slashing at a large group of Helghan soldiers, killing any that approach him.) They're here to take over this world. They're led by someone named Radec. (The Raiden in the flashback finishes killing the soldiers. He looks down at the carnage.) It's my duty to find Radec and stop the Helghan. (The flashback stops.) I don't know how much time I have. They may already have a plan in motion.

Zero: Then let me help you.

Raiden: Why should I?

Zero: I stood toe-to-toe with you when we fought. I'm part of an elite group of soldiers who work towards preventing the same thing you're trying to stop. (He holds out his hand.) Call me Zero.

Raiden: (Shakes Zero's hand.) Raiden. (The camera zooms in on the handshake as we fade into the interior of the Helghan Cruiser. We see Radec at the control panel as Master Mind stands behind him.)

Master Mind: Are your troops ready, Colonel?

Radec: They are completely ready for deployment. I await your clearance.

Master Mind: You may begin the invasion. We will take this city, and soon this world, as our own.

Radec: Excellent. (Radec presses a button on the console in front of him. We cut to the outside of the Helghan Cruiser, which is hovering far above the city below. We cut down to the streets below as Helghan Troop Carriers move throughout the city. Citizens run screaming out of the way as a group of three trample over cars. They stop as Helghan soldiers jump out of them, already equipped with weapons. We cut to a different area of the city as two Hover Tanks go through the city while shooting at buildings. Screaming is heard everywhere.)

(We cut to the inside of a museum. The exhibit in particular seems to be one on World War II. In the museum, we see Luke (Professor Layton) and Elise (Sonic the Hedgehog) looking at the many exhibits. The camera then focuses on a man looking at a part of the exhibit showing cots and weaponry from World War II. The man is revealed to be B.J. Blazkowicz, who seems to be lost in thought while looking at the exhibit. We see the curator of the museum, a short elderly man, come up behind him.)

Curator: You've been here for quite some time. (B.J. looks over at him.) You're a fan of history I presume?

B.J.: You could say that. (He looks back at the exhibit.) It's just... surreal I suppose. Reading about how the war was won. It makes me smile.

Curator: You are not from this world. Forgive me for being so blunt about it, you all have that certain look to you. I am curious, did you have your own version of the World Wars?

B.J.: Yes, actually. Didn't end quite the same as it did here though. I fought in the second World War. War is a disease. Passed through blood, spilled by warriors. I wish I was as lucky as you.

Curator: I'm sorry to hear about that. History is a cruel mistress.

B.J.: Sure is. (He turns to the curator.) I'm William, by the way. William Blazkowicz.

Curator: Well, Mr. Blazkowicz, perhaps you will be able to visit the museum again some time, and we can talk more on history.

B.J.: I might take you up on that offer. (A commotion is suddenly heard coming from the back of the museum. Screaming is heard.) What's that? (A group of Helghan soldiers suddenly burst into the museum holding guns. They start shooting at civilians in the museum.)

Helghan Soldier: All will perish! (They start shooting at B.J. and the curator as B.J. pushes him out of the way. They hide behind a corner leading to another part of the museum.)

Curator: What is happening? Who are they? (B.J. looks over at the exhibit showing different weapons. He suddenly bolts towards them as the curator looks on, horrified. Whispering.) Mr. Blazkowicz! (B.J. runs up to the weapons and grabs a MG-46 along with some ammo being showcased. The soldiers shoot at him as he twists around and dives behind another exhibit. He loads his gun and begins shooting at the soldiers. Taking out three of the five that are in the museum.)

Helghan Soldier: Scum! (The Helghan soldiers all hide behind different cover. They continue to shoot at B.J.. The fire fight continues as B.J. shoots a soldier in the head as he comes out of cover. The last soldier slowly advances on B.J. before lunging at him with a knife. B.J. blocks the soldier's arm with his own as the soldier continues to swing at him. The soldier eventually kicks B.J. over as he stands above him.) Say goodbye! (A gunshot suddenly fires as a hole appears in the soldier's chest. He falls over as B.J. sees the curator holding a pistol from the exhibit. He's breathing heavily.)

Curator: Mr. Blazkowicz, are you alright?

B.J.: Yeah, I'm alright.

Curator: There's more of them outside. It's an invasion.

B.J.: I can't let that happen. Your world is going to continue to be free. (B.J. readies his gun.) And I'm going to defend it.

Curator: You should probably take this then. (The Curator gives B.J. the pistol. B.J. nods and then runs out of the museum.)

(We cut to the city as Hover Tanks and soldiers continue to rampage through the city. Two police cars drive up as two officers get out of each vehicle. They begin shooting at the soldiers running through the city.)

Officer: (Talking into his receiver.) We need backup! We need the army! (We see a Hover Tank shoot at one of the police cars as it explodes. The officers jump for cover. We cut to the rooftops as Raiden and Zero watch the carnage below.)

Raiden: They've begun their invasion.

Zero: That's them?

Raiden: The Helghan. This is their biggest attack yet.

Zero: They're going all out.

Raiden: Which might mean this'll be their last attack if we play our cards right. (Unsheathing his katana.) Let's put an end to this.

Zero: (Equipping his Z-Saber.) I'll be right behind you. (They both jump down from the roof. Raiden lands on a Troop Carrier and plunges his blade into it, short-circuiting it. A soldier turns to shoot Raiden as Zero lands behind the soldier and slashes through the soldier's chest, killing him. Raiden jumps from the Troop Carrier and lands on a soldier. Another soldier turns to shoot him as Raiden slices his hands off.)

Helghan Soldier: Agh! (Raiden slices vertically through the soldier's body before turning to another soldier and stabbing him through the throat.)

Raiden: Lord have mercy. (We see a soldier take aim behind Raiden as Zero runs up to him and slices through the soldier.)

(We cut to B.J. running through the city shooting at soldiers with his machine gun. He turns to see a Hover Tank shooting at buildings in the city. B.J. runs towards it and jumps onto the tank. He opens the hatch leading into it and shoots at the soldier inside with his pistol. He then jumps into the tank and fiddles with the control.)

B.J.: Let's see if I can pilot this thing. (The head of the tank turns a bit as B.J. tries to pilot it. We see the tank shoot at a group of soldiers as well as a Troop Carrier.) Now we have some firepower.

(We cut back to Raiden and Zero as they slice through more soldiers. Raiden pierces his katana into one's chest as Zero slices the head off.)

Zero: How many of them are left?

???: Enough to still wipe out this city. (Raiden and Zero look towards the source of the voice as they find Radec on a Jet Bike not far in front of them.)

Raiden: You must be Radec.

Radec: Indeed, but I am not familiar with you.

Zero: We're the ones who are gonna put a stop to your tyranny.

Radec: Tyranny? No, no. We are simply giving you a new leader. The Master Mind Empire will rule this world. No longer will "heroes" like you poison this world. It is time for a new order. (A group of three Hover Tanks are seen behind Raiden and Zero as they turn around. Raiden looks furiously at them as Zero stands by in shock.) A shame you won't be around to see it, scum. (The sound of a tank shooting is heard as one of the three tanks explodes. The two others quickly follow as a fourth Hover Tank plows through them. B.J. jumps out of the Hover Tank and runs towards the other heroes.)

Zero: Uh... thanks?

B.J.: Agent Blazkowicz. I'm here to help.

Radec: I'm shocked we hadn't killed all of you yet. Well, (Radec pulls out a small device and pushes a button on it. A Spider Tank and two Troop Carriers fall from the sky behind Radec. Radec gets on top of the Spider Tank.) Let's change that.

Raiden: A Metal Gear...?

B.J.: Concentrate fire on the tank. (To Zero.) Can you take care of the other soldiers?

Zero: Leave it to me. (Zero and Raiden fan out as B.J. takes fire on the Spider Tank.)

Radec: Pathetic display of power. (The Spider Tank shoots a rocket at B.J.. B.J. tries to run away from it. He makes it a few feet before the rocket explodes and blasts him away. We cut to Zero blasting away soldiers with his Z-Buster. He is then suddenly shot twice by more soldiers behind him.)

Helghan Soldier: Lock on target. (They continue firing as more come in. We then see Raiden begin running quickly towards them.)

Raiden: I am lightning... (Raiden enters Blade Mode as everything slows down around him. He takes several slashes at the first soldier before kicking off of him and stabbing another soldier in the chest. Electricity suddenly surrounds Raiden's katana as he slices into another soldier. We see the last soldier slowly turn towards Raiden as he slashes across the soldier's chest. Raiden then reaches inside the soldier's chest and takes out his heart. Time goes back to normal.) The rain transformed.

(We cut back to B.J. shooting at the Spider Tank. It's doing damage, but not a lot. We then see Zero jump onto the tank and stab his Z-Saber into it.)

Zero: Take this! (The Spider Tank shakes Zero off before continuing to shoot at our heroes. Zero lands next to B.J. as more soldiers surround them. B.J. shoots at the soldiers as Zero gets up. We then cut to Raiden as he slashes his katana at one of the legs of the Spider Tank.)

Raiden: Yah! (The leg then kicks Raiden away as he hits a building. The Spider Tank begins shooting wildly at our heroes as Zero knocks B.J. out of the way of it. A few stray bullets hit Zero from behind. Raiden jumps in and helps them both up.)

B.J.: (To Zero.) Are you okay?

Zero: Yeah, still going strong.

Raiden: We have to find a way to stop this Metal Gear.

Zero: I was able to stab into it, but that hardly did anything.

Raiden: You might've given me a way to stop this thing. (Readies his blade.) Give me cover. I'm going up there.

B.J.: (Readying gun.) You got it. (B.J. and Zero begin shooting around them as Raiden charges. The Spider Tank shoots at Raiden as he jumps onto the side of the building before jumping onto the Spider Tank. Raiden's body electrifies as he plunges his hand into the hole Zero made. The Spider Tank begins short circuiting.)

Radec: What's happening?

Raiden: I'm ending this now. (We see B.J. and Zero shooting at the last of the soldiers as behind them, a surge of electricity covers the Spider Tank as it falls to the ground.)

Zero: He did it! (Zero and B.J. run towards the Spider Tank. They arrive beside Raiden but can't find Radec.)

B.J.: Where is he now? (Radec suddenly appears behind B.J., coming out of invisibility. He kicks B.J. to the ground and holds up a grenade.)

Radec: If I am dying, I will not die alone. Goodby- (Radec's hand holding the grenade is suddenly sliced off by Raiden.) Agh!

Raiden: Nice try. (Radec grabs at where his hand used to be.) Now, we want some answers.

Radec: The Helghan Empire and the Master Mind Empire will not fall to you! (Radec pulls out a handgun and shoots the grenade which landed next to the Spider Tank. The grenade and Spider Tank both explode as our heroes are blown back. They get back up but can't find Radec.)

Zero: He's gone again. (They pause.) But the rest of the soldiers, I think that's the last of them.

B.J.: Yeah, but what's the Master Mind Empire?

Raiden: I don't think our job is done yet. War continues here. I've seen it with my own eyes. (Raiden begins waking off. He turns back to Zero and B.J..) Are you coming or what? (Zero smiles and nods as he and B.J. walk over to join Raiden.)

(We cut to Radec limping through the streets with one hand missing. He looks badly hurt. We hear a voice behind him.)

???: You have failed me, Colonel. (Radec turns to see Master Mind.) You and your army have fallen to a group of three do-gooders.

Radec: The battle is not yet lost. I am still here. I can help you rule this world.

Master Mind: Radec, it was never about ruling this world. It's about destroying it.

Radec: Destroy? I don't understand.

Master Mind: Destroy this whole world. This whole universe. Everything we've done has been in an effort to stop those heroes from saving this world.

Radec: And then what? There would be nothing to rule.

Master Mind: That's where you're wrong. After this world is destroyed, I will take over your world. That's why you're all here. To kill you all so nothing's in my way. (Master Mind raises his arm.) And since you are no use to me anymore...

Radec: Helghan forever. (Lightning erupts from Master Mind's hand as electricity takes over Radec's body. He convulses as he drops to the ground and dies. We see the light in Radec's eyes fade.)

Master Mind: A sad death for the "high and mighty" colonel. Now, (A portal opens behind him.) back to business. (Master Mind walks through as the portal disappears. The camera pans to Radec's lifeless body.)

End of Episode

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