Chapter 2 - Episode 1: Radiant Dawn

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(The episode begins looking above a forest. The sounds of swords clashing and grunting are heard as we cut to inside a forested area. We see Ike as he's pushed backwards, feet dragging on the dirt of the forest. He leans down while gripping his Aether. Yuna (Final Fantasy) comes up behind him and helps him up.)

Yuna: He's too strong, Ike.

Ike: We have to do something. We can't let this monster get away. (The camera cuts to see a sword, the Soul Edge, dragging on the ground. The camera pans around to see Nightmare approaching Ike and Yuna.)

Nightmare: Did you really think you stood a chance against me? I... (He raises the Soul Edge.) am your greatest Nightmare! (Nightmare charges at Ike and Yuna slashing downwards at them as they both dive away. Ike leaps forward to to strike, but Nightmare blocks the blow with his own sword.)

Ike: You're a monster! (Both their swords begin clashing together as each tries to strike the other. Nightmare then hits the Aether downwards and swipes the Soul Edge across Ike's chest. He's blown back.)

Nightmare: You call yourself a swordsman? (Two projectiles are suddenly shot into Nightmare's back.) Huh? (He turns to see Yuna using her Tiny Bees to shoot at Nightmare.)

Yuna: Are guns more your speed?

Nightmare: You... (Nightmare charges at Yuna as she continuously shoots at him. He blocks a few shots with the Soul Edge before leaping at Yuna and slashing her backwards.)

(We cut to a different part of the forest as we see a pair of boots trudge through. We hear voices and swords clashing in the distance.)

Nightmare: (Far away.) Begone!

???: Hm? (We cut back to Ike and Yuna as they circle around Nightmare.)

Nightmare: This is your last chance to run away. (Ike and Yuna both nod at each other as they suddenly charge towards Nightmare. Suddenly, a figure flies through bashing into Ike with their shield and knocking them through the forest brush.)

???: Hyah!

Yuna: (Stops.) Ike?! (We cut to Ike and the figure rolling down a hill until they both suddenly stop. We see the figure that attacked Ike is Link, now with a dark aura around him and yellow eyes. He raises his shield and Master Sword. Ike gets up and raises his Aether.)

Ike: Prepare yourself. (Link jumps at Ike with his sword, but he blocks the blow. Ike then attempts to strike but Link blocks with his shield. Their two swords begin to clash a few times before Link releases a spin attack. Ike jumps back to avoid it before slashing at Link with the Aether. The hit knocks Link back as he hits a tree and collapses onto the ground. He begins to stir as the dark aura around him begins to fade. Ike approaches, cautiously putting away his blade.) Strange.

Yuna: (Far off.) Agh!

Ike: Yuna! (We see Ike run back towards the battle as Link puts a hand on his head, his gaze following Ike.)

(We cut to Ike running into the same area as before. Yuna is laying on the ground, bleeding, but still alive. Ike runs up to her and leans down.)

Ike: What happened?

Yuna: He got... a good hit on me. (She smiles weakly.) But we scared him off.

Ike: I can still save you. We can get help.

Yuna: No... I don't have... much time left. Just please... stop him. (Yuna dies. Ike gets up as we see Link enter from the background.)

Link: Excuse me. (Ike turns around as a look of anger forms on his face.)

Ike: You...

Link: Where am I? Where is Master Mind?

Ike: It's your fault she's dead! (Ike charges at Link again, attempting to strike him. Link blocks every swing with his shield as Ike wildly strikes.) I could've stopped him!

Link: I don't know what you're talking about! (Ike stops.)

Ike: If you hadn't attacked me, she would still be alive.

Link: (Seeing the dead Yuna.) I am sorry for your loss, but I still do not know what you are speaking of.

Ike: That aura around you has disappeared. What was it?

Link: I do not know. The last thing I remember is Master Mind. (Pauses.) Where am I now?

Ike: (Gestures back.) Follow me. (Ike begins to leave as Link follows.)

(We cut to a different part of the forest as we suddenly see a Goblinmon (Digimon) holding a club grunt angrily. The camera pans to see the Mii fighting it.)

Mii: I'm getting sick of these monsters. (The Goblinmon jumps forward and attacks the Mii with his club, sending him back.) Ouch! (The Mii gets up, takes out a sword, runs towards the Goblinmon, attacks it, and runs back. The Goblinmon falls backwards onto the ground, defeated. The Mii raises his sword.) Woohoo! (The Mii puts his sword away before beginning to march down the forest path.)

Mii: That battle sure did take a lot out of me. (He stops and takes out a HP banana.) Maybe I should reward myself with a snack. (He giddily rocks side to side while smiling. Multiple thudding sounds, getting closer, are suddenly heard as the Mii's eyes go wide.) What's that noise? (We suddenly see Rabbid Kong (Super Mario) burst from the treeline and look around. We see his eyes lock onto the HP banana as Rabbid Kong jumps forward, snatches it, and escapes into the opposite treeline.)

Mii: You big monkey! (Ponders a moment.) Rabbit? (He gets angry again.) Come back with my banana! (The Mii starts running towards where Rabbid Kong went before tripping into the treeline.) Yeowch! (We pan to see Nightmare walking down the same path the Mii was on, the opposite way of where he was going. As he passes the Mii, the Mii gets up rubbing his head, his eyes following Nightmare. To himself.) That's a sweet sword. (He runs back after Rabbid Kong.)

(We cut to a deeper part of the forest. Many trees surround this mostly hidden area, including one very odd-looking tree. The camera pans down to see Zavok standing among the trees.)

Zavok: Where is that wretched Ape at? (The camera pans to see Zazz (Sonic the Hedgehog) and Nabbit (Super Mario).)

Zazz: Maybe he's just monkeying around. (Zazz laughs at his own joke. Zavok just scowls at Zazz.) Aren't you glad we found each other again? It ain't the Sinister Six without Zazz!

Zavok: Quiet, Zazz. (Rabbid Kong suddenly bursts through the trees and meets up with the other villains.) Finally, now we can begin the meeting of the new Sinister Six.

Zazz: Uh, but there's only four of us. How about the Fierce Four! Has a nice ring to it. (As Zavok and Zazz argue, we see the Mii sneak up and hide behind the weird tree from before.)

Zavok: Silence, Zazz! I've had enough of your banter.

Mii: Huh?

Zavok: I've spotted a town not far from here. Our conquest of this new world will begin there. They've already been weakened by an attack from someone else. It's our time to swoop in and establish dominance. (Zazz and Rabbid Kong nod. Nabbit claps.)

Mii: (Whispering.) That doesn't sound good. (Suddenly, the weird tree sprouts legs and reveals itself to be a Sudowoodo (Pokemon).)

Sudowoodo: Sudowoodo! (This grabs the attention of the villains as the Sudowoodo walks away, revealing the Mii.)

Zavok: An intruder!

Zazz: Grab him! (The Mii tries to run away, but Rabbid Kong jumps in front of him and beats his chest.)

Mii: Yikes! (The Mii turns around to see Zazz shoulder-charging towards him while laughing. The Mii jumps over Zazz as Rabbid Kong brings his fists down, slamming them onto Zazz.)

Zazz: Yahahaaaa!

Zavok: (Putting out hand and shooting a fireball.) Hah! (The fireball hits the Mii in the legs and knocks him over. Nabbit then comes up and puts his sack over the Mii. Nabbit puts the sack back over his back as we hear muffled sounds coming from inside. Zazz and Rabbid Kong walk back up, with Zazz rubbing the back of his head.)

Zazz: We got him! Uh... what now?

Zavok: (Smiling.) I think we can use him to our advantage.

(We cut to Link and Ike walking into a small town. It looks mostly destroyed, with blood seen on the streets and walls, broken windows and doors torn off their hinges. Paramedics are surrounding bloodied people on the streets. Link looks on in shock.)

Ike: That swordsman attacked this town, slaying anyone who tried to stop him. He called himself Nightmare, a member of the Knights of the Demon. I don't know who this demon is, or how many knights there are, but it is my duty to stop them.

Link: Your friend. Did she share this duty?

Ike: Yuna found me after I was transported to this new world. We decided to stick together until we could find our loved ones again. She spoke often of one named Tidus. (Ike looks down.) I couldn't help her, so I'll fight on for her.

Link: These Knights of the Demon could be tied to Master Mind. Either way, I want to help you get to the bottom of this. We can't let another tragedy like this strike.

???: Greetings people of the new world! (Link and Ike look up to see Zavok and the rest of the "Fierce Four" standing atop a building. Zavok is speaking.) I am Zavok, soon to be your new leader. If you do not want to face the total destruction of your people, then I would highly suggest giving us all of your resources and accepting us as your leaders. Or else... (Zavok snaps. Nabbit dumps the Mii out of his sack as Zazz holds him up by his leg. Zazz gets in the Mii's face.)

Zazz: Hahaha!

Zavok: Our little friend here will be turned to ashes. (The Mii attempts to throw punches but isn't able to land any on Zazz.) Make your choice quickly. (He gestures to the Mii.) For his sake. (A soft whirring sound is suddenly heard.)

Zazz: Does anyone else hear that? (We suddenly see the flying Beetle fly through the air and grab the Mii by the leg Zazz is holding.) Eh?! (Zazz lets go in shock as the Beetle turns around and flies to Link and Ike. The Beetle gently drops the Mii to the ground and returns to Link's hand as he pockets it. Ike and Link both have their swords at the ready, with Link also having his shield.)

Ike: Surrender now! I'm not going to let this town be victim to another attack. (We see the Mii get out a pair of boxing gloves that he puts on.)

Zavok: Of course this wouldn't be easy. (Zavok and the others all jump down from the roof and size up the others.) You're outnumbered and outmatched. You do realize this is suicide. (Our heroes approach the others.)

Ike: Then we will die like heroes.

Mii: D-Die? (He looks worried for a second before shaking it off and looking fierce again.)

Zavok: Then you've made your choice. (Pointing.) Get them! (Zazz, Nabbit, and Rabbid Kong rush towards our heroes. Nabbit jumps on the Mii's head and runs away with the Mii right behind as Rabbid Kong punches Link away.)

Link: Ah! (We see Zazz jump towards Ike and slash twice with his claws.)

Zazz: Yah! Hah! (Ike dodges both attacks before slashing Zazz's chest with the Aether.)

Ike: You'll get no sympathy from me. (Ike is suddenly blasted back by a fireball. We see Zavok walk up to Zazz and pick him up by his neck and set him back up.)

Zavok: You've made a mistake. (We cut to Link fighting Rabbid Kong. Rabbid Kong rapidly throws three punches with the third one knocking Link into the air. He quickly pulls out his Hookshot and grapples it onto a nearby chimney. He lands on the roof and quickly pulls out a bow and shoots fire arrows at Rabbid Kong. A few stick themselves into Rabbid Kong's arm. Rabbid Kong roars in pain as he swipes the arrows off.)

(We cut to the Mii chasing Nabbit down through the streets with Nabbit occasionally looking back towards his pursuer.)

Mii: Get back here! (The Mii puts his boxing gloves away and takes out a tennis racket and ball. He tosses the ball in the air and hits it with the racket. It hits Nabbit square in the back of the head as he spins around and faceplants on the concrete.) Bullseye!

(We cut back to Ike fighting Zazz and Zavok. Zazz plows into Ike with his shoulder and knocks him back as Zavok jumps behind Ike and grabs him by the cape.)

Zavok: Just a weak man! (He slams Ike onto the ground by his cape. We see his POV as Zavok and Zazz stand over him. Zazz laughs.)

Zazz: Even easier than I thou- (A baseball suddenly flies in and hits Zazz in the face knocking him over.) Ah!

(We cut back to Link on the roof as Rabbid Kong throws different cars at him. Link continues to jump out of the way and hide behind the chimney. He then comes out with the Gust Bellows.)

Link: Hyah! (Air erupts from the Gust Bellows and blows on Rabbid Kong's face. It doesn't push him back at all. Instead, Rabbid Kong closes its eyes and roars at Link. Link pulls out a bomb.) Let's see if you're anything like Dodongos. (Link throws the bomb into Rabbid Kong's mouth. It lands as Rabbid Kong stops roaring and swallows. A quiet explosion is heard as Rabbid Kong gets woozy and falls onto its back, smoke bellows out of its mouth.)

(We cut to the Mii punching Zazz repeatedly in the face with his boxing gloves while on the ground. Zavok runs up and slashes the Mii away.)

Mii: Woah!

Zavok: This isn't over! (Ike runs in and slashes Zavok across the back. He's knocked away.) Urgh... (He looks up to see all three heroes surrounding him.)

Ike: Now you're outnumbered.

Zavok: Yes, but not unmatched. (Zavok begins to grow as he becomes a giant. The shadow looms over our heroes. Zavok roars and shoots fireballs out of his mouth. Our heroes brace themselves as the fireballs fall around them. Zavok swipes his claws as Link and Ike duck out of the way. The Mii is hit away. As he gets up, the Mii throws a bowling ball towards Zavok. Zavok picks it up.) A bowling ball? Really? (Zavok throws it back at Link and Ike as it hits Ike in the chest, knocking him down.)

Ike: Urgh! (Zavok starts shooting a laser at our heroes as it cuts across the area. Link takes out the Mirror Shield and holds it up as the laser gets closer. As it hits the Mirror Shield, it bounces back and hits Zavok.)

Zavok: Agh! (He stumbles, weakened.) No... I can't lose...(We hear the sound of rapid footsteps as we see Ike jump up towards Zavok's chest.)

Ike: Great Aether! (Ike begins rapidly slashing at Zavok's chest with the Aether as Zavok groans in pain. Ike then drops to the ground as Zavok shrinks back down. He lays flat on the ground as our heroes surround him.) Now, where is Nightmare?

Zavok: I have... no idea... what you're talking about.

Ike: The swordsman who attacked this town. With the monstrous arm and his Hellish sword. (The Mii suddenly looks up.)

Mii: The swordsman! I saw him!

Link: Where?

Mii: On a path near here! Follow me! (The Mii and Ike start leaving.)

Link: What about these fiends? (They stop.)

Mii: (Taking out Nabbit's sack.) This ought do it. (He leans over to Zavok.)

Zavok: How dare you even suggest that I-! (We cut away to the sound of a sack falling over Zavok. We cut back to see Nabbit's sack tied at the top while it shakes around. Muffled voices are heard inside. A cardboard sign that says "Bad Guys" is set in front of it.)

Mii: That'll hold 'em.

Ike: The authorities will decide their fate. Now, quickly, we cannot lose Nightmare. (Link nods as our three heroes run out of town.)

End of Episode

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