Chapter 1 - Interlude

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(The episode begins inside a packed school cafeteria. A young boy with dark hair and glasses is sitting alone at one of the tables with a lunch tray with pizza and a juice. The young boy is playing on a game system which looks similar to a Gameboy, but seems altered and is a dark purple. The boy looks focused on the game as a voice is heard.)

???: What're you playing? (The boy looks up to see another boy who's slightly chubby and holding his own tray of pizza and juice.)

Boy #1: Oh... uh... Knights of Grimm. It's an adventure game for my PlayAway.

Boy #2: Sweet. (He sits next to the first boy and starts eating pizza.) My mom won't let me play any video games. She says they're too violent.

Boy #1: Oh... okay. (He goes back to playing his game.)

Boy #2: I'm Billy, by the way.

Boy #1: I'm Ezekiel. I just moved here.

Billy: Is that why you have no friends? (Nothing is said.) Oops. Sorry, I didn't mean it like that.

Ezekiel: It's alright. I'm not good at making friends anyways. Gives me more time to play video games.

Billy: (Finishes eating pizza.) Maybe we can be friends.

Ezekiel: (Putting down game.) Really?

Billy: Yeah! We can play video games together at your house and you can help me with my homework.

Ezekiel: Yeah, that sounds... fun.

Billy: (Picking up Ezekiel's game.) So, what can you tell me about this game here?

Ezekiel: Well, Grimm is a knight that is framed for a murder he didn't commit, so you have to play...

A flash of white appears onscreen as the scene changes to the Helghast. We see Master Mind, in his human form, looking down on the city.)

Master Mind: After all these years, I'm finally back in my own world. Do they even remember me? How they laughed at my ideas? (A purple aura begins to envelop Master Mind. We see him transform into his other form.) I'm the master of the multiverse now. I'm making every new day here chaos. (We see Radec walk inside.)

Radec: Awaiting further instructions, Master Mind.

Master Mind: Yes, colonel. I think it's time we get the rest of your troops out there. I'll be generous and let you take this city in the name of the Helghan.

Radec: (Bowing.) A most generous offer, Master Mind. I will make the scum of this world fully realize the combined power of the Helghan and Master Mind.

Master Mind: Pull no punches, colonel. I want them all to feel pain. I want this world for myself.

Radec: (Leaving.) I will not disappoint. (He exits. Master Mind is left to himself.)

Master Mind: Bill...Charlotte... you always believed that I would make something of myself. I hope you can see me now. When all is done, I'll make sure the three of us rule the universe as Gods. Finally, we'll be reunited. (Master Mind floats in the air and exits the room in the Helghast. The door closes behind him. The camera turns around to see a list of names on a computer monitor. The names are of all of the heroes from New Game. All of them have check marks beside their name, besides Mario, Ratchet, Clank, and Master Chief, which all have an X. The camera slowly zooms in on the list of names as, suddenly, the checkmark next to Link turns into an X.)

End of Episode

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