Chapter 1 - Finale: Welcome to the Family

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(The episode begins in a graveyard. A tombstone comes into view as a Misdreavus (Pokemon) floats past it. We cut to the sky and see a flock of Crowbers (Super Mario) fly by as the camera pans down to see a figure with a flashlight in his chest pocket. We cut to the feet of the figure walking through the graveyard as the camera slowly pans up, revealing this figure to be James Sunderland.)

James: Hello? Is anyone out there? (To himself.) Just my luck... (James reaches the top of a hill and looks around. The camera turns to see a small cabin in the distance.) A house. I'm saved! (James begins running towards the cabin but soon trips over.) Ow! (James looks back to see a safe on the ground.) A safe? (James gets up and walks over to the safe. He crouches down to observe it. He touches the safe and attempts to open it with no luck.) D*mn.

(Suddenly, a radio in James' pocket starts emitting radio static. We see James become startled by this as he stands back up and takes the radio out of his pocket, his back towards the safe.)

James: My radio? Why's this thing going off? (James fiddles with his radio as we hear the sound of chains clanking. The camera cuts behind James as the safe begins to stand up, revealing it to be the Keeper. The Keeper towers above James and raises his hammer. We see James finally turn off the radio and turn back around to the Keeper.) Aaah! (James falls backwards as the Keeper misses his swing towards James' head.) No! Not more monsters!

(James looks behind him and sees a shovel laying next to a grave. He looks back to the Keeper, about to strike once more, as James rolls out of the way just as the Keeper's hammer hits the ground. James runs to the grave and grabs the shovel. He then turns back and hits the Keeper twice in the head with the shovel, doing nothing. The Keeper retaliates by hitting James away with his meat sack.)

James: Agh! (James lands on his back, clutching his chest. We cut to the patio of the cabin as we hear the door open. A pair of feet appear on the balcony.)

???: What have we here? (We cut back to James as he hits the Keeper across the chest with the spade of the shovel, cutting his chest. The Keeper grabs his chest as he shambles towards James. The Keeper slashes his hammer across James' face, hitting his head with the blunt end which knocks James back as he hits his head on a tombstone.)

James: Ugh! My... head. (We cut to the perspective of James as his vision blurs and his eyes slowly open and close. The Keeper is seen slowly walking towards James. Suddenly, a figure runs into view and shoulders the Keeper down. We see the figure stomp on the Keeper's body. The figure then walks towards James as we see that the figure is Jack Baker. We see Jack wretch the shovel away from James as he gets in James' face.)

Jack: Welcome to the family, son! (Jack slams the shovel into James' face as the screen goes black.)

(We cut to a different part of the graveyard as we see the Hunter passing through, armed with his saw cleaver and blunderbuss. The Hunter leans down to check a grave with a Disembodied Hand (MediEvil) crawling on top of it.)

Hunter: This world isn't safe from monsters.

???: More than you think. (The Hunter gets back up and turns around to see King Rhoam (The Legend of Zelda) cloaked and looking upon the Hunter.)

Hunter: You are?

Rhoam: Just an observer. I've seen terrible things happening in this countryside. I can only imagine how the rest of the world is doing. (Rhoam approaches the Hunter.)

Hunter: Tell me what you've seen.

Rhoam: I can see that you have the soul of a hero. I've seen that look before. (Rhoam pauses.) Find the combination, destroy the cursed man, and, if you must do one thing, befriend the devil. Complete these tasks and we'll be one step closer to saving this world. (The Hunter turns around for a moment looking at the haunting landscape.)

Hunter: Your riddles, what do they mean? (The Hunter turns back to see Rhoam now gone. He looks around, unable to find him.) Befriend the devil. Okay. (The Hunter walks away.)

(We cut back to James waking up.)

James: Where... where am I? (The camera pans out to see James tied by a rope around a chair. He's seated at a dinner table in what appears to be a dining room. He struggles to get out. We hear Jack's voice.)

Jack: Don't bother trying to get out of there, boy. I've got you tied up tight. (The camera pans to see Jack entering the room with a shovel. He lays it on the table, where a roast turkey, a bowl of mashed potatoes, a bowl of salad, and multiple plates and silverware lay. Jack pulls up a seat next to James.)

James: Who are you? Why am I here?

Jack: You're the newest member of the Baker family, boy. You're the key. The key to getting everyone back.

James: Who?

Jack: Who do you think, boy? My family. (Jack slams his fist on the table.) When that f*cking flash took me away from Marguerite... my children... well, I nearly d*mn lost it. But now that I have you... (Jack stands up and looks at James.) They'll be coming back soon. I know they will. And if they don't... (Jack grabs the shovel again.) Well, I'll know you're a dud. And then I'll have no use for ya.

James: Please untie me. I need to get home.

Jack: Do you have a family, boy?

James: (Pauses. Looks down.) No...

Jack: Just a man without a family. You don't know how it feels. (Jack walks towards what's presumably the kitchen.) I tried to explain that to the house's last owner, but he didn't listen. (He looks back towards James.) I'll be right back, boy. Stay right there. (Jack exits.)

(We cut back to the Hunter walking through the countryside. Tombstones litter the area. We see a pair of red eyes on a column behind the Hunter. The Hunter suddenly stops and looks back towards it, but they're gone.)

Hunter: I believe I'm losing my sanity. (The camera cuts to the column as we see the Hunter walk away. The camera pans down to see Jersey Devil hiding behind the column. He quickly darts out of hiding to follow the Hunter. Jersey Devil quickly jumps behind a tombstone. He quickly looks over it to glance at the Hunter before hiding again. A few seconds pass before the tombstone is suddenly sliced in half. Jersey Devil jumps up to see that the one responsible is the Hunter, who used his saw cleaver.)

Hunter: You're following me, aren't you? (Jersey Devil doesn't answer as the Hunter approaches him.) Answer me, demon. (Jersey Devil's eyes narrow as he runs towards the Hunter and delivers a punch towards the Hunter's chest. It sends him back a few feet, with the Hunter using his heels to stop himself.) So you choose, and so you shall die. (The Hunter raises his blunderbuss and begins shooting at Jersey Devil. Jersey Devil dives out of the way before leaping up and unfurling his wings. He glides towards the Hunter before doing a spinning attack and hitting the Hunter with his tail.)

(The Hunter is knocked back a bit before slashing at Jersey Devil with his saw cleaver. The cleaver knicks Jersey Devil's left shoulder as he grasps it. Jersey Devil jumps and tries to punch again, but the Hunter rolls out of the way and shoots Jersey Devil, skinning his arm. We cut to a different part of the graveyard with many bushes. The gunshot rings out, and the bushes stand up, revealing them to be Ents (Souls). The Ents start running towards the source of the sound as the camera pans down to see the head of the Keeper. It rattles. We cut back to the Hunter walking up to a hurt Jersey Devil.)

Hunter: Not much of a challenge. (The Hunter raises his blunderbuss, but his arm is grabbed by a vine.) Huh? (He turns around to see five Ents, one of which has a hold on him. The Ent starts to drag the Hunter towards him. He tries to release himself, but can't. Jersey Devil then jumps in and breaks the vine with his wing. The Hunter gets up.) Thanks.

(Jersey Devil runs up towards an Ent and does another spin attack, knocking it down. We then cut to the Hunter as he slashes two of them in half with his saw cleaver. We see one Ent whip his vine and hit Jersey Devil down. Jersey Devil then jumps up and glides towards the Ent, delivering a punch towards it. We then cut to the Hunter taking out the Blacksky Eye as he uses it to fire an arcane projectile at the last Ent, destroying it.)

Hunter: That's the last one. (Jersey Devil joins the Hunter's side.) You're a Jersey Devil, are you not? (Jersey Devil nods. The Hunter bows.) I apologize for attacking you. I have been on edge since my arrival. Please, allow me to offer you protection in return. (Jersey Devil nods. The two then turn to the countryside to see the same cabin from before.) Perhaps we can find safety there. (The two begin walking off as the Keeper stands behind them.)

(We cut to James still struggling to get out of his binds in the dining room.)

James: C'mon, I gotta get out of here. (James' eyes fixate on the carving knife next to the turkey on the table. He looks around, searching for Jack. Once he thinks it's safe, he starts scooting his chair around the side of the table to get to the knife.) How am I gonna grab it? (James thinks for a moment and then comes up with something. We see him rearrange himself so that his hands, behind the chair back, face the table. He slams his chair's legs on the ground and the table rattles. He does it again, it rattles. We cut to the basement as Jack raids the fridge, he hears the sounds from above.)

Jack: Sounds like someone's trying to skip dinner. (Jack stands up and grabs a chainsaw on a tool bench. We see a corpse on the tool bench, presumably the cabin's previous owner. We cut back to James as he slams the chair again. This is enough to shake the carving knife off of the table and into James' hands, as well as a few plates which smash on impact.)

James: Hope he didn't hear that. (James cuts through the rope around his hands fairly easily. He then begins on the rope around his torso. We then see Jack emerge from the basement and eye James.)

Jack: Trying to get out of dinner, boy!? (He revs up his chainsaw.) Big mistake! (Jack begins running towards James as he tries to quickly free himself. James cuts the rope just as Jack reaches the dining room. James dives away from Jack as he trips over the chair onto the table, breaking it. James tries to exit the room, but Jack swings his chainsaw at him.) You're not getting out that easy! (James readies his knife.)

(We cut outside to the Hunter and Jersey Devil outside the cabin. They hear the commotion coming from inside.)

Hunter: What's going on? (As they stop, we see the Keeper approaching them from behind. The Keeper's chains rattle, notifying the Hunter as he turns around just in time to see the Keeper bringing his hammer down. It knocks into the Hunter's shoulder as he tries to dodge. This bloodies his shoulder as he drops his saw cleaver to hold his arm. The Hunter raises his blunderbuss and shoots at the Keeper as it approaches him again, the bullets barely doing anything. Suddenly, Jersey Devil leaps up, wings out, and does a spin attack, hitting the Keeper with his tail. The Keeper turns to Jersey Devil and slashes at him with his meat sack. Jersey Devil jumps back and retaliates by punching the Keeper in the stomach.)

(We cut back to the fight between James and Jack. Jack keeps swinging his chainsaw at James while he continuously backs up.)

Jack: Gonna hit me? Gonna do something? Bet you wish you had a family now, huh boy? (After another swing from Jack, James lunges forward and plunges the carving knife into his chest. Blood gushes out, but Jack still stays up. James looks up at him in terror.)

James: What... what are you?

Jack: Don't f*ck with me. (Jack swings again as James backs up. He grabs a plate and throws it at Jack's head, smashing it. Jack is still unphased.)

(We cut back to the Keeper fight as Jersey Devil glides towards him. The Keeper grabs Jersey Devil by the neck and throws him against the cabin. He falls to the ground. The Hunter then runs up and slashes the Keeper with his saw cleaver. It slashes across the Keeper's chest as he counters with his meat sack, knocking the Hunter onto the patio of the cabin. Jersey Devil runs up and helps him up.)

Hunter: This one puts up a fight. (We see the Keeper walk onto the balcony in front of them. We cut back to James and Jack as James trips and falls backwards onto the ground.)

James: Augh!

Jack: Looks like your time is up. (He revs his chainsaw.) Tell the devil Jack Baker sent ya. (We cut back to the patio as the Keeper approaches. It raises its meat sack and attempts to slam it onto the Hunter and Jersey Devil. However, they roll/jump out of the way. The Hunter then gets behind the Keeper and plunges the saw cleaver through it, into the wall of the cabin. We cut back into the cabin as the saw cleaver goes through Jack right above James' head, cutting him in half at the waist.)

James: Oh God! (Jack's top half falls back, dropping the chainsaw as James scrambles away from the saw cleaver. The saw cleaver comes out of the wall as that wall portion collapses. We see the Keeper clutching his cut as he walks towards the Hunter and Jersey Devil again. We then hear the sound of a chainsaw, as it slices the Keeper's head off. The rest of the body lands on the patio, revealing James, and dissolves into the ground. James turns the chainsaw off and throws it down as he meets the others.) Thank God you two showed up. (James walks towards them.)

Hunter: Who are you?

James: James Sunderland. I was kidnapped by the creep in there. (He points to the hole in the wall as Jack's upper half crawls out of it.)

Jack: Get... back here! I'm... not... done! (The Hunter raises his blunderbuss and shoots Jack's head off. The body goes limp.)

Hunter: That should handle him.

James: Uh... thanks. Do you happen to know a way out?

Hunter: Just stay near me. I have done as the spirits have asked, and we are safe for now. (The Hunter begins to walk off, being followed by Jersey Devil.)

James: Well, at least we're safe. (James follows. We see our heroes walking away as the camera pans up to a full moon.)

End of Episode

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