Chapter 3 - Episode 2: Get Hoppin'

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(The episode begins looking at a sandy beach with a volcano in the background. The ocean laps at the sand as we see one of the palm trees on the beach transform into an Exeggutor (Pokemon) and begin walking across the beach.)

Exeggutor: Exeeeegg! (We cut away to a spot in the ocean. A fishing bobber plunks into the water as the camera pans around to the beach to see who's fishing. We see Big the cat sitting in the sands, fishing rod in hand, patiently sitting down and fishing.)

Big: Aaaaaah... (The bobber suddenly drops down into the water. We cut back to Big as he begins reeling in whatever bit.) Something's biting! (Big reels in a Klaptrap (Donkey Kong) as it lands in his arms.) Wha... huh? (The Klaptrap bites Big's finger as it jumps out of his arms and scuttles back into the sea.) Ow! You're mean. (Big holds his finger. We cut to a grassy area by the beach as what appears to be a large frog hops by. We cut to a front view of this frog as it's revealed to be Frogger.)

Frogger: This place sure is odd. Nothing like Firefly Swamp, that's for sure. (The camera pans to see Big on the beach, in view of Frogger.) Maybe this guy can help me out. (Frogger begins hopping towards Big. We cut to Big as Frogger hops behind him.) Hey, mister! Can ya help a frog out?

Big: Huh? (He turns around and looks down at Frogger. We cut to a POV of Big as he looks at him. The image of Frogger begins flashing back and forth between him and Froggy (Sonic the Hedgehog). The image finally settles back on Frogger as we leave Big's POV.) Froggy? Is that you?

Frogger: Close. It's Frogger actually.

Big: You're looking different, buddy. (Big begins approaching Frogger with his arms stretched out. Frogger backs up, afraid.)

Frogger: H-Hey! Whaddya think you're doing?

Big: We gotta get back home, Froggy. Everyone must be worried about us.

Frogger: I don't know what you're talking about, but I gotta go! (Frogger begins hopping off quickly.)

Big: Froggyyyy! Come back! (Big gives chase. We cut to Frogger jumping across the grassy area from before. Suddenly, a purple blur flies across the screen and grabs Frogger. Big stops.) Wha? (We see that the purple blur is actually an Arbok (Pokemon) that has wrapped its tail around Frogger.)

Arbok: Chaaaaaaarbok!

Frogger: Hey! What's the big idea!

???: Prepare for trouble!

???: And make it double! (Jessie (Pokemon) and James (Pokemon) suddenly jump out in the open to join Arbok, striking poses in the process.)

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!

James: To unite all peoples within our nation!

Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!

James: To extend our reach to the stars above!

Jessie: (Holding out a pokeball.) Jessie!

James: (Doing the same.) James!

Jessie: Team Rocket blasts out at the speed of light!

James: Surrender now, or prepare to fight! (AN: This version of Jessie and James is different than the version seen in the Pokemon anime.)

Big: Wowee. You two are real fancy.

James: You can say that again.

Frogger: (Trying to escape from Arbok.) Let me go! Whaddya want with me!

Jessie: Not only are you a brand new Pokemon, but you're a talking one at that.

James: Our boss will jump for joy once we bring you in. (He pauses.) And... uh... once we find him.

Big: Heyyyy, you're not gonna take Froggy away from me.

James: (To Jessie.) Should we take the fat cat with us?

Jessie: Are you gonna carry him?

James: Good point. (James throws out a pokeball.) Go, Weezing! (The pokeball opens and a Weezing (Pokemon) escapes from it.)

Weezing: Weezing! Weezing! (The Weezing floats in front of Big as Big looks around, hoping for someone to come in and save him.)

James: Weezing! Use Smog!

Weezing: Weezing! (Poisonous gas escapes from Weezing and surrounds Big. Big begins coughing as he backs up.)

Jessie: Let's go, James.

James: Gladly. (Jessie and James start off towards the volcano in the distance. Arbok and Weezing follow, with Frogger still captured.)

Frogger: Hey! Let me go! Heeeeeelp! (Big steps out of the poisonous gas, watching Jessie and James run off.)

Big: I must save Froggy! (Big runs after Team Rocket.)

(We cut to a different part of the same island, the volcano still looming in the background. A large boat is seen docking near an island town. We cut to the dock as Edward, Vyse, and Subject Delta walk onto it.)

Edward: I'll grab us some supplies.

Vyse: What should we do?

Edward: Talk with the locals. Maybe they'll have some information for us. (Edward walks off.)

Vyse: (To Subject Delta.) Welp, let's go, big guy.

Subject Delta: Owogh. (Vyse and Subject Delta also walk off. They spot a crowd gathered around near a couple of the town's buildings. Murmurings are heard from the crowd.)

Vyse: Let's check out what's going on over there. (They walk over to the crowd to see them all surrounding the Professor (Spyro the Dragon).)

Professor: Settle down, everybody. Settle down.

Townsperson #1: How can we settle down!? This whole village is gonna be gone if we don't do something!

Professor: Yes... well...

Townseperson #2: What're we gonna do?! What's the answer?!

Professor: Well... uh... (The townspeople start becoming angry as Vyse and Subject Delta run up in front of the Professor. Vyse holds up his hands towards the townsfolk.)

Vyse: Woah, woah, woah! Let's all calm down. What's the problem here?

Professor: Well... a... um... dragon has found its way into the volcano on the island.

Vyse: A dragon?

Professor: Yes, and this dragon has the capabilities to make the volcano erupt at such a power that this entire island may fall victim to its lava.

Vyse: So everything will be destroyed... (Vyse looks towards the volcano, which has smoke billowing out of it.)

Professor: Unless we can find a way to get rid of that dragon, I'm afraid so. (To himself.) And I don't suppose this dragon is anything like Spyro.

Vyse: (Holding up his sword.) We'll take care of this dragon!

Subject Delta: Woghhhh...

Professor: R-Really?!

Vyse: You can count on us. (To Subject Delta.) C'mon, let's go! (Vyse and Subject Delta run up to Edward, who is now next to the ship. Edward turns to the others.)

Edward: The ship has been loaded with more rations. We should be good to take off.

Vyse: We can't leave yet. A dragon has made its way into the volcano, and unless we do something, this whole island will be destroyed. (He turns towards the volcano.) And I'm gonna do something.

Edward: Aye, then we better get going. (Edward begins walking towards the volcano.)

Vyse: (Surprised.) You're coming with us?

Edward: (Turning back.) You're not going alone. (Vyse smiles.) I don't know how much I can do against a dragon, but I can't stand back and let an island burn. Besides, it might lead to some answers. (Our three heroes start off towards the volcano.)

(We cut to a volcanic-looking area. It appears to be some kind of cliffside made out of dark rock. Jessie and James are seen sitting down and resting while Frogger is seen tied up with rope next to them, looking sad.)

Jessie: Cheer up, little froggy. You'll be very happy once you meet our boss. (Frogger says nothing.)

James: It's not every day you meet a talking Pokemon. Sometimes I think Meowth is trying to talk to us.

Jessie: Don't be silly, James. (We cut to see Big hiding behind a large rock formation, watching Jessie and James further down the cliff path. He pulls out his fishing rod.)

Big: Don't worry, Froggy. I'll save you. (Big casts his line towards Frogger. The hook wedges itself into the ropes holding Frogger.) I did it. (Big begins reeling Frogger back. Frogger looks up surprised as Jessie and James immediately notice Frogger being reeled away.)

Jessie: Someone's trying to nab our Pokemon!

James: (Pulling out pokeball.) That's our job! Go, Meowth! (James throws the pokeball behind the rock formation Big is hiding behind. A Meowth pops out.)

Meowth: Meeeooowth!

Big: (Looking at the Meowth suspiciously.) Kitty?

James: Use Payday! (The Meowth begins firing coins rapidly at Big, pushing him back. He falls over next to the tied up Frogger.)

Big: Woah! (To Frogger.) Hi, Froggy.

Frogger: (Disappointed.) My hero... (Jessie and James begin running towards Big and Frogger. Suddenly, Frogger stretches his tongue above Team Rocket towards a large boulder above the path. He uses his tongue to pull it down. It lands between our heroes and Team Rocket.)

Jessie: A boulder?!

James: Froggy's tongue is strong.

Frogger: (To Big.) Untie me!

Big: Oh... okay. (Big begins untying Frogger. We cut to Jessie and James going around each side of the boulder, now joined by Arbok and Weezing. We see that Frogger is now untied as Team Rocket and their three Pokemon have surrounded them.)

Jessie: We were being nice before. Now you've made us angry.

James: Now face the wrath of Team Rocket! (To Weezing.) Weezing! Use Acid!

Weezing: Weezing! (Weezing shoots acid towards Big and Frogger. They jump in opposite directions as the acid lands between them.)

Jessie: (Pointing at Big.) Arbok! Use Wrap!

Arbok: Chaaarbok! (The Arbok wraps its tail around Big, immobilizing him. Arbok looks directly in Big's eyes.)

Big: Nice snakey. Nice snakey. (We cut to Frogger hopping quickly away from Weezing. He suddenly stops as Meowth jumps in front of him.)

Meowth: Meowth Meowth! (Frogger looks at the two obstacles he's now between.)

Jessie/James: Meowth! Payday attack!/Weezing! Use your Acid! (They look at each other.) What?/Huh? (Weezing and Meowth both do their attacks. Frogger does a super hop as he soars over both attacks. Instead, Weezing and Meowth hit each other and they both fall over, fainted.)

Frogger: (To Team Rocket.) Nice teamwork. (He hops towards Big. Jessie hits James in the back of the head.)

Jessie: You idiot! This is all your fault!

James: My fault?! Weezing would've gotten the job done if you hadn't gotten in the way! (We cut to Big and Arbok as Frogger hops over to them. Big begins flexing as Arbok's tail begins to loosen its grip on Big. Arbok is suddenly flung off of Big as Big's arms fly out.)

Big: (To Arbok.) You've been a bad snakey. (He grabs Arbok by the tail and begins swinging him wildly. We see Jessie and James standing next to the fainted Weezing and Meowth, still arguing. They both look over at Big swinging Arbok.)

Jessie/James: Huh? (Big lets go of Arbok as it slams into Team Rocket and their Pokemon. They fly off of the mountain.) Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again! (We hear a distant splash. We cut back to Big and Frogger.)

Frogger: Uh... thanks for the help.

Big: No problem, Froggy.

Frogger: Look, I don't know who Froggy is, but my name is Frogger. Frog-ger! Got that?

Big: (He pauses.) Oh... (He points at himself.) My name is Big. Can you help me find my friend? His name is Froggy.

Frogger: (Smiles.) Now that's something I can do. (They continue down the path.)

(We cut to inside the volcano. Lava is bubbling far down below as a Fire Snake (Super Mario) arcs out of the lava and lands back in it. We see Edward, Vyse, and Subject Delta reach the top of the volcano, which has a rocky terrain, but is still large enough to walk through.)

Edward: So, where's this dragon we were warned about?

Vyse: We were told that he was here. (The beating of wings is heard as a monstrous roar echoes through the area. Our heroes draw their weapons as a dragon (Rayman) lands on the volcano. It roars at them.) The dragon... (More roars are suddenly heard as two more dragons land on the volcano.)

Edward: (To Vyse.) I thought you said there was only one?

Vyse: (Nervous.) I thought there was. (The first dragon takes flight again as it breathes fire at our heroes. Our heroes dive out of the way as Edward begins shooting at the dragon. The bullets barely do anything as the dragon begins swooping back around. We cut to Big and Frogger reaching the top of the volcano, right behind the other two dragons.)

Frogger: Are those d-d-d-dragons?!

Big: Don't worry, Frogger. I'll take care of those big lizards. (Big casts the line of his fishing pole at one of the dragons' tails. It wedges itself into the tail. We cut to the dragon's eyes widening as he suddenly takes flight. We see Big fly off with it, as he's still holding the pole.) Woah!

Frogger: Big! (The other dragon looks back at Frogger and snorts.) Hehe... hey there. (The dragon takes off and starts flying towards Frogger, who hops away quickly.) Heeeeeelp! (We cut to Edward as he watches Frogger hopping away from the dragon. As the dragon begins to breathe a plume of fire towards Frogger, Edward dives in and pushes himself and Frogger out of the way.) Heh... thanks. (We hear Big screaming from above.) Uh... can you help my friend? (Edward looks up as we cut to Big violently swinging around above them.)

Big: Heeeeeeelp meeeeeeee! (Big lets go of the fishing pole as he's flung from the sky. We cut to Vyse and Subject Delta cornered by another dragon.)

Vyse: Stay back! (Subject Delta shoots electricity at the dragon. This damages it and makes it angry as it snarls at them. Suddenly, Big lands on the dragon's back, smashing the dragon into the ground close below, and knocking it out. The dragon's tongue lolls out of its mouth as Big jumps off of it onto the ground, holding his head.)

Big: Ow... my head is spinning. (We cut to the other two dragons flying around the area. We see the one without the fishing pole charge towards Edward and Frogger. The dragon with the fishing pole is farther above flying the other direction.)

Edward: Here it comes... (Frogger thinks for a moment.)

Frogger: I've got an idea! (He hops off towards the large hole of the volcano. He suddenly jumps off the side of the hole and unleashes his tongue. The tongue sticks onto the fishing pole still dangling from the dragon. The sudden weight of Frogger pulls the dragon down in front of the one charging at Edward and Frogger. The charging dragon breathes a plume of fire, which now hits the dragon in front of it. We see the dragon drop into the volcano as Frogger lands on the other side of the volcano. He reels his tongue back in, bringing Big's fishing pole with it.) Phew. Wasn't sure that would work. (The last dragon lands on the volcano and breathes a large plume of fire at Vyse, Subject Delta, and Big. They're all hit with a bit of fire as they rush away.)

Big: Hot hot hot!

Edward: Avast ye! (We see Edward charge at the dragon, plunging his sword into its side. The dragon roars in pain. We see Frogger hit the dragon in the face with his tongue. The dragon roars at Frogger, pushing him far back.)

Frogger: Whaaaaa! (We see Big running back towards the dragon. He stops as he notices a large boulder near him.)

Big: Hmmmmm... (We see the dragon start readying another plume of fire. Just as he's about to breathe fire, the boulder is thrown into its mouth. We pan around to see Big.) Hope you like rock candy, Mr. Dragon. Hehehe. (As the dragon tries to breathe fire, it gets stuck in its throat. The rock explodes and the dragon is blown far back. We see it land in the ocean below.)

(We cut back to Edward's ship. A large crowd of people is seen cheering next to it as all five of our heroes are seen on the ship. Vyse, Big, and Frogger wave at the people below.)

Frogger: (To Edward.) Thanks for letting us join your crew.

Edward: It's the least I could do. You did save our lives.

Frogger: I guess we did. (To Big.) Hear that, big guy? We're heroes!

Big: Yipee! Froggy will be so happy when I find him. (We see Edward take the wheel of the ship.)

Edward: Aye. Now, let's get going. We still have to get home.

Frogger: (Saluting.) Aye aye, Captain!

Subject Delta: Awogh... (We see the ship take off as the cheers of the townspeople echo out across the water.)

End of Episode

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