Chapter 3 - Episode 3: Unfounded Revenge

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(AN: This episode contains heavy spoilers for Mother 3. If you wish not to be spoiled, maybe skip this episode until you beat the game.)

(The episode begins in the forest at the end of the "A Terrible Fate" episode of New Game. The camera is looking down upon Majora's Mask with the body of King Dedede seen laying on the ground not too far from it. A figure slowly walks up to Majora as it picks up the mask. The camera flips around to see that this figure is Skull Kid.)

Skull Kid: Y-You? No... No it can't be you. (The voice of Majora emanates from the mask.)

Majora: I remember you. You're that lonely Skull Kid. The one from Termina.

Skull Kid: How did you find me? (Skull Kid looks around.)

Majora: You found me, not the other way around. (Skull Kid drops the mask.) Where are those two fairies that followed you around? Did they abandon you?

Skull Kid: No... they... they're just lost. I'll find them.

Majora: You'll never find them on your own. (Skull Kid begins to leave.) Not without me. (Skull Kid stops and slowly turns around. He starts towards the mask.)

Skull Kid: You'll help me? (He stops.) How can I trust you?

Majora: I'm your friend, Skull Kid. I want to help you. Then we can return to Termina as heroes. Like the boy clad in green. (Skull Kid walks towards the mask and picks it up again.) You like him, don't you?

Skull Kid: Y-Yeah. Hee hee hee. He was fun. (Skull Kid puts on the mask. He drops to his knees and grabs at his face as he begins to writhe around. He completely drops to the ground before going limp. He then begins floating as movement slowly comes back to his limbs. Skull Kid and Majora are now one.) Hee hee hee hee hee. You really are an idiot. (The camera zooms in on the eyes of Majora's Mask.) Now, let's have some fun. (Everything fades away except for the eyes of the mask. Those slowly fade out too as we cut away.)

(We cut to a forest path as we see a pair of red tennis shoes running down it. The camera pans up to see Lucas running and panting as he frantically looks behind him. The camera pans to see a herd of Tauros (Pokemon) stampeding towards him.)

Lucas: Heeeeeelp! (Lucas dives into the forest brush, puts his hands over his head, and closes his eyes as the Tauros continue running through the forest. Lucas slowly opens his eyes. He then sees the tail of a snake.) R-Rope Snake? (Lucas begins towards the snake as it turns towards him, revealing itself to be a Coily (Q*bert). It hisses at Lucas.) Ah! (Lucas runs back to the forest path. He walks down it.) Boney?! Dad?! Anybody?! (Tears well up in Lucas' eyes as he sits on the ground. He takes his Franklin Badge out of his pocket.)

???: What's wrong? Why so sad? (Lucas looks around to see Skull Kid floating upside down behind him. Lucas looks afraid of Skull Kid as Skull Kid's body goes right side up before his head follows. Skull Kid floats onto the ground and walks towards Lucas.)

Lucas: Who are you? (Skull Kid walks around Lucas, studying him. His eyes land on the Franklin Badge.)

Skull Kid: I like your badge. Do you wanna trade?

Lucas: N-No... my dad gave it to me.

Skull Kid: Dad?

Lucas: Yeah. Like family. Dad... (He pauses.) mom... (He pauses again.) brother...

Skull Kid: Brother... (As tears well up in Lucas' eyes again, Skull Kid grabs Lucas' Franklin Badge.)

Lucas: Hey!

Skull Kid: (Floating above Lucas, tossing the Franklin Badge up and down.) Thanks for the badge. Hee hee ha ha ha ha! (Anger flashes across Lucas' face as he grabs a rock and throws it at Skull Kid. It gently hits Skull Kid in the chest as he stops laughing.) Why'd you do that? I thought we were having fun.

Lucas: Give me my badge back!

Skull Kid: I thought you were just a crybaby, but a buzzkill too? I can fix that. (Skull Kid cries out as a glowing aura emanates from him. Lucas closes his eyes and covers his ears as the camera zooms in on him. The screeching stops as Lucas opens his eyes. The camera zooms out, revealing that Lucas is in a pitch black room. He looks around, not seeing Skull Kid. As the camera pans around, we see a figure with his back to Lucas in the background. Lucas looks behind him.)

Lucas: (He pauses.) Claus? (Lucas approaches Claus (EarthBound) until he's right behind him.) Claus it's me... Lucas.

Claus: You lost our badge, Lucas.

Lucas: Huh? (Claus turns around to meet Lucas, no emotion on his face.)

Claus: Our badge, Lucas. The badge that killed me. Why did you let me die, Lucas? (The camera focuses on Lucas.)

Lucas: It... It wasn't me. It wasn't. (The camera pans back to Claus to reveal that he is now in his Masked Man outfit from Mother 3.)

Claus: It's all your fault, Lucas. All your fault.

Lucas: No! No! Stop! (The screen goes white as we go to the real world once again. We now see Lucas in the Masked Man outfit as Skull Kid looms above him.)

Skull Kid: That's more like it. Now... hee hee hee hee ha ha ha ha! Let's have some fun!

(We cut to a large grassy field not far from the forest. The camera focuses on Alex Kidd and Murfy (Rayman) as each of them holds their hand out at the other.)

Alex: Jankenpon! (Alex makes scissors with his hand while Murfy makes paper. There's a short pause before Alex begins jumping up and down.)

Murfy: Wow, you're a real rock, paper, scissors master!

Alex: You mean Jankenpon?

Murfy: Yeah, whatever ya say, kid. See ya around! (Murfy flies off. Alex also runs off, going towards the forest. The camera goes upwards into a bird's-eye view. The camera pans away towards a different part of the field as we see Mario, Lloyd, and Erdrick walking through the valley. The camera zooms in as it focuses on them and we leave the bird's-eye view.)

Erdrick: Any idea where we're going, Mario?

Mario: I'm-a not sure. When it comes to Master Mind, he-a usually finds me, not-a the reverse.

Lloyd: And you really think this Shadow Crystal is enough to defeat him?

Mario: If we can-a find it. It-a defeated him before, so as-a long as we can find it, it could defeat him again.

Erdrick: And if we can't find it?

Mario: I don't-a know... (The camera cuts away as we see Mario's group from farther away. The camera zooms out as we see Skull Kid watching them. The camera cuts to see his front, revealing the Franklin Badge on his chest.)

Skull Kid: How does that old man know about Master Mind? Why does he want the Shadow Crystal? (Skull Kid touches the Franklin Badge.) No, he's the red one that Master Mind spoke of. He wants us to leave this new place. (Skull Kid lands on the ground.) Maybe I should speak to him. (We cut back to Mario's group as they continue walking through the valley.)

???: So you're looking for the Shadow Crystal? (They all stop and look around, seeing nothing. Lloyd and Erdrick grab their swords.)

Lloyd: Who said that?

???: Over here. (They all look towards the voice, seeing only the valley stretching before them. Suddenly, Majora's Mask slowly appears out of thin air, with Skull Kid's body following.) You're Mario, right?

Mario: How-a do you know my name?

Skull Kid: Master Mind talked a lot about his biggest enemies. I wasn't with him for long, but I remembered his hatred for you.

Erdrick: You're one of Master Mind's goons? You're just a kid.

Skull Kid: And you're just dumb adults. Guess I'll just keep the Shadow Crystal to myself. (Skull Kid floats in midair, lounging, as he laughs and flies backwards towards the forest.)

Mario: Get-a back here! (Mario runs off as Lloyd and Erdrick look shocked.)

Lloyd: Mario, stop! (Lloyd and Erdrick give chase after Mario. We cut back to Alex Kidd talking to Sheila (Spyro the Dragon) as the chase happens in the background. Alex and Sheila turn towards it.)

Sheila: What's that all about?

Alex: I better check it out. (Alex runs towards the others. To Sheila.) Thanks for the chat! (We cut to Skull Kid floating into the forest as Mario quickly follows.)

Lloyd: Mario! (We see Lloyd and Erdrick enter the forest. They stop and look around as Mario and Skull Kid are nowhere to be seen.) Where'd he go?

Erdrick: Something isn't right with that kid. (We cut to Mario running through the forest. Skull Kid's laugh echoes through as Mario loses sight of him.)

Skull Kid: Wow, you sure are stubborn. You must really hate Master Mind if you're willing to abandon your friends to get him. (Mario looks around, realizing that Lloyd and Erdrick are gone.) You fight that giant turtle, right? Bowser? Yeah, that's the guy.

Mario: Bowser is-a dead because of Master Mind.

Skull Kid: Oh, boo hoo. He defeated your greatest foe. You should be thankful.

Mario: What Master Mind is doing is not-a right.

Skull Kid: Oh, I see. You wanted to get rid of Bowser yourself. (Skull Kid suddenly appears floating behind Mario.) I think I can make something work.

(We cut back to Lloyd and Erdrick walking through the forest, searching for Mario.)

Erdrick: He shouldn't have run off like that. He's gonna get himself hurt. (Rustling is heard around them.)

Lloyd: What's that? (Suddenly, four Platypunks (Dragon Quest) walk out from hiding and surround Lloyd and Erdrick.)

Erdrick: You gotta be kidding me.

Lloyd: What are these things?

Erdrick: Platypunks. Not too tough. The Platypunks begin waddling towards Lloyd and Erdrick as one scratches at Lloyd.)

Lloyd: Ow! (Lloyd swipes it away with his swords. We then see Erdrick cast Poof as he makes one Platypunk disappear. He then slashes another Platypunk away. The last Platypunk claws at Erdrick, making him stumble back. It begins taunting as Alex Kidd suddenly runs in and punches the Platypunk away.)

Alex: Yaha! (Lloyd turns towards Alex and points his blades at him.) Aaah! Don't hurt me!

Lloyd: Who are you? (Erdrick stands by Lloyd's side.)

Alex: Alex. Alex Kidd. I saw you guys were having some trouble, so I followed you here.

Erdrick: This is a dangerous place for a kid.

Alex: I'm not just some kid. I'm 14... (Sheepishly.) In human years at least. But I'm a master of the martial arts! (A beam suddenly hits the ground between our three heroes. Alex jumps in shock as the others look around.)

Erdrick: What now? (Our heroes turn towards the source of the beam as we see Lucas, still dressed as the Masked Man walk towards our heroes. He's holding a sword, and we see smoke pouring out of his arm cannon.)

Lloyd: More trouble. (No one says anything. Suddenly, Lucas charges towards our heroes. Lloyd and Lucas' swords begin clashing as Lucas blocks each attack from Lloyd. Erdrick charges at Lucas' side as Lucas shoots a beam into Erdrick's chest.)

Erdrick: Gah! (He falls to the ground. Lucas shoves Lloyd away with his blade as Alex suddenly flies in and delivers a kick into Lucas' side.)

Alex: Yah! (Alex punches Lucas away as Lucas falls and slides across the ground. Lucas then gets up and fires another beam, this time at Alex. It hits, and Alex flips backwards and lands on his front onto the ground.) Ow...

(We cut back to Skull Kid as he begins screeching again, his aura returning. Mario closes his eyes and covers his ears until it stops. Everything is still at first as Mario opens his eyes. Suddenly, a boney claw erupts from the ground.)

Mario: Waaaah! (A skeletal figure digs its way out of the ground, revealing itself to be Dry Bowser (Super Mario). It gives off a demonic roar as it looks straight at Mario.) B-Bowser?!

Skull Kid: Hee hee hee! This will be fun! (Dry Bowser breathes blue fire at Mario. Mario attempts to run away from it, but his overalls catch fire.)

Mario: Yowch ouch ouch! (Mario uses his hat to put out the flame as Dry Bowser jumps over Mario and lands behind him. Dry Bowser swipes at Mario as Mario slides underneath and behind him. He then grabs Dry Bowser's tail and begins spinning him around. He lets go as Dry Bowser flies through the air and lands on his feet. He takes off his own head and throws it at Mario.) Wah! (Mario ducks as Dry Bowser's head flies over him. Skull Kid laughs maniacally in the background.)

(We cut back to the fight against Lucas. Lucas slashes at Lloyd, who blocks the attack. Lloyd uses his second sword to hit Lucas away. Lucas shoots another blast at Lloyd, who's hit in the shoulder.)

Lloyd: Ach! (Lucas then turns towards Erdrick and shoots at him. Erdrick blocks the attacks with his shield as he gets closer to Lucas. Erdrick slashes at Lucas as he jumps backwards. Lucas then slashes Erdrick's legs, causing him to drop to his knees. Lucas then puts his arm cannon up to Erdrick's chin. Before he can shoot, we hear Alex's voice.)

Alex: Stop! (Lucas turns towards the noise as Alex runs in and punches Lucas' helmet. The helmet shatters as Lucas falls to the ground. There's a flash of white. As the light fades, we see Lucas laying on the ground, now in his normal clothes. His eyes slowly open. He sees Lloyd, Erdrick, and Alex standing over him.)

Lucas: Ah! Who are you?

Alex: Huh? You just attacked us.

Lucas: I... I did? (He stands up.) All I remember is... (He thinks.) that kid with the strange mask. He stole my badge. He did something to me.

Erdrick: That's the same kid we're looking for. Something's up with him. We need to find him.

Lucas: (Determined.) I'll help you! You... You said I attacked you, right?

Alex: Yeah, that blaster stung a bit.

Lucas: Blaster? (He shakes his head.) Here. (Lucas holds out his hand to the three.) PK Lifeup! (Psychic energy comes out of Lucas' hand as it envelops our heroes. Their wounds are healed.)

Lloyd: Thanks. Now, let's go find Mario! (Our heroes continue running through the forest.)

(We cut back to Mario as Dry Bowser breathes blue fireballs at Mario. Mario dives out of the way as Dry Bowser picks him up. He then throws Mario onto the ground and stomps on him.)

Skull Kid: What's the matter, Mario? Can't beat the big, bad Bowser? (Dry Bowser picks up his leg to stomp again as a fireball suddenly hits him in the chest, causing him to fall over. The camera pans to see that the other heroes have arrived, with flames flickering out of Erdrick's outstretched hand. Skull Kid sees Lucas.) You. I see you've escaped that spell I put on you. Pretty fun, right?

Lucas: Give me back my badge!

Skull Kid: You're still such a stick in the mud. (To Dry Bowser.) Get them all! (Dry Bowser starts walking towards them. Lloyd and Alex run towards Skull Kid as Lucas and Erdrick face off against Dry Bowser. Dry Bowser begins breathing fire at our heroes.)

Lucas: PK Shield! (A shield forms around Lucas and Erdrick as the fire flows around it. We cut to Lloyd and Alex as they run towards Skull Kid. Lloyd uses Lightning Thrust on Skull Kid, but the Franklin Badge reflects the lightning back at Lloyd, knocking him to the ground.)

Skull Kid: Hee hee! Nice try. (Alex begins throwing punches towards Skull Kid as he floats backwards. Alex jumps forward and lands a hit on Skull Kid, knocking the Franklin Badge off. We cut back to Erdrick and Lucas as they hit at Dry Bowser, Erdrick with his sword and Lucas with a stick. Dry Bowser jumps up and knocks the heroes down when he lands.)

Lucas: Woah! (We then cut to Mario getting up as he takes out a Rock Mushroom, transforming into Rock Mario. We cut back to Dry Bowser knocking Erdrick down with his tail as Mario, now transformed into a boulder, blasts through Dry Bowser. He then transforms back.)

Mario: Yaha! (Dry Bowser's head begins flying through the air as it spots Lloyd getting up. It starts flying towards Lloyd as Alex jumps in front of it, delivering an uppercut into the skull, shattering it.)

Alex: Phew! That thing gave me the creeps. (Lucas runs up and grabs the Franklin Badge as Skull Kid floats above our heroes.)

Skull Kid: I'm not done with you yet! (Lightning appears on Erdrick's sword as he charges his Zap spell.) Hee hee ha ha! You really think that'll work?

Erdrick: Yaaaaaah! (Erdrick shoots lightning at Skull Kid, the electricity enveloping him. Skull Kid screams out as the mask flies off of him, out into the forest. The released Skull Kid falls onto the ground and rubs his head.)

Skull Kid: Urgh... what happened? Did the mask... make me hurt people? (Our heroes surround Skull Kid.)

Alex: The mask?

Skull Kid: Majora's Mask. It took over my body again. Last time was a disaster. (He pauses.) Who are you guys?

Mario: We're-a looking for Master Mind. You said before that you-a worked for him.

Skull Kid: Sorry, I don't know who that is. (He begins walking off.) I have to go find my friends. Bye! (Skull Kid leaves.)

Mario: A dead end... (Mario looks down.)

Lucas: (To Mario.) Thanks for helping me get my badge back. Is there anything I can do to help you out?

Erdrick: We're looking for a crystal. It'll help us all get home.

Lucas: I can help you out with that. You all saved me.

Alex: And if there are more villains like that mask around here, you'll need a martial arts master like me.

Erdrick: Let's get out of this forest first.

Mario: (Nodding.) Yeah. (Our heroes all begin walking off through the forest. Before Lucas leaves, he looks behind him. He sees Claus smiling and standing behind him.)

Lucas: Huh? (Lucas rubs his eyes. When he stops Claus is no longer there. Lucas smiles as he runs to catch up with the others.)

(We cut away to see Majora's Mask on the ground. We see a hand pick it up as Master Mind comes into frame.)

Master Mind: I was wondering where you had gone. That greedy king was unworthy of you, but I will find one worthy of your powers. You are the key to the destruction of this world. (A portal appears behind Master Mind.) I have a champion in mind for your skills, but I must find him first. (Master Mind walks through the portal and it closes. The screen goes black.)

End of Episode

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