Chapter 4 - Episode 1: Haunting Ground

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(The episode begins at night looking at a partially destroyed, desolate town. A large clock tower stands in the center, with the face of the clock partially hanging off of the tower. A full moon is seen in the sky. We cut to the ground to see Shemums (Kid Icarus) slithering across the ground. We cut inside of the clock tower to see a woman and a dog walking up the clock tower's staircase. We zoom in to see that the woman is Fiona Belli alongside her dog, Hewie.)

Fiona: C'mon, Hewie. Those things that we saw fly into this tower must be at the top. (Hewie barks.) Shh! We don't want anyone to know that we're here. (Fiona and Hewie continue up the staircase. We cut to Fiona getting to the top of the tower, hiding herself behind the doorway to the main room. Hewie stands close to her. An elevated platform is in the middle of the partially destroyed room. Voices are heard inside. Whispering.) Someone's there. (The camera cuts to the elevated platform as we see Zarok holding onto his trident. In front of Zarok are Blinky, Inky, Pinky, and Clyde (all from Pac-Man).)

Zarok: Is there anyone left in this town who can oppose me?

Blinky: (Shrugs.) Might be a straggler or two in there, but this place is basically deserted.

Clyde: (Elbowing Pinky.) Yeah, we really scared the pants off of those guys.

Zarok: Excellent. With an army of monsters at my disposal, no man shall dare challenge me for power over this puny town.

Inky: And then the world, right?

Zarok: In due time. For now, we must keep our sights here. (The howl of a wolf suddenly echoes across the town. We cut to Hewie, whose ears perk up at the sound of it. Hewie immediately begins barking and sprints down the clock tower.)

Fiona: Hewie! (We cut to the ghosts as Pinky sees Fiona. She points at her.)

Pinky: We've got an intruder! (Zarok turns to see Fiona. She turns around and starts running down the clock tower after Hewie. Zarok points his trident towards where she was.)

Zarok: After her! Don't let her get away! (Blinky pretends to roll up his sleeves, but he doesn't actually have any.)

Blinky: You heard 'im! Let's grab that girly! (The ghosts float quickly through the doorway, beginning their chase towards Fiona.)

(We cut to a different part of town as we see a group of zombies (Half-Life) shambling through the street, screaming. Overturned cars and small fires also litter the area. Suddenly, a soda bottle flies through the air and hits one of the zombies in the head. The zombie makes a guttural sound and looks towards where the soda bottle came from. The camera pans to see Cooper Chance with a pool cue in one hand, while his other hand throws another soda bottle up and down. Cooper throws the second bottle.)

Cooper: Yah! (The bottle hits another zombie in the head and shatters. The zombie falls onto its back. Cooper then runs towards the rest of the zombies and stabs his pool cue into one. A zombie behind him swipes at him, but Cooper steps away as it lunges.) Woah! (Cooper breaks the pool cue in half, with one half still in a zombie. Cooper stabs the other half into the head of the zombie that swiped at him, killing it. He then swings the zombie attached to the pool into the last zombie, causing them both to fall over.) That should take care of those ghoulies. (The camera pans over the zombies' corpses.) Strange. These ones look way scarier than the ones I usually fight.

(Another howl echoes through the town as Cooper gasps and looks around. As he's looking around, the headcrab on the zombie he stabbed in the chest gets up and jumps closer to Cooper. As the headcrab is about to jump again, Hewie suddenly runs past and tramples over it, killing it. Cooper turns to see Hewie dart past towards the howl.)

Cooper: Whose dog is that? (Cooper checks his surroundings before running after Hewie.)

(We cut to one of the houses in town as a figure suddenly flies through the window of the house. We see the figure land on a table in the house's living room, breaking it. The figure woozily gets up, revealing himself to be Yugo Ogami. Yugo looks behind him to see a werewolf (The Elder Scrolls) walking up to the house. It howls at Yugo.)

Yugo: Here we go! (Yugo runs towards the window and jumps through it, performing a dive kick. This knocks the werewolf back a bit as Yugo hits the ground. The werewolf tries to claw at him, but Yugo rolls out of the way and gets up, holding his fists out in front of him.) Show me what you've got! (The werewolf turns towards Yugo and growls. We then cut to see Hewie barking and running down the street. We see as he reaches the werewolf and bites at its left leg. Yugo looks at this confused.) Huh? (The werewolf hits Hewie off of him as Hewie whines in pain. We see as he hits the wall of the house Yugo was hit into. We hear the voice of Cooper.)

Cooper: Hey! (The werewolf turns around as it's hit in the face with an egg. We cut to see Cooper run into the battle as he kneels down towards Hewie.) You okay, boy? (Hewie looks up at Cooper and whines. A shadow suddenly looms over them as Cooper looks up and gasps. The camera pans around to see the werewolf looking at them. It growls and continues towards them. We cut to Yugo as a determined look crosses his face. He runs towards the werewolf.)

Yugo: Hah! (Yugo runs behind the werewolf and wraps his hands around its waist. He then does a backflip and slams the werewolf's head against the ground. Yugo lets go and stands up. He then jumps on the werewolf, slamming his elbow into its chest. The werewolf whines and gets up, hurt. It then runs off, away from our heroes. Yugo runs towards Cooper and Hewie.) Are you two alright?

Cooper: I'm fine. (Looking towards Hewie.) He's a little scratched, but I think he's alright. (Hewie barks in agreement.)

Yugo: What are you two doing out here so late at night? It's dangerous with all these monsters.

Cooper: (Getting up.) I'm trying to get out of here. There's Ghoulies prowling every street.

Yugo: (Thinks for a second.) I'll help you out, kid. Have something I can call you?

Cooper: I'm Cooper.

Yugo: Great. I'm Yugo. (Points at Hewie.) What about your dog's name?

Cooper: Oh, he's not my dog. I saw him running through town. I thought he might be a stray. (Hewie suddenly bolts up and runs a short distance. He then stops, looks back at Cooper and Yugo, and barks.) What is it, boy?

Yugo: If I didn't know any better, I'd think that stray wants us to follow him.

Cooper: (Runs towards Hewie.) Maybe he knows a way out! (Yugo is startled for a second before he runs off to join Cooper.)

(We cut to a different part of town as a police cruiser drives down the street. It comes to a stop as the camera pans, revealing the road being blocked by upturned, flaming cars. We see Leon, Simon, and Alexandra exit the car and examine the flaming cars.)

Leon: D*mn it. This is Raccoon City all over again.

Simon: This is much worse than I thought. Those demons are destroying everything they come across.

Alexandra: Let's turn back. There's gotta be another road that leads out of here. (As she says that, a telephone pole behind the police cruiser falls on top of it. As this happens, our heroes turn towards it. Leon takes out his handgun.) Sh*t...

Leon: We'll go the rest of the way on foot then. Maybe we can find a new car.

Simon: Stay wary. It is quiet, but I fear that we may still be outnumbered by fiends. (We suddenly hear the voice of Blinky from far away.)

Blinky: There she is! (Our heroes look up. The camera cuts to see the four ghosts flying above the town. They don't see our heroes, but seemingly see something else that catches their eyes.) Make sure she doesn't get away. (We cut back to Leon, Simon, and Alexandra.)

Alexandra: What are those things?

Simon: Some kind of demon. (Simon takes out the Vampire Killer.) I suggest that we investigate what they're after.

Leon: (Readying his gun.) Let's go. (The three of them run off. We cut to see Fiona running down the streets of the town. A Dracky (Dragon Quest) flies past Fiona as she covers her face. She continues running until Blinky and Pinky suddenly appear in front of her.)

Fiona: Aaah!

Pinky: Where do ya think you're going? (Fiona begins backing up, but Inky and Clyde appear behind her.)

Clyde: Nuh uh! Can't go that way!

Inky: You gotta come with us. Boss wants to see you.

Blinky: Yeah. Wants to see you off, that is. Hehehe! (He points to Clyde.) Grab her! (Clyde grabs both of Fiona's arms and holds them behind her back.)

Fiona: Let me go! (She tries to escape. Suddenly, a glass bottle flies through the air into the back of Clyde. It bursts into flames, only affecting Clyde.)

Clyde: Yaaaaaaah! Hot! Hot! (When the flames disappear, only Clyde's eyes are left as they fly away from the area. Fiona is now free.)

Blinky: What the-! (The camera pans to see Leon, Simon, and Alexandra. Simon is holding a bottle of holy water. Leon is armed with his gun, and Alexandra with her shotgun.)

Simon: Holy water, enemy to all manner of ghouls and demons.

Blinky: So you wanna play hardball, eh? We can do that. (He points at the three. To Inky and Pinky.) Get 'em! (Inky and Pinky float towards our heroes. We see Inky pick up and fly away with Alexandra.)

Alexandra: Whoooaaah! (Pinky spins around and torpedoes into Leon and Simon, knocking them over. We cut to Alexandra and Inky as they float through the air.)

Inky: How'd you like to fly? (Inky flings Alexandra into the air as she screams. Suddenly, Blinky flies in and catches her.)

Blinky: Nice throw, Inky! Coming back at ya! (Blinky throws Alexandra as Inky catches her. We cut back to Leon and Simon as Pinky taunts them.)

Pinky: Nah nah nah nah nah! (Leon shoots at Pinky, but the bullets go through her.) You can't shoot a ghost, silly. (Simon readies a bottle of holy water, but Pinky tackles into him, causing the water to fly into the air. We cut to Fiona as she dives onto the ground and catches the bottle.)

Fiona: Gotcha! (We cut to Simon attempting to whip Pinky, but she gracefully phases through the whip each time he uses it.)

Pinky: Gonna have to try harder than tha- (Before she can finish, she suddenly bursts into flames. Soon, only her eyes are left as they float away. We see Fiona behind Pinky as she floats away. She runs up to Simon.)

Fiona: Do you have any more of that water?

Simon: Merely one bottle. (He takes out his last bottle of holy water.)

Leon: We need to get Alex down first. (We cut to Alexandra being thrown to Blinky.)

Alexandra: Put me down! (Blinky looks down to see Pinky is gone.)

Blinky: You want put down? Fine, I'll put ya down! (Blinky throws Alexandra towards the other heroes. She screams.)

Leon: I've got her! (Leon runs towards where Alexandra is landing. She crashes into Leon, with both of them falling to the ground.)

Alexandra: Thanks, Leon.

Leon: No problem. (They both get up, hurt. Simon and Fiona run up to them.)

Simon: Ms. Roivas, may I see your rounds?

Alexandra: Uh... yeah, sure. (Alexandra takes out her shotgun shells. We cut to Inky and Blinky floating towards our heroes, with Inky right behind Blinky.)

Blinky: You're gonna get it now! (We cut to Alexandra pointing her shotgun at the ghosts.) You really think you can shoot a ghost?

Alexandra: It's more of a delivery system. (She shoots at the ghosts. As the bullet flies into the ghosts, they burst into flames. Soon they are only eyes and fly away. We cut back to our heroes.) Quick thinking there, Simon.

Simon: Thank our new companion. (He gestures towards Fiona.) It was her idea.

Leon: Who are you anyway? What are you doing here?

Fiona: My name is Fiona Belli. Me and my dog, Hewie, got stuck in this town when those monsters attacked. (She points towards the clock tower.) The one behind it all is in the clock tower. You have to help me get rid of him.

Alexandra: Don't worry, kid. We'll help you. (To Leon.) Right?

Leon: (To Fiona.) We'll take care of this guy. (Our four heroes start towards the clock tower.)

(We cut to Cooper and Yugo as Hewie leads them to the base of the clock tower. Hewie barks at them.)

Cooper: Looks like he wants in the clock tower. (Cooper opens the door to the inside as Hewie runs in. He starts up the stairs before barking again.) C'mon, Yugo. (Cooper runs in as Yugo follows. We cut to them scaling the stairs to the top of the tower.)

Yugo: Why does this dog wanna go to the top of the clock tower?

Cooper: Dunno. Maybe this is where it lives? (We see them reach the top room of the clock tower and look around.) There's nothing here. (We hear Zarok's voice.)

Zarok: Who dares enter my abode?! (Cooper and Yugo turn towards the elevated platform where Zarok is as Hewie growls in its direction. The camera pans to see Zarok.) More fools who have come to challenge me, I presume? You have some nerves.

Cooper: Yeesh! What happened to your face?

Zarok: This is just how I look, child.

Yugo: Who are you?

Zarok: Zarok! I am the mightiest necromancer in all of Gallowmere, and I shall take this realm as my own!

Cooper: Oh yeah? You and what army?

Zarok: The army of the undead! (Lightning erupts from Zarok's trident as the scene changes to outside. Lightning flows into the sky. We cut to Leon's group walking to the clock tower as a hand suddenly erupts from the ground.)

Leon: Woah! (A zombie (Call of Duty) comes out of the ground as Leon shoots it in the head. It falls to the ground. More zombies begin coming out of the ground and shamble towards our heroes. Leon and Alexandra shoot at them as they get closer. We see Simon's whip decapitate one. We cut back to Cooper and Yugo.)

Cooper: You won't get away with this, you hag!

Zarok: Won't I? (Zarok begins laughing maniacally as we cut back to Cooper, Yugo, and Hewie. A growing shadow looms over them. We cut back to Zarok to see that he's transformed into his beast form. He spits acid at our heroes as it falls in front of Hewie. Hewie whimpers.)

Cooper: Run! (Cooper, Yugo, and Hewie run back down the stairs as Zarok follows, destroying everything in his path. We cut back to Leon's group as a commotion is heard inside the clock tower.)

Fiona: What's that sound? (Suddenly, Cooper, Yugo, and Hewie sprint through the door as Zarok bursts through where they just came from. Zarok rears onto his hind legs as he observes the heroes. Hewie runs up to Fiona.) Hewie! (She leans down and pets him.)

Alexandra: What the hell is that thing?!

Cooper: Some ugly guy who wants to take over the world! (Leon and Simon continue to attack zombies in the background. Yugo takes a step towards Zarok and transforms into his wolf form. He howls at Zarok.) Woah! (Hewie barks. Yugo runs towards Zarok and slides underneath his legs. Zarok returns to all fours to follow Yugo. Yugo turns around and swipes at Zarok's face. Zarok retaliates by headbutting Yugo into the clock tower wall.)

Fiona: Oh no!

Cooper: We gotta help Yugo! (Cooper and Alexandra run towards the battle. We cut to Simon throwing an axe into a zombie's side. A zombie shambles up behind him, but is tackled and mauled by Hewie. Fiona runs in next to him.)

Fiona: Good boy! (We then cut to Leon shooting at zombies around him.)

Leon: Aim for the head! (The camera pans behind Leon as we see Cooper shooting his Holy Water Squirter at Zarok. Zarok rears back a bit from it before spitting acid at Cooper. Cooper stumbles backwards to avoid it.)

Cooper: Agh! (We hear gunshots as a look of pain crosses Zarok's face. We pan to see Alexandra shooting at Zarok.)

Alexandra: Get the f*ck out of here! (This angers Zarok, who swipes Alexandra over with his tail. We then see Yugo jump onto Zarok's head and swipe at his face, but Zarok bucks him off. We cut away to see a zombie grab onto Leon.)

Leon: Sh*t! (We hear barking as Hewie runs in and grabs its leg with his teeth. He growls as he pulls the zombie off. Fiona then runs in and stomps on the zombie's face.)

Fiona: Nice work, Hewie. (We cut to Simon and Cooper as they throw projectiles at Zarok. Simon throws crosses while Cooper throws empty bottles.)

Simon: Vanquish the monster! (Zarok backs up. We then see Yugo run up to Zarok's tail and grab it. He begins to spin Zarok around by his tail. Eventually, he lets go as Zarok crashes into the clock tower. He transforms back into his normal form.)

Zarok: How could this happen? You all will pay for this. (A rumbling sound is suddenly heard as everyone looks up at the clock tower. Bricks begin to fall from it as it begins to crumble.)

Leon: Move! Now! (Our heroes all run from the clock tower. We see Zarok look up at it.)

Zarok: Oh dear... (The screen goes black as we hear the sound of the clock tower falling. We cut to see the fallen clock tower with all of our heroes watching it. Yugo is back in his normal form.)

Yugo: That should take care of him.

Fiona: (Petting Hewie. To Yugo.) Thank you again for taking care of Hewie.

Yugo: Don't thank me. (Points at Cooper.) Thank him.

Cooper: Aw, it was nothing. Little guy just needed some help. (Hewie barks.)

Leon: The town should hopefully be safe without that thing we fought.

Alexandra: We have to keep moving. Things still aren't quite right.

Cooper: (Pulling on Leon's sleeve.) Hey, mister, would you mind if we came with you? It's probably safer if we stick together.

Simon: (Walking up to Leon.) The child is right. It would be best if we all stayed together if there are still monsters near. (To Cooper.) And he is quite the young warrior. Most impressive. (Cooper smiles.)

Leon: You're right. Let's just get going before more ghosts find us. Or worse. (Hewie barks. We cut to see our heroes walking through the ruined town, the full moon still hanging above them.)

End of Episode

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