Chapter 4 - Episode 2: Biohazard

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(The episode begins by looking at a snowy mountaintop. We see a Delibird (Pokemon) building a snowman in the snow as a helicopter flies past as the Delibird looks up at it.)

Delibird: Delibird! (The camera cuts again to see a facility on the snowy landscape. The helicopter flies above for a bit before descending upon the facility. We cut to see a landing area in the facility as the helicopter lands on a platform labeled with a large letter H. We cut ahead in time as we see Albert Wesker exit the now powered-off helicopter and begin walking through the area. An unknown voice begins to speak.)

???: I hope you found your journey easy, Albert.

Wesker: (Smirks.) Can't say I have much experience piloting a helicopter, but the journey was easy enough. (The camera pans to see Master Mind standing in front of Wesker. An unknown figure is standing behind him, concealed in shadows.)

Master Mind: With this new discovery, I needed someone experienced to take the helm. Someone who is able to use this new... virus... to its fullest potential.

Wesker: (Gestures behind Master Mind.) Who's that? Security?

Master Mind: For me, not for you. (Gestures for the figure to come forward. It's revealed that the figure is a shadowy version of Solid Snake with yellow eyes and a dark aura. He's holding a pistol in his hand.) This is Solid Snake, a mercenary. They call him the man who makes the impossible possible. He is assigned to be your security force should something go wrong here.

Wesker: (Skeptical.) Just one man?

Master Mind: I think Snake will prove himself worthy of being a one-man army. (Wesker approaches Snake and looks him in the eyes. Snake's expression doesn't change.)

Wesker: Heh, we'll see about that.

Master Mind: Follow me. (Master Mind turns and leaves the area. Wesker follows as Snake follows behind Wesker.)

(We cut to a laboratory filled with equipment and a large, covered tube in the center of the back wall of the room. Master Mind, Wesker, and Snake walk into the room. Master Mind gestures to the covered tube.)

Master Mind: This, Albert, is why I called you here. A virus that could very well put us at the top of the chain of commands here. A virus that rivals the t-virus that affected your home.

Wesker: How could that be possible?

Master Mind: This specimen contains the ability to take over the body of a host and make it bend to its will. This could be one of many of the same creature, and by using it to our advantage, we can take control of the human race.

Wesker: Let me see it. (Master Mind floats over to a control panel and presses buttons on it. The tube's covering goes away, showing Dark Matter (Kirby) floating behind the glass. Wesker looks at it in intrigue.) What is it?

Master Mind: It's called Dark Matter. I was able to conceal it and bring it here. (The camera cuts to see Dark Matter studying the villains.) I need you to find a way to harness its abilities. Find a way to gather more of its kind. This study is crucial to our mission. (We cut to Master Mind floating up to Wesker.) Can I count on you to finish this task, Albert?

Wesker: I'll handle this. (Wesker approaches the Dark Matter. He then turns and gestures to Snake.) You. Start running tests on the specimen. Find out exactly what it is. (We cut to Snake nodding as he approaches a table in the laboratory.)

Master Mind: I shall be back in due time. Do not disappoint me. (Master Mind opens a portal behind him and steps through it. The camera cuts back to Wesker as he continues looking at Dark Matter.)

Wesker: Let's get to work.

(We cut a few days forward in time. The view is that of a POV shot of the facility with a green filter over it, as if being looked at through night vision goggles. Orange areas are highlighted on chimney stacks on the facility. An unknown voice speaks.)

???: So, this is where those strange sightings have been occuring. (The POV shifts around, as if looking for something.) Some kind of shadow that made itself known to the natives around here. (Suddenly, a shadowy blur is seen through the POV as it floats around the facility. The night vision goggles are unable to see it properly.) Well, I'll be d*mned. (The shot changes to look at Sam Fisher crouched and wearing multi-vision goggles. He stands up.) Something really is going on in that building. (We go back to his POV. The shadow goes back inside the facility.)

Sam: Whatever it is, the heat sensor isn't picking it up. Could be a weapon of some sort. A drone maybe. (His sight shifts again as he sees a heat signature approaching the facility.) Huh, looks like I'm not alone. (We cut to Sam taking off his multi-vision goggles and taking out his Five-seveN.) Quick and easy. (He takes off towards the facility.)

(We cut to the outside walls of the facility as Sam walks through the snow around it. We see that he's following a set of footprints in the snow. The footprints stop as he looks up and sees an open grate on the side of the wall.)

Sam: Huh. (He jumps up and grabs the edge where the grate opens up.) Alley-oop. (He crawls into the ventilation system.)

(We cut to inside the facility. The hallways are dimly lit with no one around. Suddenly, a grate in the ceiling bursts open and a pair of legs hang out from them. A figure drops onto the floor and holds out a pistol with a silencer. We see that the figure is Joanna Dark as she looks around for any enemies. Once she realizes that she's alone, she begins walking down the hallway. From behind Joanna, Sam drops silently from the same grate and approaches Joanna from behind. Joanna stops for a moment as Sam takes the opportunity to put Joanna in a headlock and put his pistol to her head.)

Sam: Don't wiggle, it'll get you killed.

Joanna: Who the hell are you supposed to be?

Sam: I'm gonna be asking the questions here. Unless you're feeling bulletproof, I suggest you drop the weapon. (Joanna holds up her hands and drops her pistol.) Thanks, darling. (Suddenly, Joanna grabs Sam and brings him over her head, slamming him onto the ground. She grabs her pistol.)

Joanna: I am not your "darling".

Sam: (Groans.) Point taken. (Joanna shoots as Sam rolls out of the way. He gets up and returns fire. His first shot misses, but the second shot hits Joanna's hand, forcing her gun out of it. She clutches her hand.)

Joanna: Gah! (Sam continues firing as Joanna does a forward roll towards him. She gets up right in front of Sam. Joanna forcefully moves Sam's hands upwards as he fires. He hits a light on the ceiling which makes a loud shattering sound.)

(We cut to Wesker and Snake in the laboratory. Wesker is at a table with equipment as Snake stands behind him. The sound of shattered glass is then heard from afar. Wesker turns around before addressing Snake.)

Wesker: Check the halls. Make sure no one has gotten in. And if someone's here, kill them immediately. (Snake nods before equipping his own pistol and silently exiting the laboratory.)

(We cut back to Sam and Joanna as Joanna punches Sam in the face. Sam reels back and leans his hands on the wall behind him. Joanna then grabs his head and slams it into the wall.)

Sam: Agh! (Sam covers his head with his left hand and shoulders Joanna in the head with his right shoulder. Joanna stumbles back as Sam kicks Joanna in the stomach. She falls to the floor. Sam points his gun at Joanna as she grabs her own gun, pointing it at Sam. They both pause, breathing heavily. Sam talks to himself.) You're getting sloppy, Sam.

Joanna: Either tell me everything that's going on in this building or I'll blow your f*cking brains out.

Sam: The hell are you talking about? I'm here to secure the area of threats, not endorse them.

Joanna: So you're not part of this operation?

Sam: F*ck no I'm not part of this operation. (Joanna lowers her weapon.)

Joanna: Then killing you won't accomplish anything. (Joanna slowly gets up as Sam lowers his weapon.) I'm here the same reason you are. Sightings of some kind of unknown flying object seen by the people who live around here. Possibly dangerous, other-worldly. I was asked to investigate by a worried family.

Sam: So you've seen it too?

Joanna: Only when I arrived here. I needed to get a closer look. It could be some kind of bioweapon.

Sam: Are you an agent of some sort?

Joanna: I'm Agent Joanna Dark. Part of the Carrington Institute.

Sam: Agent Sam Fisher. Fourth Echelon.

Joanna: Well, Agent Fisher, perhaps we could assist each other on this mission.

Sam: Thanks, but no thanks. I think I'll be better off alone. (A clacking sound is suddenly heard on the floor.) Huh? (Sam and Joanna look down to see a grenade. Sam tackles Joanna to the ground.) Get down! (The grenade blows up, sending Sam and Joanna far back. The camera pans to see Snake armed with his pistol looking at the explosion. He begins approaching where Sam and Joanna were. We cut to see Sam and Joanna on the ground. Sam is on top of Joanna unconscious as Joanna pushes Sam off of her and onto his back.)

Joanna: Agent Fisher? Agent Fisher! (She turns to see Snake walking towards her through the smoke. She shoots through the fog, hitting Snake in his side. Snake grunts and holds onto his side. Joanna continues to shoot wildly through the blinding smoke. She stops and turns to Sam as he groans.) Agent Fisher, thank God. Thought we lost you there.

Sam: (Groggily.) Gonna take a lot more than that to kill me. (Sam and Joanna get up and walk through the smoke, weapons raised. As the smoke dissipates, we see a cardboard box where Snake was before.) Really? (Sam fires at the box as Snake suddenly drops from above. He lands on Joanna and brandishes a knife.)

Snake: Goodnight. (Snake attempts to stab Joanna as she blocks his arm with her own. Sam points his gun at Snake as he suddenly throws his knife into Sam's chest.)

Sam: Sh*t! (He grabs where the knife made impact. Joanna continues to struggle with Snake as Snake throws her into the wall. She falls to the ground. Snake approaches Joanna and begins slamming her head repeatedly into the ground. We see Joanna's face become bloodied as Snake continues. Snake holds Joanna's face up to his.)

Snake: Just another body to bury. At least you died fighti- (Snake is suddenly cut off. The shadows around him begin to disappear as he falls onto his face, his knife from before lodged into his back. We see Sam holding his hand over a bloody hole in his chest standing above Snake's body.)

Sam: Getting a little cocky there. (He falls to his knees as Joanna crawls over to him.)

Joanna: Sam, you're hurt badly.

Sam: I'll be alright. This'll hurt like hell tomorrow though. (Snake's body begins to move again. He begins to get up.) You gotta be kidding me. (Sam holds up his gun.)

Joanna: Hang on. Something's different. That shadow around him disappeared. (We see Snake pull the bloodied knife out of his back as he turns towards Sam and Joanna, now back to normal.)

Snake: Where the hell am I? (Sam and Joanna remain silent for a second.)

Joanna: Who are you?

Snake: I'm Solid Snake, and we're in danger.

(We cut back to Wesker as he observes the Dark Matter.)

Wesker: This is going quite nicely. Soon the rest of your kind will join us and we will be ready to begin a metamorphosis for mankind. (Dark Matter seems excited by the idea.) We will become gods to the human race, ruling this entire universe with the help of Master Mind. Us, and that brainwashed buffoon Snake. (He pauses.) Speaking of, he should be back by now. (He reaches for a tablet on the table next to him. We see security camera footage broadcasted on it. He taps on the tablet as he goes from one camera to the next. He then goes to a camera view that is damaged, with the image flickering in and out. On the camera view is Snake, Sam, and Joanna. We cut away as we see the damaged security camera. The view pans out as we see Snake talking to Sam and Joanna.)

Sam: So some kind of alternate universe entity is threatening this entire world?

Snake: Yes, Master Mind. He must have found some way to take control of my mind if what you said about me is true. If that's the case for me, then it's likely that he has others like me working for him.

Joanna: And you don't know anything about the reason you're here?

Snake: My last memory is of Master Mind in the warzone he made from a city. I thought we had won, but he must have had some kind of contingency plan. This shadow you saw could be his doing.

Sam: Let's proceed with some caution then. (Joanna nods in agreement.)

(We cut to the three of them walking through the facility, guns at the ready. They reach the entrance of the laboratory as Snake stops. He signals the other to stop as well. Snake crouches down and looks inside. The tube that Dark Matter was in previously is open, but no one is in there. He enters silently as Sam and Joanna follow.)

Snake: Nothing here.

Wesker: I wouldn't say that. (Snake, Sam, and Joanna quickly turn around with their guns drawn as they see Wesker in the doorway.) "The man who makes the impossible possible", and yet, you fail to stop two intruders. What a joke.

Snake: Who are you? How do you know that?

Wesker: I am Albert Wesker, Solid Snake. Leader of the 3rd Organization and associate of Master Mind. You were previously a security precaution of mine, but it seems that you have outlived your usefulness. (All three heroes shoot at Wesker, but he uses his super speed to dodge every bullet.)

Sam: What the hell?

Wesker: You really thought you could kill me with your primitive technology? Allow me to show you true power. (Wesker snaps his finger as Dark Matter in its Dark Matter Blade form descends from above. It points its sword at our heroes.) This is the future of the human race. Dark Matter. It grew so angry at Snake's turn against us that it evolved into this new form.

Joanna: We won't let you do this.

Wesker: Then try and stop me. (Wesker speeds towards Joanna and kicks her across the room. She lands on her back before getting up to fight Wesker. Dark Matter Blade charges towards Sam and Snake and slashes at them. Sam pushes Snake down as they dodge out of the way and land on the ground. They both shoot at Dark Matter Blade, which angers it. It shoots sword beams at Snake and Sam as they scramble to their feet and run from it.)

(We cut to Joanna and Wesker as Wesker punches Joanna repeatedly in the face. Joanna catches one of Wesker's fists and uppercuts him. She then tries to kick Wesker, but he catches her leg. Joanna then jumps into the air and uses her other leg to hit Wesker's head and bring them both to the floor.)

Wesker: You pest! (Joanna jumps into the air and wipes blood off of her face.)

Joanna: Is that all you've got? (We cut back to Snake and Sam as they fire at Dark Matter Blade. Dark Matter Blade shoots a fireball at the two of them. The fireball hits Snake and knocks him back into the laboratory doorway. He sees flames on his leg as he pats it out. He then looks up at the doorway.)

Snake: Huh? (We cut back to Sam as he runs around Dark Matter Blade while shooting. Dark Matter Blade shoots more sword beams at Sam. Sam jumps over a nearby table and flips it to shield himself.)

Sam: Once an agent... (The camera cuts to see Dark Matter Blade begin to fly towards where Sam is hiding before a missile hits its side and sends it tumbling. We cut back to Wesker using his super speed as he dodges Joanna's bullets. He then gets behind Joanna and grabs her by the neck before throwing her into lab equipment.)

Joanna: Agh! I need some way to slow him down. (Wesker suddenly appears in front of her again as she gets up.)

Wesker: Give up?

Joanna: Not a chance. (Joanna throws a punch which Wesker dodges. This continues as Wesker continuously dodges Joanna's attacks. He then picks her up by her neck again.)

Wesker: You have some nerve going against a god. (A shot is suddenly heard as Wesker looks down at his leg, which now has a tranquilizer dart in it.)

Joanna: The powers of a god are nice, but the god complex can really sting. (Joanna delivers a kick into Wesker's chest as he lets go of her. He begins to limp away as Joanna catches up and delivers multiple punches into Wesker's face. He falls back into the doorway of the laboratory as Dark Matter Blade joins him.)

Wesker: You idiots. It will take a lot more than a tranquilized leg to stop me. (Snake pulls out a remote detonator.)

Snake: Now! (He presses the detonator as multiple mines set on and around the doorway fire off. Smoke billows into the laboratory. As the smoke clears, we see a pile of rubble over where Wesker and Dark Matter Blade were.)

Sam: Quick thinking there, Snake. (Joanna goes over to one of the tables.)

Snake: That should hopefully be the last of them.

Joanna: Hey, look what I found. (Snake and Sam look over at Joanna as she holds multiple files.) It's about that Dark Matter creature. Apparently, the plan was to use it and others like it to take over the bodies of humans across the globe.

Sam: Is that possible?

Joanna: Looks like it. It has the ability to possess a host. All Wesker needed was to get it on his side.

Snake: How'd he do that?

Joanna: (Pauses.) It just wanted a friend. Wesker took that role.

Sam: Well, it's a good thing we got rid of them. (Suddenly the sound of a helicopter is heard.)

Snake: Don't speak too soon. (Our heroes run towards the rubble and begin to remove it. We cut to them exiting the facility as they see a helicopter flying across the mountainside.)

Sam: They got away.

Joanna: Wesker and the Dark Matter are stronger than they look.

Sam: We need to go after them. (Sam begins to leave, but Snake grabs onto his shoulder.)

Snake: We need to patch up first. We'll be no use to the world if we're dead.

Sam: Yeah, I guess you're right.

Joanna: Let's search the area for first aid, then we'll go.

Sam: (To Snake.) And you can tell us more about Master Mind. Maybe Wesker has notes on him in his lab. (Our heroes return to the inside of the facility. We cut to inside the helicopter to see Wesker piloting it. Dark Matter is back in its normal form.)

Wesker: D*mnit. Master Mind's security became a danger to our plan. Perhaps Master Mind's intrusions will be considered unnecessary going forward. (Dark Matter looks at Wesker.) It doesn't matter. It's time we move on to the next phase of the plan. (Wesker looks at Dark Matter.) Time for the virus to take full effect. (We cut to see the helicopter flying away as we fade out.)

End of Episode

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