Chapter 5 - Episode 5: Jungle Japes

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(The episode begins looking down on a forest. We cut to the branches as we see AiAi sleeping on a tree branch. He slowly wakes up and stretches his arms over his head. He then jumps down from the tree as we see Dixie Kong (Donkey Kong) and Tiny Kong (Donkey Kong). They wave at him.)

Dixie Kong: Haha! (AiAi smiles and waves back as he begins walking through the area. AiAi passes by Chunky Kong (Donkey Kong) holding a Primeape (Pokemon) that is swinging at him by the face.)

Primeape: Ape! Ape! Ape! (Lanky Kong (Donkey Kong) points and laughs at the Primeape. AiAi eventually makes his way to Cranky Kong (Donkey Kong) who is sitting in a rocking chair.)

Cranky Kong: Nyeh… (Cranky Kong reaches down and picks up a banana. He then throws it to AiAi who smiles before peeling it and taking a bite.)

(The camera zooms out as it pans to an area of the forest a little further away. We see Cortex’s airship docked in a clearing in the forest with large patches adorning it. We cut closer to the airship as we see Cortex exit.)

Cortex: By my calculations, there should be a shard of the Shadow Crystal nearby. (Specter then exits the airship in his hovering chair.)

Specter: Well then, perhaps this mission will be easier than we thought. But just in case… (Specter turns back towards the airship as Pipotron Red, Pipotron Blue, and Pipotron Yellow (all from Ape Escape) trail out.)

Cortex: Just what we need, more of your monkeys. (Specter turns to him angrily.)

Specter: Where’s your help then, Cortex? (Cortex puts a hand to his head.)

Cortex: Ugh… Crash! (Crash and Aku-Aku jump out of the airship and walk towards Cortex, both of them with a dark aura and yellow eyes. Once Crash makes it to Cortex, he salutes with his tongue out.) Even mind-controlled, you’re still an idiot. (Cortex points towards the trees.) Go look for the Shadow Crystal, you dolt. (Crash nods and runs off with Aku-Aku.)

Specter: You’re sending them off alone?

Cortex: No way am I working with that blithering rodent again. Come on. (Cortex, Specter, and the Pipotrons set off.)

(We cut back to AiAi and the Kongs as they eat bananas while sitting together. AiAi suddenly gets up and walks back to his tree.)

AiAi: Eek eek! (He smiles at the Kongs as he climbs up. We cut back to the Kongs as we suddenly hear the voice of Specter.)

Specter: Well well, what have we here? (The camera pans to see Specter, Cortex, and the Pipotrons.)

Cortex: I’ll leave this one to you, Specter. (Dixie Kong walks up to the villains and offers them a banana while smiling at them. Pipotron Red then swipes the hat off of Dixie’s head.)

Dixie Kong: Ah?! (She reaches for her hat as Pipotron Red places a pipo helmet on Dixie’s head. Dixie stops moving for a second before silently taking her place beside next to the Pipotrons. The rest of the Kongs look on in shock. Tiny, Chunky, and Lanky then get a look of anger before charging towards Specter.)

Cortex: (Pulling out his blaster.) Not so fast, banana brains! (We cut back to AiAi’s tree as he drops his monkey ball down from the branches. AiAi then drops down and begins rolling it to where the Kongs are. He suddenly stops in shock as the camera turns to see all the Kongs with pipo helmets on.)

Specter: Hahaha! This should make everything a little easier. (Cortex then spots AiAi getting into his monkey ball.)

Cortex: Looks like you missed one. (AiAi begins rolling away. Specter points towards AiAi.)

Specter: Pipotrons! Get that deserter! (The Pipotrons begin sprinting after AiAi as he tears through the forest.)

(We cut to a different part of the forest to find a group of three Dodongos (The Legend of Zelda). One of them breathes out a plume of fire. The camera pans to see Dart Feld as he’s engulfed by the flames. The flames eventually subside as we see that Dart is fine.)

Dart: D*mn. These things are no joke. (Dart runs up to the Dodongo in the middle and slashes at it three times before kicking it twice, sending it away. The other two Dodongos hiss at Dart as they flee the scene.) That’s that then. (Dart sheathes his sword and begins walking through the woods, keeping his guard up. He then hears rustling coming from the bushes as he puts his hand on his sword cautiously.) Is someone there? (The rustling continues as Dart walks closer to the bushes. He carefully unsheathes his sword as he reaches towards the bush. Suddenly, Crash jumps from the bushes.)

Crash: Woah! (He spins at Dart and sends him flying into a tree, making him drop his sword.)

Dart: Agh! (Dart quickly gets up and grabs his sword while charging at Crash. He slashes at Crash, but he dodges out of the way. He then kicks Crash to the ground, but Aku-Aku shoots out a laser that knocks Dart back.)

Aku-Aku: Aboogidaba! (Dart quickly gets up and spins around with his sword, slashing at Aku-Aku and sending him flying. Crash then jumps over and latches onto Dart as the two begin to wrestle. We cut to Aku-Aku as he floats back up, with the shadowy aura no longer around him.) Ooh… what happened? (Aku-Aku looks over to see Crash on top of Dart trying desperately to punch him while Dart pushes him back by the face.)

Dart: Get off of me! (Aku-Aku then shoots another laser from his eyes and blasts Crash off of Dart. We see the shadowy aura dissipate from Crash as he jumps up and rubs his head.)

Crash: Ooh! (Dart holds his sword at the ready as he looks from Crash to Aku-Aku.)

Dart: What are you things?

Aku-Aku: (Cautiously approaching.) It’s okay, young one. We’re not gonna hurt you. I am Aku-Aku. This is Crash. (Crash extends his arm for a hand shake. Dart keeps his sword out and doesn’t shake Crash’s hand.)

Dart: I don’t trust you quite yet.

Aku-Aku: I don’t blame you. (Crash moves towards Dart more with his hand. Dart raises his sword higher as Crash raises his hands in defense.)

Crash: Woah!

Aku-Aku: I believe we have been mind-controlled by Master Mind. I’m not sure what we’re doing here though.

Dart: (Sheathing his sword.) Who is Master Mind? (Crash runs up and performs an evil laugh. He mimics shooting lightning out of his fingers before raising his hands evilly and laughing again.)

Aku-Aku: He’s a bit like that. He’s planning on bringing this world to its knees which we cannot allow under any circumstances. He already has Dr. Cortex working for him. Who knows who else he has under his thumb. (Crash nods in agreement.)

Dart: Sounds like you’re gonna need a little help then. (He begins walking off.) C’mon, I think I can get us out of here. (Crash and Aku-Aku follow.)

(We cut to Professor Layton, Rouge, and Kiryu as they travel through the forest. Layton studies his piece of the Shadow Crystal as they walk.)

Layton: This is truly remarkable. I’ve never seen a gem that is quite like this.

Rouge: What’s so special about it, doc?

Layton: Its composition isn’t like any other gems that I know of. I believe it to be crystal, but it also seems to almost be…

Kiryu: Almost be what?

Layton: Supernatural. (They suddenly hear something coming towards them fast.)

Kiryu: (Readying himself.) Something’s coming. (Rouge begins hovering with her wings in midair.)

Rouge: Let’s hope it isn’t some wild animal. (From the forest, we suddenly see AiAi roll in in his monkey ball. We see him hit a rock as his ball opens up and he flies out. He lands in the arms of Kiryu.)

Kiryu: A… monkey?

Layton: In some sort of contraption, no less.

AiAi: Eek eek eek! (AiAi begins pointing frantically to where he came from.)

Rouge: Something’s stressing the little guy out. (Suddenly, Pipotron Yellow jumps in and steals Layton’s hat.)

Layton: My goodness! (Pipotron Yellow puts it on as the other two Pipotrons take their place beside him.)

Kiryu: What are those things?

Layton: A group of mechanical apes it seems like. (Layton puts the Shadow Crystal shard in his jacket.)

Rouge: What are you waiting for, boys? Let’s show these apes we mean business. (Rouge flies forward and kicks Pipotron Blue. Pipotron Blue then grabs her foot and swings her into a tree.) Ouch! (We see Kiryu put AiAi on his back as Layton runs away from Pipotron Yellow. Pipotron Red runs up to Kiryu and punches him with an electric punch. Kiryu is sent far back.)

Kiryu: Agh! (We cut to Layton running from Pipotron Yellow. Pipotron Yellow shoots fire projectiles out of his hands at Layton.)

Layton: Oh dear! (Layton dives out of the way. He then begins climbing up a thin tree. Pipotron Yellow follows him. We cut back to Rouge as she kicks at Pipotron Blue again. Pipotron Blue dodges and then jumps at Rouge, punching her back.)

Rouge: Ah! Alright, you wanna play that way? (She pulls out a bomb.) Then lets play. (Rouge scoops up a bunch of rocks and starts throwing them at Pipotron Blue while flying around. Pipotron Blue catches the rocks and throws them back as Rouge dodges. Rouge then throws her bomb which Pipotron Blue catches.)

Pipotron Blue: Eek! (Before he can throw it back at Rouge, it explodes and sends Pipotron Blue soaring away. Rouge waves at him.)

Rouge: Good riddance. (We cut back to Kiryu as he picks up a log and swings it at Pipotron Red.)

Kiryu: Ha! (Kiryu slams the log into Pipotron Red’s head. It breaks in two and knocks Pipotron Red over. Kiryu then walks over to Pipotron Red as he suddenly gets up and blasts lightning into his chest. Kiryu drops to the ground as AiAi jumps at Pipotron Red while wearing boxing gloves. He punches Pipotron Red in the face, sending him back.)

AiAi: Yahoo! (We cut back to Layton as he continues to climb the tree. The tree begins to bend over as the two climb.)

Layton: You’ll have to excuse me. I’m not much of a fighter. (Layton grabs the top of the tree and jumps onto the ground, revealing that the tree has bent all the way back to the forest floor.) I prefer to outwit my opponent. Safe travels. (He grabs his hat off of Pipotron Yellow and lets go of the tree which slingshots Pipotron Yellow into the horizon. We cut back to AiAi as he dodges lightning shots from Pipotron Red.)

AiAi: Eek! (He jumps into his monkey ball to shield himself. As he does, Kiryu jumps behind cover of the rock next to AiAi.)

Kiryu: Are you familiar with bowling? (AiAi gives a look of recognition and nods. Kiryu jumps up and grabs AiAi in his ball. He then chucks AiAi at Pipotron Red. The hit knocks Pipotron Red into the horizon. We cut to AiAi who has swirly eyes and looks dazed. Kiryu walks over and opens the ball. He takes AiAi out and holds him in his arms.) Not bad. (Layton and Rouge walk up.)

Rouge: Who’s your new friend, Kiryu?

AiAi: AiAi!

Kiryu: Seems his name is AiAi.

Layton: Why did those things attack us? (AiAi suddenly drops out of Kiryu’s arms and starts wildly pointing at where he came from.)

Kiryu: AiAi is in trouble. He needs our help.

Layton: Are there more of those things, AiAi? (AiAi nods.)

Rouge: Is anyone in danger? (AiAi nods more vigorously.)

Kiryu: Then lead the way. (AiAi jumps into his ball and rolls off while the others follow.)

(We cut to Crash, Dart, and Aku-Aku as they continue through the forest.)

Dart: This Master Mind sounds like no joke.

Aku-Aku: He is a force to be reckoned with.

???: Well, if it isn’t Crash Bandicoot. (Our heroes turn around to see Cortex and Specter behind them. Cortex is pointing his blaster at them.) Looks like you’ve defected back already. What a pity. You may have actually been useful.

Aku-Aku: What do you want, Cortex?

Cortex: Master Mind won’t like it if I lose his new toys. (Cortex snaps his fingers. Chunky Kong drops down from above and grabs Crash and Aku-Aku in one hand and Dart in the other.)

Specter: You’ll be coming with us until we find that Shadow Crystal shard.

Dart: Let us go! You don’t know who you’re messing with!

Cortex: I’m messing with a child and an idiotic marsupial. I think I’ll manage. (They set off.)

(We cut to Layton, Rouge, Kiryu, and AiAi as they continue through the forest. They eventually come across Cortex’s airship where they see Crash, Dart, and Aku-Aku being held by Chunky Kong, as well as the other Kongs, Cortex, and Specter.)

Rouge: (To AiAi.) Those your friends? (AiAi nods sadly.)

Layton: What are they wearing? (AiAi mimics putting a helmet on his head. He then sticks his arms out like a zombie.) Are you saying that they're wearing some kind of mind-control helmet? (AiAi nods sadly again.)

Kiryu: Whatever is going on here, we have to put a stop to it. (We cut back to Crash, Dart, and Aku-Aku as Chunky Kong throws them to the ground. Cortex points his blaster at them.)

Cortex: The three of you will be staying on the ship while we look for the Shadow Crystal shard. Got that?

Dart: You don’t scare me.

Specter: Quiet, human! (Specter floats closer to Dart as his chair glows.) Don’t make me say it again.

???: Yahoo! (Specter looks up.)

Specter: Huh? (We see AiAi gliding towards the villains using his monkey ball. He glides towards Specter and kicks him off of his chair before landing next to Crash and Dart. Crash quickly gets up and spins Specter’s chair away.) No! My throne! (Layton, Rouge, and Kiryu join the others.)

Kiryu: Let them go! (Specter gets up and dusts himself off.)

Specter: So, you wanna play hero, huh? (Specter points at our heroes.) Attack! (The Kongs charge towards our heroes. We see Chunky punch Kiryu away and Cranky hit Crash with his cane. Dart rushes towards Specter as Pipotron G (Ape Escape) suddenly jumps in and punches Dart away.)

Dart: (Getting up.) What is that thing?

Specter: Let’s just call it my last resort. (We cut to Lanky using his Grape Shooter to shoot grapes at Layton, who tries to shield himself with his hat. We then see Rouge flying towards Tiny. As she gets close, Tiny shrinks down. Rouge stops and looks around.)

Rouge: Huh? (Tiny then goes back to normal size and uppercuts Rouge. We cut to AiAi as Dixie knocks him away with her hair. Kiryu and Chunky push against each other in the background. We then cut to Crash as Cranky beats him with his cane.)

Cranky Kong: Heheh! (Crash spins Cranky away.)

Crash: Ooh! (Cranky gets back up and charges towards Crash. Crash takes out his Fruit Bazooka and fires a Wumpa Fruit at Cranky. It hits him in the head and shatters the pipo helmet. Cranky looks around confused.)

Cranky Kong: Huh?

Aku-Aku: Looks like we weren’t the only ones who were mind-controlled, Crash. (We cut back to Dart as he transforms into his Red-Eyed Dragoon form.)

Dart: Ha! (Pipotron G charges towards him, but he shoots a fireball at her which makes her stumble back. She retaliates with a punch that sends Dart flying, but he lands on his feet.)

Specter: Get him! (We cut back to Chunky as he fires his Pineapple Bazooka at Kiryu. Kiryu dodges away from the shots. One pineapple goes straight for his head as Kiryu punches it into multiple pieces.)

Kiryu: Yah! (Kiryu runs at Chunky. Chunky goes for a punch, but Kiryu jumps onto his arm, flips over his head, and grabs the pipo helmet off of him. Kiryu then lands and breaks the pipo helmet in half as Chunky looks around confused. We then cut to Rouge as she avoids Tiny’s punches. Tiny throws another punch at Rouge, but she grabs her arm.)

Rouge: Gotcha! (Tiny throws another punch, but Rouge grabs that too. Rouge then rapidly flaps her wings until Tiny’s pipo helmet flies off of her and shatters. Tiny looks around, dazed.) Phew… you’re welcome. (We cut back to Dart as he stabs his sword into the ground. This summons a wave of fire that blasts into Pipotron G. She roars angrily and tries to slam her fists onto Dart, who uses his wings to propel himself out of the way. Dart then jumps at Pipotron G and slashes at her four times.)

Dart: Yah! (We cut back to AiAi as he jumps into his ball to escape Dixie. He rolls around the area as Dixie charges at him. She finally jumps onto the ball and starts hitting it with her hair.)

AiAi: Eek! (AiAi then opens the top of the ball which sends Dixie up high. She uses her hair to slow her fall by using it as a propeller. As she does, the pipo helmet loosens until her hair makes it fly off.)

Dixie: Eh? (Dixie looks confused as she suddenly falls from the sky. AiAi jumps out of his ball and catches her. Dixie then smiles at him as the two hug.)

AiAi: Yay! (We cut back to Layton as Lanky circles him.)

Layton: Now listen, I don’t want to hurt you. (Lanky spins towards him and begins spinning him around wildly.) Woah! Oh dear! (We see the Shadow Crystal shard fly out of his coat and land on the ground. We then see Cortex hiding behind his airship. Cortex spots the Shadow Crystal shard on the ground.)

Cortex: Haha! Just what I needed! (We cut to Dart as Pipotron G picks him up and throws him.)

Dart: Ah! (Dart flies through the air as his sword falls from his hand. (We cut back to Layton who stops spinning just in time to grab Dart’s sword in midair and slash across the top of Lanky’s head, destroying the pipo helmet.)

Lanky: Opa? (Lanky looks around confused.)

Layton: (To Dart.) Thank you for the assistance, dear boy! (He tosses the sword back towards Dart as we see Pipotron G charging at him again. Dart grabs it and flies into the air.)

Dart: Final Burst! (Dart propels himself towards Pipotron G while surrounded by fire. He soars into her and sends her flying into the trees which collapse on top of her. Dart then lands on the ground and turns back to normal as the others gather around him.)

Specter: No no no! I’ll get you for this! (Specter is then tapped on the shoulder.) Huh? (He turns around to see all the Kongs looking down angrily at him.) Oh… (All the Kongs jump towards Specter and perform a quick flurry of punches. A counter on the side displays “10 Hits!” as Specter goes flying.) I’ll remember thiiiiiiiiiiiis! (The Kongs celebrate as our heroes watch.)

Aku-Aku: Where is Dr. Cortex?

Cortex: Looking for me? (The camera pans to see Cortex on his airship as it takes off. He holds the Shadow Crystal shard in his hand.) I have everything I need. Farewell, bandicoot. (Cortex enters his airship as it begins to fly away.)

Layton: (Checking his coat.) How did he…

Aku-Aku: We can’t let him get away with that shard.

Dart: I have a bone to pick with him anyway. (Dart runs after the airship as the others follow. Rouge grabs AiAi in his ball as they fly onto the outside of the ship.)

Rouge: Get on! Quick! (Dart runs up and grabs the railing of the ship, quickly followed by Kiryu. The two of them pull themselves up. Aku-Aku flies up to the others as Crash and Layton rush to catch up. Crash barely grabs onto the bottom of the railing and grabs Layton’s hand. Kiryu and Dart help them up.)

Layton: Well, no turning back now. (Our heroes look at each other as the camera slowly zooms out to see the Cortex’s airship flying through the area. The screen fades to black.)

End of Episode

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