Chapter 5 - Episode 6: Dark Dawn

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(The episode begins looking down on a bustling town. We cut closer in as we see Nero walking along the sidewalk. He passes by PJ Berri (PaRappa the Rapper) eating a hamburger. He is then passed by Vivi (Final Fantasy) walking through town. Nero then arrives at a building with a makeshift sign out front that says “Devil May Cry”. Nero walks inside to see Trish (Devil May Cry) eating a slice of pizza from a box on a desk with a telephone on it.)

Trish: Welcome back, Nero. (She gestures to the pizza box.) Pizza? (Nero grabs a slice of pizza.)

Nero: Anything from Dante yet?

Trish: (Shakes her head.) Haven’t heard from him. If he’s somewhere here, it doesn’t seem like we’re gonna find him.

Nero: (Takes a bite.) D*mn. (There’s a knock at the door. Trish starts to get up, but Nero moves towards the door first.) I’ll get it. (Nero sets down his pizza and opens the door to see an old woman on the other side with a cross around her neck. Nero leans his arm against the doorway.) Devil May Cry, how can we help?

Woman: Oh, hello. Are you the new… um… demon hunters in town?

Nero: Yeah… something like that.

Woman: Well, I’ve been seeing these strange demonic creatures around town. They’ve been keeping to the shadows and I fear for this town’s safety. (Nero stops leaning on the doorframe and grabs the Red Queen from beside the door. He sheathes it on his back.)

Nero: No worries. I’ll take a look around. (Nero exits.) I’ll be back, Trish.

Trish: I’ll save some pizza for you. (Nero shuts the door.)

(We cut back to the town as Nero hurries through. We see him pass by an outdoor theater with a large crowd gathered on bleachers. The camera zooms in to the stage as we see Salvatore (The Legend of Zelda) seated next to a table on the stage.)

Salvatore: Everyone was very scared. The sky was very dark and scary. (Cardboard cutouts of clouds and a cardboard cutout of Ganon suddenly drop in from overhead. Iota (Tearaway) and Atoi (Tearaway) then run onto the stage and wave their arms above their heads.)

Iota: Help us!

Atoi: Won’t anyone save us?

Salvatore: And then suddenly, a hero emerged to save us all from peril. (Suddenly, Kutaro bursts onto the stage wearing a replica of Link’s hat and wielding Calibrus. He slashes at the cardoard cutout of Ganon and cuts it in half.) And so, all the islands in the Great Sea were saved. (He raises his arms unenthusiastically.) Hooray! Hooray! (The crowd cheers.)

(We jump forward in time after the show. Kutaro is now dressed normally as he jumps off of the stage. He begins walking through town until he suddenly sees a large shadow moving across the ground.)

Kutaro: Huh? (Kutaro looks from side to side to see if anyone else has noticed, but he seems to be the only one who's notices. He then takes off after the mysterious shadow.)

(We cut to the forest as we see Elora (Spyro the Dragon) and Hunter (Spyro the Dragon). A large, golden hand then descends towards them holding multiple dragon eggs.)

Elora: Thanks again for helping us get those dragon eggs, Isaac. (The camera pans to see Isaac controlling the large hand. The hand dissipates as the dragon eggs softly fall to the ground.)

Isaac: No worries. I’m happy to help. (Hunter crouches down to study the dragon eggs.)

Hunter: Yeah, and if you see Spyro anywhere, be sure to send him our way. (He nudges Elora.) Elora here misses him.

Elora: (Shooting a look at Hunter.) We all miss him, Hunter.

Isaac: I’ll keep an eye out. (He begins to walk away.) Farewell! (Elora and Hunter wave as Isaac sets off.)

(We cut again as we see Corvo, Connor, and Bayonetta walking on a path through the forest.)

Connor: The next town shouldn’t be far now. We should get there far before nightfall.

Corvo: Let’s hope that no demons or psychopaths have already beaten us there. (They continue walking. We cut away to see Isaac on a similar path in the forest. We see him spot the other heroes.)

Isaac: Well, they look… friendly? (Suddenly, Shadow Bugs (Super Smash Bros.) begin falling from the sky in a circle around Corvo, Connor, and Bayonetta. They all look up in confusion.)

Corvo: Huh? (The Shadow Bugs begin morphing together as they form Primids (Super Smash Bros.). They all take battle stances as Corvo and Bayonetta ready their guns and Connor readies a tomahawk.)

Bayonetta: Now, this shouldn’t take too much of our time. (Bayonetta points her two pistols at a Primid when she’s suddenly hit in the back of the head by a large sword and is knocked out.)

Connor: (Looking down at Bayonetta.) No! (Corvo and Connor look upon Bayonetta’s assailant, the Black Knight, with his sword at the ready.)

Corvo: Who the hell are you?

Black Knight: You’re better off not knowing, or perhaps even asking. But if you must refer to me, then I am the Black Knight, member of the Knights of the Demon. The three of you have gotten our attention after your interference in our work.

Connor: So you’re here to kill us like dogs.

Black Knight: (Shaking his head.) On the contrary. I’m here to extend a deal. (He turns to the Primids.) Restrain the witch. (He turns back to Corvo and Connor.) Follow my lead lest you wish to meet your maker. (We cut back to Isaac as he watches the Primids drag Bayonetta away while tied up. Two other Primids restrain Connor and Corvo as they follow the Black Knight.)

Isaac: This looks bad. (A determined look suddenly crosses Isaac’s face as he unsheathes his long sword.) I have to help them. (He sets off after them.)

(We cut back to Kutaro as he makes his way through the town. He looks around for the shadow again before he spots it moving towards a large warehouse.)

Kutaro: Aha! (He races towards it. We then cut to Nero walking around the town as he spots Kutaro.)

Nero: Huh. Strange kid. (Nero then spots the shadow that Kutaro is chasing as it moves under the door to the warehouse.) Hmm. (Nero grabs his sword as he moves towards the warehouse. We cut to Kutaro opening the warehouse door and walking into a large, dark, and barren area. He looks around.)

Kutaro: Hello? Anyone home? (We suddenly see Meta Knight walk out of the shadows towards Kutaro.)

Meta Knight: Looks like we have an intruder. (Kutaro backs up and bumps into Nightmare behind him.)

Nightmare: Any intruders will be met with deadly force.

Kutaro: I’m… I’m sorry. I just… I just saw… (Nightmare raises the Soul Edge.)

Nightmare: Sword, quench your thirst! (He’s about to strike when Nero bursts into the room through a window. He shoots repeatedly at Nightmare, stopping him from striking Kutaro.)

Nero: Hey, *sshole! (Kutaro quickly runs up to Nero and takes out Calibrus.) Who are you clowns supposed to be?

Meta Knight: We are the Knights of the Demon, child. We will not be trifled with. (Meta Knight takes out his sword as he and Nightmare stance up. We cut back to Nero and Kutaro.)

Nero: Come to papa! (Nero charges forward followed by Kutaro. Nero and Nightmare clash swords. Nero slashes at Nightmare three times, but Nightmare blocks each strike.)

Nightmare: Blood! Darkness! (Nightmare slashes at Nero and sends him back.) I shall drown the world in both! (Nero turns back to Nightmare and rapidly shoots at him.)

Nero: Boom! (Nightmare seems annoyed by the shots. He charges forward and slashes at Nero. Nero does a backflip over the Soul Edge. He lands on the ground and strikes at Nightmare again. Nightmare then strikes Nero with his large hand and sends Nero away.)

Nightmare: Got you! (We cut to Meta Knight and Kutaro. Meta Knight rapidly strikes against Kutaro, but Kutaro barely blocks the blows with Calibrus. Meta Knight then hits Kutaro with a heavy blow which sends him flying back. As he lands, his head pops off.)

Meta Knight: Hmph, not even a challenge. (Kutaro jumps up and puts on a Bat Head. Meta Knight flies at Kutaro, but a swarm of bats suddenly flies through and stampedes him.) Woah! (Kutaro runs over to his original head and puts it back on.)

Kutaro: Phew! (We cut back to Nero as he pushes Nightmare back with a heavy blow. Meta Knight flies over to Nightmare.)

Nightmare: I grow tired of this skirmish. (Nightmare raises his arm.) Come to me, demon! (King Boom Boo (Sonic the Hedgehog) suddenly materializes above Nightmare and Meta Knight and lets out a ghastly scream. Nero and Kutaro look up at it.)

Nero: What the hell is this? (Nero looks back down to see Nightmare and Meta Knight have disappeared.) D*mnit! (To Kutaro.) Alright, kid. Think you can handle this?

Kutaro: (Nods.) I think so.

(We cut away back to the forest. We see Isaac crouch behind a bush as he watches the Black Knight. We then cut to Bayonetta tied to a tree, still unconscious, as the Black Knight faces Corvo and Connor. An army of Primids surrounds them.)

Connor: What are you?

Black Knight: I was brought to this world by a higher power, much like all of you. Master Mind, the same monster I had heard tales of as a boy, brought us here to play his game. He approached me to be a commander of an army of demons under the rule of the greatest demon of all.

Corvo: If he is a monster, then why did you agree?

Black Knight: We are in his domain playing by his own rules. To say no would be to end my own life. He granted me an army that can be formed at a moment’s notice. (He gestures to the Primids.) In this war, you either join Master Mind or fall beneath him. So I offer you a chance of survival. Join us.

Connor: You really think we would throw away our morals to join an army of demons.

Black Knight: There is no other choice! To fight the Gods is a fruitless endeavor!

Corvo: I would rather die than join this bloody crusade of yours. (Black Knight raises his sword.)

Black Knight: So be it. (Black Knight prepares to strike as a giant yellow hand suddenly moves through, grabbing a hold of the Black Knight and several Primids.) What kind of sorcery… (We cut to Isaac jumping into the battle. He stabs a Primid with his sword, causing it to spurt Shadow Bugs. He then slashes another Primid across the chest.)

Isaac: Come on! Grab your friend and let’s get out of here! (Connor takes out a tomahawk and cuts the rope around Bayonetta. He helps her to her feet. Corvo shoots at Primids in the background.)

Bayonetta: (Waking up.) Ooh… what happened?

Connor: Come, Bayonetta, let us make our escape! (Our heroes run off as the hand around the Black Knight dissipates. He lands on his knees on the ground. He slowly gets up.)

Black Knight: You will pay for your hubris! (We see him begin throwing a large amount of Shadow Bugs across the ground. A crowd of Primids begins rising from it as the Black Knight points his sword towards the heroes.)

(We cut back to Nero and Kutaro as they fight King Boom Boo. Nero shoots at it, but it doesn’t seem to have any effect.)

Nero: Get out of my sight! (Big Boom Boo charges at Nero and sends him flying back.) Woah! (Nero is knocked into the wall. Kutaro then jumps at Big Boom Boo with Calibrus, but it has no effect. Big Boom Boo lets out a ghostly scream as it charges into Kutaro knocking him towards the broken window.)

Kutaro: Ow… (Big Boom Boo floats towards Kutaro. The light from the broken window then shines on it, and it screams in pain and moves back.) Huh?

Nero: (Getting up.) So you’re weak to light, huh? (Nero looks up to see a skylight on the ceiling being blocked by covers.) Hey, kid! Over here! (Kutaro looks up and sees the skylight.)

Kutaro: Reading you loud and clear! (Kutaro takes off his head and replaces it with a Paper Lantern Head. It immediately attracts fireflies as King Boom Boo floats back from Kutaro, scared.)

King Boom Boo: Ooooh! Ooooh! (Kutaro pushes him back until he’s under the skylight. Nero then points his gun up to the skylight.)

Nero: Pack it up freakshow! (Nero shoots the skylight as the glass breaks and the covers fall through. Light immediately comes in and hits King Boom Boo.)

King Boom Boo: Ooogh! (King Boom Boo turns into a shadow on the ground. Kutaro lunges at it with Calibrus.)

Kutaro: There we go! (He slashes at the shadow and it rips in two and fizzles away. Kutaro puts his normal head back and pumps his arm in the air.) Yeah!

Nero: That takes care of him. (To Kutaro.) Come on! Let’s find the other guys. (They exit the warehouse as a Primid jumps out at them.) Sh*t! (Nero shoots it in the head and it dies.) Uh oh. (The camera pans to see Primids flooding the town.)

(We cut back to Corvo, Connor, Bayonetta, and Isaac as they look around at the Primids.)

Connor: We have to protect the town! (Connor throws a tomahawk at a Primid. It lands in its forehead, killing it.)

Bayonetta: Don’t hold back, boys. (A Primid comes up behind her, but is suddenly shot. Nero and Kutaro run up to the others.)

Nero: You guys part of the cavalry?

Corvo: We’ve angered a member of the Knights of the Demon.

Nero: Funny. (Nero shoots another Primid.) Us too.

Bayonetta: Small world. (The camera pans to see the Black Knight enter the area with more Primids behind him.)

Black Knight: Know your place! (The Primids run through the town.)

Isaac: That’s the guy. (Nero activates his Devil Trigger form. He raises his sword towards the Black Knight.)

Nero: Leave him to me.

Bayonetta: I’m starting to like this boy. (Nero sprints towards the Black Knight as the others spread out. Nero lunges at the Black Knight as they trade four sword strikes.)

Nero: Shall we dance?

Black Knight: You are a fool to fight me. (We cut to a group of Primids chasing pedestrians. Suddenly, one of Isaac’s giant hands swoops in and smashes the Primids with its fist. The camera pans to see Isaac.)

Isaac: Gotcha! (We see Bayonetta in the background using her weaves to summon a large heel that crushes two Primids. We then cut to Corvo shooting his crossbow at Primids. We cut again to Kutaro as he uses Calibrus to slash at a large group of Primids.)

Kutaro: Hyah! (We cut to Connor on a rooftop as he fires his bow and arrow below him. He then sees Nero and the Black Knight fighting. Connor runs and jumps off of the rooftop and lands nearby.)

Connor: Ha! (Connor shoots an arrow at the Black Knight. The Black Knight holds up his arm as it plinks off of his armor.)

Black Knight: This armor is blessed by the Gods! (The Black Knight runs up to Connor and slashes at him, knocking him onto the ground. Nero then runs up and slashes him into the air.)

Nero: Let’s get airborne! (He slashes the Black Knight away as he hits a wall.)

Black Knight: Agh! (We cut to Bayonetta as she spins in circles, shooting with both her pistols and her shoe pistol which take out Primids around her.)

Bayonetta: Hahaha! (We then cut to Corvo as he slashes at two Primids. Another Primid jumps at him, but is knocked away by Kutaro’s head that has flown through the air. Corvo looks over at it.)

Corvo: Huh? (Kutaro then runs up and puts his head back on.) Neat trick you’ve got there. (We cut back to Nero and the Black Knight. The Black Knight slashes him onto the ground. The Black Knight runs up to Nero to strike again, but is grabbed by Isaac’s giant hand.)

Black Knight: Again… (Isaac runs in front of Nero and holds his sword up.)

Isaac: Stop this! (Black Knight wrestles free of the hand and slashes at Isaac, knocking him down.) Agh! (One of Bayonetta’s weave hands then grabs the Black Knight as Bayonetta runs to protect Isaac. She shoots repeatedly at the Black Knight.)

Bayonetta: My turn now! (The Black Knight becomes free again as he slashes Bayonetta across the chest.)

Black Knight: Don’t make this more difficult than it has to be! (Nero then comes in behind the Black Knight and stabs him through his armor through the chest.) Gah!

Nero: Down you go! (We cut to Corvo and Kutaro slicing through the last of the Primids as they run over to Connor. Corvo helps him up.)

Corvo: (To Connor.) How’re you holding up?

Connor: Ugh… I’ll heal… (Our heroes gather around the Black Knight as Nero turns back to normal.)

Nero: Enough f*cking around. What do you want?

Black Knight: (Clutching his chest.) Guh… you may just… stand a chance…

Isaac: Against what? Master Mind?

Black Knight: Prove me wrong… destroy the other Knights of the Demon… slay their leader… free us all from Master Mind…

Connor: (Moving towards the Black Knight.) Let me remove your helmet. (Black Knight shakes his head.)

Black Knight: No… let me die like this… I dare not show my face after what I’ve done… (Black Knight slumps to the ground.) Farewell… (He dies.)

Nero: (To Kutaro.) Our job isn’t done yet, little buddy.

Corvo: Looks like we found the source of all these monsters.

Kutaro: Those other knights are tough. Do we stand a chance?

Bayonetta: (Smirking.) I think we stand more than just a chance. (She starts off.) Come on. We have a job to do. (The other heroes look at each other as they follow Bayonetta through the town. We pan up to the rooftops as we see Nightmare and Meta Knight watching them leave.)

Meta Knight: They will be looking for us.

Nightmare: Then we will put up a fight. (Nightmare looks down at the Black Knight’s corpse.) I always had the feeling he would betray us. He was always a proud one.

Meta Knight: We won’t need him for what’s to come next. (Meta Knight looks up at Nightmare.) Should we report back to Dracula?

Nightmare: (Nods.) Yes. Then we shall prepare for the carnage of those who dare stand against the Knights of the Demon. (Meta Knight and Nightmare look down upon the city as it slowly fades to black.)

End of Episode

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