Chapter 4.

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I Hate this place. I just hate this place!!!
After what happened today yes I definitely hate this place. Today morning I wanted few things for making dad's favourite breakfast and as they were not at home bhai took me to a departmental store. He had some work so he left me there and was going to pick me after 15 minutes.
I was at the bill counter when I saw 3 boys staring at me. They made me feel uncomfortable. There were talking about me that's for sure and definitely they were not giving me wish for happy life. Now I was scared. Allah please help me. I started playing with my phone to distract myself. But the phone fall down. It was on my left but I turned 180° so that they can't see my face bend down to pick it. I didn't wanted to get up but the counter guy called me saying he is done now I need to pay. so I got up unwilling. But what happened next was strange. All of a sudden they saw something behind me and ran from there. When I turned around to see what made them run I could not find anyone but I saw a boy leaving I couldn't see his face and I was not even sure if he helped me or it was someone else. Anyways I still hate this place.

"Keraha come on we are late we need to reach Masjid on time" Dad said and this reminded me I'm not ready run kehara run.


"Where is mom and dad? They are not coming to Masjid?" Noor asked me.

"They will come. Yesterday one of dad's employee had an accident so they went to visit him"

"Ohh so come on let's leave or else we will be late" Noor said as she opened and made her way to my car.

I was not in a good mood so I remained silent.

"What happened bhai why are you so quiet? You had a fight with afzal bhai? " Noor asked

"Oh no its not that" I replied

"Why are you sad bhai you can tell me" Noor said. Noor is a very sweet girl. She doesn't like when anyone is sad or angry. She tries her best to make that person happy. That's the reason I love her so much.

"When I was at the departmental store in the morning I saw 3 boys staring at a girl. The girl was so scared that she dropped her phone. those boys are my juniors so when I gave them an angry look they ran away. I don't understand when will boys learn to respect girls" I said

"Oh that's really sad bhai. You did a great job. I'm proud of you my superman" Noor said proudly which make me laugh.

Noor calls me superman because she thinks I resemble the hero form that movie. Silly noor.

"Now smile bhai we reached the mosque" Noor said

I dropped her near women's section and went to the parking area. I was about to leave my car when I saw noor left her purse in the car. She was excited to show her friends the new watch dad gifted her. She thinks its too expensive and beautiful so she decided to use them on special occasions so she kept it in her purse. And now she forgot it. When will this girl grow up. I called her and asked her to come out and I will meet her near the women section.

After 5 minutes she came out and took her purse. I was going to men section when I bumped into someone.

"I'm extremely sorry" I said as I moved back. I realised it was a girl. How stupid of me. whom was I expecting near women section Tom Cruise.

"Its okay" the girl said looking up.
She has dark brown eyes. Wow she has beautiful eyes. Aman khan what are you doing lower your graze. Wait a sec this is the same girl who was in the mall this morning. And now I think I should leave now.

"I'm sorry again s-" I was going to say sister but God knows what stopped me.

"I'm sorry" I said and walked as fast as I can. Generally all the people from our city came in this Masjid. And I have never seen her this means she is new in the city. But why did I stopped myself from calling her sister. I called all the other girls sister who I saw or meet in the Masjid. I never did this then why now. Ahhh stop thinking about her Aman and go inside everyone is waiting.

" kehara you see that door that's the entrance for women section. Don't be scared no one will eat you and please talk to someone" Dad said. He knows me too well. He knows I'm scared to meet new people.

"Allah Hafiz Daddy. Allah Hafiz bhai" I closed the door of the car and made my way to women's section. I was thinking about being all alone in the mosque when I bumped into someone. Kehara when will you stop thinking while walking. One day I will surely meet with an accident due to this.

"I'm extremely sorry" the person said.oh no its a boy.

"Its okay" I said and looked up.
Blue eyes! I always wanted to have blue eyes. I think they are extremely beautiful. But I looked down as soon as I realised what I was doing. I was staring a boy.

"I'm sorry again s-" he said.
Was he going to say sister? Sister!! Ahh he can. How does it really matter what a stranger calls me. But why did he stop.

"I'm sorry" he said and left.
That's strange my heart beats are not normal. Due to this boy? Oh no that's because this happened all of a sudden and I was about to lose my balance. Don't think so much and go in kehara. Ya Allah I was less scared that now I'm having this weird feeling. Ahh Help Allah help.

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