Chapter 5.

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"Who was that new girl in the Masjid mom?" Noor asked

"I don't know love. But she was looking cute in that pink hijab" mom said smiling.

Pink hijab I saw that today but where.....

"In the Masjid" I said. Loud enough for mom and Noor to listen who were in the kitchen.

"What in the Masjid?" Mom asked confused

Oh God what to say. I can't say I'm thinking about a girl. The new girl in the city. I like this name the new girl in the city. Anyways concentrate Aman concentrate you need to answer mom.

"Today in the masjid I didn't saw khurshid uncle" ahh I'm saved.

"Dad told he had some important work so he left after salah" mom said.

"Oh that's the reason sufyaan vanished after salah. I was searching for him I wanted some notes from him and he promised he will bring it in the Masjid."

"Mom she could be sufyaan bhai's sister!" Noor exclaimed. She looked excited. Talking about a stranger makes her excited. My baby noor is mad. Wait she got a point she could be sufyaan's sister. Oh Allah please no please no.

"You are right. Even she vanished after salah." Mom said.

"Okay if you guys have finished talking about that girl can we have dinner I'm hungry"

"How do you know we are talking about a girl?" Noor asked raising her left eyebrow.

"You guys were loud Noor" I hope she is convinced. What should I answer her I was interested to know about some girl that's why I was listening to them carefully. But what answer should I give to myself why was I listening to them carefully. Aman khan stop right now!!

"Come on kids dinner is ready" mom saved me I guess.


I love nani ( maternal grandma) so much. She had some bad dream about me so she wanted to see me immediately that why we had to rush home after our Prayers.
I don't want to meet new people. I don't want to get close to anyone. I lost my baby cousin 2 years back. She was my life. We were very close to each other. And last year my mom. So I just don't want to lose more. So I don't want to meet more people.

So coming back to my nani. She wanted to see me as soon as possible so after salah I got msg from bhai "come out fast we have to go". At first I was worried what happened. But when he told me what happened I couldn't stop laughing. My nani is cute. She loves me so much that a simple dream can make her restless. I feel blessed. And yes this helped me to escape from meeting dad and bhai's group. So I'm very happy. I don't know why but I feel if I meet them I would like them a lot and will be attached to them but as I said earlier I don't want to get attached to anyone now.

But the masjid was so beautiful. I loved it. A place where you want to go and never come back. There was a different level of peace. I so want to go there again.

Suddenly out of nowhere the image of that boy who I meet today came in my mind. Blue eyes. Ahhhh Astagfirullah ( Allah forgive me) keraha sleep you have college tomorrow morning.

"Good morning darling"

"Salam daddy. Come let's go" I said picking my bag.

"Salam love and yes come or else you will be late for you first lecture" dad said and we both made our way to his car.

Okay so where is this room O-305. We need to check daily where our classes are going to take place. And as I'm new I don't know where this O wing is all I know is it is that this class is on the third floor because the first number denotes the floor. But where is O wing.

" Allah help" I said looking towards the sky.

"Well I think Allah is little busy now so he send me here to help you" someone said. I looked back to find a girl smiling at me. Wait I have seen her somewhere.

When I didn't reply and made a confused face she said.

"Hi I'm Noor. I guess you are new here and lost at present" she said as if reading my mind.

" Yes I'm new here. And yes I'm lost my first lecture is in room O305 and I don't know where O wing is." I said. I don't know why but I felt a little relaxed.

" Oh O wing is there" she said pointing towards her left. "My first lecture is also in the same wing and on the same floor so come I will guide you"

"Thank you so much" I said with a smile.

"your welcome. So where are you from" she asked

"Mumbai, India" I said

"Mumbai!! Have you met Amir khan" she said making me laugh.

"Hahaha Unfortunately no. He lives far from my place."

"Oh" she was little disappointed and that make me giggle.

"Hey are you Sufyaan shaikh's sister?" She asked. Okay so how does she know bhai.

"Yes. But how do you know him"

"Yes I knew it. Actually he and your dad is the member of our masjid club. So I know them and yesterday I saw you in the Masjid and sufyaan bhai had told us his sister is going to come so I joined all the clues and came to this conclusion." She said.

Oh yes I saw her yesterday.


"This is your class and I have to leave now my class starts in 5 minutes" she said looking at her watch.

"Thank you so much Noor and By the way I'm kehara"

"I know that" she said with a smile and left. I like this girl.

And the lecture is finally over. No offence but Mr Mathew is damn boring. I was literally sleeping in the lecture.

"So how was your lecture?" A voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Extremely boring"

"Let me guess it was Mr Mathew's lecture"

"Bingo Noor"

"Haha what is your next lecture"

"No lecture I mean free lecture"

"oh great even I have a free lecture so if you are not busy let's spend it together"

"I'm not busy but where will we go?"

"Secret place come Shhhh"

"Haha okay"

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