Chapter 10.

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"What is it?" Sufyaan asker, his eyebrows raised up.

After Zyva told Sufyaan she wanted to tell him something, He asked her what it was but then she realised that Kehara and her family was still there, so Zyva told him that she would tell him later. Sufyaan sensed something was wrong so when Zyva came to the Kitchen to drink water, Sufyaan followed her.

"Ok. Do not speak in between. Let me finish it, ok?" Sufyaan shook his head slowly. Zyva nodded her head as well before saying,"in few months it would be our 6th anniversary. We have tried for few months and still it's not working. It's been a long time and I guess we both want kids now. So I went to the doctor and she told me to do some tests. She also told you to do some tests. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the doctor. I was not planning to go but when I woke up today I was feeling really very bad and emotional for some reason. I didn't even know I would see a doctor till the time I was in the car. Sorry."

Sufyaan waited for a minute to absorb all the information in him. Zyva was so fast that he only heard her but didn't understand what she said. Once he got everything he asked,"what are you sorry about?"

"I don't know. I was just scared. I'm thinking maybe something is wrong in me. I know you want kids and it's just that I'm. "

"Shhh. Enough of talking now."

"Ok." Zyva said nodding her head repeatedly.

Sufyaan hugged her to calm her down. Zyva closed her eyes, scared of everything around her.

"When are we doing it?" Sufyaan asked after a second.

"Doing what?"


"Whenever you want."

"Then let's do it when you are free."


"Do not worry so much Zyva. There is nothing wrong and even if there is, then it's ok. It's Allah's decision so let's trust him."


"You don't look good like this. So stop worrying and look good."

"I'm scared. Really scared."

"There is nothing to be scared Zyva. Everything is fine."

"Are you sure?"

"shat pratishat."

Zyva looked up at her husband and made a face. That made Sufyaan smile. "Is this the time to use your favourite dialogue?"

"There is no wrong time to use it."

Zyva shook her head making Sufyaan smile again. He then kissed her forehead before saying,"you are thinking too much. Give some rest to your brain."

"I really want to do that. I don't understand why my brain is doing this."

"It's ok."

"Everything will be fine, right?"

"It would be. Trust me."

Zyva took a deep breath while shaking her head,"I will trust you."


"Ho ka? Mala mahit navta."

Zyva narrowed her eyes,"English please."

"What are you going to do now?"

"I will check with other caterers. Maybe we can find a way out."

"Ok. I will check with decorators."

"Cool." Zyva said before turning her attention towards her laptop

Shrutika smiled before she started going through a file. It had been a very busy week for them and with Zyva gone for one full day for her tests and Shrutika not being able to  come day before yesterday because her husband was sick, just added on more to their pending work."

"When are the reports coming?" Shrutika asked after a while.

"There is some problem going on with their lab so even they didn't know. They said they would inform me once the reports are in their hand."

"Ok! Do not worry too much. Everything will be fine."

Zyva smiled,"I'm more worried about this wedding! Weddings are supposed to be fun! It used to be but now?"

"It's stressful but still makes you happy, right?"

"That's true. I love my work so yeah. But some days are really stressful."

"That's life Zyva. Not all fingers are same, not all days are same. Some are small but some are long. The same way, some are good days and some are bad days. It is a difference that is true, a fact we cannot change." Shrutika smiled ."Then what's the point is worrying? Remember sun always rises after a dark night. That is the rule of nature."

"Wow." Zyva Said, looking really impressed by what her friend said.

"My grandma used to say that."

"She was right."

"She was amazing. I miss her so much."

"A sentence I can never say."

Shrutika smiled,"Your grandma the great. How is she?"

"What will happen to her? Fine like always. You should ask about the people around her."

Shrutika smiled again,"ok."

"How is your husband now?"

"Better. He went to work today."

"I hope he feels good soon."

"I hope too. He is throwing a lot of tantrums. Even my sons don't act like him when they are sick and even if they do it's ok because they are kids! But this man!"

Zyva laughed before shaking her head,"My father in-law is like that. But he never throws tantrums at me. My husband and his sister bear it all. They have to be on one toe for him."

"Such humans are too much! What are they? Girls!?"

Zyva smiled,"when girls do that they are considered cute but when boys do that we criticise. Gender discrimination ha?"

Shrutika narrowed her eyes,"So I can't even criticise my husband at work! This is too much!"

Zyva started laughing,"Sorry sorry!"

"Work and go home to your 'perfect husband' and don't show me your face the whole day!"

Zyva smiled,"Sorry!"

"Get lost!"


Zyva and Shrutika looked up and saw their assistant standing outside the door. "miss Rani is here. She looks upset."

"That cannot be good. Send her in."Shrutika said while keeping her file down.

"What do you think it is?" Zyva asked while closing her laptop.

"Let's see."

"Hi!" Zyva said cheerfully as Rani came in her view.

Rani smiled weakly before coming in. Shrutika stood up from her chair before extending her hand,"how are you Rani?"

"Terrible." She said smiling.

Zyva frowned and Shrutika took her hand back. Shrutika then went and stood next to Zyva where as Rani sat down on the chair Shrutika was sitting on earlier.

"Why are you two standing? Sit please." Rani said.

Zyva sat on her chair and Shrutika took support of the wall behind her. They didn't know the reason of the tension in the room but it was making them nervous. And there were feeling uncomfortable. They were impatiently waiting to know what happened but Rani didn't say a word. She was quietly sitting. It looked like she was in deep thoughts, and as if something bad had happened to her.

"What is it?" Shrutika asking breaking the silence. 

"Oh. Yeah." Rani said coming back to life. "Actually the wedding is cancelled. So I came to tell you to stop working."

"What happened Rani? What are you talking about?" Zyva asked after few seconds.

Rani smiled,"it's little funny. I told you about my accident that happened last year, right?"

"Yes.that was why your wedding was postponed." Shrutika said.

"Yes, yes. So due to that accident from past one month I was not feeling well so I went to the doctor and he told me to do a full body check up and they found out something." She smiled again. "I can never be a mother."

Zyva's eyes widened a little instantly. Shrutika did not react and kept her face normal. She didn't want to make Rani feel bad so she was trying to act normal.

"So my fiance's family didn't like it. He took me to delay the wedding so we got into a fight and then things ended."

"Woah woah woah! Slow down girl! His family has a problem ,so don't take that frustration out on him!" Shrutika said.

"Yes! It must be hard for him to go against his family maybe that's why he is delaying things! Don't get so sensitive."

"I believe that too. But yesterday while fighting he said, he was doing a favour on me by getting married to me so I should keep quiet and let him figure things out."

Zyva frowned instantly, confused as to what to think. Shrutika came forward immediately before saying,"Maybe he was just stressed. Give him the benefit of doubt."

"You don't know him. He really meant that and chalo let's say he said that because he was stressed will that change the fact that he thinks like that? Do you think I should get married to someone like him who would taunt me every time he is stressed?" Shrutika looked down, knowing she cannot argue to that. "I agree I was nagging a lot but that's because even I was stressed. He never did anything to make me feel better. All he was talking about, was the shit his family was talking about me. Why would he do that?" Rani looked down again before smiling. Zyva looked down as well, her mind running as fast as possible.  "What do you think Shrutika? Why was he treating me like that? Why didn't he make me feel better when I was already feeling like a trash? I really want to know!"

"So that you break up with him and he is not to be blamed." Zyva Suddenly said. Then she looked up, her eyes wide open,"this makes sense! He made you feel like crap because he didn't want to look like the bad man. Your broke up or he did?"

"I did."

"What reason did you tell everyone for breaking up?"

"I said, I didn't want to cause any problem in his life."

"And why did you say that, mother India?" Shrutika asked loudly.

"Because he made me feel like I was doing that."

"He is too smart. He got the wedding cancelled and didn't even get blamed for that." Zyva Said shaking her head.

"Whatever he was, he is past now. I'm not going to let this affect me. I have not figured out what I would do now but I think I will be fine."

"You will be! Trust yourself." Shrutika said with a smile.

"I will. So, yeah, cancel the wedding but you don't have to give my money back, I guess you already used most of it and I anyway gave you just half of the total amount."

"That's not fair. We didn't provide you our service why should we charge you?" Zyva said immediately.

"She is right." Shrutika agreed.

"You might have given money to the decorators and other people, how will you get that back?"

"We will look into that. Don't worry." Shrutika said.

"If you can give me back my money then fine but if you cannot then keep it. As of now I'm least interested in that."

"You don't worry about all this. We will take care of it." Zyva said.

"Thank you."

"Please take care of yourself." Shrutika said with a smile.

"I will." She said smiling. She sat in the same position for few seconds before smiling again," I guess I should leave. I got few more things to do."

"Ok. Drive safely." Zyva said with a smile.

"I have stopped driving after that accident." She said while standing up. "Thank you for understanding. I will see you guys next week, so till then you can close this matter."

"Come with your original smile next week." Shrutika said making her smile.

"I will try."

"We will be waiting to see you again." Zyva said standing up.

"Bye." She said before turning around and leaving the room.

Zyva sat down on the chair, lost in her own world. Shrutika also sat on the chair before saying,"that was sad. How can he do that?"

"What can we say? At least he didn't pretend to not care about that now and then after getting married torture her."

"Yeah, that's better.She didn't get trapped with him. If he would have married her, then she would have always felt guilty and he would have taken advantage of that. Everything happens for the best I would say. She is saved but poor kid!"

"I know right. I feel so sad for her. How dare He!" Zyva snapped suddenly, surprising Her friend. "Why is she being judged on that? It's not even in her hand! Was it her decision or her fault? Can she be blamed? Why is our society like this!? "

Shrutika bit her lower lips when she realised what happened to Zyva. She thought for some time, trying to find right words to comfort her before saying," Not everyone is same Zyva. Unfortunately we have people like her fiancé but I know way too many people who didn't make it a big deal and are still with their wives."

"Unfortunately I know none." Zyva stood up and left the room immediately after saying that.

"ZYVA! What are you saying? Stop!" By the time Shrutika said that Zyva was out of the room, ignoring Shrutika completely. "Zyva! You Listen to me! You are thinking too much. Stop overthinking!"

Zyva did not hear anything that Shrutika said. All she could hear and think were the words Sufyaan never said and the problem that never existed. She was right, Zyva was overthinking and that's what went wrong in her equation with Sufyaan.

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