Chapter 9.

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गणतंत्र दिवस की हार्दिक शुभेच्छा ।

Happy Republic Day Indian 🇮🇳


"When did you get married?"

Zyva bit her lower lip. She was nervous and her heart was beating fast. She looked at the doctor who was sitting across from her. She was a white lady who was in her mid thirties. Zyva could not deny that she was pretty and had a beautiful smile. She waited for few more seconds before saying,

"Five and a half year."

"And how long have you been trying?"

"Few months. I guess three."

"Ok. No, need to worry. I will write down few tests for you and your husband. Do that and then lets see what to do. What do you say?"

"I think that's fine."

"Good. Do not worry. Maybe it's nothing or maybe something, whatever it is we will figure a way out." .

Zyva smiled,"ok."

After almost five minutes Zyva came out of the doctor's room. She waited at the same spot for few seconds before she started walking. Zyva was still feeling nervous. She was scared of taking those tests, afraid of its result.


Zyva turned around and saw Zynah standing near the reception table. She was smiling so Zyva smiled back and waited for her to come.

"Just do that for me and then you can go home." Zynah told the nurse, standing next to her.

"Ok." Nurse said before leaving.

Zynah walked to Zyva, still smiling. "So how did it go?"

"Good. She told me to do some tests."

"Everything would be fine."


"When are you taking those tests?"

"Not any time soon."

Zynah frowned,"why? Do it as soon as you can."

"Because I have to talk to Sufyaan and I'm not so courageous."

"Don't tell me you didn't tell him about this."

"He is scary." Zyva smiled.

"Tell him today."

"Why do you hate me so much?"

Zynah smiled,"Grow up sister."

Zyva smiled again,"I will leave now. I have some work and also I need to mentally prepare myself for a Strom."

Zynah laughed this time," drive safely. I will call you in the evening."

"Ok. Bye AllahHafiz."

"Bye Baji. Don't take too much stress."

"I will try."

Zyva quickly hugged her sister before she left for work. She had a lot of work which was why she soon forgot about the tests. As days were passing Zyva was becoming more and more impatient. She could not help but feel as if it was her fault. Sufyaan was a difficult man but she loved him and didn't want him to think bad about her in any way. It was a complicated situation or maybe it was Zyva who complicated it, whatever it was it was driving Zyva crazy.

After her work was done she went home around six in the evening. Their house looked like a haunted house with no lights on. She knew her husband wasn't home but she didn't expected Khurshid and Haajar to be missing. While opening the door she was trying to remember if any of them informed her about being late or going somewhere. Once in the house she switched on the lights in the hallway. Then she went up and switched on all the lights there. After that she went in her room to freshen up.

Around six thirty she came down to see if they had anything for dinner. Living room was dark which was odd as they always had someone or the other sitting in that room. Khurshid was there all the time when he was at home. Sufyaan liked to work there instead of their room. Keyaan and Amal loved it and called it their play room. Haajar these days also sat there when she worked or wanted to watch TV. They always had Kehara or Afzal there, with their families so the room was always occupied. But today the empty and dark room made her feel weird.

She went to the living room, intending to watch TV but just as she was about to enter the room she head something. 

"I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry." Zyva frowned, thinking who it can be. "It's because of me." Zyva frowned deeper. She found the voice familiar but still she could not understand who it was, because the person was whispering. "She was always like that......Please don't be upset.......I wish I could help you."  This time Zyva recognised who it was and she quickly switched on the lights.

Haajar closed her eyes as the reaction to sudden brightness. She then opened her eyes a little to see who it was. Her eyes widened when she saw Zyva. She quickly stood up from the couch still holding her phone near her ears. She was confused for some time thinking what she should do when the person from the other side said something and Haajar decided to continue talking. She went towards Zyva and upon reaching she covered the mobile with her hand.

"I will be back in a minute." She whispered before leaving.

Zyva could not help but frown. She didn't understand what exactly happened so she sat on the couch and soon she started thinking what Haajar might be doing. The only thing that came in her mind was her grandma being rude and mean to Valiqa. Haajar was whispering Because she didn't want Zyva to hear her, Zyva thought. Zyva suddenly closed her eyes, trying to control her anger. Her grandma always created problems for everyone. She was mean and rude to others and she liked insulting others. Zyva was trying to think what exact she might have done this time when Haajar came back in the room.

"Sorry I could not disconnect the call."

"It's ok. Is everything fine. Was that your mom?"


"Did my grandma do anything?" Haajar frowned to that and before she could say anything, Zyva said,"If yes, then I'm sorry. Don't be upset. She is just like that."



"Your grandma? She never met her. What are you talking about?"

Zyva frowned,"your mom met my grandma. She is her mother-in-law. "

"I was not talking to Ma."

"I think you said you were talking to your mom."

"Not the real one."


"It was my step mom."

Zyva's  mouth opened a little and her eyebrows raised,"oh. Sorry I didn't know you were in contact with your father and his family."

"Not with him and his family just his wife."

"Oh." Zyva Said, nodding her head. " Is everything fine with her?" She asked after a while.

"It was my grandma who caused the problem. Again. She is very mean and rude. She always taunts. She used to taunt me, my step mom is her daughter in-law, how will she leave her?"

"I don't understand why grandmas are like this. My grandma is no different. Aren't they supposed to be loving and caring? "

"That's what TV dramas and movies show.  Its one more myth created by them I guess."

" But Some people are really lucky. Their grandma loves them." Zyva said after some time.

"Yeah like our phuphu's kids."

"Exactly! Why why why our grandmas like them more?"

"Because they are too evil for anyone else like them."

"True! If not for our grandmas no one will love them. Ever!"

Haajar smiled,"I did not know your grandma was just like mine."

"And I did not know your grandma was like mine. Are they long lost sisters by any chance?"

"Possible! Maybe they went to a fair when they were young and then due to excessive crowd one of them was lost and was raised by strangers."

Zyva smiled,"that's a good story. Extremely original. "

Haajar dropped her head back and started laughing. Zyva smiled at her before her eyes fell on the wall clock. It was almost seven.

"Oye! I forgot to tell you.  Kehara baji called and said that she and her family are coming over for dinner and they will bring dinner with them so you don't have to cook."

"Thank you. I was not in a mood to cook."

"It's a lazy day, right? I feel so lazy today. I don't want to do anything except to sit or sleep."

"Same. I'm just so tired! I want to sleep and rest and do nothing. Just for a day not more than that."

"Hold on buddy. Weekend is almost here."

Zyva chuckled,"Alhumdulillah for weekends."

"Twins are here!" Haajar exclaimed when the doorbell rang.

The quiet dark house was lit by laugher and talking. Khurshid came with Kehara and her kids and Sufyaan came with Aman almost an hour later. As soon as Sufyaan and Aman came they all had their dinner.  After that Haajar took the kids to her room whereas the elders were sitting in the living room talking about random stuff.

"And then she started throwing a fit and refused to go." Kehara said, who looked really worried.

"Why is she behaving like that?" Sufyaan asked who looked equally worried.

"Its so difficult to understand her. Maybe that's just her mood swings." Aman said.

"No one at her age behaves like that without a reason. Actually no one at any age behaves like that without any reason." Khurshid said.

"She refuses to go everywhere?" Zyva asked.

"No, she just hates to go to her swimming class and school. Our neighbour Mr. Choksundaram takes all the kids to the swimming class and she was so rude to him last time and that poor man didn't even say a word." Kehara said.

"I think it's time to be strict. You cannot let her do whatever you wants." Khurshid said.

"I think you are right. She has crossed all her limits." Aman said.

"Mumma I want to drink something." Amal said coming in the room.

"What do you want to drink?" Kehara asked.

"Orange juice in the fridge."

Kehara made her sit on her lap before saying,"no, you have cold."

"I want to drink that."

"No, Amal." Kehara said again.

"We have some mango juice which isn't cold." Zyva said.

"No, I want that orange juice in the fridge!"

"Amal, Drink that mango juice." Khurshid said.

"No! I want that orange."

"Amal!" Kehara scolded. "Drink want we are giving you. Don't argue!"

"No!" Amal said and then with all her power she dug her nails into Kehara's hand. When she left Kehara's hand it started bleeding.

"Amal! Is this how you behave with your mother? What's wrong with you!? Apologise her right now!" Khurshid Shouted immediately. "Apologize now!" He said again.

"Sorry." Amal said before running out of the room.

"How disrespectful! How can you run like that." Khurshid said.

"It's ok Daddy." Sufyaan said to calm his father.

"No, it's not! That is not acceptable." Khurshid said. "Kids these days are just too much."

Kehara looked at her brother, scared of her father after a long time. Sufyaan looked down as he didn't know what to say. Zyva and Aman had never seen Khurshid like that so they were quietly sitting with no intention of moving or saying anything to make him more angry.

"I'm so disappointed." Khurshid said and left the room.

All of them were sitting quietly. Khurshid's effect was so strong that even after five minutes they were still shocked to react. Sufyaan was still looking down and Kehara had a lump in her throat.

"Looks like Kehara still remains Dad's favourite." Sufyaan said after a while.

Kehara smiled before wiping her tears. Ever since Amal was born, she had always been Khurshid's priority. Kehara thought Khurshid loved Amal the most but today when he saw Kehara in pain he could not control his anger. Even if it was Amal who he loved a lot, he could not see her hurt his daughter, his most precious pearl. This made Kehara emotional and happy at the same time. 

"Kehara are you fine?" Zyva asked.

"Yeah. It just hurts a little."

Aman took Kehara's hand to see how bad it was. Sufyaan rolled his eyes,"you always have to be extra." He said looking away.

"When are you planning to grow up Sufyaan?" Aman asked.

"InshaAllah when Amal gets married." Zyva said.

"She is still a kid don't talk about her marriage."

Zyva rolled her eyes,"yeah yeah yeah."

"What will he do when his own daughter gets married?" Aman asked shaking his head.

"Allah don't make me think that. I feel so sorry for her." Kehara said smiling.

Zyva's eyes widened a little and she looked at Sufyaan. Kehara and Aman reminded her of what doctor said. They had to do some tests and Zyva wanted to do that as soon as possible. Even if it was awkward she wanted to do it. Before she could find a new excuse to delay talking to Sufyaan she said, "I want to tell you something."


What do you think is wrong with Amal?

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