Chapter 3

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The Inquisitors entered the orphanage. The one in front was the leader and he was know as Grand Inquisitor, a big guy to his left was called the Fifth Brother, the female on his right was know as the Seventh Sister, and guy in the back that always had the crazy voice and the crazy look in his eyes and was more animal than person was called the Eighth Brother. "Hello my friends it's good to see you again" Grand Inquisitor said shaking Thrawn's hand. "Good to see you too, please, come in the runts have prepared lunch for us." Thrawn said stepping aside. The Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister went towards Ezra and Sabine and gave them a evil smile. Sabine had fear in her eyes and Ezra put his arm to Sabine to try and protect her. "That's cute kid. You think you can protect her from us." Seventh Sister said. Ezra balled up his fist in anger and was about to do something stupid until Sabine grabbed his arm and tugged it telling him to back up with her. Ezra did that and they went to their room.

When they entered the room Ezra sat on his bed. "Why do they have to bully us everytime they come over." Ezra said. Sabine sighed and sat next to him, "I know how you feel. They always want to come and ruin our lives as much as it already is. But there's nothing we can do about it now, they're stronger than us and if we retaliate against them it will be more pain added to us." "I know i just wish things were different. Like what if we hadn't stayed on the curve that night? What if we just left and went on the run? Mom and dad always told us not to trust the police in Empire city but we stayed anyway." He said. "Ezra we would have no where to go. We would've been just two four year olds wandering the streets." "That would have been better than here." He stated and looked down. Sabine grabbed his hand put an arm around his shoulder. "Come on let's not think down on our free time, what do you wanna do?" Ezra shrugged his shoulders and asked "what do want to do?" Sabine thought for a moment and pulled out two journals and pencils. "Draw?" She said. Ezra smiled and said "sure" and grabbed one of the journals and pencils and they began to draw.

Back down stairs Thrawn, Pryce and Grand Inquisitor was and the table discussing stuff and the other three was discussing on what to do while they're here. "So what should we do?" Seventh Sister asked "oh lets have some 'fun' with the rats upstairs" Fifth Brother said, "yeah yeah yeah lets do that hahahaha!" Eighth Brother said in a crazy voice. "Alright Alright lets to that" Seventh Sister said and they all laughed in a evil tone.

Back in the room Ezra and Sabine was still drawing. They sat across one another on Sabines bed with journals and pencils in hand. "Done how about you?" Sabine said. Ezra stop drawing and showed Sabine what he drew. It was a drawing of a wolf.

"What do you think?" He asked. "Not bad Ezra. "Check out mine" she lifted her journal to show Ezra a drawing of a Phoenix.

Ezra smiled at the drawing and said "you always were better at drawing than me" "hey come on, you got some skill yourself." She said "thanks best complement I had in awhile."

Then the door slammed opened and both siblings jumped out of bed and faced the door and they saw the three Inquisitors they hated the most.

"Hello there little ones" Seventh Sister said. "Wha-what do you guys want?" Sabine asked scared to know what will happen. "We just came in here to have some 'fun'." Fifth Brother said "yeah yeah fuuuuunnnnn." Eighth Brother said with a crazy look. Ezra quickly got in front of Sabine as they came closer. "Aww still think you can keep her safe. You're nothing but a street rat that nobody likes. Your own sister thinks you weak" Seventh Sister said. "Ezra don't listen to her don't take the bait." Sabine said grabbing Ezras hand. The Seventh Sister went over to their bed and pick up one of the drawings. "Aww who knew a street rat was so talented." She said. "Shut up" Ezra said back. Then Seventh Sister gestured behind the siblings to Eighth Brother, he grabbed Sabine and pressed her against the wall. "Let her go!" Ezra yelled trying to get to her but was stopped and restrained by the Fifth Brother. "Hey what's the rush kid" he said and lifted Ezra off the ground. "Let me go!!" Ezra yelled but was ignored. "C'mon now don't you wanna see some fun?" The Seventh Sister said. "Yeah yeah funnnnnnn" Eighth Brother said in an animal like voice. Sabine started whimpering in fear as her arms were pressed to the wall stopping her from struggling. The Eighth Brother started to sniff around Sabines face and neck and Sabine was about to cry in fear.

Ezra got more and more angry at the second. He noticed a stick near the bed and before thinking he broke free from the Fifth Brothers grasp. He grabbed the stick and hit the Eighth Brother on the head making him fall to the ground. Everyone stood in shock at what just happened even Ezra.

Then door slammed open again reveling Thrawn, Pryce and Grand Inquisitor. "What's going on up here!" Pryce yelled and all had a surprised look on their faces seeing Eighth Brother on the ground and seeing Ezra with a stick in his hand. "You little shit!!!" Thrawn yelled and punched Ezra in the face. Eighth Brother got up and roared at Ezra. "You hurt me so I hurt you BACK!!!" He yelled and began attacking Ezra, repeatedly punching and kicking the boy and throwing him against then wall. Sabine tried to stop this but was held back by Seventh Sister. "You can't help now" she said. Sabine had tears rolling down her cheeks trying to help her brother.

"That's enough you had your fun." Grand Inquisitor said and the attack on Ezra stopped. Ezra struggled to get back but him he did he fell back down. "He needs to be taught a lesson and example for the other brat." Pryce said. "I agree. Thrawn go get that 'thing out of the furnace will you" Grand Inquisitor said. Later Thrawn came back with a burning hot metal stamp. Ezra noticed this and tried to get away but was restrained by Fifth Brother and Pryce. Then lifted up his shirt "this pain you are about to experience will physically and mentally scar you and you will know discipline." Thrawn said and walked towards Ezra. "No please stop I'll do anything please!!!" Sabine yelled as tears streamed down her face. "It's too late for that runt. This will teach you and your brother not to do something like this again!" Thrawn said and pressed the hot stamp against Ezra chest. Ezra screamed in pain as it has leaving a mark. Sabine started crying harder wanting to help her brother. They turned him around and did the same to his back. It hurt worst for Ezra to have on his back as tears filled his eyes and he passed out.

They let go of Ezra and let him fall on the ground. Sabine wad also released and ran towards Ezra. "Pathetic" Thrawn said and they all left they room. Sabine quickly got a first-aid kit from the closest and got out some stuff to try and help the burns. Sabine went into the bath room and put water in a cup and ran back to Ezra. She poured a little on his chest which made him yell in pain. Sabine grabbed his hand to ensure him that she was there. "Ezra it's okay, this will help you." She said and turned him over an poured the rest of the water on his back which made Ezra yell in pain more and squeeze Sabine hand.

After the hard part was over she grabbed some medical wrap and wrapped it around the burn spots. Sabine helped Ezra into her bed they both laid there. Ezra was resting on Sabines lap and she had her arms around him. "Sabine..." Ezra struggled to say. "Yes?" "I'm sorry." "It's okay it's not your fault." She said to him hugging him tight. Ezra then drifted off to sleep. Sabine was silently crying to herself.
'Why would someone do this to him?' She thought. Soon she cried herself to sleep.

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