Chapter 4

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One years later

Ezra and Sabine are now ten years old still living at the horrible orphanage. After what happened two years ago with the horrible punishment he had to endure, Ezra had been physically and mentally scared. After having that hot stamp put on his body, Ezra wasn't himself after words. He didn't talk much, he was put on more work than Sabine and couldn't go to bed until 2am. He still got beat up on by Thrawn or the Inquisitors, you could say that the orphanage was slowly breaking him piece by piece.

This made Sabine was more worried than usual for her brother and wanted nothing more than for him to be back to his old self again. He still always tried to protect her but he never acted like his brave self. Sabine cried herself to sleep every night thinking about what happened to her brother and sometimes late at night she could hear Ezra crying and say 'it's my fault. She doesn't deserve a brother like me. I can't keep her safe. I'm nothing.' This made Sabine cry harder, her brother was broken and she had to get him back.

One day they had the day free but they had to stay in their room. Sabine walked in the room and saw Ezra was on his bed hugging his legs to his chest and had a blank dead look in his eyes. Sabine looked at him with a sad look and walked over to him. "Ezra I can sit with you?" She asked. Ezra did not answer but moved over for Sabine to sit next to her. "Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked, Ezra just shook his head no. Sabine gave him a sad look and wrapped her arms around him. "If you don't wanna talk I won't make you, just listen to my voice. These past two years you have been worked and beat nonstop and I feel like it's breaking you. I don't wanna see you broken, shattered into a thousand pieces, it's not you. Ezra you wouldn't let something like this hold you down you would always find a to bounce back and I know you can bounce back from this. Please don't let this place be your breakpoint. I need you now more than ever." Sabine didn't know what to get from her small speech but what happened she longed hope for, Ezra hugged Sabine back and thet both were crying onto each others shoulder. "I'm sorry Sabine I'm so sorry for putting you through this." Ezra said in sobs. "It's okay it's not your fault I would never blame you for anything." They stayed like that for a little while both now crying tears of joy.

Suddenly they heard loud arguing from out side the orphanage. "What's going on out there?" Ezra asked breaking the hug. "I don't know but we're not allowed to look through the window when we hear something. Maybe it will just past by." Sabine said and they continued to stay on the bed. Then they heard sirens outside the orphanage and they heard gunfire. "What's happening?!" Sabine said covering her hears. "I don't know we need to hide in the closest!" Ezra said and they crawled to the closest. They closed the closest door and listened to the gunfire going on outside. Sabine and Ezra were hugging each other and had tears in their eyes. They could hear the front door of the orphanage slam open and yelling and more gunfire down stairs.

When the gunfire stop they could hear footsteps coming up stairs and they were too scared to leave the closet. Then the door to their room opened and they saw people in swat uniforms. One of them came to the door of the closest and Ezra was holding Sabine in his arms tight. The door opened and they saw a man standing infront of them. He had brown hair with a ponytail and had a goatee. He looked at the siblings who had fear on their face. The man kneeled down to them and looked at them compassionate. "Hey its okay I'm not gonna hurt you. Come on out." The man said. They stepped out of the closet against their better judgement and looked at the man. "What's you names?" He asked.
"Ezra Bridger"
"Sabine Bridger"

"My name is Kanan. Kanan Jarrus"

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