B3: the poor dog

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Fluffy P.O.V.
I remember the day at home at One Middle Land, I started living alone after growing up to an adult. I live in a house alone in the middle of the grassland near a town just some other people but of course I didn't live alone after that as I got someone as a friend or like brother which was Sharp. How did I get him well its a short story.


Fluffy: I'm going off for a walk to the forest luckily it isn't far the Last Forest *walks outside to the forest*

Later in the forest 

Fluffy: hmm...this forest is quiet and some tall trees. At least there's some fruit to grab and eat. ! *hears a sad howling* what's that? *walks to the sad howling* hello?

Dog: *sees fluffy and walks to him hurtly*

Fluffy: *noticed the dog walking to him and hurt* oh dear *runs to the dog and looks at him* are you okay?

Dog: *looks at Fluffy sad and collapsed* 

Fluffy: oh no are you okay?.....he collapsed and hurt, I gotta take him before it's to late *carries the dog and quickly runs out to the forest to a nearby town* hopefully I'm not too late

few minutes later at a veterinarian

Fluffy: *waiting after sending the dog to get check* hopefully he's okay....

Doctor: Mr.Fluffy, we finish with checking and examining the dog and cured him although not completely.

Fluffy: what do you mean?

Doctor: come and see him for yourself *walks off*

Fluffy: okay *follows the doctor*

Doctor: *enters the room where the dog is with Fluffy* right now he is better just need few days to recover but he's also been sad

Fluffy: *sees the dog sad* why?

Doctor: we can assumed that he was abused and left alone in the forest by its previous owner in

Fluffy: oh..poor dog he must have gone through a lot *pets the dog on the head lightly*

Dog: *wagging his tail a bit*

Doctor: *noticed the dog's tail* hmm...maybe he needs a new owner

Fluffy: but like who? what if the new owner is a bad person too?

Doctor: I'm sure he's not

Fluffy: he? who are you talking about?

Doctor: you of course

Fluffy: me?!

Doctor: yeah think about it, you save his life by bringing him and show care for him.

Fluffy: well you are right about that

Doctor: plus he seemed a bit happy when you pet him as he was waging his tail a bit

Fluffy: really? *pets the dog and sees him wagging his tail slowly* he is, heheh

Doctor: see, maybe you should be his new owner

Fluffy: yeah. You know what...I'm keeping him with me

Doctor: great, of course you need a name for him

Fluffy: a name huh? hmm... *thinks for a bit* I will call him Sharp

The dog->Sharp: *woof woof*

Doctor: look he seems to like it and is happy now

Fluffy: hehe, he is *carries Sharp* well Sharp, I'm Fluffy and I will keep you safe and happy

Sharp: *woof woof woof* *licks Fluffy*

Fluffy: *chuckles* I will take that as you are excited to live with me.

Flashback ends

I still remember that day as Sharp was my first pet and dog that I ever had he's like a brother, a pet brother. Of I bought other two pets that I left home but that's for another time.

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