Bonus 2

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Alpha P.O.V.
I remember a friend I used to have during my younger age. She was my best friend I supposed the best friend I could ever had. Her name is Empress, a women who was born as a demigod, I was surprised that I had a friend that was demigod and that she was young and the same age as me but with power and magic. I suppose I can tell you how we meet.

Flashback during Alpha's younger time

Alpha: I'm bored and all my friends are busy with their mom and dad.

Omega: come on sister , you can just expect your friends to come her plus how about you go out and find someone.

Alpha: you are right big sis, I'm gonna go find someone to play with *walks out the castle*


Alpha: there's no one to play with, I look everywhere. hmm?

???: *giggles*

Alpha: *sees  ???* who is she? I never seen her before? Maybe I could have new friends *walks to ???*

???: *giggles as she suddenly made a sunflower appear*

Alpha: *surprised* wow, a flower just appeared

???: *noticed Alpha* 

Alpha: how did you do that? how did you make a flower appeared

???: um...m-magic

Alpha: wow, I never seen someone do magic like that. You're amazing.

???: th-thanks, who are you?

Alpha: I'm Alpha, the princess of Intermediate Kingdom. Who are you?

???: I'm Empress. It's nice to meet you. I didn't think I would meet the princess of this kingdom.

Alpha: nice to meet you Empress, are you knew here?

Empress: yeah, my family and  I came for a visit the kingdom but I decided to stay in the park.

Alpha: oh, hey do you want to play.

Empress: sure

Alpha: hehe, yay

End of Flashback

After that we became close friends, I did meet her older sister and her younger sister. We did many things as years pass by but what I'm surprised is that she and her sisters don't like make up.

Also I remember when Empress's family fell apart as she told me that her mother took her two sisters while her father took her, she wasn't the same sort of as she was a bit serious and sad and anger. I did my best to cheer her up but some of the things I try to help didn't help her.

I remember that one day when her father died and the day he was buried, Empress didn't show any expression of sadness and neither did she cry, she only stare at her father's grave with a serious face and then walk away without looking or talking to anyone.

Later on Empress was okay and she had her own purpose on becoming a god. In which she didn't told me how but said that she was going leave in which I was sad because after the day she left I never saw her or heard of her again...

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