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Amethyst only grew from there. In three months, she was the size of a preteen, and by four she was an adult. She developed mentally almost as quickly- she went from just learning to read and write to reading and writing full novels in almost a week.

We discovered something about her around this time. The clan had a cookout outside one day, and Amethyst began singing. All of a sudden, Max, Ethan, and Thomas were in a trance and almost jumped into the deepest area of the pool to kill themselves. We stopped them just in time, and Phil told us information we should've known way before that point: since Amethyst was born a hybrid, her two sides (vampire and mermaid) became one and turned her into a rare breed- a siren that was deadly and both in and out of water.

Another thing we had discovered came soon after she had turned one. By this time, she was behaving like an actual adult, and we finally decided to let her venture into the woods on her own. She came back late that evening with a dreamy look on her face.

Jack and I shared a knowing look from the couch. "Alright, who did you meet?" Jack asked, putting away his book and standing from the couch.

Amethyst shot up, staring at us. "What? No one! What are you talking about?"

"Oh, come on." He rolled his eyes. "That's the same way I look at your father. So tell me- who did you meet?"

She sighed, walking over to us. "I don't know her name. She didn't ask, because she was scared to. But she's really pretty. She's a pure-blood vampire, like Dan."

"Why didn't she tell you her name?" I asked, pulling her over to the couch.

"She said there's another clan that's looking for her because of something she did."

Jack eyed me. "Are you sure she's safe to be around?"

"I don't know. She said that she regrets it now, but I don't know if I should believe her. But..." She sighed, then looked at me. "How did you know Dad was 'the one?'"

I smiled, glancing at Jack. "I don't really know. I think it's because he was the first person outside of the clan that treated me as his equal."

She turned to Jack, who chuckled, shaking his head. "There was just something about him. He was Mr. Mysterious at school and was always alone. I figured he could use a friend."

"Do you think she's the one?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. But I want to talk to her again."

"Then go for it!"

Jack nudged me. "Amethyst just said that she was wanted by another clan. We could have another clan war on our hands."

"But if she really feels bad about whatever she did, then there can also be peace." I smiled at Amethyst. "Do what I did when I met Jack." I reached over to her, putting a hand on her knee. "Follow your heart. It can lead to amazing things in the future."

She grinned back. "I will, Father." She took Jack and I's hands, paused, then giggled, letting go. "I think Remy and I are going to get along just fine." She stood up, making her way to the stairs. "See you in the morning!"

I stared at Jack. "...did she just have a vision of Remy?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Well, there goes my plans for tonight."

I pulled him onto my lap, pressing him down and smirking. "Whoever said that?"

He blushed, biting his lip. "You sure you want another kid?"

"If it was in visions, it's going to happen."

He kissed my cheek, then stood up, pulling me with. "Let's go, then. Time to have fun."

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