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"That bitch!" I screamed, punching a hole in the living room wall.

"Mark, calm down!" Suzy begged for the third time.

"How can I calm down?" I asked. "Signe took my pregnant husband away from us! Away from me!"

"Mark!" Molly yelled. "She can't hurt Jack or the child, remember? They both have protection spells on them. They're safe from harm."

"Are you sure?" I asked her. "What if they find a way to take it off?"

"The only one who can take a protection spell off of someone is the one who put it on." Dan explained. "Jack and the child are fine."

We all heard static coming from somewhere, then turned toward the television as Signe appeared on it. She grinned at us. "Hello everyone!"

I scowled. "What do you want?"

"I'm here to make a proposition with you all!"

"What do you mean?" Dan asked, trying to keep his cool.

"I mean a trade-off. Two for one."

I scoffed. "What makes you think we'll give up someone?"

"Do you want your daughter and husband back or not?"

I paused. "Daughter? It was a girl?"

"Yes, Jack had a healthy baby girl, congratulations, you're now a father. That's not the point here!"

"We'd never give someone up-" Arin started.

Suzy put a hand on his shoulder. "What are your requirements?" She asked calmly.

Signe smirked. "Diagon Hill at midnight. Mark and Molly only. If more of you come, or if you two are late, you'll never get the two back." She disappeared from the screen.

"What does that witch have up her sleeve this time?" Molly asked out loud.

"I don't know, but the only thing we can do is go." I answered.

"We're not letting you two go alone." Arin forced.

"But if we don't, we'll never get them back." Molly told him.

"Wade and I can go in our werewolf forms." Bob said.

"I can go in banshee form." Mandy and Suzy said simultaneously.

"And me in ghost form." Danny added.

Molly looked at me, and I sighed. "Fine. We'll all go. But don't make your presence known."

Mandy smiled at me. "Don't worry, Mark. We'll get him back."

God, I hope so.

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