16. Don't Avoid Me

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Author's POV

The next day Starie didn't reach school. Yeonjun sated at her empty desk and occasionally looked outside waiting for her. But she didn't come and he started to worry if it was because of him she's not coming. He thought his actions yesterday would've caused her absence today.

But in reality, Starie caught a cold from eating  ice cream at 3 am, soobin(g) at her pathetic self because of her dumb actions due to which her crush (Yeonjun ofc) might dislike her. Which obviously, Yeonjun wouldn't. 

Starie's POV

"ACHOO!". Gosh, my cold is killing me already! sobbing internally And my voice sounds so oddly raspy.

Yeonjun's POV

The whole school time, I kept thinking of only Starie. Gosh, what has she done to me. I need to visit her at her house. What does she think of herself? Avoiding me? It's not my fault, it's hers. I take my bike to her house as soon as school was over. I park the bike and remove the keys and put them in my pocket. I place the helmet on the seat, fixing my hair. I go near the door and I ring the bell.

"Coming", a voice yelled. Pretty sure it's her mom, sounds old after all. The door opens, revealing a red nosed Starie with a galaxy themed blanket covering her body like a burrito. Her eyes widen.

"H-hi", so it was her voice. Guess she's sick.

"Can I come in?", I say and enter without permission. I look around and sit down. Nice house. She opens her mouth to say something but closes it again.

"My mom's not home. I don't think she'll react well to a boy at home", Starie says with a sick voice. I stand up sighing. She tilts her head in confusion as she looks up at me.

"I don't care. Why were you avoiding my the whole day? Not even a text. And why was your text so dry yesterday?", I bombard her with questions as I walk towards her.

Starie's POV

I move back as Yeonjun gets closer. The space between me and the wall slowly decreases. I gulp.

"I-I-", I struggle to get words out of my mouth. Ugh- He's making me nervous. I keep moving back until my back hits the wall. Yeonjun just stares at me with a look.

"I'm tired of waiting", is all that he said before tilting his head to kiss me. My eyes widened, but then I kissed back after realising that my crush like me. It felt as though time stopped, and only our lips moving in sync. I have cold, don't I? I pulled away, not wanting to get my most-likely-boyfriend sick. He pouted, very, VERY cutely.

"Why did you pull away?", he asks, pouting even more, scrunching his nose upsetly.

"I-i'm s-s-sick", I stuttered, my face growing even pinker. Yeonjun smirked, poking his tongue inside his cheek. He looked down, letting out a chuckle. (a hot one- ahem)

"I make you blush, don't I?", he asks, getting his face down to mine, only 1 inch apart.

"N-no", I lied, obviously and averted my eyes from his. He holds my chin, pulling it so that I face him. I gulp.

"Don't avoid me", he said, stopping his flirting, a genuine voice and look towards me. I nod, pursing my lips. He hugs me with his muscular arms as the side of my face falls on his hard chest.

"Are we official now?", I ask, my voice sounding muffled through the blanket which was still hugging my body, below Yeonjun's hands.

"Yeah", he said kissing my head. We chuckled, him looking down at me and me looking up at him, wide smiles on our faces. It's never going to be wiped off our faces.


their smile will always be there on their faces.. or will it?

Author's note:

FINALLY GOT OVER MY WRITER'S BLOCK! This story is backkk! rosie143581 

after reading so many ffs here on wp, i finally got inspired to write wtver shii i wrote. hope ya like itt!!

Bye for now.                                                                                                                                                                   CiaO✌                                                                                                                                                             starmy4lifer

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