15. Care? Or sympathy?

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(warning: kinda angsty..?..)

Starie's POV

I reached school an hour late. Thank god I informed the teachers beforehand or I would have had to run laps.

I enter the class and see Yeonjun waving at me with both hands high up.

"STARIEEE!! Over here!!", Yeonjun called me. This boy-


I walk towards him with a smile from ear to ear. I sit down beside him, in my seat.

"Why are you so happy today Yeonjun?", I ask him.

"Nothing! Just happy! I myself don't know why", he says with a nervous-ish laugh. Hm?

"Anyways, wanna go out somewhere? Like a movie maybe?", he asks me.

"Oh! Sure!", I say happily. It would be nice for a change. You know, forget the sadness and all. We agreed to go to MOA theatres at the end of the street in which our school is in. We were going to a horror movie.


Today, we had the worst fricking classes. Two history periods, THREE friggin MATH periods and yoga.
(i was not in the mood to sit down and listen to life lessons instead of meditating)

Lunch was the best part. All the friends sat together and chit chatted about the bullies and teachers at school. Beomgyu was badly roasting Mrs. Kwon's way of teaching. The principal came there and heard us but just laughed it off and advised us not to do it again. 

As if we will listen.


Me and Yeonjun then went to MOA theatres and we were watching a movie called "Can't You See Me".

The best part was when Yeonjun grabs my shoulders and shut his eyes during scary scenes. He was so cute!

After the movie we came out and he asked me to hold his phone whole he used the restroom. I nodded and held his phone.

Suddenly his phone started buzzing. I look to see the notifications were from his chat with Changbin.

Hm! How dare my bestie talk with someone that's not me.
(This small text is dedicated to rosie143581)

It wouldn't hurt to just take a peek right?

I open the phone. Heh? He doesn't have a password? Weird guy.

My eyes widen at the messages.

He did all this to make me feel better? He only had sympathy for me? And not any care?

Tears flow out of my eyes like the river Nile.

"S-starie?", a stuttering voice calls me. I don't have to look up to know it's Yeonjun.

I look up at him with teary eyes.

"Hey bro. You okay?".

"WHAT IS THIS?", I ask him showing his text messages. My hands tremble badly.

"I-", before Yeonjun could finish I interrupted.

"Care? Or sympathy?".

"H-huh?", his voice cracks. I could sense guiltiness.

"Do you call this care? Or sympathy?", I ask angrily as hot tears stream out. "WHY? JUST WHY?", I fall onto my knees as I sob harder. I hate it when people show me sypathy. It gives me the ick and I absolutely hate it.

"No! NO! It's not because he said that... I had this plan before you know.. I actually care about you..", Yeonjun kneels down and hugs me tightly and tries to calm me down. I melt in his hug as I continue to sob. I want to move away from him but by body gave in. For a while, we were just like that, hugging and me crying.

Yeonjun's POV

I don't know what got into me but I suddenly kissed Starie's forehead.

ah shit

We both looked at each other, cheeks pink. We look away from each other. I bet I was redder than a tomato. Gosh! Why did I do that? Mental face palm.

Starie suddenly stood up. 

"L-let's go home", she said and began walking fast. Did I disappoint her? Oh no. She's gonna hate me. I followed her not uttering a single word. I walked her till her house. We awkwardly waved goodbye and she got inside her home. 

I go home and wish my parents gloomily and go to my room. They kept asking me what was wrong but I didn't reply. I was upset and worried if she's gonna hate me. I lied down on my bed scrolling through my phone, trying to get my mind off things when I received a notification. It was from Starie. I sat up straight and opened the message. I read it. 

Sorry about the misunderstanding. And tysm for today.

I replied with 'not an issue. dont worry and take care'. I sighed. Was it just me or was her text too dry? She doesn't like me or what?

Starie's POV

Why did I react like that? Is it possible that he likes me or was that just out of affection? AGHHH.

Author's POV

The whole night, the both kept thinking out each other's reactions and feeling for each other, not realizing that the other likes them back.


Author's note!!

Hiya!! I'm backkk and I'm gonna update every weekend!!! Don't which story I will be updating but I know that I will keep updating.

Will let y'all know if I have exams or smth.

Love y'all sm and tysm to the people who stayed and continued to follow me even tho i was on a long ass hiatus. <3333 

Love you! Take care and keep healthy!

Bye for now

CiaO ✌

P.S. I have some good news to share by the end of this year. Will let y'all when the time comes.

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