14. I miss you...

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Starie's POV

I wake up to my phone buzzing with calls. I yawn and stretch before picking up my phone.

It seems that it was Yeonjun giving me so many calls. I decided to text Yeonjun since I was not in the mood to talk.

Why would I think he's weird? Is he going to ask me on a date or something? OH MY GAWSHHHH!! AUTHOR I LOB YOU SO MUCH!!

Author: bish wait and watch *cackles and disappears*

Wot? Eh, leave her now. Let's see what Yeonjun's gotta say.

Ughhh!! Why? I mean it's nice when your crush asks you this... But like.. CAN I NOT BE HIS REAL GIRLFRIEND??!? Goshhh whyyyy???? I hate you author!

Author: i dont care bish. you're gonna end- um uh nothing bye!

The heck is wrong with her? Anyways, back to Yeonjun.

I kinda feel happy though! Ya know, being your crush's "girlfriend". Even if it is for a day, I'm soooo happyyy!

I fall down back on to my bed while hugging my phone. Eek! I'm on cloud nine!

I finally stop dreamimg about my futyre with Yeonjun.

I went, brushed my teeth and took a warm shower. I took out my black frock and gazed at it with a sad smile. I worey clothes and left my room.

My mom gave me a sad look as I walk past her towards the door. I say goodbye before leaving my mom.

I take a deep breath before starting to walk. I reach there by walk. I wait at the gate for watchman Mr. Hoon to show up and open the gates.

"Starie child?", a voice calls. I turn to see Mr. Hoon. He looks at me with a sad look.

"Not here again. It's your birthday child. Have fun. Don't be here all depressed".

"Uncle, I know. But this makes me feel better. Today was also that day amd you know it. I must pay a visit on this day to keep flowers at my dad's grave. He died for me uncle", I explain as tears well up in my eyes. You guessed it, I'm at the cemetery.

Mr. Hoon wipes my tears and gives me a fatherly hug. He openes the gates for me after he let go of me.

I place the flowers on my dad's grave as I approach it. I gaze at his name on the grave

'Yoon Moon-sik'

"Hey dad, i miss you. I'm getting better. Thank you for everything. I know you had shipped me with Yeonjun since we were in grade 8", I  chuckle slightly, "Mom told me few weeks ago. And guess what? I like him now. I don't think he likes me though". 

I sigh before continuing, "Ok dad. I love you so much. See you next year. I'm late for school. Bye..".

I bid Mr. Hoon goodbye before exiting the cemetery.


A/N: um saur? I know it's a confusimg chapter but um.. Hope u enjoyed? 😬🥲

Uploading dis chapter cuz it will finally have comments again cuz -nikiverse is backkk

And I don't have much time to write. Saurr y'all have to wait for the next CHP for a long time.

Also..... Should I upload my old unpublished books??

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