Chapter 1: Author's Note pt. 2

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"Afternoon (Y/n). C'mon in, hun." I call to you, not taking my eyes off the screen in front of me.

I take off my multicolored glasses and wipe them on my Jurassic Park t-shirt. You look around, looking at my bedroom. A computer with three monitors is up against the wall, various anime figures, and a familiar blade taped back together in a clear box.

"Oh, yeah, I fixed Sekki.. Kinda.." You looked back to me and asked why. "Because that right there is one of the relics of one of my few moments of badass-ness. You're welcome, by the way."

"Anyhoo, I got started on another book for you. Naturally it's a bit behind schedule but, eh, it'll get the point across. I can't exactly be typing this up while we are running fro- you know.. I'm not one for spoilers, myself."

You go to object, but I hold up my hand. I turn around on my bed and sit cross-legged in front of you. My hair has gotten longer, still as fluffy as always, but no longer the bob I had when I first met you. I'm wearing pink pj bottoms and a Jurassic Park tee. Not exactly formal attire, but it was my house after all.

"Oh please, I know I'm trying to help you get your memory straight, but I'm still the same old author. Cliffhangers 'till the end!" I laugh a little, but stop when I hear you sigh.

"Oh.. Um.. Hey, go back home (Y/n).. Mark is probably worried sick about you. I know that recent events are a lot to handle but-" I pause and watch you look at your shoes. "-but you two need to stick together on this, okay?"

You nod, and begin to walk out. I call out to you.

"(Y/n) wait! I want you to remember, if ya ever need a favor or a cheap Starbucks coffee, I'm right down the street."

You snicker and leave my house, ready to continue your life with your fiancé. I smile, crack my knuckles, and start typing.

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