Daniel Kyre

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It seems that in most Cyndago sketches, Daniel dies, as a joke. I wish with all my heart that this was another one of those jokes, but instead it's a nightmare that became real. Few know the pain that must plague the mind of someone who's willing to do such a thing, making it all the more cruel. I've found myself in some rough patches in life, but nothing near the agony that Daniel must've been in. Most say "He was so happy!" I say, "He hid behind a mask of happiness, one that he tried to escape, and suceeded, in the worst possible way."

I hope and pray that no one else strays down that same dark path of thinking. Because, like any path, it must end. Those thoughts and actions are a darkness that eventually may swallow you, engulfing you in it's horrible emotions.

But, it is something that can be avoided. Such things are a burden that one feels like they can't bare, but in the near end, some realize that they are strong enough to carry that burden, and still are able to destroy it.

If any one of you may be having these thoughts, pains, and burdens, I ask you one favor. That you tell someone. Anyone. I will more than happily post/send the number of a suicide hotline, where you may tell someone what is going on, and get advice from a professinal. They will not judge, get angry, or disrespect you. They will do nothing but help you. As I also gladly will if need be.

Fight your way out of that horrific darkness. Even if you think you can't. Thinking that the only way to fend off that darkness clouding your mind is death, you are WRONG.

Fight it. It is not a losing battle. You can, you WILL win that battle against the dark force inside your mind.

If you need me, I'll always be here.

I'm just on the other side of the screen.


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