Bonus one-shot

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A/N: This actually isn't an x Reader. It's just a little diddly-doo  that I thought up when I was feeling down the other day. Tell me what ya think, I'm considering making an x Reader one-shot collection, but I dunno yet. Feedback is appreciated! Anywho, here's the story..

I climbed into bed. Preparing myself for another long, lonely night of failing to sleep and laying awake thinking about the past, and the present. I removed my glasses and set them on the desk next to my bed in my new apartment.

I sighed, wondering when and why everything went so wrong. Daniel was gone, and that had just destroyed Mark. He sent me a text saying he was heading back to Cinci, and he was gone.

It had only been a few weeks since he left to recover with his friends and family, but even that long felt like... I didn't know how to describe it.

I felt alone. Lonely. Depressed.

He was gone, only giving rare, ominous updates every once and a while. A few tweets, one video, an occasional text or call. But other than that, nothing.

I respected his space. Yes, I loved him, but I knew he needed some time. Heck, it took me over five years to get over the loss of my old friend.

I closed my eyes, just wanting to sleep away the time we were apart. To let sleep sweep me off to dreams where things were better.

It took about five seconds to realize that wasn't going to happen.

I unplugged my iPod, pulling up YouTube. I selected a video from my favorites and hit play.

'Six million subscribers...'

'You all have a voice that can be heard...'

'And I believe that you can do anything...'

I never managed to get rid of those words. They had such significance to me. Those words had kept me alive.

The next video in my playlist auto-played.

'Uhh, okay. I think we need a new Mark...'

'Well today we'll be baking a delicious cake for everyone to enjoy...'

'Thaaaaannnks... Hey Mark, THINK FAST!'

I couldn't help but laugh. That was the video that made me love his channel. The one that changed "Flannel Guy" as I called him when I watched his FNAF videos, unknowing how much he'd mean to me soon after. "Flannel Guy" soon became Markiplier, and Markiplier soon became Mark.

And that's how I liked it.

Video after video, memory after memory, I watched. Until one video, one that I had made, all those years ago.

"Meeting Markiplier - Popcon vlog"

I felt my eyes fill with tears as I heard the Tiny Box Tim theme, accompanied by a video of 15-year old me hugging Mark for the first time.

The first time I met him. The point in my life when I realized just how much he meant to me. When I realized how caring he was, how unfazed by my awkwardness, how courageous in front of a crowd, and just how incredible he was in general.

That day I said I'd take a bullet for that man. And I still believe that claim today.

I sniffed, wiping my nose with the back of my hand. I curled up and continued to cry. I glanced at the tattoo I had on my left shoulder, the one I had gotten when I was 18. The Markiplier's Heros symbol. I buried myself under the blanket.

The next video played, Zumba: Global superstars. One that never ceased to make me laugh.

I pulled the covers down to expose my arms, and rolled over onto my side.

I smiled and wiped my eyes, closing them to try and stop the tears. It didn't work. I missed him, so much.

A strong arm wrapped around my side, and pulled me against a muscular figure, who had I hadn't noticed climb in bed beside me.

It didn't take me long to figure out who it was.

"Mark..." I managed to whisper. I sat up and grabbed my glasses. He grinned warmly. It'd felt so long since I saw him smile.

"You're back..." I murmured, tears already staining my lenses. He pulled me into a hug. I always felt that same feeling as the first time I met him.

"Hey, Lauryn. Shhh, It's okay." He whispered, kissing my temple lightly. "You know I wouldn't leave you forever. I'm always gonna be here for you. Always."

"Thank you." I whispered before he began to fade away, before my age decreased and I was once again 16.

My tattoo was replaced by the symbol on the sleeve of my Markiplier's heros shirt that I was wearing.

I closed my eyes slowly and laid back down on the green couch I'd been sleeping on for a few weeks, since my room was a mess.

"Thank you so much..." I said quietly, smiling. I was finally going to get some comfortable sleep.

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