Double the trouble

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Chat jumped onto my bed and crossed his legs with a big smile on his face. "I heard that you broke up with your boyfriend" he said rocking back and fourth.

"Yea I did" I said nervously "what brings you here?"

"Just checking if you change your mind about me?" He said winking.

"Mmm....nope" I said giggling.

We hear a scream from outside and we head out to my terrace. A car flew across the street. Chat threw his silver stick and stopped the car from hitting a civilian. Why is there a akuma attack so late at night? I asked myself.

"Got to go princess, let's continue this some other time" he said kissing my check. Once he left I transformed into ladybug and followed the screaming people. I see chat noir dodging and flipping everywhere from the attacks. I look at the akumanized person and they were wearing this crazy yellow and black jumpsuit.

"I would not tolerate anyone bossing me around anymore" she jumped on top of chat's shoulders and pushed him. He fell but then rolled. I threw my yoyo at her and tied her up and started to pull her closer to me. A swarm of bees came flying towards us and that made me let her free. I swig my yoyo so that they don't sting me but one manage to hit my cheek. It hurt like hell. I jumped away and pulled on something so I can have distance between us. Chat extended his baton and came to me.

"Where do you think the akuma is?" He asked. I looked at the akumanized person and saw that they fixed their glasses.

"It's in her glasses" I said pointing towards them. When chat ran to her she let the swarm of bees to him. A purple outline of a butterfly crossed her face.

"Give me your miraculous ladybug!!" She yelled clenching her first. "Or else..." All the bees started to swirl around chat noir. I don't think he can't get out of There without getting hurt.

"Lucky charm!" I yelled and threw my yoyo in the air. A spray can was shown in my hands.

"What am I supposed to do with hairspray" I looked around and see red and black polka dots around the bees, the street light and the spray can. I quickly throw my yoyo to the street light  and tug on it. I ran around the bees and spray them if it making them all fall to the ground. I see chat extend his baton and uses his cataclysm on the car that she was standing on. She fell  in confusion and I grab her glasses and break them. 

"No more evil doing for you little akuma" I got the akuma in my yoyo and let it free leaving a white butterfly. "Bye, bye little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!" I threw the spray can in the air and it fixed everything that was destroyed. I pound Chat's fist and right when I was about to leave my yoyo rang. I picked it up and see Blue on my screen.

"Hey ladybug, where are you?" She asked jumping over buildings.

"Umm..." I look around and see that I'm about to blocks away from my school "I'm at the school"

"Which school silly, there's a whole bunch of them" she said giggling.

"Ask Jack he knows which one am talking about" I said then hung up.

"What's going on?" Chat asked coming closer to me.

"I don't know but I'm going to meet up with them, want to come?" I said rasing an eyebrow.

"Is the dog going to be there?"

"I'm pretty sure he is" I said laughing.

About three minutes later we meet up at the school and Jack had a big jar of akumas, they were a different color though just like the ones that Blue gave me when we first met.

"I forgot to give these to you" he said handing me the jar. I opened it and let them all free. I got them all at once and let them free once again leaving a white butterflies. All of our miraculous beeped and we were all had about two minutes left.

"Well I guess we have to go bye" I said. Jack kissed my hand and chat kissed the other hand. They both looked at each other with a glare and left. I gave Blue a goodbye hug and went off.

I went back to bed and I slip into my warm blanket. It was cold. A little to cold for the start of winter. I don't know something just feels wrong.

Morning came by and I rushed into the shower as fast as I can so do I can be on time for school.


I see my best friend in class siting next to Nino in Adrian's seat. I sat in my seat and poked her.

"Hey, what are you doing that's Adrian's seat" I whispered.

"I know" she said giggling "can't I sit next to my boyfriend?"

"Well I guess but where would he sit?" I asked. She raised an eyebrow at me and I blushed. Adrian came into the class out of breath and the bell rang. He looked at his seat and was confused.

"umm....Alya I think your siting in my seat" he said pointing to where she was siting.

"Alright class take your seats" the teacher said walking to her usual spot in the front. Adrian then sat next to me and I can see him looking at me with his beautiful emerald eyes. I took a peek and we made eye contact for a few moments. I turn back around so I can sit normal and I put my face close to the tablet so I can focus more on it than Adrian. It was harder than I thought.

At the end of our last period the teacher made an announcement about a trip. "Alright class we are going to have a class trip in the weekend and we are going to be in groups of three" the class got excited and the teacher shush us. "Now, now, don't get to excited. I will be making the groups" the class then groaned.

"Alya, Sabrina, and Rose will be one group"

"Aww please let me be with juleka" Rose said begging.

"Now rose I already made the list and sorry" the teacher said putting her hands together in a clap position.

"Looks like we won't be in the same group" I said to Alya with a sad face.

"Chloe, marinette, and Juli" the teacher pointing at all of us so we know who we were grouped up with.

"Miss, um I would like to be in a better group than with these....things"Chloe said "I rather it be just me and Sabrina" she flipped her hair.

"Chloe that is no way to speak about your friends like that" the teacher huffed "and like I said once again I already made the list" she then looked at her clip board and started to read the next group.

"Nino, Adrian, and Liroy" the teacher said nodding her head at the last name she called.

" pronounce my name wrong" léroy said. I heard Adrian snicker from his seat.

"I'm sorry, how do you say it again"

"Léroy" he replied. The teacher nodded her head and finish saying the groups. When the bell rang she gave us a permission slips for the trip. I read it and it said that we were going to London. LONDON?!?! I showed the paper to Alya and pointed to the part where it said we were going to London. She freaked out and shook my body.

"Omg girl, we're going to London" she sang. She then let go of me and kept reading the paper. "And we are staying in a hotel ! It can't get any better" she yelled. I was just as excited but maybe this was like her dream come true.

Wait a second of am going to London then how could I protect Paris? I thought to myself. I shook it off and went home.

I showed my mom the paper and she was happy that I get to go on a free trip to London. She signed the paper and so did dad. "Make sure you take lots of pictures" my dad said.

I went up stairs and tikki came out of my bag. "Oh tikki isn't this amazing" I said holding tikki in my hands because I can't hug her.

"Yes Marinette, it's wonderful" she said giving me that adorable smile of hers.

"But how could I protect Paris?" I asked her, drowning all my happiness away.

"It's only for the weekend marinette. Who would be sad or mad on a weekend"

"Well I guess your right" I said unsure.

"I know I'm right" she said then giggled.

I looked out my window and see the snow fall harder. Then I see a small blue blur jumping from building to building. "Tikki transform me!" I yelled but not to loud that my parents could hear. I quickly got out and started to follow her. When I see her stop I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder making her jump.

"Oh my god you scared me, what is up with you and chat scaring me today" she said holding her chest and laughing.

"I'm sorry" I said giggling "whatcha up to?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, I just love being in the snow" she said putting her hand out to the sky to touch the snow.

"Aren't you cold?"

"No, but I think it's because of my suit. I feel warmer than I am with my coat and boots"she said laughing "are you cold?"

"Yea..." I said blushing. She came towards me and put an arm around me and put my arm around her. I felt a lot better that's for sure. She was warm and soft. Why can't my suit be like this ?

"How come you were so up late at night yesterday?" I asked her.

"There was an akuma attack near my house and it looked like it was from petit papillon, so I told Jack about it and we fought it, that's when I wanted to cleanse it " she said with a mad face. I looked at her with confusion. There were two akuma attack? How is that possible?

"Who's petit papillon?" I asked.

"It's the miraculous holder that makes the akumas" she said looking at me like I should know who this person is.

"I think he's name is papillon not petit papillon" I laughed. She didn't laugh back.

"I'm pretty sure his name starts with petit, ladybug, not trying to be rude" she said letting go of me.

This doesn't seem right. I thought to myself. "We'll have fun in the snow don't stay up to late night shifts are for chat" I said.

"I also take night shift" she said with a smile.

"How about we take turns then" I said "you'll have this night and chat will have the other night and it keeps going. That way you both a some rest"

"And jack can take tomorrow's afternoon and then the day after that you'll take it" she said with excitement. We both got excited and I let my hand out so she can pound it and she Had her hand up so I can high five it. We stood their wondering how are we going to celebrate and ending up doing some kind of hand shake where I slap her hand from the top and I flip my hand so she can slap it and do a bound at the end. We both laughed at how silly that just was and gave Each other our normal goodbye hug.

(Meanwhile) Adrian's POV

"Father please, you never let me go any where" I said giving my father my puppy eyes but yet angry eyes at the same time.

"What I say is final Adrian, now go to your room" I then stopped my way to my room and slapped the door behind me.  I can't believe he won't let me go to London. It not like I'll be in his way, all he has to do is sign his name and that's it. It's not like he's signing his life away. It was starting to get dark outside. My shift will start soon so why not be a little minutes early. "Plagg transform me!" I yelled. I jumped out my bathroom window and started to jump over buildings. It started to snow harder. It was hard for me to move so I just started running on all fours. I see blue sitting upside on a lamp post near the park. I slowly come up to her and meowed.

"Ahh!!" She yelled and fell of the lamp post and threw her hammer at me. I also fell on the ground but the snow made it a softer landing. Her hammer was on my hand and it was very heavy. I couldn't take it off my hand. It weighed a ton. She got up and walked towards me. "Karma's a bitch. Isn't it" she laughed.

"Haha very funny" I said still trying to get the hammer off of me. He sat down next to me and just watched me try and lift her hammer.

"Having trouble?" She asked giggling.

"No, I can do this"

"Your going to be there for a while"

I used my baton to try and put it under but it didn't budge. She got up and left. Great now I'm stuck here in the cold.

Time passes by and I given up on trying to take the hammer off. I see Blue coming towards me in the air. I want to fly. 

"Still stuck" she said laughing.

"Yea um...could you help me out" I said putting my hand behind my neck. She took it off and I massage my hand. It feels way batter now. I was starting to think I wouldn't feel my hand anymore. She handed me some French fries she had in the cardboard container. I hesitated but grabbed some.

"Jack was the same way when I put the hammer on him too" she laughed and started to throw her hammer in the air and catch over and over again showing me how light it is. Show off. She let out her hand and I grabbed it. It was warm and soft blown out hair. I got up, and without noticing I rubbed her hand and cupped it into mine. She awkwardly pulled her hand away and did a nervous laugh.

"Uh...go to go" she said finishing her last bit of French fries and jumped away.

What is wrong with me I probably looked like a Weirdo in front of her. I extended my baton and looked around for any danger. I soon got a text from my group chat.

Super squad

Ladybug: for now on we are going to take turns with our shifts. Chat you can go home blue's got tonight. Kay?

Chat noir: anything for you my lady.

Ladybug: And Jack you'll have tomorrow.

Jack Russell: sure thing shorty.

I rolled my eyes and went back home. When I was a few blocks away I saw ladybug jumping over roof tops. What is she doing out tonight? She better not be with Jack. Well they are going out. I thought to myself. I followed her and saw that she went to marinette's house. What is she doing? Why is she going to marinette's house. I saw a flash of pink light and my eyes widen. Ladybug de-transform in front of marinette. She does know who ladybug is.

Hey guys thanks for waiting for this chapter I was kinda stuck on some parts but here it is. Sorry I don't have a new picture of Eastern Blue and Jack Russell I didn't have any time to draw so I my old drawing of ladybug. Thanks again and comment on what you would like to happen in the future.

I keep everything in mind on what you guys would like, even about Jack dying. lmao 😂


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