Why cant you see?

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"WAIT!"'chat noir yelled "Buggaboo do you really want to this. I mean you never wanted to do this before and now that they're here you want to. I don't know...... it just doesn't seem like you" he said coming towards us. "Think about it"

"I did think about It" I said.

"Then think about it again....." He said trying to grab my hand that I was holding jack with. We make eye contact and I couldn't look at him. Now that I think about it I could have gone out with chat instead of Jack. I knew chat for the longest. But I don't want to use him to get over someone. I mean the only reason I'm going out with Jack is to get over Adrian, sure he's cute and all but I just met him. Jack looked at me because I didn't reply back to what chat had just said to me. He nods his head in agreement and let's go of my hand. Chat stepped back and let go of my hand.

"See you tomorrow" Jack said to me and leaned in for a kiss. Chat moved quickly and put his hand In between us causing Jack and I to kiss his hand. Chat then looked at him and gave him a disgust look with a hiss. Jack grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back. He put his head Deep into my shoulder and left with blue.

Adrian's POV

"See you tomorrow" Jack said leaning closer to ladybug for a kiss. I put out my hand in the way and they kiss my hand. I gave Jack a disgust look and hissed at him. He then took that opportunity and gave her a bear hug. He put his head deep into her shoulder and smelled her hair and stared at me the whole time. He then let go of her and went off with blue.

"So your going out with him now?" I asked still pissed off. She nods and throws her yoyo to a street light.

"Bye..." She said before leaving me alone on a roof top. I got off the roof and de-transform.

"Ugh, eww" plagg said rubbing his face "could you at least think before you put her hand somewhere"

"Come on plagg, it wasn't that bad" I said chuckling.

"I got kissed on both sides of my body!" He yelled.

"Okay...maybe" I said "plagg hide" i lifted my jacket up so he an hide in it. And went to marinette's Bakery. Hopefully her parents would let in a boy in her room at night.

I knocked on her front door and her mom opened it.

"Hello Mrs. Dupain-Cheng could I see marinette?" I asked and gave her my nicest smile.

"I don't know she might be sleeping, I'll go check up on her, okay?" She said giving me a smile back.

"Thank you"

She went up stairs and then came back down. "I'm sorry but right now she's not in the mood to talk"

"Oh it's alright, goodnight" I said waving bye. When I was outside the bakery plagg flew out of my jacket. "Plan B, Plagg transform me!"

I knocked on marinette's trap door. She opened and when I saw her face it was red. Did I upset her?

"Hi purrincess, what happened to you?" I asked.

"It's nothing" she said moving out the way so I can come in. I didn't go in but instead let my hand out.

"Come with me" I said. She grabbed my hand and I jumped off her roof to another. I went to the place where eastern blue took me. I covered her eyes and lay her on the grass.

"Your not kidnapping me right?" She said laughing.  When her head was on the ground and facing the night sky I uncovered her eyes.

She looked wonderful. She didn't move. "Why did you bring me here?" She asked with a smile on her face. Thats why I brought her here.

"You seemed down. So I brought you to a place where I know you could be happy" I laid next to her and put my arms behind my head for cushion.

"How did you find this place" she asked still looking at the sky.

"A little birdie showed me" I laughed. I go on my side and face her. She turned her head to face me as well. We started at each other. I could see her cheeks heating up. It was cute. She moves closer to me and touches my face. I move closer to her and right when I was an inch away she rubbed my face.

"You had something on your face....so I took it off"'she said giggling " I'm together with someone. So you can't try anything anymore" she said. It started to snow a little.

"Wait, what?" I said sitting up "your going out with someone?" I asked. She sat up too and nodded. I got up and looked at the stars again.

"Are you alright chat?" She asked me getting up also.

"Marinette....." I said grabbing her shoulders "Marinette...I'm in love with you" I said giving staring into her eyes. Her eyes widen as the words came out of my mouth. I could see her breath in the cold air. "I love you"

"Chat.....I...." She said but then stopped to look down at her feet.

"I've always love you, and.....and I've been a big chicken to not face up" I lifted her chin so that she can make eye contact with me. "Why can't you see.....that your everything to me"I said putting my forehead on top of hers. She jerked a bit but then looked up at me.

"Why do you tell me this now?" She snapped "you could have told me before when I was single. And now I'm trying to move from some one and you just......say that you love me?" She looks at the sky. "Your acting just like him" she finished. She crosses her arms over her chest and shivers. I give her a long hug, she hugged me back. At least she's not that mad at me.

We went back to her house. "Thanks for taking me to that place. It's really nice". I gave her a quick peck on the cheek before I left. I went about my night and kept patrolling. When I flopped onto my bed and went under the covers to go to sleep I heard a knock on my door and Natalie came in.

"Wake up Adrian, I left your schedule on the coffee table. Be ready in twenty minutes" she left my room and I groan.

Marinette's POV

I wake up by my Kwami's voice and little pokes on my cheek. "Marinette wake up!" Tikki said extending the 'a' in wake. "It's eight-o-clock" I sit up dramatically and pull my pig tails.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner!" I yelled.

"I tried to marinette but you wouldn't wake up" she said shaking her head.

I jumped off my bed in a hurry and put on my shoes and grab my book bag and coat. I ran down stairs and kiss mama on the cheek while grabbing a croissant on the way out. I was hit with a very cold breeze to my face. When I got to class everyone looked at me and the teacher had her back turned. I tipped toed to my seat and when I went up a step I slip over my wet boots.

"Marinette!" The teacher yelled.

"Sorry Miss" I went to my seat with my head down in embarrassment. I took off my coat and realize I still had my pajamas on.

"Nice pajamas" I hear Chloe say. I rolled my eyes and see Adrian looking over his shoulder staring at me. Aw he's so cute hiding. Wait what am I saying. I rolled my eyes again and see léroy wink at me. I blush and and look at my pajamas. I'm not wearing a bra!! I thought loudly to myself.

"Hey girl why are so late" i hear Alya whisper to me.

"I didn't wake up" I say giggling because it wasn't like I was hurt but because I was kept all night at the thought of having two guys liking me and having a boyfriend that is also one of paris's hero and the fact that he knows I'm ladybug.

When the period ended and grab everything and cover my chest and walk to my locker to put my coat there. I see Adrian come towards me at the corner of me eye and I quickly close my locker and grab my bag. But when I grab my bag he was already next to me.

"Hey marionette" he said scratching the back of his neck.

"H-hi A-drian" I stuttered.

"I wanted to say that I'm so sorry about what happen on Friday, and that if we can still be friends?" He said looking straight into my eyes.

"I...u-uh....sure"I said. He gave me his black jacket and I put it through my arms. He zippered it up and said "I think your cold" laughing. I touched my chest and feel that I have goosebumps which made my nipples show. I move my hands around my head in embarrassment. "Ohmygod! Did you see a-anything?"

"Kinda" he said laughing. The bell rang and we went to our next class. When I was about to sit down my boyfriend came up to me.

"Who's is this?" He asked wrapping his arm around my waist and looking at the black jacket.

"It's..."I looked at Adrian. Léroy looks as well. Then looks back at me. He unzipped the jacket and threw it back to Adrian and took off his sweater. I put it on and look at Adrian his face was sad/angry.

"By the way you look sexy in your pajamas" he winked at me and kissed me before He went to his seat.

"Well would you look at that. It looks like she really is going out with him" Chloe said as loud as she can. "Don't worry Adrikins, I'm here you don't need that marinette" she said sitting in his lap. She then kissed him off guard and I was about to say something until he whipped his lips. He really must not like her or her breath stinks. I giggled as he did that and the teacher walked in.


School ended and Alya, Nino, léroy and me walked to the park. "Wow look at all this snow" Alya said while Nino's arm around her. The snow was a little above my ankles. We played snow ball fight and made snow men. It was fun. But what wasn't fun was that I felt like something was missing. When we were done playing Nino walked Alya home and léroy Walked me home.

"Hi mama" I kissed her in the cheek and she did the same to me. "This is my boyfriend-" I said While introducing léroy.

"Oh, but ever happened to the model?" She asked.

"Mama!" I yelled. And my face heated up.

"It's alright" léroy said and putting his hand out to my mom. "I'm léroy, nice to meet you Mrs. Dupain-Cheng"

"Oh hello" she said giving her usual calm smile. "Marinette leave the door open when you go upstairs please" I nodded and headed up to my room.

"Wow so this is your room, it's.....pink" he said laughing. I throw my stuff at a corner and flopped onto my couch. He sits next to me.

"You seem tired" he laying next to me. He put his arm down and I put my head on top of it.

"Don't you just love it when there's no akuma attack" I said.

"Kinda, but I enjoy being Jack Russell"

"I can tell" I said giggling.

We stood there for a few moments and we ended up falling asleep. Later on my mom comes up and tells us that it's time for him to go home. He gets up and kisses me on the forehead. "Bye shorty" he then rubs my head and leaves the room.

I went to the shower and cleaned myself. I picked out a new pair of clean pajamas. I put on my big baggy black shirt with pink booty shorts. I said goodnight to my mom and dad and went to bed. Few moments later I hear a knock on my trap door. I quickly got up from under the warm blanket. I couldn't be more happy to see chat. When I opened it I found a white suit with doggy ears. My face dropped to a frown. He got on top of my bed and kissed me. That's when I realized that the one thing that was missing was chat. I missed being with him. I miss his stupid cat puns. I miss that cocky smirk. I miss.....him.

"Hey jack....I don't think that...this is working out"'I said bringing the bad news. "I'm sorry"

"It's alright, I understand" he said with a sad smile. "It's Adrian, isn't it?" I look down and shook my head. "Chat?" He asked. I nodded. And with that he left.


Morning came by and I was once again late to school. I wasn't that late. I was about one to two minutes late. When I walked into the class I see Adrian look at me as I sit. I look at léroy and he's seems to be having fun with Juli. It looks like he already moved on then again they were already friends to begin with.

When lunch came by léroy came up to Alya Juli and me. I see Juli nod her head and then léroy starts to speak.

"Could we still be friends, you been a cool person to hang with" he says.  Stand up from my seat and hug him.

"Of course we can ja-léroy"I corrected myself. Both him and Juli left and Alya nudged me.

"So your single now?" She goofed around.

"Yea I guess so" I giggled.


The day finished and all I wanted to do was see chat. I sat on my computer chair and started to sketch a few design that had black. When I was done with the full design I went on patrolling. Not one time I've seen chat. When I was done I went back home and flopped onto my bed like a pancake. I heard a knock on my trap door and I immediately go to it and open it. My beloved cat was there with his cocky smirk.

Sorry for being so late with the published I was really busy with life. Anyways I hope you guys like the new cover and this chapter. Thanks for reading and Don't forget to comment on what you would like in the future. See you next chapter. ✌️❤️🐞🐱


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